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A simple conversion from PF2 with some custom abilities (Xulgath Thoughtmaw - Monsters - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder 2nd Edition Database).

Xulgath Thoughtmaw CR 16

Xulgath thoughtmaws are inheritors of the xulgaths' ancient psychic legacy. They eagerly and liberally use their ability to extract knowledge from their foes to quicken their own prodigious intellects. Few thoughtmaws travel beyond the deepest vaults of the Darklands. There, they dwell in crumbling ziggurats and plumb ruins for lost knowledge, directing xulgath clutches through mental finesse or outright domination. Some seek to transcend mortal existence, while others plan conquests of the surface world.

CE Medium humanoid (reptilian)

Init +9; Senses arcane sight, darkvision 120 ft., read magic, see invisibility, thoughtsense; Perception +30

Aura psychogenic secretions (DC 26, 100 ft.)


AC 30, touch 23, flat-footed 25 (+4 armor, +8 deflection, +5 Dex, +3 natural)

hp 207 (18d8+126)

Fort +13, Ref +11, Will +24; +4 vs. psychic spells

Defensive Abilities mental shield, psychic resilience; DR 10/magic; SR 27


Speed 30 ft.; air walk

Melee +3 glaive +19/+14/+9/+4 (1d10+7/x3), bite +11 (1d6+1), or bite +16 (1d6+3), 2 claws +16 (1d4+3)

Special Attacks consume knowledge (DC 27)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 18th; concentration +26)

Constantair walk, arcane sight, read magic, see invisibility, speak with animals (dinosaurs and reptiles only), thoughtsense

At-willanalyze aura, cause fear (DC 19), charge object, charm monster (DC 22), detect mindscape (DC 21), hypnotism (DC 19), implant false reading, instigate psychic duel (DC 20), mind probe (DC 22), node of blasting (DC 21), object reading, oneiric horror (DC 21), synaptic pulse (DC 21), synaptic scramble (DC 22), telekinetic maneuver

3/dayectoplasmic eruption (DC 25), ego whip II (DC 22), greater synaptic pulse (DC 23), mindscape door (DC 22), repress memory, synapse overload (DC 23)

1/daycatatonia, create greater mindscape, divide mind, dominate monster (DC 27) ethereal envelope, ethereal envelopment (DC 25), mindwipe (DC 22), primal regression (DC 24), psychic asylum, psychic crush V (DC 27), remote viewing, retrocognition, unshakable zeal

Psychic Magic (CL 18th, concentration +26)

24 PEego whip IV (4 PE, DC 22), id insinuation III (3 PE, DC 21), intellectual fortress III (2 PE), mass synesthesia (5 PE, DC 23), mental barrier V (4 PE), mind thrust VI (5 PE, DC 23), mindlink (1 PE, DC 19), psychic surgery (3 PE), silent image (1 PE, DC 19), suggestion (2 PE, DC 20), thought shield V (4 PE), tower of iron will V (5 PE)


Str 16, Dex 20, Con 24, Int 26, Wis 20, Cha 22

Base Atk +13; CMB +16; CMD 39

Feats Alertness, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Craft Wondrous Item, Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Initiative, Persuasive, Psychic SensitivityB, Scribe Scroll, Spell Penetration

Skills Acrobatics +8, Bluff +28, Diplomacy +28, Disable Device +23, Intimidate +27, Knowledge (arcane, history, local, planes) +29, Perception +30, Sense Motive +27, Spellcraft +29, Stealth +26 (+34 in rocky areas), Survival +23, Use Magic Device +27 (+35 for use a scroll); Racial Modifiers +8 when using an occult skill, +8 Stealth in rocky areas, +8 Use Magic Device for use a scroll

Languages Draconic, Undercommon; speak with animals (dinosaurs and reptiles only), telepathy 100 ft.

SQ intellectual mind, mental potency, occult master

Gears +3 glaive, +2 leather armor

Environment Any underground

Organization solitary or expedition (1 xulgath thoughtmaw, 1d3 xulgath ranger 3/rogue 1, 2d4 xulgath, 4d4 troglodytes ranger 1/rogue 1, 6d6 troglodytes)

Treasure double standard

Consume Knowledge (Su)
As a standard action, a xulgath thoughtmaw can try to invade the mind of a sentient creature within its psychogenic secretions area and attempts to swallow his capacity for higher thought. The creature must attempt a Will save DC 27. Success means that the creature is sickened for 1 round. If the creature fail his save, he become staggered for 1 round and for 1 minute is unable to use Intelligence– or Charisma-based skills or cast spells and spell-like abilities. The subject remains in this state until 1 minute has passed, the xulgath thoughtmaw use consume knowledge on another creature or a heal, limited wish, miracle, or wish spell is used to cancel the effect of Consume Knowledge. A xulgath thoughtmaw gains the benefit of a haste spell as long a creature is under the effect of this ability. Using Consume Knowledge immediately ends any of the ability's previous effects on a different creature. This is a compulsion, mind-affecting effect. The save DC is Intelligence-based.

Intellectual Mind (Ex)
A xulgath thoughtmaw gains 6 + Int skill ranks per racial HD and gains all Knowledge, Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device as class skills,

Mental Shield (Su)
The psychic potency of a xulgath thoughtmaw give it a deflection bonus to AC and as a racial bonus to Will save equal to its Intelligence modifier.

Mental Potency (Su)
A xulgath thoughtmaw’s intrinsic understanding of occult magic allows it to modify the concentration checks and save DCs of its racial spell-like abilities that are normally affected by Charisma to be modified instead by the xulgath’s Intelligence modifier. This doesn’t affect actual spellcasting ability, such as that granted by sorcerer levels.

Occult Master (Su)
A xulgath thoughtmaw’s intrinsic understanding of occult magic grants it Psychic Sensitivity as a bonus feat. A xulgath thoughtmaw can use occult skills even if it’s not trained in that skill. Also, when attempting a use of occult skill (like automatic writing or psychometry) or effect that replicate an occult skill (like its spell-like ability object reading), the xulgath thoughtmaw count as having rank in that skill equal to its racial HD (like for a +34 bonus for psychometry or +44 if using the spell-like ability object reading).

Psychogenic Secretions (Su)
A xulgath thoughtmaw’s stench is far more insidious and potent than that of its lesser troglodyte cousins. Although a xulgath thoughtmaw’s oily secretions are completely odorless, they cause any creatures (other than other xulgath thoughtmaw) that come within 100 feet of a xulgath thoughtmaw to suffer a –4 penalty on Will saving throws to resist the xulgath thoughtmaw’s psychic magic and spell-like abilities if they fail a Fortitude save DC 26.

This is a mind-affecting effect, but it bypasses a vermin’s immunity to mind-affecting effects.

A xulgath’s nonhostile psychic powers, including its mindlink spell and ability to communicate telepathically, are also limited by the range of its stench, as its strange secretions are what allows it to form a bond between its own mind and the minds of others.

The save DC is Constitution-based.


