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Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour - (Updated 14February2024)


CONTENT WARNING: This is rough. This scene and the previous one made some of my players cry. This content is rough. So please, please be aware that it will be straight up horror material with torture and dismemberment, and implied of the same towards minors.

They departed with the three willing children and the village elder in the swirling glow of Tristol’s gate spell, opened directly into the heart of the baernaloth’s demiplane. Unlike what they had experienced in their first attempt at breaching the Clockwork Gap, this time they experienced no redirection, and instead the gate opened up at the front of the keep, rather than outside, at the fringes of the hedge maze. Expecting them, the baern allowed them to enter directly. Still, the ur-fiend intended for them to walk through the entirety of the fortress to subject their ratatosk charges to the uncertainty and fear of what was waiting for them.

Tristol, Clueless, and Florian took their charges by the hand, holding on tightly to comfort them as they walked into the fortress and tried to ignore the mocking, half-heard whispers that issued from the swirling depths of the ether gap that the castle perched atop.

“It’ll be alright.” Tristol gently said, blatantly lying as the young ratatosk quivered and clutched his tail.

All three of the children grew more and more frightened as they wandered through the keep’s empty halls, and the vacant passages seemed to stretch onwards just until the young ones’ resolve was at its breaking point. At that moment, timed for the worst, they passed by the chambers that held the Clockmaker’s twisted experiments and gruesome displays, the doors swinging wide open at their approach. The moans, shrieks and other noises from the still living abominations reached out into the hallway and the children went pale at what they saw before screaming and averting their eyes. Clueless, Tristol and Florian quickly clasped their hands over the children’s eyes and ears to shelter them from the assault as they hurriedly moved them down the passageway. Minutes later, as they still cursed the baernaloth’s sick pleasure, still trying to comfort the little ones, the central chamber and the end of their task loomed before them.

The ratatosk elder whispered a prayer to Yggdrasil as they stepped into the massive, cathedral-like vault with its bizarre, arachniform clockwork device perched atop the swirling core of the ether gap. The baernaloth was not to be seen as they stepped hesitantly towards the center of the room. All they heard were the echoes of their footsteps, the maddening whispers from the swirling whirlpool of ether, and the cold, uncaring clockwork grinding.

Having fully entered the room, they stood next to the massive device, all turning to look back at the entrance, half expecting the door to be gone, or the baernaloth standing there. There was nothing there however when they turned and looked, but then one of the children screamed in horror.

The Clockmaker stood only scant feet from them, its hands clutching the device above the gap to steady itself, its blind eyes wide with anticipation. Its jagged, yellowed teeth shown in a wide grin as it twitched its nose, sniffing at the air.

“Great Mother!” The ratatosk elder stumbled backwards and fell to the ground in shock at the size of the fiend, its composition ripped from his nightmares and the long-held stories of his race. The blind darkness from myth leered down at him and the three terrified children.

“We’ve brought what the ratatosks gave to us. They came willingly. We wouldn’t have forced them.” Tristol said angrily.

“As I knew you would…” Harishek chuckled, reaching back to adjust the myriad of knobs and dials on the monster clockwork device, hinting at the same level of precognizance as it had before, when they first came to it and made their hideous bargain.

“I hate you for this.” Tristol sneered, “I hate you for making us do this for our answers from you.”

The baernaloth didn’t seem to care one way or the other as it paused and sent its mind flowing across the chamber to brush against the fearful thoughts of the seven that stood there before it. Harishek tilted his head in either curiosity or irritated disappointment as it noted that Toras, Nisha, and Fyrehowl had not returned with the others. Their thoughts were absent, the brightness of their souls absent from a place of uttermost darkness.

“Only three of you… the godslave, the godpuppet, and the half-breed. Where are the idealist fool, the Elysian filth, and the chaos touched bitch?” The baern swiveled its head and focused its clouded, blind eyes in Tristol’s direction as it sneered the last of the three titles before turning back once again to fumble with and adjust the gears of the massive device.

