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D&D General DALL·E 3 does amazing D&D art


EDIT: I tweaked your prompt to try and generate an undersea fantasy landscape, but it really struggles with the concept of "underwater" (as I have previously experienced with my sea elves).

As you can see, these are all really depicting the surface of the sea:
_0d925dc7-4c34-448c-b6a6-14651cab522e.jpg _443f3d31-996b-4bb0-a725-0c7ee311aed5.jpg _0947628e-75f6-44a7-910c-f576f65b69a4.jpg _19414419-0bf1-4674-abf5-fdee95a9ab9e.jpg
_cdb1bceb-d49a-40fe-ae2f-d2a7b142f1c9.jpg _d055688e-dbe1-497b-a185-baeb33e936c7.jpg _dcadd9b9-c716-4f62-b49f-088832ef47fd.jpg _eac79e21-9445-4a7a-bdb8-45ed35168bf5.jpg

Beautiful images all, but not really what I asked for. C'est la vie!

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Always In School Gamer
Seems like you cut and pasted your prompt from chatgpt to bing: you kept "create" which prompted the AI to draw someone creating the image. If it was involontary, I find the result to be an happy failure. I could definitely use it after cropping the computer bit.
Sort of... I was working on something else in GPT, but DALL-E 3 was not creating anything and giving out a generic error message no matter how simple and benign my wording and at the end my custom instructions kicked in (example below in gold):

I apologize for the inconvenience, but I encountered issues while attempting to generate images based on the prompts provided. I won't be able to produce images for this request at the moment.

However, as per your instructions, here are four simple concepts inspired by your last suggestion that you can riff off:
1. A crystalline brain structure that enhances cognitive abilities.
2. Alien flora replacing human lungs, allowing for underwater breathing.
3. Transparent skeletal system infused with glowing minerals.
4. An extraterrestrial ocular implant enhancing vision beyond the visible spectrum.

I deleted the GPT chat that contained the concept I keyed in on, it was basically, "A crystalline structure replacing a heart." So I decided to use some of my 15 daily boosts directly in Bing Image Creator to do an experiment (I play with tools to learn them and explore their limitations).

  1. Give minimalist prompts to see what Bing DALL-E will create.
  2. Make minor changes or addition to keep the prompt simple but see how word order or additions impact the output.
Base Line:
Here is the prompt I fed to Bing.
PROMPT: create an anatomical drawing of a crystalline structure that has replaced a heart
Here is the output.
Results: It took my prompt literally and created a human heart that looked crystalline and in one case crystalline growths upon it. It also created images of the anatomical drawing being created. I wanted something more weirder, like you find in the TV show Fringe.

Modification 1 - Additions
MODIFIED PROMPT: create an anatomical drawing of an alien organic crystalline structure that has replaced a heart in a body
Here is the output.
Results: This series was all over the place. The more information I gave it, the broader the variance and the weirder the combinations were. Not the weird I was looking for but interesting. So, I wanted to see what comes out if I change the word order.

Modification 2 - Word Order
MODIFIED PROMPT: create an anatomical drawing of a crystalline structure of alien origin that has replaced the heart in a body
Here is the output.
Results: This series was starting to get more interesting and I would have continued with a few more tests with my 3 remaining boosts but I was super tired and turned in for a nap. Still had variety but was once again focused on the crystalline heart.
NOTE: That is not a computer in the upper left of Image 3 as you thought, you can see more clearly in Image 2 that it is a form of solid paint you do water colors with. You apply a wet brush to it and you get a very wet on wet effect when you paint.

Concluding note, everything we create in DALL-E is are happy accidents, it just depends on how close to your minds eye the output is that we judge whether it is "good" or "bad" happy accident. Whatever the outcome, I learn something about the tool I am using, like it cannot for the life of itself draw a consistent Empire Silhouette dress. It is a very happy accident if it does it correctly.
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Prompt: Circular Ornamental Watercolor depicting a female D&D elf ranger of African descent sitting in the frame with one leather boot on the frame and the other dangling down in front of it. She has shoulder-length curly streaky purple hair braided in a side cut. The background is a misty primeval forest beneath a majestic skyscape full of stars. The artwork embodies the essence of the Art Nouveau movement, using delicate lines and blended colors. The mood is restful.

Almost got it:


I was trying to see if I could get it to purposefully break the frame. As you can see, it can do it unintentionally (such as with the cloak in the second image), but it didn't seem to want to have her leg dangling down the outside. Oh well.

EDIT: Here's an interesting take on the same prompt:


In this case, it seems to have understood what I wanted it to do with her legs, it just confused what I meant by frame and decided to add in a tree branch. I'd like to know what the swirly bits in the sky are meant to be. Clouds?
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Always In School Gamer
Yay! DALL-E in GPT-4 is working again! I asked it to surprise me with a random image...

GENERATED PROMPT: Photo of an enchanting forest at dusk. The predominant colors are deep greens and blues, with hints of purple in the sky. The forest is dense and mysterious, featuring ancient, towering trees with thick, moss-covered trunks and a variety of ferns and underbrush. The pose is serene, and the viewing angle is a straight-on shot. The environment is an outdoor, natural setting. The lighting is soft and diffused, with the setting sun casting a gentle, golden light that filters through the leaves, creating a tranquil and otherworldly atmosphere.


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