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A simple conversion from PF2 with some custom abilities (Xulgath Thoughtmaw - Monsters - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder 2nd Edition Database).

Xulgath Thoughtmaw CR 16

Xulgath thoughtmaws are inheritors of the xulgaths' ancient psychic legacy. They eagerly and liberally use their ability to extract knowledge from their foes to quicken their own prodigious intellects. Few thoughtmaws travel beyond the deepest vaults of the Darklands. There, they dwell in crumbling ziggurats and plumb ruins for lost knowledge, directing xulgath clutches through mental finesse or outright domination. Some seek to transcend mortal existence, while others plan conquests of the surface world.

CE Medium humanoid (reptilian)

Init +9; Senses arcane sight, darkvision 120 ft., read magic, see invisibility, thoughtsense; Perception +30

Aura psychogenic secretions (DC 26, 100 ft.)


AC 30, touch 22, flat-footed 17 (+4 armor, +8 deflection, +5 Dex, +3 natural)

hp 207 (18d8+126)

Fort +13, Ref +11, Will +24; +4 vs. psychic spells

Defensive Abilities mental shield, psychic resilience; DR 10/magic; SR 27


Speed 30 ft.; air walk

Melee +3 glaive +19/+14/+9/+4 (1d10+7/x3), bite +11 (1d6+1), or bite +16 (1d6+3), 2 claws +16 (1d4+3)

Special Attacks consume knowledge (DC 27)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 18th; concentration +26)

Constantair walk, arcane sight, read magic, see invisibility, speak with animals (dinosaurs and reptiles only), thoughtsense

At-willanalyze aura, cause fear (DC 19), charge object, charm monster (DC 22), detect mindscape (DC 21), hypnotism (DC 19), implant false reading, instigate psychic duel (DC 20), mind probe (DC 22), node of blasting (DC 21), object reading, oneiric horror (DC 21), synaptic pulse (DC 21), synaptic scramble (DC 22), telekinetic maneuver

3/dayectoplasmic eruption (DC 25), ego whip II (DC 22), greater synaptic pulse (DC 23), mindscape door (DC 22), repress memory, synapse overload (DC 23)

1/daycatatonia, create greater mindscape, divide mind, dominate monster (DC 27) ethereal envelope, ethereal envelopment (DC 25), mindwipe (DC 22), primal regression (DC 24), psychic asylum, psychic crush V (DC 27), remote viewing, retrocognition, unshakable zeal

Psychic Magic (CL 18th, concentration +26)

24 PEego whip IV (4 PE, DC 22), id insinuation III (3 PE, DC 21), intellectual fortress III (2 PE), mass synesthesia (5 PE, DC 23), mental barrier V (4 PE), mind thrust VI (5 PE, DC 23), mindlink (1 PE, DC 19), psychic surgery (3 PE), silent image (1 PE, DC 19), suggestion (2 PE, DC 20), thought shield V (4 PE), tower of iron will V (5 PE)


Str 16, Dex 20, Con 24, Int 26, Wis 20, Cha 22

Base Atk +13; CMB +16; CMD 39

Feats Alertness, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Craft Wondrous Item, Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Initiative, Persuasive, Psychic SensitivityB, Scribe Scroll, Spell Penetration

Skills Acrobatics +8, Bluff +28, Diplomacy +28, Disable Device +23, Intimidate +27, Knowledge (arcane, history, local, planes) +29, Perception +30, Sense Motive +27, Spellcraft +29, Stealth +26 (+34 in rocky areas), Survival +23, Use Magic Device +27 (+35 for use a scroll); Racial Modifiers +8 when using an occult skill, +8 Stealth in rocky areas, +8 Use Magic Device for use a scroll

Languages Draconic, Undercommon; speak with animals (dinosaurs and reptiles only), telepathy 100 ft.

SQ intellectual mind, mental potency, occult master

Gears +3 glaive, +2 leather armor

Environment Any underground

Organization solitary or expedition (1 xulgath thoughtmaw, 1d3 xulgath ranger 3/rogue 1, 2d4 xulgath, 4d4 troglodytes ranger 1/rogue 1, 6d6 troglodytes)

Treasure double standard

Consume Knowledge (Su)
As a standard action, a xulgath thoughtmaw can try to invade the mind of a sentient creature within its psychogenic secretions area and attempts to swallow his capacity for higher thought. The creature must attempt a Will save DC 27. Success means that the creature is sickened for 1 round. If the creature fail his save, he become staggered for 1 round and for 1 minute is unable to use Intelligence– or Charisma-based skills or cast spells and spell-like abilities. The subject remains in this state until 1 minute has passed, the xulgath thoughtmaw use consume knowledge on another creature or a heal, limited wish, miracle, or wish spell is used to cancel the effect of Consume Knowledge. A xulgath thoughtmaw gains the benefit of a haste spell as long a creature is under the effect of this ability. Using Consume Knowledge immediately ends any of the ability's previous effects on a different creature. This is a compulsion, mind-affecting effect. The save DC is Intelligence-based.

Intellectual Mind (Ex)
A xulgath thoughtmaw gains 6 + Int skill ranks per racial HD and gains all Knowledge, Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device as class skills,

Mental Shield (Su)
The psychic potency of a xulgath thoughtmaw give it a deflection bonus to AC and as a racial bonus to Will save equal to its Intelligence modifier.

Mental Potency (Su)
A xulgath thoughtmaw’s intrinsic understanding of occult magic allows it to modify the concentration checks and save DCs of its racial spell-like abilities that are normally affected by Charisma to be modified instead by the xulgath’s Intelligence modifier. This doesn’t affect actual spellcasting ability, such as that granted by sorcerer levels.

Occult Master (Su)
A xulgath thoughtmaw’s intrinsic understanding of occult magic grants it Psychic Sensitivity as a bonus feat. A xulgath thoughtmaw can use occult skills even if it’s not trained in that skill. Also, when attempting a use of occult skill (like automatic writing or psychometry) or effect that replicate an occult skill (like its spell-like ability object reading), the xulgath thoughtmaw count as having rank in that skill equal to its racial HD (like for a +34 bonus for psychometry or +44 if using the spell-like ability object reading).

Psychogenic Secretions (Su)
A xulgath thoughtmaw’s stench is far more insidious and potent than that of its lesser troglodyte cousins. Although a xulgath thoughtmaw’s oily secretions are completely odorless, they cause any creatures (other than other xulgath thoughtmaw) that come within 100 feet of a xulgath thoughtmaw to suffer a –4 penalty on Will saving throws to resist the xulgath thoughtmaw’s psychic magic and spell-like abilities if they fail a Fortitude save DC 26.

This is a mind-affecting effect, but it bypasses a vermin’s immunity to mind-affecting effects.

A xulgath’s nonhostile psychic powers, including its mindlink spell and ability to communicate telepathically, are also limited by the range of its stench, as its strange secretions are what allows it to form a bond between its own mind and the minds of others.

The save DC is Constitution-based.
Oh this is awesome. I have a psionic in my current party so I might use this as a good foil for them.

