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Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Specials [[SPOILERS!!]]

I thought Moffat did great, when he wasn't in charge. Once he was in charge, even some of the stuff he created (like the Weeping Angels) became increasingly silly IMHO.

One thing I think a lot of Who writers have struggled with is when they go into the past, they suddenly get very timid with the periods they go to and the writing. In the very first Doctor Who ever, they had cool historical trips (the Aztecs, "cavemen", etc.) but the modern writers seem more timid about the past. They do really well with the "SCi-Fi/Space" stuff and the "modern England" stuff, but not so much the past. I was surprised whn Matt Smith went to the American Old West. Chibnall was one of the few who went bold with his historical trips (like the Witch Trials) but the writing was so uneven it kind of loses out. I didn't hate the Whitaker years, but the writing held it back IMO. Also, when the episodes are only an hour long, having more than one or two companions is just too many.
The Wild West episode was good too. I know it will probably never happen being a British show, but I’d love to see a Revolutionary War episode. Seeing the Doctor pal around with Ben Franklin or someone would be fun.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
The Wild West episode was good too. I know it will probably never happen being a British show, but I’d love to see a Revolutionary War episode. Seeing the Doctor pal around with Ben Franklin or someone would be fun.
I can't think of any reason why a British show wouldn't feature your revolution, other than a worry they'd be shouted at on the internet by Americans.


The Wild West episode was good too. I know it will probably never happen being a British show, but I’d love to see a Revolutionary War episode. Seeing the Doctor pal around with Ben Franklin or someone would be fun.
MIght be interesting to see a few more historical English episodes too. Demons of Punjab was a great episode IMO. I'd love to see a few more like that.

One thing I think a lot of Who writers have struggled with is when they go into the past, they suddenly get very timid with the periods they go to and the writing. In the very first Doctor Who ever, they had cool historical trips (the Aztecs, "cavemen", etc.) but the modern writers seem more timid about the past. They do really well with the "SCi-Fi/Space" stuff and the "modern England" stuff, but not so much the past. I was surprised whn Matt Smith went to the American Old West. Chibnall was one of the few who went bold with his historical trips (like the Witch Trials) but the writing was so uneven it kind of loses out. I didn't hate the Whitaker years, but the writing held it back IMO. Also, when the episodes are only an hour long, having more than one or two companions is just too many.
The original brief for Doctor Who was that it should be educational, so they included a number of "pure historical" stories. These where not allowed to change history, or add science fiction elements. However, there are problems with getting the history wrong, as well as changing attitudes, white actors playing non-white characters, etc. The Romans doesn't stand up well for example. It's very pro-Roman, pro-Christian, and treats slavery and sexual assault very lightly.

The Aztecs is perhaps a bit more interesting. One of the companions wants to end human sacrifice. Not just because they find it morally objectionable, but because they think that when the conquistadores arrive they won't exterminate them. It at least touches on some of the moral complexities of this situation.

Doctor Who went to the Old West much earlier - in 1966, in The Gunfighters, based around the OK Corral. However, this gets recorded history very wrong, and was generally disliked. However, I think, viewed as a comedy story, it stands up fairly well in hindsight. Star Trek went to the OK Corral two years later.

The last "pure historical" was The Highlanders in 1967.


The last "pure historical" was The Highlanders in 1967.
I believe the Fifth Doctor (Peter Davidson) story Black Orchid was touted as being purely historical (no science fiction elements other than including the TARDIS and its travelers), although it took place in 1925 at an English estate during a murder instead of during a more "exciting" historical event like the Gunfight at the OK Corral.



I believe the Fifth Doctor (Peter Davidson) story Black Orchid was touted as being purely historical (no science fiction elements other than including the TARDIS and its travelers), although it took place in 1925 at an English estate during a murder instead of during a more "exciting" historical event like the Gunfight at the OK Corral.


In the episode's DVD/BD commentary and elsewhere, Peter Davison has complained about 'Black Orchid' being a nondescript period drama that shouldn't have been made as a Doctor Who episode.

(Personally I loved it... on first watch, as a 12 year old.)


Well, there's no doubt that RTD is back -- with all the good and bad that comes with that.

The third special was a typical Davies finale, complete with overstuffed plot and a painful and ill-explained deus ex machina. (Also, why did 15 appear with shirt and tie and underwear but not trousers? I kept waiting for someone to say something about that, but it went just completely ignored as far as I could tell. Or were those just extremely short shorts?)

Neil Patrick Harris was an incredible Toymaker, though.

The first episode of the new season was a typical Davies opener, doing a splendid job establishing the new companion and situating her in a life with connections and family, and laying the groundwork for both her and the Doctor's emotional arcs. The plot had a lot of holes, but nothing I couldn't overlook.

I like Ruby even if she does seem awfully Rose-ish (perhaps deliberately, considering their names). The 15th Doctor hasn't revealed much of his personality yet, but what he's shown so far is fun and engaging. So I guess I'm moderately optimistic for the coming season. I just have to remember not to expect much from the finale.

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