D&D Dungeon Master’s Guide (2024)

D&D (2024) D&D Dungeon Master’s Guide (2024)

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With the Orc and Goliath inclusion, I hope for some magic items in the DMG that are based on the designs and requirements of other races.

A Orcish Hide armor that gives you Adrenaline Rush or increases your uses of it if you are an orc.
A dragonborn sword that changes the dragonborn's color
A Goliath maul, hammer, or club that does something with runes
A tiefling item that curses or casts hex.


D&D is a complex game, for the sake of simplicity, even variants I strongly prefer, I prefer to be in the DMs Guide. It is better for the game for there to be clear mechanical rules, and then when customizing to taste, a clear agreed-on modification of them.
You won't get that by shoving every variant into the DMG.

This is an edition refresh.

The most commonly used and discussed player side variants should be in the PHB.

  • Variant Ability score generation
  • Variant none ability stat generation (encumbrance, age, AC)
  • Custom Backgrounds
  • Custom Species
  • Variant Background
  • Variant Species
  • Variant Equipment
  • Variant skills
  • Additional uncommon actions
  • Multiclassing
  • Feats
Every variant that goes on a standard character sheet without alterations should be in the PHB.

The DMG should be for stuff that doesn't go on a character sheet, stuff that isn't player side, stuff that require a custom character sheet, and stuff that is player related but uncommon, gamewarping, or complex enough to warrant a DM/Player discussion before inclusion.


In the list given, everything is either the actual 2024 default − and not a variant − or else really does belong in the DMs Guide as a variant that the DM must be deeply familiar with.

  • Variant Ability score generation
The 2024 Players Handbook can say. "For other methods of generating abilities, see the DMs Guide."

  • Variant none ability stat generation (encumbrance, age, AC)
I dont fully understand what you are saying here. What is a "Variant AC"?

  • Custom Backgrounds
  • Variant Background
This is the default. Not a variant.

Every 2024 player can create their own background. A player can freely modify any default background.

I meant that each setting comes with its own list of "default in this setting" backgrounds. Like, the Elves of the Avariel Aerie have their own unique kind of alchemists who can create "glassteel". And so on.

  • Custom Species
  • Variant Species
I hope there is a Custom Species like Tashas but better with better options: namely pick three from a satisfying variety of Background Feats for it.

However, as a DM I dont want this in the Players Handbook, I dont think. Whatever species exist in a setting completely and overwhelmingly define the setting. Because the DM is responsible for keeping track of and presenting all of the setting content, the species is something a DM must have a say in.

Even so, if the default is, a player can create a species similar to creating a background, it wouldnt bother me. I would need the "you and your DM agree" notice there.

  • Variant Equipment
Equipment is definitely DM setting jurisdiction.

  • Variant skills
DM setting jurisdiction.

However, because some of the 2014 skills are less good or missing or nonsensical, I appreciate making it easier to change the skills around. But it seems like something the DM needs to be fully cognizant of. When the DM calls for ability checks, including which skills apply, the DM must be intimately aware of what each skill is and can do. Depending on DM style, skills can easily be the most important part of a DM game.

For example, 2014 Survival and Nature (and Medicine! and Animal Handling!) is fairly ambiguous and may or may not be useful.

I use Survival for anything relating to wilderness adventuring: plants, animals, terrain, weather, etcetera.

Then I use "Nature" for alchemy, elementalism, engineering, architecture, and other mathy sciency physicsy stuff. It works great, but it isnt how 2014 Nature is described.

Medicine is also for creating poisons.

Animal Handling overlaps with the Tool Proficiency of a "Mount" or vehicle.

  • Additional uncommon actions
New Action Types is something the DM must do.

  • Multiclassing
Multiclass is the 2024 default. Not a variant.

LOL! Players making up their own feats?!

There is no way in hell that would happen without my consent and full attention, when I DM.

Every variant that goes on a standard character sheet without alterations should be in the PHB.
It depends on what a variant can do.