“You said we could leave the deal at any point without retribution or breaking the agreement. They couldn’t justify this.” The archmage’s voice trembled with emotion as below him, the ratatosk child clutched at his leg, crying and cowering in fear. “I can’t fully justify what I’m doing, what you’ve made me do. I will regret this and seek atonement and forgiveness for the rest of my life. The only thing that makes it ache less is that I might save more people by doing this, and that the ratatosks give of themselves willingly to preserve their Great Mother as an act of worship. I cannot fathom the sacrifice they put upon themselves out of love for Yggdrasil, nor can I fathom the evil that would make you enjoy your deal with them…”

The Gloom Father smiled and laughed, “So I did say that, promised you an answer… as for the bargain they and I made, some things happen because they must. Accept that mortal and live your life under all those moral pretenses you hold onto. Nothing comes without sacrifice. For anything to happen, anything –great– to happen, there must be two things: blood and terror.” The Clockmaker paused and turned its sightless eyes towards the elder Ratatosk. “We are well acquainted with both…”

The Baern suddenly moved closer to the elder ratatosk, the space between then contracting in an instant and depositing the ur-fiend there, rather than it taking a single step, as the children whimpered in abject horror, clutching onto Clueless, Tristol and Florian. “Uncover their eyes. Make them watch this.”

“WHAT?!” Tristol’s eyes went wide with fury.

Looks of revulsion crossed the faces of the three and they paused, pondering their options, and ultimately did nothing. What could they?

The baern slowly snarled, “Do as I command or I shall pry open their eyes myself mortals!”

Slowly and with an ache in their souls they complied, turning the ratatosk children towards their elder, uncovering their eyes and holding them up to watch what would follow.

“Now now now…” The baern looked down towards the elder ratatosk, its blind eyes unfocused and wandering, before snatching the elder up with one hand around its neck, its other hand held out to one side, hand open and palm up, fingers curling open and closed. “Give me the vial now and watch closely for what your great sacrifice begets you.”

Florian took the vial from Clueless and made to hand it to the baern but didn’t finish the task as the ur-fiend flicked one elongated finger and caused the crystalline vial to hover in the air near the ratatosk dangling in its grip. The elder struggled for air, gasping for breath before the hand around its neck was released and he hung suspended in space, still searching for breath as his previous brave resignation broke, replaced with whimpering terror.

“And there we see the fruits of your faith.” The baern cooed, seeming to revel in the change in his spirits as it broke into a wide, almost ecstatic smile as the elder began to writhe and scream in agony. “Yggdrasil is not here. Yggdrasil is not coming to help you.”

“Bastard!” Tristol hissed.

The children and the three could only watch, compelled to witness the torture of the ratatosk elder suspended before them.

“GREAT MOTHER!” The elder wailed before giving a spasmodic shriek as his limbs jerked and danced as if on invisible puppet strings.

“Yggdrasil cannot even hear your prayers.” The Clockmaker hissed, its voice rising above the elder’s screams, delivered telepathically to its audience’s minds. “Not here.”

The elder continued to scream while his body was struck by such pain that his back arched and seemed at the verge of snapping from the tension. And then, with a sickening, audible snap, it did, as first one vertebra and then another and another in turn broke and cracked from the torment. Bones along the length of the elder’s body shifted internally and seemed to shatter and contort beyond their natural limits as the baern broke him in every sense of the word.

The baern placed a hand over top of the elder’s forehead, its lips moving silently as it spoke into its victim’s mind, the torture mental and spiritual as well as physical.

“STOP!” Tristol screamed, only to be ignored by the baernaloth completely.

The elder should have died from the damage, he should have felt less pain as his spine broke in half, but he screamed till his vocal chords bled and tore and silenced his agony into bloody gurgles, staining his lips with ruddy foam.

“And there you see! There you have it!” The baernaloth pronounced, as with each dying scream a tiny sparkle of light sprang from the elder’s mouth, eyes, and nostrils to flicker on the air and fly into the vial hanging suspended in space.

“Oh f*ck…” Clueless cursed as he and then the other two fully realized the ratatosks’ sacrifice and what it would accomplish. Yggdrasil survived only on the agony of her children.

When the elder’s screams finally stopped, his eyes glazed over in death, the baernaloth released him and his body crumpled to the floor with a sickening crunch.

Gleaming in the air as it hovered like a grim trophy, the vial was ¼ full, and the three ratatosk children remained. Ten minutes the hellish execution had taken and the children forced to watch it all, a harbinger of their own fate…

“Please no… please no…” Florian whispered, clutching her holy symbol in the vain hope that they would not be forced to witness the same, one by one, with the ratatosk children.

