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3E D&D campaign: Rhunaria: Defenders of Delacroix (online, OpenRPG, Fridays/Saturdsys)


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Hello folks, this will be the new recruiting and notification thread for my current 3.0 D&D campaign, Defenders of Delacroix, using my custom setting of Rhunaria. It's technically the third campaign I've run in that setting, and I continue to (sporadically) add new information and material for my Rhunaria setting. The game runs each week on the OpenRPG virtual tabletop program, using the Unshaped server, and is currently on Saturdays from 6 to 10 pm Pacific time. However, it began on Fridays in that timeslot, and may eventually be moved back to Fridays at some point if some players' schedules change again.

Anyway, the group has shrunken lately to just 3 players: Jaedlyn (female draconic dark elf wizard 6), Krunom (male goblin rogue 6), Logar (male dwarf wizard 5/Golemist 2), and Sai (male human ranger 1/fighter 2/rogue 1/dragon shaman 1/Exile 2). Former PCs Babalawo and Bloodbeard have both been written out, dying in battle, as the Saturday night timeslot turned out to be rather difficult for them to attend regularly due to timezone differences, and Krunom has been written out as he no longer has enough free time, though his PC has merely disappeared for now so he might be able to return eventually. We currently have 2 openings, besides Harlequin's character who should be joining soon.

I'll post more info later, but the info on my Rhunaria setting is gradually being posted to my wiki, Arkspace.
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First Post
Hey folks, I might be late tonight due to dinner stuff with my family, but I shouldn't be more than half an hour late or so. I'll update this post if I get back early or if I get back later than expected.

Edit: Got home about an hour late, but still within my estimate. Ran the game after some delay. We still have an opening in the group.
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First Post
I only got a bit of material finished for Rhunaria this week but I'll update the wiki next week when I have more spells and feats done. I might also be ready to add a few more prestige classes to the wiki next week. Anyway, I hope to see everyone around for the game tonight!

As noted above, we still have an opening in the group, though I've been forgetting to update this thread with char-gen info. I'll get around to that next week just before or after I update the campaign wiki.


First Post
Sorry but there won't be a game session this week, just cancelled my games for the week on account of too much bad luck this week enraging me, like my bike being stolen on Tuesday. Can't concentrate on running games and I'd just be rude/short-tempered and snapping at people if I tried running anything this week.


First Post
Still recruiting for Saturdays!

Just to note, we're still recruiting for the campaign! It runs at 6 pm Pacific time on Saturdays currently. New PCs at this point would enter at 6th-level or ECL 6, with 22,000 XP and 6,500 gold pieces in starting wealth. Any amount of the starting wealth may be spent on a single item if desired. Please refer to the first post and my campaign wiki for char-gen and campaign info. I still need to update the campaign-specific info soon, regarding the city of Delacroix and all, but basically the campaign revolves around the small city of Delacroix in the Broken-Crest Hills, where the PCs are doing some favors for the dying leader of Delacroix (for payment, of course) and will soon be left with their own base of operations and such, using the Stronghold Builder's Guidebook. The campaign involves at least equal parts roleplay/exploration/investigation/problem-solving and combat. We have two wizards and a two-weapon fighter/rogue right now, so the party could really use a social PC or a better rogue-type as well as some kind of healer or other divine spellcaster, though I wouldn't turn away another warrior-type.


First Post
Hey Arkhandus, it's Harlequin from ORpg. Sorry about ditching you yesterday, my DotA 2 match started and I didn't alt-tab for another fifty minutes. Anyway, I've settled on building a cleric and branching out into some of the DoF classes that I liked. Once I finish my sheet, is there anywhere I can send you its file (send me a message if so)? I ask because I generally avoid Mythweavers and give preference to Word/Excel files.


First Post
You can just copy and paste a text version of your character sheet onto the thread here, or send me a text node in OpenRPG on Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday, since I'll be on the Unshaped server around 5 or 6 pm Pacific each of those days. I forgot to send you a copy of the character sheet template I made for the Rhunaria campaign, but I'll post a copy of the text-sheet portion here and you can copy-paste it into another file or whatever.