2 things, I think the AC is off, Deflection applies to everything, not that I need to tell you that, also could you add a description? I know they look like Troglodites, but do they look any different?


Oh this is awesome. I have a psionic in my current party so I might use this as a good foil for them.
Glad to know you liked it, the Psychic magic (Universal Monster Rules - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder RPG Database) it's the closest thing to the Psionic that can be found on the official PF1 (and clearly influenced by it, especially the version of the monsters with "infinite uses" as long as you have Psychic Energy points to spend).
2 things, I think the AC is off, Deflection applies to everything, not that I need to tell you that, also could you add a description? I know they look like Troglodites, but do they look any different?
Edit. This happens when you do a sheet in a hurry because your work is massive these days and you don't want to leave the forum without new stuff for too many days, you make these basic mistakes. For the appearance, "officially" in PF they are identical to normal troglodytes except that they are well dressed, in my case I prefer to consider that they have some particular marking that indicates their status as the higher status members of the Troglodyte race whatever a crest different, eyes that sparkled, flashy colors, etc. In fact, I consider each of them with a unique trait. This traits are at your discretion as a DM.
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So this is a creature I made a long time ago after watching an episode of Masters of Horror called "Pelts" I suggest watching it, it's crazy. I hope you all enjoy.

Pinelight, CR 10

"The Sentinels of The Lost City"

You see a large beautiful raccoon, other than a particularly gorgeous coat, it appears normal

XP: 9,600

N Tiny Magical Beast (Fey, Shapechanger)
Init +5, Senses: Low Light Vision, Darkvision 60, Scent

Hit Dice: 2d10+6+3 (23 hp)
AC: 20 (+2 size, +5 Dex, +3 Natural) Touch: 18, Flat Footed: 13
Spell Resistance: 14 (19 True Form)
Defensive Abilities: Ferocity, Damage Reduction 10/Magic (True Form), Fast Healing 3 (True Form)
Aura: Aura of Avarice

Speed 20 ft, Climb 20 ft
Melee: Bite+ 8 (1d3+10d6 Vampiric Touch) and claws x2 +3/+3 (1d2+10d6 Vampiric Touch)
Special Attacks: Curse of the Lost City, Enduring Retribution, Material Projection, Pelt of Avarice, Sneak Attack 2d6, Rage, Wrath of the Wilds, Attach, Warp
Spell Like Abilities (CL 20, DC 16+ Spell Level)
Constant: Detect Alignment, Speak With Animals, Ant Haul, Vampiric Touch, Magic Fang

At Will: Quickened Misdirection, Plane Shift, Cure Light Wounds, Inflict Light Wounds, Entangle, Haunted Fey Aspect, Summon Natures Ally (I-III), Resistance, Guidance, Goodberry, Cheetah’s Sprint, Lesser Curse Terrain, Shocking Grasp, Remove Curse, Underbrush Decoy, Stone Shield, Burrow, Longstrider, Suggestion

3/day: Barkskin, Summon Nature’s Ally (IV-VI), Bull’s Strength, Cat’s Grace, Blindness/Deafness, Pain Strike, Greater Curse Terrain, Bestow Curse, Remove Curse, Feast of Ashes, Greater Magic Fang, Call Lightning, Dominate Monster

1/day: Supreme Curse Terrain, Mass Pain Strike, Curse of Night, Black Mark, Greater Bestow Curse, Call Lightning Storm, Summon Nature’s Ally (VII-IX)

Str 8 -1
Dex 20 +5
Con 16 +3
Int 14 +2
Wis 16 +3
Cha 22 +6

Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +5

Base attack+2; CMB +0; CMD 13 (17 vs trip)

Feats: Toughness*, Ability Focus*, Weapon Finesse

Skills: Acrobatics +13, Bluff +22, Climb +13, Craft (any) +5, Diplomacy +16, Disguise +6, Escape Artist +14, Fly +10, Heal +5, Intimidate +13, Knowledge Nature +8, Perception +10 (18 Scent), Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +14, Survival +10, Swim +4, Use Magic Device +8; Racial Modifiers: +8 Acrobatics, +10 Bluff, +8 Climb, +4 Intimidate, +2 Perception, +2 Sense Motive, +4 Stealth
Languages: Sylvan, Elven, Aklo, Telepathy (100 ft), Speak with Animals
SQ: Rejuvenation, Alternate Form, True Form

Environment: Forest, Any Natural Environment, Ethereal Plane, The Green Realm
Organization: Solitary, Pair, Trio, or Family 4d6
Treasure: Pelt of Avarice

Pinelights, or Sentinels of the Lost City, are ancient and malicious beings who prey on humanoid greed and avarice. Though not intrinsically evil, they are infamous for the horrible cruelty they inflict on their victims and being brutal beyond reason.

Pinelights hail from a distant part of the Ethereal Plane known only as “The Lost City” an ancient eternal kingdom of Fey. Supposedly, any who can reach this fabled place and breech it’s interior will have their wildest dreams come true, though this is mainly an old wives tale, people still search for it making it something of an El Dorado, though it still has never been found.

What is known, however, is the lengths of which the Pinelights will go to destroy enemies of the places they protect. They view humanoid species as a direct threat to the livelihoods of fey and animals alike and though not native to the Prime Material Plane, they are usually found there waging a never ending war against humanoid conquest of natural lands. One Pinelight with the right planning is usually enough to topple a town, they have no qualms about their physical bodies, being almost immune to permanent death they allow themselves to be seen and almost make their catch and killing too easy. It’s only then that their true malice comes to bear. Their fur, is perfect, almost too beautiful for words, and humanoid greed takes root. Their pelts curse those that attempt to profit from it’s “death” and this curse causes the victim to kill those they most love and then themselves. They allow people of good alignment and those who respect and revere the forests or places of natural beauty to go unharmed, generally, but anyone else is fair game as are those of good alignment that stand against them.

Pinelight attacks are usually signaled by the trapping of the most beautiful pelts, skins or plumage, followed by a string of gruesome and grizzly suicides. Commonly they’ll make those affected kill themselves by skinning themselves alive, sewing up all their own orifices, or use animal traps on delicate parts of the body like the face or genitals. Though the horror they can and do inflict is by no means limited to this.

If found by those who revere nature or of good alignment however, they’re quite helpful. Warning of dangers, pointing out water supplies, supplying Goodberries or healing, and even leaving piles of edible nuts and berries for those they consider friends. To a rare few, they may even allow themselves to be skinned allowing a single cloak to be made from their pelt. This confers all the bonuses of a Pelt of Avarice but it is not cursed and may be enchanted further as if it were only a masterwork quality item losing none of it’s bonuses if enchanted further.

Pinelights traditionally take the form of a raccoon, but Pinelights take the form of foxes, badgers, cats, squirrels, weasels, chinchillas, lizards, even birds or fish. Any small animal used for fur or exploited for it’s skin or fur are not unheard of. In the Ethereal Plane or outside of the Prime Material Plane, Pinelights appear either in the last form they assumed or in their true forms which look like massive raccoon American badger hybrids. In this form they retain all their mental abilities and special abilities but physically use the statistics of a Deep Badger (Badger, Deep – d20PFSRD) They retain all their supernatural, extraordinary and spell like abilities in all forms.

