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Phylums (Zionillagurrluga) 1

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Phylums (Zionillagurrluga)
The Phylums as the terrains call them because the races real name is a combination of sounds, vibrations and pheromones. They are a colony of worms much like the common caterpillar on earth that share a hive mind of a sort. They take a humanoid form it is assumed to mimic of the race they first encountered long ago and is much more easy for them to interact with others and be accepted in a social situations. --- DR. Covin Xenobioligest
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  1. Phylums (Zionillagurrluga)

    Phylum Phylums (Zionillagurrluga) The Phylums as the terrains call them because the races...
  2. Phylums (Zionillagurrluga)

    Phylum Phylums (Zionillagurrluga) The Phylums as the terrains call them because the races...
  3. Phylums (Zionillagurrluga)

    Phylum Phylums (Zionillagurrluga) The Phylums as the terrains call them because the races...