Character Name: ?
Male/Female: ?
Race: Human
Class Levels: ?

Character Level: ?
Racial Hit Dice (HD): 0
Effective Character Level (ECL): +0
Experience Points (XP): 0
Total XP Needed For Next Level: 0

Alignment: ?
Patron Deity/Philosophy/Spirits: ?
Homeland: ?
Languages: ?
Literate: Yes

Player Name: ?
E-Mail Address: ?
DM: Arkhandus
Campaign: Rhunaria - Defenders of Delacroix

Hit Points (HP): 0 current / 0 maximum, Subdual 0
Armor Class (AC): 10
Touch AC (TAC): 10
Flat-Footed AC (FFAC): 10
AC Modifiers: +0 size, +0 Dex, +0 armor, +0 shield, +0 natural armor, +0 deflection, +0 insight, +0 dodge, +0 other.
(Note that -10 HP is death, and taking 50+ damage from any single injury requires a save against death by massive damage)

Fortitude (FORT): +0 (+0 base, +0 Con, +0 resistance, +0 other)
Reflex (REF): +0 (+0 base, +0 Dex, +0 resistance, +0 other)
Will (WILL): +0 (+0 base, +0 Wis, +0 resistance, +0 other)

Initiative (INIT): +0 (+0 Dex, +0 other)
Speed (SPD): 30 ft., Run x4
Damage Reduction (DR): ?
Spell Resistance (SR): ?
Maximum Dexterity Bonus To AC (MDB): ?
Armor Check Penalty (ACP): -0
Arcane Spell Failure (ASF): 0%

Base Attack Bonus (BAB): +0
Grapple: +0 (+0 base, +0 Str, +0 size, +0 other)
Melee: +0 (+0 base, +0 Str, +0 size, +0 other)
Ranged: +0 (+0 base, +0 Dex, +0 size, +0 other)

Condition: Normal

Unarmed Strike +0 melee for 1d3+0 subdual damage (20/x2)

Strength (STR): 10 (+0)
Dexterity (DEX): 10 (+0)
Constitution (CON): 10 (+0)
Intelligence (INT): 10 (+0)
Wisdom (WIS): 10 (+0)
Charisma (CHA): 10 (+0)

Ability Score Adjustments Factored In: None

Medium-sized Humanoid (Human)
Base Speed: 30 ft. (Run x4)
Bonus Class Skill: ?.
Bonus Feats: 1st, 10th, and 19th level.
Extra Skills: +4 skill points at 1st-level, +1/level after.
Human Ingenuity: Reroll an attack, check, save, or threat confirmation 1/day.
Automatic Language: Either Gilden or Rizan or Tashi or Tribal.
Intelligence Bonus Languages: Any except secret languages.
Favored Class: Highest-level class.

Template: None.
Template Features (Effects): None.

? Featname ? *1st-level*: ? effect ?
? Featname ? *human 1*: ? effect ?

? Skillname ? +0 (0 ranks, +0 Str, +0 racial, +0 synergy, +0 other)
? Skillname ? +0 (0 ranks, +0 Dex, +0 racial, +0 synergy, +0 other)
? Skillname ? +0 (0 ranks, +0 Con, +0 racial, +0 synergy, +0 other)
? Skillname ? +0 (0 ranks, +0 Int, +0 racial, +0 synergy, +0 other)
? Skillname ? +0 (0 ranks, +0 Wis, +0 racial, +0 synergy, +0 other)
? Skillname ? +0 (0 ranks, +0 Cha, +0 racial, +0 synergy, +0 other)

Platinum Pieces (PP): 0
Gold Pieces (GP): 0
Electrum Pieces (EP): 0
Silver Pieces (SP): 0
Copper Pieces (CP): 0

Gems/Jewelry/Art/Bars: ?.
Coin/Treasure Weight: 0 lbs.
(Note that coins each weigh 1/50th of a pound. Values: 1 PP = 10 GP = 50 EP = 100 SP = 1,000 CP)

Weapons: ? (0 gp, 0 lbs., 1d4 piercing/slashing, 19-20/x2 critical, 10 ft. increment, Small, light simple melee/thrown, nothing special).

