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  1. D

    After Dark HorrorFest III: Anyone going?

    I've been looking forward to this for over a year now, since they pushed it back from Oct 2008 to Jan 2009. I was generally pleased with the films last year, only one or two that were meh, and not really any that I thought were terrible. This year: Also the unrelated horror film The Unborn is...
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    Forked Thread: The Best OGL Systems

    Forked from: The best D&D books (Regardless of Edition) I thought this was worth of it's own thread. What are the best OGL based rules sets? I do mean self contained games, not books that require the 'core 3'. My nomination, Conan The Roleplaying Game by Mongoose Publishing. I love this...
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    Change post time display

    It seems that with the last upgrade the 'time of post' markers were changed from showing the actual time/date to showing 'xx minutes ago'. I've gone through my account settings but can't find an option to change it. Am I missing something? If not can we please have the option? I greatly dislike...
  4. D

    May '08 What are you playing?

    Age of Conan is in Open Beta now. I'm giving that a go. So far it's interesting, The active combat is similar to Dungeons & Dragons Online but with far more options and 'combos' it uses hot keys rather than the mouse triggered combat of DDO. The graphics are amazing. Downside: If the forums are...
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    The Mist, in living black & white!

    So, I picked up the 2-disc version of The Mist, after seeing that it had a B&W version on it. As an amatuer photographer, I have an appreceation for B&W that most probably don't, so this had me curious. I have to say, WOW! After the director's introduction and explination of 'why', you really...
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    Undead PC ideas

    Ok, so Saturday nights game ended badly. Apocolyptic type badly. We failed in our mission to stop the BBEGs from unleashing a power that made bad things worse. (Basically it was a way to introduce the Critical Hit Deck into play.) Now that Crits are more unpredictable and in many cases nastier...
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    Houston area Cthulhu game?

    Long time Lovecraft fan, I've always wanted to play CoC, but just can't seem to find a group playing it. 1) Chaosium OR d20 version, I'd prefer the former, but out of desperation... 2) I live and would prefer to play on the NW side of town, but I have no problem driving across town if the game...
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    Bad news for The Hobbit

    Seems Peter Jackson isn't the only one not being paid by New Line for the LotR movies. http://books.guardian.co.uk/news/articles/0,,2255898,00.html The law suit not only demands payment, but may allow Tolkien Trust to prevent New Line from even making the planned prequals. :(
  9. D

    Soooo... remember Ethan Haas?

    You know, 'Ethan Haas was right'? Everyone assumed it was part of the marketing campaign for Cloverfield. After about a month I gave up on the whole thing. The flavor of the puzzles didn't seem to match what little we knew about CF. Well, it turns out that, 1-18-08 is also the release date for...
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    Blade Runner: Final Cut

    It's finally out today. I can't wait for lunch, I'm going to go out and grab my Ultimate Collectors Edition (BluRay). The next several nights will be spent in wonderous cyberpunk roots bliss! A pretty extensive review can be read here...
  11. D

    Horrorfest 2007

    Anyone been? I went this past weekend and holy CRAP is my poor arse sore. Some 13 or so hours in a ten year old (at least) theater seat is... not pleasent. I had my doubts after seeing last years mostly bad flicks and the travesty that was the online pre-purchase system. However, even the...