“Tempus cannot hear you here either godslave.” The baern chuckled, seeming pleased with itself as it crouched down next to the body, pawing with outstretched hands before finding it and dragging it close. The Clockmaker sniffed at the ragged corpse and turned it face up before glancing back up towards the children and the three companions who had brought them to their doom. “Send the children over into one of the corners of the room. I will deal with them later.”

With supreme trepidation and loathing in their hearts, the three gathered the children and walked them over into one of the corners of the room, holding them tightly and whispering words of encouragement that they knew would, in the end, be absolutely meaningless. Pale and shaking, the children cried out with raw voices, tiny streaks of tears working down their cheeks. They should not have ever been there. No creature should have ever been there.

“I’m so sorry…” Clueless whispered as he put down the orphan. “You three are strong and so very brave. Whatever happens, we’ll remember you and make sure that your people do as well. You can do this.” The bladesinger shut his eyes, not wanting to see their faces as he forced himself to walk away, leaving them to her fate.

Tristol alone managed to glance back, his heart screaming to do something other than abandon them, but powerless to do anything, he, Clueless, and Florian alike walked back and past the Clockmaker as it hunched over the elder’s broken body. Averting their eyes once again, the Clockmaker picked up the corpse in its hands, and with a wet, tearing sound followed by a sickening crunch began devouring it.

“You promised me answers to my questions.” Tristol called out to the ur-fiend, hate and defiance in his voice. There was no point in disguising his loathing. “How do I read the Oblivion Compass?”

“Did I promise you now?” There was another crunch as the fiend’s naked incisors snapped through the elder’s ribcage to rip out muscle and viscera and chew upon it noisily. “You demand much godpuppet.”

Another bloody crunch and below it, the sound of whimpering, crying ratatosks.

“The clock, the Oblivion Compass, will strike 11 in two weeks, three days, five hours, four minutes and 3 seconds from now.” The fiend snapped two bloody fingers at the final word of its declaration and focused its blind, milky eyes at Tristol’s again, chewing upon a hunk of muscle and lung from the corpse.

“What happens then?” Clueless asked, “What does that even mean?”

“You have been there, have you not?” The baern snuffled and gestured at the bladesinger, “You reek of it, all of you, your timelines frayed and eroded like the embankments of a river touched by a seasonal flash flood. But you witnessed what our creation shows. You felt it in your bones, it screams in your memories even now!”

The Clockmaker stopped, panting with zealotry, caught up in the moment, half-chewed ratatosk dribbling from its blood-smeared maw to spatter upon the ground. Its eyes moved in their sockets, wide and ecstatic.

“You saw them! You saw them all yourselves! A multitude of possible futures waiting, flowing, spiraling, converging to one singular moment.”

Behind the baernaloth, below his great nightmare device, like a smaller version of the Compass itself, the ether gap swirled with ever greater potency as if it reflected the Clockmaker’s madness itself.

The ur-fiend ceased speaking and once again the room was shrouded in silence, punctuated only by the sound of crying ratatosks and the roiling churn of the ether gap.

Tristol scowled.

“You still wish to know how to read the clock yourself?” The baernaloth asked, tilting its nightmare-caprine head to one side.

“Yes…” The wizard replied angrily.

The baern reached down and lifted the desecrated elder’s corpse up to its mouth and bit down, cleaving pelvis and hip, leaving one leg to dangle in the air by torn tendon and muscle alone. It noisily chewed its bite of bloody flesh and bone, open-mouthed, mixing its mouthful with its own syrupy black mucous before reaching up and pulling forth a gobbet of the mass forth and held it up in the palm of its hand towards Tristol. “Eat…”

“The f*ck?!” Florian cursed.

“EAT!” The baern repeated, “Or leave.”

Tristol grimaced and stepped forward, Florian and Clueless looking away, feeling sick as the aasimar took the bloody handful without a word. Mentally whispering a prayer to Mystra, begging for forgiveness, he shuddered as he put it into his own mouth, chewed it twice and swallowed it.

Tristol gagged and fought to keep it down as the baern stared in his direction, a sneer upon its face: waiting.

