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D&D 5E Who are the greatest DEAD heroes of the Forgotten Realms? Help for campaign concept (Fantasy Court of Owls)

Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
Hi! So if you don't want to read the blurb below for why I want this, I'll just say that I am running a Forgotten Realms campaign, but haven't read much of its fiction/novels so don't have much deep lore knowledge. So I was hoping for some help to learn who some of the greatest heroes of Forgotten Realms are, who are also dead. Preferably died fairly recently, and are not in the old past of Netheril and other dead empires.

Now, the reason I want this info is I'm working on creating a hidden faction in my campaign, who are much like the Court of Owls from Batman. Essentially, these are some of the most wealthy and influential people across the Sword Coast, who are the true engineers of the Lord's Alliance. Although they are more Lawful Neutral than evil, their main goal is to protect their own power first, safety of the cities second. They are more of a reactive instead of proactive faction, who have a network of agents that react to any adventurers that become too powerful and show a willingness and ability to challenge the Lord's Alliance power structure.

I'm calling them something like the Masked Lords, or the Masked Court, as a sort of higher-umbrella version of the Masked Lords of Waterdeep.


Now, at first I thought these Masked Lords would react to new powerful adventurers by hiring a team from say Acq. Inc, or using something like Force Grey. Then I realized that the members of these organizations aren't typically higher than level 10; they're simply not strong enough to tackle really powerful adventurers in levels 11-20.

Which has led to my idea (largely inspired by the Talons, again from Batman), or Force Black. This is a really elite team of assassins, made up of the most powerful adventurers of the past. The catch? They all died, their souls long passed on. These are their corpses reanimated, with their old powers, to fight for the Masked Lords beyond their mortal life. They're practically robots, the only thing left is programming to follow the Masked Lords orders. As a truly deadly force, they are held back for only the most covert and dangerous assassinations.

So that's where I need your help! Who are some adventurers from Forgotten Realms, who are now dead? A mix of different classes would be ideal, but you can name whoever you can think of!

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Does undead count? Sylune the Witch of Shadowdale.


This is a very cool idea!

But your question isn't the easiest to answer, unfortunately. This is largely because Wizards of the Coast has not established the fates of many FR NPCs from the 1e–3.5e era.

Certain NPCs have been established in the 4e and 5e lore as having survived—Mirt, Elminster, and Artus Cimber, to name just three—but the fate of many, many others has been an open question for the past thirteen years of real-world time. The Spellplague in 1385 DR and the time skip to 1479 DR for the start of the 4e Realms means that many NPCs detailed in the earlier novels and sourcebooks set in the 1350s, '60s, and '70s can be assumed to have died in the interim if they haven't been mentioned since—or you as DM are free to decide that they survived via one means or another. (There are, of course, also NPCs whose fates are not uncertain, including for example those who died prior to the end of 3.5e.)

If one of your goals is to use NPCs that FR fans would recognize, I'd suggest perhaps starting out by grabbing the late-2e sourcebook Heroes' Lorebook, and then looking up on the FR wiki any characters described therein that tickle your fancy.

Here are some NPCs (and groups of NPCs) you might look into (some described in Heroes' Lorebook, some not): the Knights of Myth Drannor, the Company of Crazed Venturers, Akabar Bel Akash, Fyodor, Ruha, Danilo Thann, Piergeiron the Paladinson, Tristan and Alicia Kendrick, Adon, Priam Agrivar, Timoth Eyesbright, Vajra Valmeyjar, Janol, Myrmeen Lhal, Ishi Barasume, the list is nearly endless...
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Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
Does undead count? Sylune the Witch of Shadowdale.

This is a great answer! I think these Masked Lords don't care about the fate of the heroes' soul, they just need the corpse to make members of their "Force Black," so Sylene's corpse works great even if her soul is haunting somewhere else (hell it may be why her soul is haunting).

Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
This is a very cool idea!

But your question isn't the easiest to answer, unfortunately. This is largely because Wizards of the Coast has not established the fates of many FR NPCs from the 1e–3.5e era.

Certain NPCs have been established in the 4e and 5e lore as having survived—Mirt, Elminster, and Artus Cimber, to name just three—but the fates of many, many others has been an open question for the past thirteen years of real-world time. The Spellplague in 1385 DR and the time skip to 1479 DR for the start of the 4e Realms means that many NPCs detailed in the earlier novels and sourcebooks set in the 1350s, '60s, and '70s can be assumed to have died in the interim if they haven't been mentioned since—or you as DM are free to decide that they survived via one means or another. (There are, of course, also NPCs whose fates are not uncertain, including for example those who died prior to the end of 3.5e.)

If one of your goals is to use NPCs that FR fans would recognize, I'd suggest perhaps starting out by grabbing the late-2e sourcebook Heroes' Lorebook, and then looking up on the FR wiki any characters described therein that tickle your fancy Here are some NPCs (and groups of NPCs) you might look into (some described in Heroes' Lorebook, some not): the Knights of Myth Drannor, the Company of Crazed Venturers, Akabar Bel Akash, Fyodor, Ruha, Danilo Thann, Piergeiron the Paladinson, Tristan and Alicia Kendrick, Adon, Priam Agrivar, Timoth Eyesbright, Vajra Valmeyjar, Janol, Myrmeen Lhal, Ishi Barasume, the list is nearly endless...

Thanks, these are good suggestions! And I did notice that problem, that many NPCs aren't "confirmed" dead.

One great thing I found; many of Drizz't's companions have died, though they were reborn in new bodies. But hey, doesn't mean I can't use their old corpses as members of my Force Black!
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This is a great answer! I think these Masked Lords don't care about the fate of the heroes' soul, they just need the corpse to make members of their "Force Black," so Sylene's corpse works great even if her soul is haunting somewhere else (hell it may be why her soul is haunting).
ICR where it is but the 7 Sisters have placed stones from her hut in Shadowdale across Faerun. She is free willed and can teleport to where they are but is bound within so many feet (20-50 maybde) so shes not limited to Shadowdale. Im pretty sure one being Blackstaff Tower in Waterdeep and another is the Harpers base (Heralds Holdfast?) are 2 locations I seem to recall. But you can do whatever you need. Pretty sure she is detailed in the 2E Seven Sisters book and and the Heroes Lorebook.

Another possibility? Alternate-timeline versions?

I played in a Legend of the Five Rings campaign where an NPC (former PC) was terrorizing the empire, essentially as a lich. I'm not sure how we ended up doing it, but we ended up in the Spirit Realms, where we rescued a version of him from the Realm of Eternal Torment.

... the best part? While he was a PC, before he became corrupt and evil, he specialized in the destruction of Tainted creatures and undead. So, a perfect weapon to use against... himself?


Lord of the Hidden Layer
This sounds like an invitation to run my 3e characters through a Bardic Reputation Enhancer a few times and send back the resulting legends.

Voidrunner's Codex

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