If found in the Ethereal Plane, they almost always attempt to flee, they use Warp with Quickened Misdirection to escape and after a time attempt to return to the Lost City. Usually they will lead pursuers on a tiresome tedious chase across the Ethereal and Material Planes, and any other plane convenient. They will use their spell like abilities to slow down and befuddle foes mainly relying on Curse Terrain and Summon Nature’s Ally to keep foes off balance and give them time to escape. They will attempt to lead foes on such a tiresome chase they the pursuer loses interest, runs out of spells or becomes exhausted. If cornered on the Material Plane they rely on whatever form they previously took and rely on their Wrath of the Wilds ability to summon in many more of whatever species they happen to be and use their strongest spells first against the most dangerous attackers. They attempt to use Bestow Greater Curse, Black Mark, Bestow Curse, Mass Pain Strike, and Feast of Ashes to curse any foe that attempts them harm. They use Call Lightning Storm to deal with magical defenses, ranged attackers and flying targets and use Stone Shield to block incoming attacks, they will always look for a way to escape and will use Cheetah’s Sprint judiciously to do so unless attempting escape means certain death.

If forced into melee they fly into a Rage, continuously summoning more animals with Wrath of the Wilds and trying to keep a constant temporary hp buffer with their Vampiric Touch ability and use attach and swarm the foe with raccoons attempting to grapple and pin the foe allowing the Vampiric Touch to bleed the foe out.

Vampiric Touch can only hit once per round no matter how many hits the Pinelight successfully lands.

If cornered with no escape on the Ethereal Plane they use Barkskin to boost their AC and Summon Nature’s Ally and do much the same tactic as above, however they cannot use Wrath of the Wilds but gain a damage reduction and fast healing and thusly will fight a more defensive battle, they will always attempt to flee unless truly sure of victory or absolutely unable to escape at which point they fly into a Rage and fight with all their might.

Special Abilities

Aura of Avarice (Su): The Pelt of a Pinelight looks absolutely immaculate, such a pelt creates a strong desire in any who see it who the Pinelight wishes to see it in such a way. Anyone within 30ft of the Pinelight must make a DC 20 Will Save to avoid desiring the Pinelight’s pelt almost to the exclusion of anything else and suffer a -4 penalty to the Pinelight’s Curse of the Lost City ability. The Pinelight can choose to resume or cease this effect as a free action and may always pick whom it effects or doesn’t effect.

Curse of the Lost City (Su): Whenever a Pinelight is slain, the creature who made the final blow must make a DC 20 Will Save to avoid being under the effects of a Dominate Monster spell (CL 20). The Pinelight can order those such compelled into self destructive behaviors such as suicide and self mutilation, mutilation of their families or adventuring parties. Generally if pressed they use the quickest most direct way possible such as drowning or throwing themselves off cliffs. The Pinelight may continue to control the cursed being even beyond death.

Pelt of Avarice (Ex): The Pinelight’s pelt is extraordinary. Such a pelt always radiates a minor magic and if sewn into a coat or any article of clothing it confers a +4 enhancement bonus to the wearer’s Charisma and grants the wearer a +2 on Diplomacy checks. This however is always a cursed item. The wearer must make a saving throw against the Pinelight’s Curse of the Lost City and Aura of Avarice powers every day it’s worn. Each additional day the item is worn the wearer gets a stacking -2 penalty on both effects. Pinelights, rarely, may allow such an item to be granted without the curse to a creature for some great service. If Remove Curse is cast upon the wearer of the item the wearer is freed and the stacking -2 penalty is reset, but the curse remains on the item. Destroying or otherwise ruining the pelt removes all magic from the item including the curse.

Enduring Retribution (Ex): The Pinelight’s soul returns to the Ethereal Plane upon death and is fully aware of all that goes on around it’s remains and pelt. It can see, hear and use Detect Alignment on any being within 200 feet of it’s pelt and may continue to use it’s Aura of Avarice and Curse of the Lost City powers on any creature it chooses who comes within range and can treat any creature who fails their save as if they had landed the final blow upon them for purposes of their Curse of the Lost City ability. The Pinelight may only have a single pelt active in such a way at any given time and any other pelts created previously function as cursed items unless otherwise freed from such a curse.

Physical Projection
(Su): In their natural form the Pinelights are native to the Ethereal Plane. Once per day the Pinelight may project a copy of itself to the Prime Material Plane, this functions as the Astral Projection spell, but instead brings the Pinelight to the Prime Material Plane instead. It can choose any native animal but usually chooses small creatures such as Raccoons though statistically they are far more powerful than their chosen form gaining +1 hd, a +6 to 2 physical ability scores and a +4 to the last physical ability score. In this state their Ethereal Body is helpless. If it’s Physical Projection is killed, it’s remains rot away as any other animal.

Rage (Ex): A Pinelight may fly into a Rage for 25 rounds per day as a barbarian of 10th level increasing it’s Strength and Constitution by +4 and it’s Will Saves by +2 but reducing it’s AC by -2. It can resume or end the Rage as a free action.

Sneak Attack (Ex): A Pinelight may sneak attack as a Rogue of 3rd level dealing 2d6 damage on a successful attack against a flanked or flat footed foe.

Warp (Su): A Pinelight may as a free action Teleport as the spell (CL 20) 11 times per day the Pinelight may instead do this as part of another action allowing it to do this in addition to it’s Misdirection Spell Like ability or any other action it so chooses,

Rejuvenation (Ex): A Pinelight cannot be slain in the normal sense. If it’s Physical Projection is killed it’s essence returns to the Ethereal Plane and it may create a new Physical Projection and send it to the Material Plane the following day. If it’s true form is killed on any other plane besides the Ethereal Plane it’s essence will return to the Ethereal Plane and for 1 full year it will be unable to Plane Shift or send another Physical Projection for the duration of that time. The only way it can be permanently killed is to kill it’s natural Ethereal Body on the Ethereal Plane.

Wrath of the Wild (Su): The Pinelight may summon 3d6 creatures of a similar type, usually Raccoons, as it’s current Physical Projection with a 100% chance of success as a swift action any number of times per day. These creatures are not considered summoned beings and their bodies remain if slain. Once used the Pinelight must wait 1d4+1 rounds before it can use the ability again.

Attach (Ex):
If the Pinelight hits with it’s bite attack, it automatically grapples it’s foe and inflicts bite damage every round.

Telepathy (Ex): The Pinelight can speak to any creature within 100 feet, it may telepathically communicate with Animals as well as long as it has Speak with Animals activated.

Ferocity (Ex): A Pinelight remains conscious and can continue fighting even when dropped below 0 hp. It is considered Staggered and loses 1 hp per round.

