ZEITGEIST Complete Pathfinder 2E Conversion of Zeitgeist First Act!


I'm proud to present a complete conversion of Zeitgeist's first act to Pathfinder 2e.

All encounters, skill challenges, NPCs and minigames have a Pathfinder 2e stat block.
Sometimes is a very straight up conversion, other times is a COMPLETE REWORK.

I hope you find this interesting. Looking forward for comments, questions, etc. :)


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This is an amazing amount of work! Look forward to taking a closer look. Zeitgeist should fit PF2e very well as much like 4e it seems built around the "encounter" and can handle the 1-2 awesome set piece fights between lots of exploration, investigation, etc. without the potential short rest/long rest class difference 5e issues.

Curious, on the creature side did you start with the 5e, PF1, or 4e version? I always thought the 4e version had the best mechanics and powers and they could be converted into fairly cool PF2e abilities since Pf2e no longer has the monster creation limitations of PF1/3.5.

Given the precedent of early "free archetypes" like in Strength of Thousands, what was the thinking behind using backgrounds and special Theme feats vs. having an early accessable free archetype built around each Zeigeist Theme?


This is an amazing amount of work! Look forward to taking a closer look. Zeitgeist should fit PF2e very well as much like 4e it seems built around the "encounter" and can handle the 1-2 awesome set piece fights between lots of exploration, investigation, etc. without the potential short rest/long rest class difference 5e issues.

Curious, on the creature side did you start with the 5e, PF1, or 4e version? I always thought the 4e version had the best mechanics and powers and they could be converted into fairly cool PF2e abilities since Pf2e no longer has the monster creation limitations of PF1/3.5.

Given the precedent of early "free archetypes" like in Strength of Thousands, what was the thinking behind using backgrounds and special Theme feats vs. having an early accessable free archetype built around each Zeigeist Theme?
Thank you very much. You actually raised two very good points.

1) At the outset, I started out converting to PF2 straight from the PF1 version. The more, however, I became familiar with the system of PF2 the more I realized the many similarities with the 4E approach. So I revised my previous progress, and moving forward I decided to take into account both versions and do a sort of "merge" of them before converting any stat block to PF2 (especially because, asking RangerWickett, he told me that part of the campaign was written with PF1 in mind, part with 4E in mid.

2) early in the conversion, I did not know about the free archetype rules, and in particular if it was overpowered, etc. After playing a whole campaign with it, I realized that the free archetype is a VERY GOOD IDEA. Indeed, I was in the process of working on themes and archetypes in the conversion and merging them in one set of unified "free archetypes" for the campaign. It could be a very cool approach ;)

Thank you very much. You actually raised two very good points.

1) At the outset, I started out converting to PF2 straight from the PF1 version. The more, however, I became familiar with the system of PF2 the more I realized the many similarities with the 4E approach. So I revised my previous progress, and moving forward I decided to take into account both versions and do a sort of "merge" of them before converting any stat block to PF2 (especially because, asking RangerWickett, he told me that part of the campaign was written with PF1 in mind, part with 4E in mid.

2) early in the conversion, I did not know about the free archetype rules, and in particular if it was overpowered, etc. After playing a whole campaign with it, I realized that the free archetype is a VERY GOOD IDEA. Indeed, I was in the process of working on themes and archetypes in the conversion and merging them in one set of unified "free archetypes" for the campaign. It could be a very cool approach ;)

Yeah, I just checked the Thames Grimely docker fight which is the first one in 5e and just said "use thug with multiattack" vs. the 4e one that has all the cool powers both decriptive and mechanical like "Flying Clothesline" and "Two fisted Thwack". It's a cool early example of 4e mechanics/flavor. Glad you saw the 4e versions at some point.

Would love to see the "Themes" as Free Achetypes. Seems to work well and I think you could probably combine the "Theme" and "Paragon" paths into Achetype feats with the later gated by level.

Have you gotten to play through any of it?


Yeah, I just checked the Thames Grimely docker fight which is the first one in 5e and just said "use thug with multiattack" vs. the 4e one that has all the cool powers both decriptive and mechanical like "Flying Clothesline" and "Two fisted Thwack". It's a cool early example of 4e mechanics/flavor. Glad you saw the 4e versions at some point.

Would love to see the "Themes" as Free Achetypes. Seems to work well and I think you could probably combine the "Theme" and "Paragon" paths into Achetype feats with the later gated by level.

Have you gotten to play through any of it?
Yeah, keep in mind that sometimes 4e goes a bit overboard with this stuff. I tried to mix and match, check by yourself my stat blocks.

Converting themes and "paragons" into an unified free archetype it's quite doable. I'm thinking about it. If you (or anyone else) want to take a stab, you can leave a comment on the dock ;)

I'm the DM of a group of 5, in the middle part of adventure 3. Indeed, the conversion for first 3 modules has been revised after playtesting ;)

Yeah, keep in mind that sometimes 4e goes a bit overboard with this stuff. I tried to mix and match, check by yourself my stat blocks.

Converting themes and "paragons" into an unified free archetype it's quite doable. I'm thinking about it. If you (or anyone else) want to take a stab, you can leave a comment on the dock ;)

I'm the DM of a group of 5, in the middle part of adventure 3. Indeed, the conversion for first 3 modules has been revised after playtesting ;)

Awesome! Thanks for sharing your thought process and the work! Really appreciate it as I'm trying to convince my group to do Zeitgeist and having the Pf2e option is amazing. Much, much better suited then 5e IMO (athough LU is interesting...). Unfortunately I'm just getting into PF2e so not sure I'm qualified for design yet...

Thanks again for this!


Sounds like a lot of work! I'm very glad this exists and will probably read it at some point, but I can't promise when. I just finished the second adventure in 4E with a group that quite likes that system. Haven't really had much of a chance to look at the other versions that already exist, let alone another one that, while I'm sure you've been working on it for quite some time, from my point of view just sprang fully grown from the head of Jupiter LOL

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