Pathfinder 2E [Legendary Games] PF2 Kingdoms Expand with Ultimate Cities!


Legendary Games is the undisputed king of kingdom-building rules for D&D 5E and Pathfinder RPG and now for Pathfinder Second Edition! Building upon the rules introduced in the Kingmaker Anniversary Edition Adventure Path by Legendary Games and Paizo, and we're excited to release our second expansion for all things kingdom with Ultimate Cities! This 48-page book brings you new civic actions and expanded rules to build your villages into towns and cities as your population expands with your territory, and enhance them with magical improvements, natural advantages, over a dozen new buildings from aeries to lumberyards, or construct magnificent hanging gardens, lighthouses, or a colossus, or an entire exotic settlement from cliff dwellings to treetop cities and underwater cities! Add to that a new system of danger in managing kingdom events and over 70 settlement attributes to make each city unique, from natural geography like resettled ruins and strategic location to a legendary marketplace or rumormongering citizens, or even magical attributes like a planar crossroads, slumbering monster, or a god ruled city, which you can implement with the kingdom rules or as a system for generating exciting cities in a normal adventuring campaign! Grab this fantastic Pathfinder 2E supplement today at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, Amazon, and DrivethruRPG!

Plus, don't miss our companion book for kingdom-building: Ultimate Rulership is a massive expansion that brings you new rules for trade and diplomacy, including special resource trade routes and rules for diplomatic missions to establish embassies, treaties and alliances. You’ll also find 50 fantastic new kingdom feats for customizing your domain, from Multilingual Kingdom, Divine Right, and Adaptive Armies to Sea Power, Hidden Refuge, and In Magic We Trust! You’ll also find over a dozen of new kingdom activities to manage your territory like Breed Livestock and Magical Terraforming. You’ll also find tons of smaller optional rules, expanded kingdom abilities and leadership roles, resource dice, terrain effects, and so much more to help your heroes totally RULE! You can grab this awesome 58-page expansion right now at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, Amazon, and DrivethruRPG!


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How heavily does the Ultimate Cities book rely on the Kingmaker AP rules? The description says it builds upon them.
It uses the Kingmaker kingdom rules (which you can get as a free download) but does not require using the campaign itself. You can use the kingdom rules in any campaign, and so too the expansions in Ultimate Rulership and Ultimate Cities.


A common comment about the Kingmaker 2e kingdom rules is that they weren't tested.

Have these been tested?
How much play time should a typical kingdom turn take?
How many kingdom turns should it take to level up a kingdom?
Does this supplement just add more stuff or does it "fix" any of the existing rules?


A common comment about the Kingmaker 2e kingdom rules is that they weren't tested.

Have these been tested?
How much play time should a typical kingdom turn take?
How many kingdom turns should it take to level up a kingdom?
Does this supplement just add more stuff or does it "fix" any of the existing rules?
To answer your questions in order:
1. They have been tested.
2. The amount of play time depends a lot on your style of how you do things. Do you roleplay any of the interactions or events or just toss the dice? How much planning and research do you do before making choices: micro-manager or more "eyeball it" and go? Are you doing any of the more complex options, like trade routes and advanced diplomacy? How much do the players like to talk through options and work together vs. each person just managing their own area? A simple/fast kingdom turn you could probably bang out in about 15 minutes.
3. It depends how much you do and whether you tilt your resource expenditures towards things that earn more kingdom XP vs. others that might have more long-term or broad-based benefits but don't earn as much XP. It also depends on whether you use the additional XP rules in Ultimate Rulership and Ultimate Cities, which complement each other (as well as the upcoming Ultimate War).
4. It both adds more stuff AND offers many different rules fixes. Many of the fixes here are modular, so you can use some or all of them in and around the kingdom rules as you like. Others are direct replacements for existing parts of the Kingmaker kingdom rules, so it's an either/or choice in how you want kingdoms to work.

Hope that helps!

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