Alternate Form (Ex): A Pinelight must assume the form of another creature to shift to any other plane of existence, it will usually take the form of a small or medium sized animal and can shift forms as a full round action. It can shift into any animal of medium size or smaller.

True Form (Ex): A Pinelight on the Ethereal Plane may revert to it’s True Form as a free action, it cannot transform back to it’s natural state on any other plane besides the Ethereal Plane and if brought to any other plane in it’s True Form against it’s will it is considered sickened and begins losing constitution at a rate of 1 point per hour until it dies or returns to it’s home plane.

Fey Subtype (Ex): Pinelights are considered Fey for all effects relating to Fey.
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Ur-Priest (Cleric Archetype)

Alter spellcasting, channel energy; Replaces aura, spontaneous casting, domain

About Ex-Class Archetypes

This archetype can be taken by an ex-member of the indicated class immediately upon becoming an ex-member of that class, regardless of character level, replacing some or all of the lost class abilities. If another archetype the character had before she became an ex-member of her class replaces the same ability as the ex-class archetype, she loses the old archetype in favor of the new one; otherwise, she can retain both archetypes as normal. Ex-members of a class with one of the archetypes presented below can gain further levels in the class, even though becoming an ex-member of a class normally prohibits further advancement in the class.

While an ex-member of a class can recant her failings and atone for her fall from her original class (typically involving an atonement spell), her acceptance of her ex-class archetype means she must atone both for her initial fall and for further straying from the path. As a result, such a character must be the target of two atonement spells or a similar effect to regain her lost class features. Upon doing so, she immediately loses this archetype and regains her original class (and archetype, if she had one).

Ur-priests are people who have come to despise the gods (because their original deity died, disappeared, faded from existence because he had too few worshipers, or their god disappointed them because he didn't help them in their hour of need or abandon them). However, a small number of them have learned to tap into divine power and use it for their own needs without praying to or worshiping a deity. Instead, each day they go into a trance and mentally steal the power that gods normally channel to devout clerics. Ur-priests are canny and cunning, never stealing too much power from any one deity, but instead metaphysically slip in, draw out the power they need for their spells, and slip out again. They learn to be resilient toward divine power and creative with the energies that they steal. Ur-priests frequently work alone, although they occasionally find partnerships with members of other classes useful. They do not congregate into anything resembling temples, for they fear that too many of them in one place might draw unwanted divine attention. And of course they rarely associate with clerics or any normal divine spellcasters, whom they see as lackeys and who view them as abominations.

This is an ex-class archetype and can be taken by a character immediately upon becoming an ex-cleric.

Adaptation: Secret societies of ur-priests could exist for the express purpose of elevating (or reelevating) someone or something to godhood.

An ur-priest cannot be good.

An ur-priest cast his spell as normal, except that he does not pray for spells, he just takes them. He does not have restrictions on spells with alignments. An ur-priest replace the Divine Focus component of spells he cast from the cleric spell list with Focus and Material components. This alter spellcasting and replace aura and spontaneous casting.

Channel Negative Energy (Su)
An ur-priest can only channel negative energy but gains Command Undead as a bonus feat. This alter channel energy.

Divine Spell Resistance (Su)
At 2nd level, an ur-priest gains spell resistance 8 + his cleric level, but only against non-harmless divine spells and non-harmless spell-like abilities of outsiders. At 8th level, this spell resistance increases to 15 + his cleric level. This replace the domains class feature.

Siphon Spell Power (Ex)
Because they steal whatever power they can, ur-priests learn to manipulate their energy in ways that confound other casters. An ur-priest of 6th level or higher can temporarily sacrifice two (or more) lower-level spell slots (but not an orison) and use those slots to prepare a higher-level spell. The higher-level spell must be of a level the ur-priest can cast. This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to the ur-priest Wisdom modifier. The levels of the lower-level slots are totaled, then reduced to three-quarters (round down) to determine the level of the extra higher-level spell slot. For example, an ur-priest who sacrifices a 3rd-level spell and a 5th-level spell can use that spell slot to prepare an additional 6th-level spell (3 + 5 = 8, and 8 × ¾ = 6).

Steal Spell-Like Ability (Su)
The most powerful ur-priests can use the same techniques that siphon off the gods’ spell power to steal the spell-like abilities of another creature. Once per day, when a creature with spell-like abilities is within 50 feet of a 16th level ur-priest, the ur-priest can choose one of the spell-like abilities of the creature to steal for himself. The ur-priest can use the spell-like ability as often as the creature can, or three times per day, whichever is less. The ur-priest uses his cleric level as his caster level for this spell-like abilities. The ur-priest’s intrinsic understanding of divine magic allows him to modify the concentration checks and save DCs of the stolen spell-like abilities that are normally affected by Charisma to be modified instead by his’s Wisdom modifier. This ability only lasts 24 hours. The creature with the spell-like ability does not lose the ability when the urpriest steals it. If an ur-priest tries to steal a spell-like ability that the creature doesn’t have, or tries to steal an ability that is supernatural rather than spell-like, the attempt automatically fails. For example, if an ur-priest is near a noble salamander, he can steal fireball and use it three times that day or steal dispel magic and use it once that day. If he is near a pit fiend, he could steal greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only) and use it three times per day, because the pit fiend can do it at will. He could even steal the pit fiend’s wish ability, but because a pit fiend can only use wish once per year, the ur-priest would be similarly limited. He could not steal that power again from any pit fiend for one year.


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Ur-Priest (Cleric Archetype)

Alter spellcasting, channel energy; Replaces aura, spontaneous casting, domain

About Ex-Class Archetypes

This archetype can be taken by an ex-member of the indicated class immediately upon becoming an ex-member of that class, regardless of character level, replacing some or all of the lost class abilities. If another archetype the character had before she became an ex-member of her class replaces the same ability as the ex-class archetype, she loses the old archetype in favor of the new one; otherwise, she can retain both archetypes as normal. Ex-members of a class with one of the archetypes presented below can gain further levels in the class, even though becoming an ex-member of a class normally prohibits further advancement in the class.

While an ex-member of a class can recant her failings and atone for her fall from her original class (typically involving an atonement spell), her acceptance of her ex-class archetype means she must atone both for her initial fall and for further straying from the path. As a result, such a character must be the target of two atonement spells or a similar effect to regain her lost class features. Upon doing so, she immediately loses this archetype and regains her original class (and archetype, if she had one).

Ur-priests are people who have come to despise the gods (because their original deity died, disappeared, faded from existence because he had too few worshipers, or their god disappointed them because he didn't help them in their hour of need or abandon them). However, a small number of them have learned to tap into divine power and use it for their own needs without praying to or worshiping a deity. Instead, each day they go into a trance and mentally steal the power that gods normally channel to devout clerics. Ur-priests are canny and cunning, never stealing too much power from any one deity, but instead metaphysically slip in, draw out the power they need for their spells, and slip out again. They learn to be resilient toward divine power and creative with the energies that they steal. Ur-priests frequently work alone, although they occasionally find partnerships with members of other classes useful. They do not congregate into anything resembling temples, for they fear that too many of them in one place might draw unwanted divine attention. And of course they rarely associate with clerics or any normal divine spellcasters, whom they see as lackeys and who view them as abominations.