A spell that autohits and instakills could fit on a character sheet, but can never happen for other reasons.

The DMG should be for stuff that doesn't go on a character sheet, stuff that isn't player side, stuff that require a custom character sheet, and stuff that is player related but uncommon, gamewarping, or complex enough to warrant a DM/Player discussion before inclusion.
We probably can agree, the DM is totally responsible for worldbuilding. When worldbuilding and character building overlap, that is when "both you and your DM must agree". A DM cannot violate the reallife personal space of a character concept. A player cannot muck up a setting − it would be like talking thru a movie that other players and DM are trying to watch. When there are conflicts between character concept and setting concept, there needs to be negotiation and genuine resolution.

A "variant" rule − which I wish is the default − is: Each player gets to choose the spellcasting method for a full caster, whether "slots per Long Rest" or "points per Short Rest" or so on. This ship has already sailed, since the classes playtests have concluded. So spellcasting "variants" are likely to be in the DMs Guide. That might be for the best, since a setting where every full caster refreshes per Short Rest helps the DM balance the game better.
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You won't get that by shoving every variant into the DMG.

This is an edition refresh.

The most commonly used and discussed player side variants should be in the PHB.

  • Variant Ability score generation
  • Variant none ability stat generation (encumbrance, age, AC)
  • Custom Backgrounds
  • Custom Species
  • Variant Background
  • Variant Species
  • Variant Equipment
  • Variant skills
  • Additional uncommon actions
  • Multiclassing
  • Feats
Every variant that goes on a standard character sheet without alterations should be in the PHB.

The DMG should be for stuff that doesn't go on a character sheet, stuff that isn't player side, stuff that require a custom character sheet, and stuff that is player related but uncommon, gamewarping, or complex enough to warrant a DM/Player discussion before inclusion.
I would add the resting variants too. Ime players react in shock disbelief & skepticism in the extreme when told that the longer resting schedule° will be used. That tends to extend all the way to forcing the GM to remind them of the new resting schedule every someone declares ""ok let's take a short rest" a fight or two into a reckless nova loop expecting to bed down for 8 hours while raiding the bbeg keep dungeon crawling or whatever.

It would also be good for it to note that sometimes the gm will determine that circumstances of the adventuring day or rest conditions justify a different rest schedule for a given rest no matter what resting type they normally choose to allow.

°Not talking to players, i refuse to call it "gritty realism" because there is nothing gritty or realistic about it and it causes endless problems when used.


then players should buy the DMG, or just pick stuff up from the sessions…

You are basically saying merge the PHB and DMG, or at least turn the DMG into the magic item manual, similar to the MM
I am saying, to play a viable game of D&D, you can buy one book − the 2024 Players Handbook.

I am also saying, when I DM, and need to consult rules, I hate hopping back and forth between two different books, and trying to remember where all of the relevant stuff is in each of them. Skills are particularly horrible for this. Skills are super-important in my games.

Rules to play. One book only.

The DMs Guide is mainly a worldbuilding guide, and magic items are part of that. Variant rules can be important to set the tone, themes, tropes, or premise of a setting.
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In the list given, everything is either the actual 2024 default − and not a variant − or else really does belong in the DMs Guide as a variant that the DM must be deeply familiar with
A variant in the PHB should be items a DM using any variants should be familiar with. Because they are either base assumptions or commonly used.


A DM who is using more than Basic Rules has to buy an official or unofficial PHB and/or MM.

No getting out that.
The 2014 Players Handbook almost has every rule necessary to play now. There is only a few stragglers here and there in the DMs Guide. But those stragglers make the game painful. The rules can easily and need to consolidate in one place.


The 2014 Players Handbook almost has every rule necessary to play now. There is only a few stragglers here and there in the DMs Guide. But those stragglers make the game painful. The rules can easily and need to consolidate in one place.
I'm trying to think of any optional rule that I would actually need to reference the DMG for and I can't think of any. Can you give an example?

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