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4e [Eberron] BnP Keep on the Shadowfell (Yea, though I walk through the valley of th)


[sblock=Round 4 Complete ]
23 Iridian -- fails first death save
--> Iridian acts on 02 now.
12 KD 3 move to W8; Charge Zaram WD10 attack (+1) 8 DAM & MARK -- no further actions
---> Zaram BLOODIED
12 KD 2
12 KD Attack brock ([http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1613916/]HIT 8 Damage & MARK[/url]) -- no further actions

12 KWpr move v14; Dragon Breath on Iridian, Adain and Tyron (HIT all take 5 DAMAGE); Minor [shifty]: shift->W15
---> Adain BLOODIED (along with everyone else)

12 Tyron - per post
11 Adain - per post
06 Zaram - per post
03 Brock - per post
02 Iridian -- per post


------- MARKED by Brock (-2 to attack that doesn't include Brock)
KD 3 DEAD[/s]
Kobold Wyrmpriest BLOODIED
------- MARKED by Zaram (-2 to attack that doesn't include Zaram & 6 damage)

Iridian BLOODIED 7/23 hit points
------- AP: 0

Adain BLOODIED 12/26

Zaram BLOODIED12/17
------- MARKED by KD1

Brock 17/33
------- MARKED by KD1

Tyron BLOODIED 5/28
------- INVISIBLE to KD 3 until end of own turn
Invisible = combat advantage (+2 to hit); no AoOs
------- Concealed until (end of own turn) on Rnd 4 (-->12.3) -- moves more than 3 and that resets

The Kobold Priest slips back, lobbing a ball of acid at blasting Zaram, who handly avoids the clumsy attack.

The Dragonshield sidesteps to protect the priest, narrowly dodging Brocks attack of opportunity and responding with a painful slash of it's own.

[sblock=Round 5 Init12.3 - Tyron's go (though the KD1 action at Init 11 is already in)]
12 KD 3 - delay to cover KWpr
----> Init 11

12 KWpr Minor [shifty] shift X15; Move shift x16; ACID ORB @ Zaram (MISS;

12.3 Tyron - Hasn't gone yet.

11 KD 3 -
Move:shift -> X15
----> Brock AoO MISS
Attack Brock HIT 6 Damage & MARK - hits even with the +2 for second wind
-- no further actions

11 Adain
06 Zaram
03 Brock
02 Iridian


------- MARKED by Brock (-2 to attack that doesn't include Brock)

Kobold Wyrmpriest BLOODIED
------- MARKED by Zaram (-2 to attack that doesn't include Zaram & 6 damage)

Iridian BLOODIED 7/23 hit points
------- AP: 0

Adain BLOODIED 12/26

Zaram BLOODIED12/17
------- MARKED by KD1

Brock 20/33
------- MARKED by KD1

Tyron BLOODIED 5/28
------- INVISIBLE to KD 3 until end of own turn
Invisible = combat advantage (+2 to hit); no AoOs
------- Concealed until (end of own turn) on Rnd 4 (-->12.3) -- moves more than 3 and that resets

[sblock=Lazy DM's copy&paste stuff]

12 KD Attack brock ([http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1613916/]HIT 8 Damage & MARK[/url]) -- no further actions

----> Iridian hit points = 0 ---> dying

---> Brock BLOODIED

Minor Action [Shifty] Shift->W10

------- MARKED by Brock (-2 to attack that doesn't include Brock)
------- MARKED by Zaram (-2 to attack that doesn't include Zaram & 6 damage)

Adain 15+3t/26
xt = x temporary hit points

Tyron BLOODIED 10/28
------- INVISIBLE to KD 3 until end of own turn
Invisible = combat advantage (+2 to hit); no AoOs
------- Concealed until (end of own turn) on Rnd 3 (-->12.3) -- moves more than 3 and that resets



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Iridian dashes out to where Adain is and nimbly fires an arrow at the kobold shaman.