This is an ex-class archetype and can be taken by a character immediately upon becoming an ex-cleric.

Adaptation: Secret societies of ur-priests could exist for the express purpose of elevating (or reelevating) someone or something to godhood.

An ur-priest cannot be good.

An ur-priest cast his spell as normal, except that he does not pray for spells, he just takes them. He does not have restrictions on spells with alignments. An ur-priest replace the Divine Focus component of spells he cast from the cleric spell list with Focus and Material components. This alter spellcasting and replace aura and spontaneous casting.

Channel Negative Energy (Su)
An ur-priest can only channel negative energy but gains Command Undead as a bonus feat. This alter channel energy.

Divine Spell Resistance (Su)
At 2nd level, an ur-priest gains spell resistance 8 + his cleric level, but only against non-harmless divine spells and non-harmless spell-like abilities of outsiders. At 8th level, this spell resistance increases to 15 + his cleric level. This replace the domains class feature.

Siphon Spell Power (Ex)
Because they steal whatever power they can, ur-priests learn to manipulate their energy in ways that confound other casters. An ur-priest of 6th level or higher can temporarily sacrifice two (or more) lower-level spell slots (but not an orison) and use those slots to prepare a higher-level spell. The higher-level spell must be of a level the ur-priest can cast. This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to the ur-priest Wisdom modifier. The levels of the lower-level slots are totaled, then reduced to three-quarters (round down) to determine the level of the extra higher-level spell slot. For example, an ur-priest who sacrifices a 3rd-level spell and a 5th-level spell can use that spell slot to prepare an additional 6th-level spell (3 + 5 = 8, and 8 × ¾ = 6).

Steal Spell-Like Ability (Su)
The most powerful ur-priests can use the same techniques that siphon off the gods’ spell power to steal the spell-like abilities of another creature. Once per day, when a creature with spell-like abilities is within 50 feet of a 16th level ur-priest, the ur-priest can choose one of the spell-like abilities of the creature to steal for himself. The ur-priest can use the spell-like ability as often as the creature can, or three times per day, whichever is less. The ur-priest uses his cleric level as his caster level for this spell-like abilities. The ur-priest’s intrinsic understanding of divine magic allows him to modify the concentration checks and save DCs of the stolen spell-like abilities that are normally affected by Charisma to be modified instead by his’s Wisdom modifier. This ability only lasts 24 hours. The creature with the spell-like ability does not lose the ability when the urpriest steals it. If an ur-priest tries to steal a spell-like ability that the creature doesn’t have, or tries to steal an ability that is supernatural rather than spell-like, the attempt automatically fails. For example, if an ur-priest is near a noble salamander, he can steal fireball and use it three times that day or steal dispel magic and use it once that day. If he is near a pit fiend, he could steal greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only) and use it three times per day, because the pit fiend can do it at will. He could even steal the pit fiend’s wish ability, but because a pit fiend can only use wish once per year, the ur-priest would be similarly limited. He could not steal that power again from any pit fiend for one year.
Ah that's cool man, Ur Priests have a big role in my campaigns but I use my own versiob using the 3.5 variant but with additional powers to make it Pathfinderized. The quick gaining of extremely powerful magic, as they gain spells at double the rate as any other class is one of the main reasons people take the class in my campaign.

I'll post my version when I'm off from work, tell me what you think when I do.


Ah that's cool man, Ur Priests have a big role in my campaigns but I use my own versiob using the 3.5 variant but with additional powers to make it Pathfinderized. The quick gaining of extremely powerful magic, as they gain spells at double the rate as any other class is one of the main reasons people take the class in my campaign.

I'll post my version when I'm off from work, tell me what you think when I do.
Always happy to see alternative versions.
The quick gaining of extremely powerful magic, as they gain spells at double the rate as any other class is one of the main reasons people take the class in my campaign.
This is the problem that Ur Priest, Blighter and the other Complete Divine PRCs have, in my view. On the one hand you have "empty" levels because to enter them you have to be a member of an ex-class: those levels don't give you anything except BaB, skills and ST. On the other hand, you gain spell very quickly. I never found them particularly balanced and I reworked them in the ex class archetype (thanks PF for introduce them).
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Blighter (Druid Archetype)

Alter spellcasting, nature bond, wild shape; Replaces spontaneous casting, chaotic, evil, good, and lawful spells, wild empathy, woodland stride, resist’s nature lure, venom immunity, a thousand faces

About Ex-Class Archetypes
This archetype can be taken by an ex-member of the indicated class immediately upon becoming an ex-member of that class, regardless of character level, replacing some or all of the lost class abilities. If another archetype the character had before she became an ex-member of her class replaces the same ability as the ex-class archetype, she loses the old archetype in favor of the new one; otherwise, she can retain both archetypes as normal. Ex-members of a class with one of the archetypes presented below can gain further levels in the class, even though becoming an ex-member of a class normally prohibits further advancement in the class.

While an ex-member of a class can recant her failings and atone for her fall from her original class (typically involving an atonement spell), her acceptance of her ex-class archetype means she must atone both for her initial fall and for further straying from the path. As a result, such a character must be the target of two atonement spells or a similar effect to regain her lost class features. Upon doing so, she immediately loses this archetype and regains her original class (and archetype, if she had one).

When a druid turns away from the land, the land turns away from her. Some ex-druids make peace with this change; others seek to restore the bond. A few, however, actually embrace their disconnection from nature and become forces of destruction. These few, called blighters, bring desolation wherever they tread. A swath of deforested land always marks her path through the wilderness. Some are grim; others laugh at the destruction they wreak. Almost all, however, are friendless and mad.

This is an ex-class archetype and can be taken by a character immediately upon becoming an ex-druid.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Blighters can wear metal armor and shields without penalty. This replace spontaneous casting and chaotic, evil, good, and lawful spells.

Blighters cast spell from the blighter spell list (see below) instead of the druid spell list but for the rest, her spellcasting does not change. The default divine focus for any spell cast by a blighter is a desiccated sprig of holly or mistletoe. Any material component for a blighter’s spell must have been dead for at least a day before use. This alter spellcasting.

Blightbond (Ex)
A blighter has an unholy bond with the blighted earth. She must select the domain option of the nature bond but can only chose between the Death, Destruction, Earth, or Fire (or the Arson, Catastrophe, Hatred, Murder, Radiation, or Undead subdomain) instead of the usual domains of the nature bond. This alter nature bond.

