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Recent content by Bill T.

  1. B

    WotBS Badgers? We dont need to have stinkin' badgers!

    Oh, that's a wonderful thread name, Vics!
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    WotBS Dying To Reach The Scourge Prison

    Dramatis Personae Basel, an Innenotdaran (aka grey) elf evoker from Gabal's school a corpse carefully tucked into a bag of holding with the corpse of his familiar Star, daughter of Naizelasa. Chæluk, an avoral the heroes first encountered defending the Taranesti henge. Dämmek, a brainy and...
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    WotBS Starting WotBS

    In addition to @Oginme's good suggestions, some (relative) old-timers like like @Mrpereira and @Lylandra are also helpful. Lylandra's players are deeply into role-playing, so I found her descriptions to be particularly enlightening and encouraging (be brave!); she also shared here some...
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    WotBS In Pathfinder 1st ed

    My original plan (under D&D 3.5) was to use the E6 rules, pushed up to E20: Rather than have her and the players gain levels after 20th, they simply pick up feats. For 3.5, one level is supposed to be worth about 5 feats, but I'd guess the ratio is different for PF1. Leska's statblack at the...
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    WotBS Gate Pass District Names

    Heh...the first time I ran WotBS, one of the PCs (the arms dealer) was named "Fitzherbert 'Fitz' Westgate". If it were me, I'd insist invite the player who asked to name the districts.
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    WotBS Dying To Reach The Scourge Prison

    Dramatis Personae Basel, an Innenotdaran (aka grey) elf evoker from Gabal's school a corpse carefully tucked into a bag of holding with the corpse of his familiar Star, daughter of Naizelasa. Chæluk, an avoral the heroes first encountered defending the Taranesti henge. Dämmek, a brainy and...
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    WotBS Dying To Reach The Scourge Prison

    A simpler question to go with the above: "Minister of pain" is in Guthwulf's feat list, but I don't see a description of it anywhere. What does it do?
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    WotBS pneumatik's War of the Burning Sky

    Funny, maybe this is a difference between the 3.5 and 5e versions, but both times I ran that adventure the heroes left the inquisitor to Haddin's tender mercies. They weren't at all worried about Haddin following them, they were worried about Boreus following! Well, that and they were simply too...
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    WotBS Dying To Reach The Scourge Prison

    Reading up on Leska, I have another individual for the "friendly" column: Naizelasa, lawful neutral sapphire dragon and Winged Champion of Seaquen. It's not immediately obvious what would entice her to help the heroes (rather than simply dashing in and saving her daughter), but she'd be of...
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    WotBS pneumatik's War of the Burning Sky

    The "heroes" left Crystin tied up by herself, or am I misreading you? That's not bloodthirsty, that's outright amoral!
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    WotBS Starting WotBS

    I suggest reading other people's game reports here. You learn a lot about different ways people have handled things, and weakness in the adventures that you might want to tweak (per Fuzzybear's advice above). I've learned a lot here!
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    WotBS Dying To Reach The Scourge Prison

    There was a hint of concern about Pilus' involvement in the storm at Seaquen, but they didn't follow up on it. Their interactions with Pilus is this chapter have been fairly pleasant. Seda is wearing Pilus' face as a necklace. No friendly trillith...oh, wait, they rescued Indomitability and...
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    WotBS Dying To Reach The Scourge Prison

    All the above leads me to my next problem: Now what? I plan on dumping the heroes in the Scourge dungeon, like the adventure suggests, although without much of their equipment but with their full levels and spell preparations (I figure things are pretty chaotic at the Scourge at this point, with...
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    WotBS Dying To Reach The Scourge Prison

    Dramatis Personae Basel, an Innenotdaran (aka grey) elf evoker from Gabal's school with his familiar Star, daughter of Naizelasa. Dämmek, a brainy and brawny human swordswoman with keen senses and the Torch Leon, a human spellthief wielding a double spear. Seda, a spellcasting Seela, with...
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    WotBS "if the heroes dally, Kreven can continue to attack" (spoilers in the posts -- go away, Basel!)

    So, to follow up: As the heroes were walking back from their practice session in some of the sea caves at the east end of the peninsula, a flock of elder arrowhawks appeared above them and started to attack. Meanwhile, their "bodyguards" (a bunch of 5th-level enchanters that were based on...