Armor: ? (0 gp, 0 lbs., +0 AC, +0 max Dex to AC, -0 armor check, 0% arcane spell failure, light armor, 30 ft. speed, nothing special).

Shield: ? (0 gp, 0 lbs., +0 AC, -0 armor check, 0% arcane spell failure, nothing special).

Other Gear: ? (0 gp, 0 lbs., nothing special).

Storage Items (Contents): ? (?).

Carried Gear Weight: 0 lbs.

Magic Item Slots (Equipped): Hat (?), Eyewear (?), Necklace, Cloak (?), Vest (?), Armor/Robe (?), Bracers (?), Gloves (?), Left Ring (?), Right Ring (?), Belt (?), Boots (?)
Slotted Magic Item Weight: 0 lbs.

Current Load: 0 lbs.

Light: 0 lbs.
Medium: 0 lbs.
Heavy: 0 lbs.
Lift Over Head: 0 lbs.
Lift And Hobble Along: 0 lbs.
Push/Drag: 0 lbs.

? Classname ?
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: ?.
? Featurename ?

? Classname ?
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: ?.
? Featurename ?

? Giftname ? *2nd-level*: ? effect ?

Class: ?
Caster Level: ?
Arcane/Divine: ?
Prepared/Spontaneous: ?
Save DC: 10 + 0 Int + spell level (10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19).

Spells Per Day: 0/0 of 0-level, 0/0+0 of 1st-level, 0/0+0 of 2nd-level, 0/0+0 of 3rd-level, 0/0+0 of 4th-level, 0/0+0 of 5th-level, 0/0+0 of 6th-level, 0/0+0 of 7th-level, 0/0+0 of 8th-level, 0/0+0 of 9th-level.

Spells Prepared: ?
(Note domain spells with an asterisk *)

0-Level Spells Known: ?.
1st-Level Spells Known: ?.
2nd-Level Spells Known: ?.
3rd-Level Spells Known: ?.
4th-Level Spells Known: ?.
5th-Level Spells Known: ?.
6th-Level Spells Known: ?.
7th-Level Spells Known: ?.
8th-Level Spells Known: ?.
9th-Level Spells Known: ?.

Specialization School (Banned Schools): ? (?).
Domains (Granted Power, Domain Spells): ? (?, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th), ? (?, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th).

Name: ?
Relationship: ?
Race: ?, Male/Female: ?, Height: 0'-0", Weight: 0 lbs., Age: ? (?), Skin: ?, Eyes: ?, Hair: ?, Face: ?
Level: ?, Racial HD: 0, ECL: +0, Class Levels: ?, XP: 0 current (0 total needed for next level)
Type (Subtype): ? (?), Size: ?, Speed: 30 ft. (Run x4), Initiative: +0
HP: 0 current (0 max), Subdual: 0, AC: 10, Touch AC: 10, Flat-Footed AC: 10
Condition: Normal
BAB: +0, Grapple: +0, Melee: +0, Ranged: +0
Attacks: Unarmed Strike +0 melee for 1d3+0 damage (20/x2)
Special: ?
Gifts of the Warrior's Spirit: ?
DR: ?, SR: ?, MDB: ?, ACP: -0, ASF: 0%
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +0
Ability Scores: Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10
Feats: ?
Skills: ?
Languages (Literate): ?
Current Load: 0 lbs., Light: 0 lbs., Medium: 0 lbs., Heavy: 0 lbs.
Equipment: ?
Notes: ?


Male Human, Height: 5'-10", Weight: 150 lbs., Age: 15 (Adult), Skin: White/Caucasian, Eyes: Brown, Hair: Short Brown, Face: Short Brown Beard and Jagged Scar on Right Cheek

Full Appearance Description: ?