Deforestation (Su)
A blighter can kill all nonsentient plant life within a radius of 20 feet per druid level as a full-round action a number of time per day equal to her Wisdom modifier. If a potentially affected plant is under the control of another (such as a druid’s liveoak or a dryad’s home tree), the controller can make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ the blighter level + blighter’s Wis modifier) to keep it alive. Once a creature make with success the save, he become immune to further use of deforestation from the same blighter for 24 hours. Affected plants immediately cease photosynthesis, root tapping, and all other methods of sustenance. Like picked flowers, they appear vibrant for several hours, but within a day, they turn brown and wither. Except for plants selected by a controller, nothing can grow in a deforested area until it has a hallow spell cast upon it and it is reseeded. This ability works in any terrain, but deforesting a sandy desert, ice floe, or other environment with only sparse vegetation it’s hardly noticeable or useful. This replace wild empathy.

Blightfire (Su)
Starting at 2nd level, as a standard action, a blighter can unleash a scorching blast of fire. This effect deals 1d6 points of fire damage per 2 druid levels to all creatures and unattended objects within 10 feet, with a Reflex save DC 10 + ½ the blighter level + blighter’s Wis modifier for half the damage, and ignites flammable objects and substances it touches. Blighters often use this ability to starting wildfires. Blighters can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + their Wisdom modifier. This replace woodland stride.

Sustenance (Ex)
At 4th level and higher, a blighter no longer needs food or water to survive. This replace resist’s nature lure.

Undead Wild Shape (Su)
Starting at 4th level, a blighter can use wild shape to transform into a Small or Medium corporeal creature of the undead type. This ability functions like the undead anatomy I spell except as noted here. A blighter retains her ability to speak while in undead form—she is not limited to the sounds a normal undead can make. At 7th level, she can transform into a Tiny or Large corporeal creature of the undead type and her wild shape functions as undead anatomy II with the difference she gain immunity to disease and poison. At 10th level, she can transform into a Diminutive or Huge corporeal creature of the undead type and her wild shape functions as undead anatomy III with the difference she gain immunity to death effects, sleep and stunning. At 14th level her wild shape functions as undead anatomy IV, with the difference she gain all the immunity and defensive ability of the undead type, although for every 1 minute she spends in an incorporeal form, the duration of her undead wild shape is reduced by 1 hour (each use of this ability used to turn into an incorporeal form costs 1 minute, regardless of how long she spends in this form). A blighter cannot use wild shape to change into a creature with the animal, elemental, or plant type or subtype. This ability alter wild shape.

Speak with Dead Animal (Sp)
Starting at 7th level, a blighter can converse with dead animals. The blighter can cast speak with dead three times per day as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to her druid level, except that it affects only corpses of animal creatures.

Contagious Touch (Sp)
At 9th level and higher, a blighter can cast contagion once per day as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to her druid level. She gains one extra use per day of this ability for every three druid levels after the 9th. This replace venom immunity.

Animate Dead Animal (Sp)
Starting at 13th level, the blighter can cast animate dead once per day as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to her druid level, except that it affects only corpses of animal creatures. It is usable once per day. This replace a thousand faces.

Plague (Sp)
Starting at 15th level, the blighter can cast plague storm once per day as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to her druid level. This replace timeless body.

Withering Curse (Su)
At 18th level, the blighter can make a special melee touch attack a number of times per day equal to her Wisdom modifier. Any living creature struck by this touch attack must succeed a Fortitude save DC 10 + ½ the blighter level + blighter’s Wis modifier or be stricken by a wasting curse that drains its life essence. Thereafter, victim continues to wither away at the rate of 1d4 points of Strength damage (or 1d4 points of Constitution damage for plants) per round. The afflicted victim can attempt a new Fortitude save each round to negate damage for that round, however the withering continues until the victim is either cured or her ability score drops below 0. If the ability score drops below 0, the victim turns to dust as per a disintegrate spell. Ability scores damage can be healed, however simply healing ability score damage doesn't end the withering curse, and on the following round the withering begins anew. Withering curse can be permanently removed with remove curse or break enchantment.


Blighters choose their spells from the following list.

0 Level: bleed, detect magic, detect poison, flare, ghost sound, read magic, touch of fatigue.

1st Level: bane, burning hands, charm animal, curse water, detect undead, doom, endure elements, entangle, hide from animals, inflict light wounds, longstrider, negate aroma, ray of enfeeblement.

2nd Level: chill metal, chill touch, command undead, curse terrain (lesser), darkness, death knell, defoliate, feast of ashes, fire trap, flaming sphere, heat metal, inflict moderate wounds, produce flame, resist elements, shatter, spider climb, spore burst, warp wood.

3rd Level: aggravate affliction, call lightning, contagion, cup of dust, deeper darkness, desecrate, diminish plants, dispel magic, dominate animal, endure elements (communal), fireball, fungal infestation, hide campsite, inflict serious wounds, nature’s ravage, poison, produce flame, protection from elements, rage, rain of frog, stinking cloud, vampiric touch.

4th Level: animate dead, antiplant shell, blight, curse terrain, death ward, earth glide, explosion of rot, flame strike, hunger for flesh, inflict critical wounds, giant vermin, ice storm, plague carrier, repel vermin, rusting grasp, transmute mud to rock, transmute rock to mud, unhallow, wall of fire.

5th Level: antilife shell, cave fangs, contagion (greater), control winds, create undead, fire shield, harm, forbiddance, ghoul army, hungry earth, hungry pit, inflict light wounds (mass), insect plague, repel wood, shout, slay living, slough, waves of fatigue, whip of centipedes.

6th Level: acid fog, antipathy, circle of death, curse terrain (greater), disintegrate, dispel magic (greater), dust form, epidemic, fire seeds, harm, inflict moderate wounds (mass), plague storm, undeath to death, wind walk, wither limb.

7th Level: control undead, control weather, delayed blast fireball, destruction, earthquake, finger of death, fire storm, hunger for flesh (mass), hungry darkness, inflict serious wounds (mass), nature’s ravage (greater), repel metal or stone, repulsion, vision of doom.

8th Level: create undead (greater), curse of night, curse terrain (supreme), death clutch, earthquake, frightful aspect, horrid wilting, mind blank, incendiary cloud, inflict critical wounds (mass), orb of the void, rift of ruin, waves of exhaustion, whirlwind.

9th Level: antipathy, canopic conversion, curse of fell seasons, cursed earth, elemental swarm (fire spell only), energy drain, foresight, implosion, sea of dust, shambler, soul bind, storm of vengeance, tsunami, world wave.


Akashic Records (Shaman Spirit)

Shaman (Shaman – d20PFSRD) who selects the akashic records spirit has made contact with the central locus of knowledge underpinning reality. Their hair and skin become faintly iridescent, and moving fractal patterns flicker in their eyes. When a shaman calls upon one of this spirit’s abilities, intricate mandalas appear around them.

Spirit Magic Spells: Mindlink (1st), psychonaut manifestation (2nd), akashic communion (3rd), out of sight (4th), retrocognition (5th), dream travel (6th), subjective reality (7th), glimpse of the akashic (8th), akashic form (9th).

Hexes: A shaman who chooses the akashic records spirit can select from the following hexes.

