Pathfinder 1E Paizo no longer publishing Dungeon and Dragon


New Publisher
Not one reply from a WotC person here or on their site. Frankly, the interaction with the Paizo people will be one of the things I miss the most (as it regards the magazines, I know you'll still be around). I can't imagine the WotC employees really stepping up and posting more. I'm not surprised, but I'm not impressed either.

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Tzeentch said:
Not a good sign that Wizards has *nothing* to show for its supposed alternative. They've been working on this digitial initiative since 3.0 came *out* and not even a screenshot or mockup is done :/

WotC lives in its own strange timezone. It could be a very, very long time before we see whatever was supposed to replace eTools, for example.


wow, so much hostility...

i, too, am shocked and saddened. i've been reading dragon since issue 72 (IIRC).

but let's at least give the makers of our favorite hobby a chance before we slam them.



First Post
James Jacobs said:
Thanks for the kind words! As for Pathfinder... the same folks who've been working on the Dungeon Adventure Paths are working on Pathfinder. I'm really excited and impressed with what I've seen from Wayne and our authors for Rise of the Runelords (Wolf Baur, Steve Greer, Nick Logue, Rich Pett, and Greg Vaughan). Everything we've learnd working on Age of Worms and Shackled City and Savage Tide is being applied to Rise of the Runelords. You're not gonna be disapointed. :)

But no Conversion notes! Oh wait, there weren't any for the others either.

(At least not on time to be useful to people who actually want to run what they bought when they bought it that is.)


JoshuaFrost said:
In fact, Wayne is doing the covers for the first 12 volumes of Pathfinder. :)
And that is one of my first problems with it. Not that Wayne is a bad artist, I like his work.

But what I want is 12 different artists, each with something new to say. When I get my issue of Dragon, I just stare at the cover. I look at the details in the art.

Then, and only then, do I turn the cover back, and carefully, to reveal the same fricken print ad that's been there for who knows how long, and I'm comforted to have the same stupid ad there... and why? Because it is something familiar to me.

It brings me back to when I was a boy, looking at the magazine for the first time... I'm really hurt by this. Dragon Magazine has been a part of my life for a really long time. It has inspired me, made me laugh, made me wonder, and helped shape who I am.

Yes, it has been part of my childhood, and all of my adult life. I look forward to it every single month...

Damn this hurts.



First Post
BlackMoria said:
I feel like someone that I know just died.

It is the same 'punched in the gut' feeling.

Tamarantha said:
I have that punched in the gut feeling too.....

HellHound said:
Ditto. I didn't expect the stomach ache either.

S. Baldrick said:
I feel like someone kicked me in the groin.

IanB said:
I didn't think I'd be this depressed over this, but man. It is a punch in the gut, and I largely *like* the changes WotC has been making in recent years.

Arnwyn said:
Un. :) :) :) :)ing. Believable. I've got that "punched in the gut" feeling

LordVyreth said:
I'm getting the "gut-punch" feeling myself.

delericho said:
This is like being punched in the gut. Another part of my childhood just died.

And the knockout goes to... Wizards of the Coast!!!!


First Post
OK, legitimate question for Mr. Jacobs and company.

Now that I know that WAR is doing the cover art, I may actually get Pathfinder.

Yes, I'm shallow and superficial. I judge books by their covers.

Question: Can we get Pathfinder on PDF like we get War of the Burning Sky?

I ask this because I would probably run this online. I prefer maps I can move into MapTool, and text I can cut and paste.

Also, any possible chance that Keith Baker might pen an adventure? I was disappointed when he didn't write Scuttlecove. Any reason for that by the way that you can share?

Jason Bulmahn

Jdvn1 said:
Very cool. It looks like he's doing more than just the covers too. :)

Will the GameMastery tiles be designed to work with Pathfinder? (I think we'll have to learn a new acronym for that--PF) Or, alternately, will PF come with its own tiles?

Some of them will certainly have ties to Pathfinder. W1: Conquest of Bloodsworn Vale is set right next to the Pathfinder region and D2: Seven Swords of Sin is set in the region. That said, each one is a stand-alone adventure.

Just wanted to say a quick thanks for all the great support I am seeing on this, and many other, threads and messageboards.

Jason Bulmahn
Managing Editor of Dragon
GameMastery Brand Manager

Edit: I just noticed you said Tiles.. not ties. We are still working on incorporating some of our brands together. You will definately see some tiles and item cards show up in our various products.


Erik Mona

ehren37 said:
Incidentally what happens to Demonomicron/Core Beliefs?

Both colums will appear twice more before Dragon ceases publication. We'll be doing similar-style articles in Pathfinder (and elsewhere), but both of those series hinge pretty heavily on intellectual property controlled by Wizards of the Coast.

We're continuing discussions with WotC about future licensed content, and I think both of these columns would make very interesting stand-alone books, with a considerable amount of new material added to the existing articles.

It's possible that WotC will decide to continue the columns online. I honestly have no idea.

--Erik Mona

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