• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

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eh, it depends.

Steven Universe is (on some levels) about the child of destiny saving the world with a group of warriors. It tackles a lot of themes and powers that could be utilized in a DnD game.

Ancient powerful beings unleashing a corruption curse
Rebellion against a tyranical government
The power of compassion
The burdens and struggles of always helping others.

It isn't a direct correlation, but I could see someone who liked those vibes looking to DnD with a "planning face" so to speak.
I'd like to see Steven and the gems become irrevocably insane, trapped in the black cyst of the forgotten temple of tharizdun


5e Freelancer
It's not a coincidence. It's happening across a lot of current pop media. It is absolutely a current trend. It won't last forever and things go in cycles. There have been many trends and directions in pop media over the decades. This is a current one, without question. The alienation of previous fans of IPs to in theory obtain a much different current customer base has been the current trend. Although it has met with mostly failures and debatable successes, and I believe it is now experiencing so much backlash from new and old customers, it has slowly started to shift. There is a way to maintain and respect long time IP supporters and bring in new customers without the mean spirited alienation. I think for a lot of people, new and old, "expectations subverted" tolerance has been already adequately "subverted". How about we move to, "exceeding expectations" for a change of pace, let's give that a try.
It’s been a couple of days, and while this post has seen pushback, no one pointed this out so I feel obligated too. I’m sorry I’m advance for how it might affect the thread.

“There is a media-wide conspiracy to alienate true fans (meaning straight, white, cishet men) and pander to invaders that don’t care about our hobby” is a far-right talking point that originated during Gamergate. It’s a recruiting method used to fool (mostly) young cishet white boys into thinking that the problems with modern media can be easily blamed on a minority scapegoat. It is the “White Replacement Theory” of gamers. Neonazis love this type of conspiracy theory and alter it when necessary to fit the different hobbies they are infiltrating and recruiting from (gamers, 40k fans, Star Wars fans, TTRPGs, etc).

Since you’re the same guy that was complaining about Daggerheart’s art being of a woman of color, I doubt that you’re unintentionally engaging in this rhetoric. If you somehow are, you have fallen for far-right propaganda and are spouting their culture war talking points. Anyone interested in learning more should watch the Alt-Right Playbook by Innuendo Studios on YouTube. His video series on Gamergate and “How to Radicalize a Normie” go in-depth on the origin of this tactic and how it works.
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Why doesn't WOTC just MAKE A NEW DANGNABBED SETTING with all the IP characters they want to push and all the themes the 5e audience likes?

It seems so much less risky and has the added benefit of being new so people have to buy the new book to learn about it in order to love or hate it.

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