Consult the Akashic Records (Su)
The shaman has glimpsed the knowledge within the akashic records and is constantly aware of it. They can use their Wisdom modifier instead of their Intelligence modifier on all Intelligence check or Knowledge skill check. In addition, a number of times per day equal to her Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) the shaman can reroll a Knowledge skill checks or an Intelligence check, taking the better result.

Inscribe (Ex)
The shaman receives Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat and gains an insight bonus on Linguistics checks equal to ½ her shaman level (minimum 1).

Record Keeper’s Privilege (Su)
A number of times per day equal to her Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), the shaman can add ½ her shaman level (minimum 1) as an insight bonus to an Intelligence check or Knowledge skill check.

Enlightened Spellcasting (Su)
The shaman has learned that their mind is the true focus of their magic, not words or gestures. The shamans spells and spell-like abilities count as psychic instead of divine and they use thought and emotion components instead of verbal and somatic components when casting spells. Shaman spells can be undercast.

Expanded Consciousness (Su)
The shaman’s grasp of the knowledge of the universe grants her the ability to call upon psychic magics. The shaman can add a number of spells from the psychic spell list equal to her Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) to the list of shaman spells she can prepare. When casting these spells, they are treated as divine rather than psychic, unless the shaman is a psychic caster or possesses the enlightend spellcasting hex. Each time the shaman gains a level after taking this hex, they can choose to replace one of these spells for a new spell on the psychic spell list.

Spirit Animal: The shaman’s spirit animal’s eyes sparkle with intelligence. Their companion gains the ability to constantly detect magic and gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks.

Spirit Ability: A shaman who chooses the akashic records spirit as their spirit or wandering spirit gains the following ability.

Consult the Records: The shaman gains the ability to use commune once per week, as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to her shaman level, for asking a question to the Akashic Records.

Greater Spirit Ability: A shaman who chooses the akashic records spirit as their spirit or wandering spirit gains the following ability upon having access to the greater version of that spirit.

Expanded Knowledge: The shaman gains the ability to use contact other plane once per month, as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to her shaman level, for asking a question to the Akashic Records (using the entry Outer Plane, greater deity) with the difference that she always gets a true answer (she still need to roll for Avoid Int/Cha Decrease). Once per year, she can chose to receive a response of 25 words (like sending) to her question instead of “yes,” “no,” “maybe,” “never,” or some other one-word answer.

True Spirit Ability
A shaman who chooses the akashic records spirit as their spirit or wandering spirit gains the following ability upon having access to the true version of that spirit.

Ascended Form (Su)
As a standard action, the shaman assumes the form of a medium, large or huge astral dragon, as form of the alien dragon III with a duration of 10 minutes per level. The shaman can use this ability once per day.

Upon reaching 20th level, the shaman becomes a peerless master of the akashic records becoming a being of thought and living akasha, a nigh indelible entry in the akashic records. The shaman gains the akashic subtype, and receives a bonus on all saving throws equal to her Wisdom modifier. If the shaman dies, she spontaneously reincarnate (in a body of the same race and with identical shape of her old body), as the spell reincarnate, 24 hours later in a place of her choosing within 200 miles of the place she died.


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Akashic Records (Shaman Spirit)

Shaman (Shaman – d20PFSRD) who selects the akashic records spirit has made contact with the central locus of knowledge underpinning reality. Their hair and skin become faintly iridescent, and moving fractal patterns flicker in their eyes. When a shaman calls upon one of this spirit’s abilities, intricate mandalas appear around them.

Spirit Magic Spells: Mindlink (1st), psychonaut manifestation (2nd), akashic communion (3rd), out of sight (4th), retrocognition (5th), dream travel (6th), subjective reality (7th), glimpse of the akashic (8th), akashic form (9th).

Hexes: A shaman who chooses the akashic records spirit can select from the following hexes.

Consult the Akashic Records (Su)
The shaman has glimpsed the knowledge within the akashic records and is constantly aware of it. They can use their Wisdom modifier instead of their Intelligence modifier on all Intelligence check or Knowledge skill check. In addition, a number of times per day equal to her Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) the shaman can reroll a Knowledge skill checks or an Intelligence check, taking the better result.

Inscribe (Ex)
The shaman receives Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat and gains an insight bonus on Linguistics checks equal to ½ her shaman level (minimum 1).

Record Keeper’s Privilege (Su)
A number of times per day equal to her Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), the shaman can add ½ her shaman level (minimum 1) as an insight bonus to an Intelligence check or Knowledge skill check.

Enlightened Spellcasting (Su)
The shaman has learned that their mind is the true focus of their magic, not words or gestures. The shamans spells and spell-like abilities count as psychic instead of divine and they use thought and emotion components instead of verbal and somatic components when casting spells. Shaman spells can be undercast.

Expanded Consciousness (Su)
The shaman’s grasp of the knowledge of the universe grants her the ability to call upon psychic magics. The shaman can add a number of spells from the psychic spell list equal to her Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) to the list of shaman spells she can prepare. When casting these spells, they are treated as divine rather than psychic, unless the shaman is a psychic caster or possesses the enlightend spellcasting hex. Each time the shaman gains a level after taking this hex, they can choose to replace one of these spells for a new spell on the psychic spell list.

Spirit Animal: The shaman’s spirit animal’s eyes sparkle with intelligence. Their companion gains the ability to constantly detect magic and gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks.

Spirit Ability: A shaman who chooses the akashic records spirit as their spirit or wandering spirit gains the following ability.

Consult the Records: The shaman gains the ability to use commune once per week, as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to her shaman level, for asking a question to the Akashic Records.

Greater Spirit Ability: A shaman who chooses the akashic records spirit as their spirit or wandering spirit gains the following ability upon having access to the greater version of that spirit.

Expanded Knowledge: The shaman gains the ability to use contact other plane once per month, as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to her shaman level, for asking a question to the Akashic Records (using the entry Outer Plane, greater deity) with the difference that she always gets a true answer (she still need to roll for Avoid Int/Cha Decrease). Once per year, she can chose to receive a response of 25 words (like sending) to her question instead of “yes,” “no,” “maybe,” “never,” or some other one-word answer.

True Spirit Ability
A shaman who chooses the akashic records spirit as their spirit or wandering spirit gains the following ability upon having access to the true version of that spirit.

Ascended Form (Su)
As a standard action, the shaman assumes the form of a medium, large or huge astral dragon, as form of the alien dragon III with a duration of 10 minutes per level. The shaman can use this ability once per day.

Upon reaching 20th level, the shaman becomes a peerless master of the akashic records becoming a being of thought and living akasha, a nigh indelible entry in the akashic records. The shaman gains the akashic subtype, and receives a bonus on all saving throws equal to her Wisdom modifier. If the shaman dies, she spontaneously reincarnate (in a body of the same race and with identical shape of her old body), as the spell reincarnate, 24 hours later in a place of her choosing within 200 miles of the place she died.
So what kind of powers are their abilities, Extraordinary, Supernatural? Also with their Manifestation power, what are the limits with it? Is it once a year or is it every single time they die, if it's every time they die, what would be the way of defeating them? Baleful Polymorph? Dominate? Magic Jar?

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