“What does…” Tristol began only to stop as the baern’s sightless eyes locked onto him and its mind forced itself into his like a burning hot iron spike. A flood of images rushed into his head: living modrons being welded into place on the compass, the horrified secundus screaming in agony as it was fused, conscious and aware, into the nightmare engine, the moignos being bound into the device’s core, a blizzard of chaotic, nonsensical mathematical equations to be processed again and again, sifting and filtering, and through it all the horrid spinning of the mutltiplicitous gears and hands.

Tristol screamed in pain, doubled over on the floor, gagging and choking. Then, through the sensory overload and physical effects, a pattern emerged. Suddenly he understood the meaning of the dials and hands, if not the purpose of just what they were counting down towards.

“Tristol are you ok?” Clueless asked, a hand on the wizard’s shoulder.

Tristol waved a hand and nodded, remaining on the floor as he fought a wave of nausea.

“And there you have it. Your answers and the prize for your success in my task.” The baernaloth laughed harshly at the aasimar while it drew forth a length of slippery innards from the partially devoured corpse like a glistening string of popcorn. “It would appear then that we are finished here. No?”

“Let’s get out of here.” Florian said, pointedly not looking at the ratatosks.

“DON’T LEAVE US!” One of the children screamed out.

Still on the floor, Tristol’s eyes went wide and his vision blurred with tears.

“I however am not finished with my work.” The ur-fiend chuckled, “No. Not finished at all.”

“F*ck you!” Tristol shouted.

“Oh?” The Clockmaker paused, drool and bloody viscera dropping from its open maw. “You know, you could always spare the children the pain that will come to them .”

Tristol stood up and narrowed his eyes, still staggered from his experience of absorbing a memory from the Clockmaker. “What do you mean? How?”

The baern resumed chewing on the bloody loop of intestines and then turned its gaze towards the whimpering children. “Kill one of them now. Kill one of them with your bare hands. Snap their neck with one clean motion and give them a quick end, a merciful passing into oblivion. You may kill one of them now and spare them the experience at my delicate hands.” It extended up a single bloody finger, “Each of you one or none at all.”

“We have to.” Florian swiftly answered, not looking at the ratatosks.

“Wait.” Clueless narrowed his eyes.

The fiend further punctuated his offer by dropping the elder’s corpse with a wet thud and unfolding its hands as if offering up a sacrifice, the slim, clawed digits drenched in gore. “And your answer?”

“If we do this,” Clueless demanded, “Will the vial’s contents be filled as it would have been otherwise? Or will this sacrifice be in vain, and more forced to this end?”

The baernaloth chuckled and licked its withered lips, “It will not fulfill my bargain with the ratatosks.”

Tristol’s eyes flared with horror and rage, “No.”

“One way or another…” The Clockmaker muttered to itself as it turned back to its meal.

“I have a question now.” Clueless spoke up as Florian was already walking towards the exit and Tristol at her side.

“Ask away fool.”

“Just what is this place? What even is the ether gap you seem so concerned with, and what is it whispering?” He stared at the baern who glanced up briefly at the question before it scoffed.

“Not all answers are for you to know. That particular question would cost you far more than you have to give. This,” The baernaloth gestured towards the ratatosks, “This is paltry by comparison.”

“Clueless,” Florian called out. “Let’s go.”

“Listen to the godslave.” Harishek wiped the blood from its face, “I have other business to attend to. Be gone now, and realize as you go that since you have entered this room I have butchered you seven times each in variant realities and withered, broken timelines, hewed and thrown to nothingness like chaff to the flames. Such futures were not to be. Probability collapses to a single destined future, one out of many. And while those other futures are not to be, this one is. I promised you no harm and an answer to a question. I provide both because it suits my wishes in what is to come. Unlike the baatezu, or their forerunners… I hold to laws only so long as I see fit to do so. Remember that keenly puppets.”

“We’re done? Just like that?” Tristol asked, deliberately trying not to look towards the children.

The baern looked in the aasimar’s general direction, its face painted crimson on gray, stray bits of fur and flesh dotting its wasted flesh. “Unless you wish to watch what comes for your little ones, then yes. You are free to go. I’ve had my fun with most of you.”

Tristol said nothing more and joined Clueless and Florian on the other side of the room. However as he began to incant the words to open a gate and bring them to the Outlands he felt the baernaloth’s blind eyes upon him and its poisoned mind brush against his own as it muttered softly, “Oh what your timelines say…and what they do not…”

The gate swirled open in a burning radiance of colors against the ashen grey of the baernaloth’s lair, the sounds of Tradegate suddenly drowning out the screams of the abandoned, doomed ratatosks.

