Search results

  1. fanboy2000

    D&D 5E When Monsters and NPCs take a Short Rest

    How many HD can they spend to heal? I see several likely answers: Zero, because monsters can't spend HD the way PCs can. Up to all their HD as listed in their statblock, but can't go higher than the HP listed in the statblcok. Up to all their HD as listed in their statblock, but can go higher...
  2. fanboy2000

    D&D 5E If you're planning to run 5e, have you started a homebrew campaign?

    We don't have a lot for homebrew DMs yet, but that didn't stop me from doing a homebrew one-shot a few weeks ago. Anyone start a homebrew campaign? While this is likely intentional, (and predictable, given that there's no MM or DMG out yet) I find the number of pre-fab adventures being ran very...
  3. fanboy2000

    D&D 5E Battlemats?

    So far, I've been using battlemats when I DM. I prefer them.
  4. fanboy2000

    D&D 5E Did you participate in the playtest?

    I did not participate in the playtest, and so now I'm just getting caught up, and it's really weird. I like 5e so far, based on what I've read and the one Encounters session I've played in, but that's it. I was wondering if there's anyone else who didn't participate in the playtest, but is now...
  5. fanboy2000

    Hipster Vampires in Gamma World

    So I convinced my group to let me run a Gamma World game for my birthday. "Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to me!" Ahem. I used the recent "based on 4e D&D" edition. I don't know what edition that is. Eighty-three and a half? What I like is the tradition of taking your local and "Gamma...
  6. fanboy2000

    Of Steam Tunnels and LARPing

    So I just got finished reading The Dungeon Master. It's a book about the the disappearance of James Dallas Egbert III. For those of you who don't know, Dallas' disappearance made national headlines in 1979, in the early days of D&D's popularity. It was reported that Dallas may have disappeared...
  7. fanboy2000

    OMG! Mirror Mirror is Sooooo Much Fun! SQUEE!

    My spouse and I saw Mirror Mirror when it opened this Friday. It was so cute! I loved it! The prince, who played the twins in The Social Network, was funny (and cute) and the Lily Collins, who played Snow White, was hot! Great date night movie! Did you see it? What did you think of it? Or are...
  8. fanboy2000

    Do you enjoy The Lord of the Rings?

    I came across this review of LotR from back when it was first published and it made me wonder if LotR love was universal in the RPG community. Since I don't have the money, time, or resources to do a scientific study, I'm posting a poll here. As always, the answer choices mean whatever makes...
  9. fanboy2000

    Where to Start with Doctor Who?

    So, lets say there's a guy (definitely not me ;) ) who, upon finding out that the creator of Coupling is now the writer on Doctor Who, wants to check it out. Where should this very hypothetical person start? New series, old series, current Doctor, some other Doctor? That one movie with Peter...
  10. fanboy2000

    What would you play?

    What editions of D&D would you play if people you liked to play with wanted to play it?
  11. fanboy2000

    What's your experience with Conan?

    So, there's a new Conan movie coming out. It's probably going to be crap. But it's made me think about how many of us have read Conan stories by Robert E. Howard. Like Tolkien, Howard's stories are considered one of the cornerstone of D&D. I don't like Tolkien, but I've been reading a lot of...
  12. fanboy2000

    At 1st level, how powerful would you say PCs are in any edition of D&D?

    That is to say, how powerful compared to the rest of the game world. This is my take on the choices: Superheroic: The PCs and an handful of really bad guys are way better than the rest of the world and none of the training or learning in the world will get a commoner there. Extraordinary: The...
  13. fanboy2000

    Shadowrun War! "Arbeit Macht Frei!"

    So a friend of mine just alerted me to a new Shadowrun supplement called War!. Anyways, part of the book is supposed detail various mercenary hot spots. One of those is in Poland, and the book has a section in the polish section called "Arbeit Macht Frei!" where the characters have to kill the...
  14. fanboy2000

    Monster Builder (the non-online one) gets a patch!

    Yep, they didn't add any content, but Wizards did do a bug fix update. Announcement. That was unexpected.
  15. fanboy2000

    Online CB yea or nay?

    So, it's been out for about 24 hours now. Do you like it? I do. I didn't experience a lot of crashes. I thought once that it was calculating something wrong, but it turns out it wasn't. It meets my needs for the moment. That said, I'd like to see something more...ummm...full functioning.
  16. fanboy2000

    How many RPGs do you play?

    I love RPGs. I love games. So how many do you play?
  17. fanboy2000

    Changes in Traditional Games

    So, over in the thread about the commercial for the Red Box, Raven Crowking made the following observation and question. One of the side discussions in the thread is about the difference between the look of the new starter set (that it looks like the famous starter set from 1981) and the change...
  18. fanboy2000

    Rampant Speculation: Ebooks!

    I just took a survey on the Wizard's about ebooks. Where do I buy, where do I read them, etc... For those who don't know, Wizard's already sells some of their novels in ebook form. At the very least, they sell them at the Sony Reader store and If they started selling D&D rulebooks...
  19. fanboy2000

    This is an RPG, not a "to do" list.

    Ok guys, gather round 'cause I'm about to tell you something that shouldn't come as a surprise to you. I set up the world for your PC, you tell me what your PCs do. It's that simple. Ok, it's not quite that simple. I'd fail as a DM if I didn't present you with opportunities for adventure. But...
  20. fanboy2000

    Do you use electrum pieces?

    Do you use electrum in your game? I ask because I've actually had players who were against it for some reason. Because I'm a jerk, I started handing out electrum pieces occasionally as treasure. Once, I had my players find some electrum in a box labeled "rust monster food." I don't know what...