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  1. R

    Does anyone know anything about the new Complete Mage book?

    Just curious if there is any real info as to what is going to be in the new Complete Mage book. Will it be a partial rehash of Complete Arcane? Are they going to have a bunch of spells which are already printed in the Spell compendium? Any opinions on if it will be worthwhile to purchase...
  2. R

    What are your thought on the Mystic Theurge?

    I'm just looking for some opinions on the Mystic Theurge (DMG) PRC. I was planning on playing one in an upcoming campaign and it has been disallowed by the DM. Having never played one and never seen anyone else play one, I don't know if it is actually unbalancing as the DM thinks. Thoughts...
  3. R

    Rules for Half drow characters

    Just wondering if anyone has seen rules for a half drow race for charaters. It kinda popped into my head this morning that I've never seen anything for this situation. Sure there are half orcs and half elves, but drow have a much different set of abilities from regular elves. Any ideas?
  4. R

    Does anybody use Master Maze for their gaming?

    I was considering using the Master Maze line of products from Dwarven Forge in my gaming. They look a little expensive from what I saw. But before I decide to spend what will probably cost me a lot of money to set up decent dungeons and caverns, I thought I'd ask what others experiences have...
  5. R

    What are the opinions on Ptolus?

    I'd like to know what the opinions out there are on Ptolus and if you think it is worth the hefty pricetag for the book/pdf's? If your already using Ptolus info in your games please describe how the games are going?
  6. R

    Resident Evil

    I've decided to try and put together a Resident Evil Campaign. I had originally seen a little write up somewhere using the D20 CoC rules and figured D20 modern would be more than adequate. I was wondering if anyone had tried this before, or has any ideas which I could use...both rules variants...
  7. R

    Resident Evil campaign

    I've decided to try and put together a Resident Evil Campaign. I had originally seen a little write up somewhere using the D20 CoC rules and figured D20 modern would be more than adequate. I was wondering if anyone had tried this before, or has any ideas which I could use...both rules...
  8. R

    What's the best Killer Combo you've found or seen?

    I'm trying to figure out what the best and worst killer combos in the game are. I play with some power gamers and I want to decide if anything is too powerful or cheap before it happens. I've seen posts about mystic theurges, and warlocks with darkness spells, what else have you seen or...
  9. R

    Iron Kingdoms, A worthwhile setting?

    Hi, I'm curious to see other peoples experiences from playing Iron Kingdoms. Let me know what you think of the setting and differences to the rules. What do you enjoy or dislike about it? I generally like it but some things bother me. For instance, Warcaster armour seems way too powerful...
  10. R

    What house rules do you use in your games?

    I was thinking of starting up a new campaign and wondered if there were any house rule suggestions? What House Rules did you add to your campaigns and why? What did you notice in the rules that needed tweaking or you don't like? Thanks