The three of them stepped through the gate and it snapped shut behind them, ending the cries for help, and any chance of it being granted.

Florian burst into a string of expletives and curses while Clueless stared at the ground, his right hand on Razor’s pommel. Tristol was deathly silent.

“Are you two alright?” Clueless asked as he looked up and out at the Infinite Spire that graced the horizon.

“I will be eventually.” Florian scowled, “But damn it! In a universe that holds good as a virtue, that … thing… has no right to exist. We fed it, we delivered innocents to it. We didn’t just watch it happen and do nothing, we actively had a part in it.”

“Let’s not tell Toras or the others what happened after they left. We can spare them what we have to live with at least. Yes?” The bladesinger suggested.

“Agreed.” Tristol finally spoke, his voice numb. “Toras would go crazy with anger, Fyrehowl has already seen enough loss and doubt, and I won’t put Nisha through that.”

The aasimar finally smiled, if only slightly, as he spoke Nisha’s name.

“Still,” Clueless said, “It’s over for us at least.”

It was not over.

Tristol exhaled in relief for that blessing, and then it happened.

“Now my little ones, you belong to me.” The Clockmaker’s voice rang out clearly inside of Tristol’s mind as if he were still there in the demiplane.

“…” Tristol clenched his teeth as the voice continued, crackles of silverfire at the corners of his eyes as the Clockmaker pumped into his mind what he would have heard had he never left the baernaloth’s corrupt presence.

“NO!” Tristol shouted out, stumbling. “NO NO NO NO!!!!”

Florian and Clueless turned to him in alarm, not understanding that the baernaloth intended to give the wizard a moment by moment description of each and every horrific act it would perform to fulfill the ratatosks’ corrosive salvation for Yggdrasil.

“What’s happening?!” Clueless grabbed hold of Tristol as the aasimar dropped to the ground clutching at his head, covering his ears as if that could stop the horror.

“You are mine now, and you will all eventually die, one by one.” Harishek’s mocking voice flooded into Tristol mind, the sounds of the Clockwork Gap now rushing into his mind more strongly than before, now joined by the smells: the baernaloth’s rotten, sour breath, the reek of the gutted elder’s bowels, and the fresh smell of fear-voided urine. “There is nothing for you but pain and then oblivion, if even that.”

The whimpering cries turned to unintelligent screaming and the baernaloth blindly stumbled towards them, a rictus smile on its blood-stained face.

Tristol’s inchoate screaming joined the trio in his mind.

“No one will come to rescue you. Those that brought you here have abandoned you willingly. They knew what would happen to you and they left you to me. They chose not to help you and here you are.”

Florian and Clueless shouted at Tristol, picking him up and trying to understand as they panicked and their companion wept.

Tristol screamed, hoping in vain to silence the dialogue within his mind, but it only grew in intensity and volume to compensate. The Clockmaker had every intention of forcing him to listen, to make him hear all that happened, every detail, every scream, and there was nothing that he could do.

“I CAN HEAR THEM!!!!” Tristol screamed, and as he did, understanding and horror washed through Florian and Clueless.

“Oh Tempus preserve!” Florian shouted.

“Which of you will be first?” The Clockmaker asked, one bloody hand reaching out, one finger extended to hover over one head, then another, and then another. “Which of you will I rip apart first, piece by screaming piece?”

“Do something!” Clueless screamed at Florian, “It’s making Tristol f*cking watch!”

Florian clutched her holy symbol and in an instant blanketed the area with a zone of null magic, snuffing out, at least temporarily, any curse or malignant magic that could have possibly reached them.

“I know which I will choose!” The baernaloth seemed delighted as it lifted one of the ratatosks into the air by its head, its limbs scrambling to no avail, eyes wide in terror. “You. You the one who would be a hero.”

“I CAN STILL HEAR IT!!!!!” Tristol screamed as the spell even doused the flickers of silverfire in his eyes. It shouldn’t have been possible.

“SH*T!” Clueless screamed, his panic reflected in Florian eye’s. "HOW!?"

“One by fragile one you will suffer and you will die.” The baernaloth chuckled, a claw beneath the ratatosk’s chin, forcing it to make eye contact.

