D&D 5E Lach Bearnmere’s Gigantic Problem

A monster hunt near Par Celundi becomes a trek through the dangers of Underland!

This EN5ider adventure takes us to the waters near the capital of the diminished elvish empire. A beast sits beneath Lach Bearnmere content to rest in the dark of its flooded chasm for aeons. But something has caused this ancient thing to stir, and stories of a great horror shifting deep within the waters have spread throughout southwestern Elissar. The bounties for its horned head rise with every panicked tale that reaches the pointed ears of Par Celundi. Includes the saproot druid (CR 7) and viper eel (CR 4). Deeply designed by Andrew Engelbrite for 4–5 PCs of 8th–9th level, illustrated by Rafael Benjamin, and featuring the cartography of Russ Morrissey and Umut Comak.

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Lately on EN5ider:
  • 570. Adventure: Old Drowned Woes. A beast sits beneath Lach Bearnmere content to rest in the dark of its flooded chasm for aeons. But something has caused this ancient thing to stir, and stories of a great horror shifting deep within the waters have spread throughout southwestern Elissar. The bounties for its horned head rise with every panicked tale that reaches the pointed ears of Par Celundi. Includes the saproot druid (CR 7) and viper eel (CR 4). Deeply designed by Andrew Engelbrite for 4–5 PCs of 8th–9th level, illustrated by Rafael Benjamin, and featuring the cartography of Russ Morrissey and Umut Comak.
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  • 566. Enchanted Trinkets: Forbidden Foci. Throw your old scuffed and dulled crystal ball into the bin! This entry in the Enchanted Trinkets series brings to the fore 15 fantastical new magic items to use as your spellcasting focus from the figment-loving darklit mirror to the sufferable martyr's nail and discordant thunderclap bell. Dependably designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Rafael Benjamin.

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Mike Myler

Mike Myler

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Split the Hoard
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