PCs in Rhunaria roll 4d6 seven times for ability scores, dropping the lowest die each time, dropping the lowest of the seven totals, and assigning each of the remaining totals to a different ability. HP is maximum for 1st-level and rolled for each additional level/HD, but any HP rolls of this sort are rounded up to half the maximum result for their HD if the roll comes up lower than that. Starting wealth is generally around half or slightly less than half of the norm listed in the DMG, but 1st-level starting wealth is unchanged from the PHB. As normal in the PHB, characters get one free starting outfit (traveler's, explorer's, or similar) in addition. A character's worn outfit has no effective weight for purposes of his or her own carrying capacity. Characters of certain classes gain a Gift of the Warrior's Spirit for every 2 total levels obtained in appropriate classes. Most races and classes have some minor houserules in Rhunaria as noted in the campaign Wiki. The campaign Wiki is found at http://arkspace.wikispaces.com/

Custom material is available from the Rhunaria campaign Wiki, and the DM is open to customizing or adding material to help players fit their character concepts, within reason. Much of the following printed material is available in Rhunaria: 3.0 Player's Handbook, 3.0 Dungeon Master's Guide, 3.0 Monster Manual, Monster Manual II, Fiend Folio, Deities & Demigods, Manual of the Planes, Savage Species, Epic Level Handbook, Oriental Adventures, Arms & Equipment Guide, Stronghold Builder's Guidebook, Sword & Fist, Tome & Blood, Defenders of the Faith, Song & Silence, Masters of the Wild, Dragon Magazine (some issues), Dungeon Magazine (some issues), 3.5 Tome of Battle, 3.5 Player's Handbook II, Seafarer's Handbook by FFG, Traps & Treachery by FFG, and POSSIBLY select material (likely houseruled) from Dragons by AEG, the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, Magic of Faerun, Lords of Darkness, Monsters of Faerun, Rokugan by AEG, and a few other 3rd-party sources.



First Post

Character Name: Tristan
Male/Female: Male
Race: Lesser Tiefling* (Races of Faerun)
Class Levels: 7

*as a Tiefling is essentially the cross between some sort of demonic creature and a human, I saw no issue with it being a Faerun setting race. Correct me if wrong.

Character Level: 7
Racial Hit Dice (HD): 0
Effective Character Level (ECL): +0
Experience Points (XP): 21,100
Total XP Needed For Next Level: 0

Alignment: NE
Homeland: City of Delacroix
Languages: Common, Infernal, Elven, Dwarven, Draconic, Halfling
Literate: Yes

Player Name: Harlequin
E-Mail Address: -- (I can give you this on OpenRPG, later)
DM: Arkhandus
Campaign: Rhunaria - Defenders of Delacroix

Hit Points (HP): 0 current / 0 maximum, Subdual 0 (need to be rolled)
Armor Class (AC): 21
Touch AC (TAC): 16
Flat-Footed AC (FFAC): 21
AC Modifiers: +0 size, +5 Dex, +5 armor, +0 shield, +0 natural armor, +0 deflection, +0 insight, +1 dodge, +0 other.
(Note that -10 HP is death, and taking 50+ damage from any single injury requires a save against death by massive damage)

Fortitude (FORT): +8 (+6 base, +2 Con, +0 resistance, +0 other)
Reflex (REF): +9 (+4 base, +5 Dex, +0 resistance, +0 other) (Evasion)
Will (WILL): +4 (+2 base, +2 Wis, +0 resistance, +0 other)

Initiative (INIT): +7 (+5 Dex, +2 other)
Speed (SPD): 30 ft., Run x4
Damage Reduction (DR): -
Spell Resistance (SR): -
Maximum Dexterity Bonus To AC (MDB): +6
Armor Check Penalty (ACP): -0
Arcane Spell Failure (ASF): 10%

Base Attack Bonus (BAB): +6/+1
Grapple: +0 (+0 base, +0 Str, +0 size, +0 other)
Melee: +8/+3 (+6/+1 base, +2 Str, +0 size, +0 other)
Ranged: +11/6 (+6/+1 base, +5 Dex, +0 size, +0 other)


Strength (STR): 14 (+2)
Dexterity (DEX): 20 (+5)
Constitution (CON): 15 (+2)
Intelligence (INT): 18 (+4)
Wisdom (WIS): 15 (+2)
Charisma (CHA): 6 (-2)