[sblock=stats]HP 7/23; Bloodied 11; Healing Surge 5; Surges Remaining 4/6
AC 17; Fort 13, Ref 15, Will 13
Action Points 0/1
Fey Step - encounter 0/1
Fox's Cunning - encounter 0/1
Split the Tree - daily 0/1
[sblock=actions]Move - to T11
Non action - hunter's quarry remains on Wyrmpriest
Standard - nimble shot vs. Wyrmpriest (Hit w/ 19, 14dmg) no shift
atk (1d20 6=19, 1d10 4=12)+ hunter's quarry (1d8=2)[/sblock][/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post

Staying on the move, Tyron attacks the next target, but fails. As his blast goes awry, he hears a faint laughing in his mind...
[sblock=ooc]Moves to y10 (concealment), stealth check, Eldritch Blast on cursed kobold

Eldritch Blast (1d20+4=5, 1d10+4=14, 1d6=2)
[sblock=Stats]AC 15 F: 13 R: 13 W: 15
Basic attack: +4; 1d10+4 (E.Blast)
5/28 hp
0/1 AP
Healing Surges: 8/9 (7 hp)

Witchfire (1/Encounter)
Scorching Burst (1/Encounter)
Curse of the Dark Dream (1/Day)[/sblock]
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First Post

Zaram yells, "You can't run away little one! Now fight or face The Dragon Above's wrath!" Zaram dodges out of the dragonshields way, and circles around the creature, keeping out of it's reach, forcing the priest to pick his poison.

[sblock=Actions]Shift to X13(move action). Move using the following path(move action): Y13, Z14, Z15, Z16, Z17, Y17. This way if it tries to shift away, even being shifty it will provoke and OA or risk being closer to Brock.[/sblock]

[sblock=Stats]AC 20 F: 14 R: 12 W: 13
Basic attack: +7; 1d8+4
12/27 hp
0 AP[/sblock]


Ok. I think we're still waiting for Adain and Brock.

I'm going to go offline earlier for the weekend (basically now). If we get another good hit or two the fight will basically be over. If something weird happens I'll put up a new map on monday for next rouhg.


Brock circles closer to the kobold priest, trying to take advantage of the distraction provided by Zaram and strike, but misses.

[sblock=ooc]Shift to W15; flanking; use cleave to also target DS so I don't think the DS's mark on Brock would apply.

13 vs AC[/sblock]
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Adain continues to call down his Faith, hoping to aid Brock.

OOC: [sblock=Actions]Standard action: :ranged: Lance of Faith vs the Wyrmpriest and given Brock a +2 to hit the wyrmpriest. Ref 15, 9hp. That should do it, and that +2 turns Brock's 13 to a 15...
Contingency: Armor of the Flame if anyone struck by a critical (esp. bloodied allies) [/sblock][sblock=Stats]Action Points: 0
Healing Surges: 6/6 (6 hp)
Second Wind (1/Encounter)
Healing Strike (1/Encounter)
Bolstering Strike (1/Encounter)
Healing Word (0/2 Encounter)
Channel Divinity (1/Encounter)
Beacon of Hope (1/Day)[/sblock]


Adain blasts the little reptilian priest with rightous silver flame but the reeling creature manages to avoid Brock's attack.

OOC monster actions coming on Monday morning when I can edit the map.


OOC For the record even from T11 Iridian'd still get -2 cover when shooting at Wyrm-punk.

Chittering feverishly the Kobolds break and make a run for it. The kobold wyrmpriest is shreking that the "winged demon will shield his blessed servant" even as he's struck down by the judgment of the gods.

The dragonshield lets out a squeak, drops his shield and runs faster .

[sblock=Combat]Since Brock moved they've got an exit path now. KWpr shifts to Y15 [shifty] (can move diagonally b/c the dragonshield is an ally and that doesn't count as a blocked square). He couldn't have gone around the other way (W15), even with Brock not there because the boulder would have inhibited a 1 square diagonal shift.
Then he runs to EE9 (the edge of the board).

Then he dies because he ignored Zaram's mark. (Zaram not needing to attack to keep the mark so long as he stays adjacent).

Ditto the DS (winds up at EE10). Save that he's not marked and can keep running.

FYI: You can't "disappear" off the board. But if the DS lives for another round I'm inclined to say that he manage to dive into some chunk of underbrush and can make stealth checks to try to lose you.[/sblock]


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