Ability Score Adjustments Factored In: Lesser Tiefling, +1 to Dexterity from lv. 4., +2 to Dexterity from Gifts of Agility
LESSER TIEFLING (Races of Faerun)
Medium-sized Humanoid (Lesser Tiefling)
+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma.
Medium size.
A tiefling’s base land speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision out to 60 feet.
Racial Skills: Tieflings have a +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Hide checks
Racial Feats: A tiefling gains feats according to its class levels. (Normal)
Special Attacks (see above): Darkness 1/day.
Special Qualities (see above): Resistance to cold 5, electricity 5, and fire 5.
Level adjustment +0.
Favored Class: Rogue

Ranger: Urban Tracking, TWF, Ambidexterity
Lv. 1: Weapon Focus (Rapier)
Lv. 3: Weapon Finesse (Rapier)
Lv. 6: Dodge


Lv. 1 (12*4 = 48 pts.): Bluff (4), Climb (4), Disable Device (4), Disguise (4), Gather Information (4), Hide (4), Intimidate (4), Move Silently (4), Open Lock (4), Search (4), Tumble (4), Use Magic Device (4)
Lv. 2 (8+4 = 12 pts.): Bluff (1), Climb (1), Disable Device (1), Gather Information (1), Hide (1), Intimidate (1), Jump (1), Move Silently (1), Open Lock (1), Search (1), Tumble (1), Use Magic Device (1)
Lv. 3 (8+4 = 12 pts.): Bluff (1), Climb (1), Disable Device (1), Gather Information (1), Hide (1), Intimidate (1), Jump (1), Move Silently (1), Open Lock (1), Search (1), Tumble (1), Use Magic Device (1)
Lv. 4 (4+4 = 8 pts.): Bluff (1), Climb (1) Gather Information (1), Knowledge (Local) (5)
Lv. 5 (4+4 = 8 pts.): Bluff (1), Climb (1), Gather Information (1), Knowledge (Local) (1), Ride (4)
Lv. 6 (4+4 = 8 pts.): Bluff (1), Climb (1), Gather Information (1), Knowledge (Local) (1), Ride (4)
Lv. 7 (4+4 = 8 pts.): Hide (4), Move Silently (4)

Bluff (9) -2+2
Climb (9) +2
Disable Device (6) +4
Disguise (4) -2+2
Gather Information (9) -2
Hide (10) +5+2+2+10
Intimidate (6) -2+2
Knowledge (Local) (7) +4
Move Silently (10) +5+2+10
Open Lock (6) +5
Ride (4) +5
Search (6) +4
Tumble (6) +5
UMD (6) -2

Platinum Pieces (PP): 0
Gold Pieces (GP): 9,500 (starting) - 9366 => 134 gp
Electrum Pieces (EP): 0
Silver Pieces (SP): 0
Copper Pieces (CP): 0

Total weight: 32 lb.

Weapons: 2x Masterwork Dagger (608 gp, 1 lb., 1d4 piercing, 19-20/x2 critical, 10 ft. increment, Small, light simple melee/thrown, nothing special). (DMG p. 184)
Masterwork Rapier (344 gp, 3 lb., 1d6 piercing, 18-20/2x critical, -, Medium, Light, nothing special) (DMG p. 184)

Armor: Mithril Shirt +1 (2100 gp, 10 lb., +5 AC, +6 max Dex to AC, -0 armor check, 10% arcane spell failure, light armor, 30 ft. speed). (DMG p. 182)

Equipment Weight: 15 lb.

Other Gear: Cloak of Elvenkind (2000 gp, 1 lb., +10 to hide). (DMG p. 213)
Boots of Elvenkind (2000 gp, 1lb., +10 to Move Silently) (DMG p. 211)
Gloves of Storage (2200 gp, -, conceal an item of up to 20 lb. and that fits in your hand) (DMG pp. 217 - 218)

Storage Items (Contents): Backpack (2 gp, 2 lb.) ; Thieve's Tools, Masterwork (100 gp, 2 lb.) ; Rope Silk (50 ft., 10g, 5 lb.) ; Grappling Hook (1 gp, 4 lb.) ; Caltrops (1 gp, 2 lb.)

Carried Gear Weight: 15 lbs.

Magic Item Slots (Equipped): Hat (?), Eyewear (?), Necklace, Cloak (x), Vest (?), Armor/Robe (x), Bracers (?), Gloves (x), Left Ring (?), Right Ring (?), Belt (?), Boots (x)
Slotted Magic Item Weight: 2 lbs.

Current Load: 32 lbs.

Light: 58 lbs.
Medium: 59 - 116 lbs.
Heavy: 117 - 175 lbs.

3 Rogue/3 Sneak Attack+Thug (d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#fighter) variant Fighter/1 Urban Variant Ranger (dandwiki.com/wiki/UA:Ranger_Variant:_Urban_Ranger)

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: all simple and martial weapons and with light/medium armor, along with shields.
Ranger: while in light armor, considered to have both Ambidextry and Two-weapon Fighting. Urban Tracking as a feat.
Fighter: +2d6 Sneak Attack
Rogue: +2d6 Sneak Attack, Evasion, Uncanny Dodge

2nd: Gift of Agility
4th: Gift of Predatory Instinct
6th: Gift of Agility

Male Lesser Tiefling, Height: 5'11", Weight: 140 lbs., Age: 26 (Adult), Skin: White/Caucasian (leaning to Red), Eyes: Amber, Hair: Short Black, Face: clean shaved, no marks or scars.

Full Appearance Description:

What is there to say? I'm a man with a gift, and I use that gift. That I've managed to find a way to use it while avoiding the hand of the law... well, that's just an added bonus. I was born in the 'great' city of Delacroix, son of a tale-teller and song singer, who fell into misfortune after paying a debt with his tongue. My mother? Some wench from the lower districts of the cities. But this is my story, not that of my parents - let's not dwell there.

I didn't have a family, didn't have a religion, an organization - hell, even as a human there was little identity to be found within that group. I took to the streets, and all the odd-jobs it offered to someone as terse as I am, with all the cunning and skill hidden beneath my lack of words. I started off as a pickpocket, and when I grew in size, worked as a guard at a couple of ill-famed establishments. The pay was good, even if not always in gold. It just didn't cater to me; doesn't now, didn't then. I needed more, I was born to do more.

I took to house-robberies. High-profile thefts, bribery, extortion - you name it, I was there. Didn't take long until I was recognized, squared off and made a proposition: to join the guild of assassins by killing someone of their naming, or be killed by them for overstepping my boundaries. I didn't ask to be a murderer. Never aimed for it. But.. well, perhaps this ultimatum was also the change in career I'd been needing. Even when I changed from the wharf to the middle gardens district, with all of its glorious bourgeois and lower noble class, I couldn't help but shake that feeling of mediocrity that they reaked of. I wasn't made for mediocrity. I can speak and write in six languages; I went from nothing to a life of comforts in five years. I made myself. Why be just a petty thief, when there are better paying.. harder.. and more challenging jobs to be done? That's right - there is no reason.


Tristan is carefree to the utmost. He enjoys having a good time, even if his definition of good time often involves transferring someone's property to himself, or convincing a fair maiden that he'll wed her in order to bed her. While he isn't particularly sadistic or cruel, he is ruthless: he'd sooner kill a person threatening his plans than attempt another solution. Machiavellian, would be the word. He can count his friends on one hand, though he keeps them close: they're often useful, and he does enjoy their company. He might come as a bit silent, or recluse, but that's mostly him mulling over how dull a conversation would be with the person he's terse with. He knows a good deal about miscellaneous information, history and even the mathematical sciences -- for some reason, studying has always been a hobby of his (often mis-directed, too).

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First Post
The idea is to have him starting the Assassin PrC (DMG) at the next level. If you think it'd be really moot to have him in the party, or if you think a NE/LE inclined character wouldn't fit, I also have an NG Druid sheet saved on my computer. It's not here, but essenially it was an NG Human Druid that went to Delacroix at the request of the Druidic Order, to investigate the rumors of a local vampire (or w.e undead/abomination you might have in the city that could prompt him leaving his grove and going there).

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