The baernaloth had slaughtered the ratatosk elder swiftly, but everything afterwards would be measured and sickeningly slow. It would whisper blasphemies and stories of unrewarded suffering, breaking its victims’ sanity and faith before it broke them physically, and it intended for Tristol to witness it all.

“Where’s the gate?!” Clueless shouted, glancing about to orient himself to where Tristol had deposited them in Tradegate.

“What?” Florian asked, confused.

“The portal to Sigil!” Clueless explained, “Do you really think The Lady would let this thing’s influence into Her city?!”

The shrieks of pain began in Tristol’s mind.

“Know, all three of you that your sacrifice is meaningless.” The baernaloth whispered, its face pressed against a small ear, “You prolong your people’s suffering and they will never know.”

The screaming in Tristol’s mind dipped in volume as a hand squeezed a windpipe and snuffed the flow of air to a trickle.

Tristol screamed as Clueless and Florian grabbed him and dragged him through the streets of Tradegate, rushing headlong towards the permanent portal to Sigil, hoping to stop their companion’s agony.

“A little tale before you die, and for your audience as it screams in the Outlands. I’ve saved this story just for you, fragile ones.” The grip tightened and now added to sound and smell was sensation as Tristol gripped at his throat, immaterial talons on his flesh as the baernaloth suffocated the first ratatosk. “Your Great Mother Yggdrasil was never sterile before I came to your people and offered you my salvation.”

Feet and arms scrambled, fighting in vain and Tristol did the same, feeling the same sensations as the first of the ratatosks. The portal was in sight as the aasimar felt a second grip applied, not on his throat, but on his left leg, testing, finding its place before it would rip the limb free like a dismembered child’s doll in the mouth of a dog.

Nearly there, the two rushed towards the portal, carrying Tristol, unable to see bruises forming on his leg to join those upon his neck as Tristol’s screaming dropped to a gurgle and invisible hands clenched upon his throat, mirroring the actions in the nadir of the Clockwork Gap.

“And so, my little mortal hero,” The Clockmaker laughed, “Do you think that your soul will ever see paradise?”

Tristol felt his femur begin to dislocate, tendons tight and near to the breaking point, the force higher up now crushing his spine as well as his windpipe.

And then it was gone. The voice of the ur-fiend. The screams. The crying. The agony. The hellish sensory blizzard ceased, snuffed out in an instant.

Silence descended upon them as they entered the portal and reappeared in the City of Doors.

Tristol blacked out.

Only later when he came to, would he be even vaguely aware of laying atop his bed, his head on Nisha’s shoulder, her arms wrapped about him. She held him for hours, holding him tight as he cried, unable to verbalize what he had witnessed, but she held him nonetheless.

“I love you.” The tiefling whispered. “You’re safe now. You’re safe with me.”


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Your players were fortunate to have a DM with talent and the will to avoid "candy coating" Evil. The Baern--indeed all fiends--are supposed to be various flavors of vileness. You didn't harp on it nor did you glorify it. Simply showing the unvarnished reality of what the party was up against was the best thing you could've done and you didn't shy away from it. Maybe I'm insensitive compared to subsequent generations (Gen X here), but I think you maintained the integrity of the game and setting by including this sub-plot. Well done.
I tend to agree on the fortune front. Shems had DM'ed for us before in other fashions, which were also fun, but more traditional D&D flavors of things. Good party, bad guys, save people from dragons, etc. And I think at that time we were all new players generally to most D&D, so getting involved meant finding our feet. And that's what those early games were for all of us. This game being most of the players' first game where we all knew what we wanted and how we wanted to play certainly helped put all of it together.

As for the evil part, I agree there as well. There were a few moments in the game that were 'rough' like this (although not quite like this one), but I think it helped bring into light that classic D&D concept that 'some people are just evil and you can't reason with them'. We certainly did try to reason ways around it, but at the end of the day, we had a time constraint, and as players and characters there was no way we'd be able to work that kind of magic. And you're talking about an evil force of nature. If you don't take it out of the equation it'll just be disappointed and find another way to make them (and probably us) miserable (likely even more so). And none of us were up to the task of taking on a baern, especially in its own little pocket of the multiverse.

And FWIW, Tristol was a TN character, but with NG leanings. I was trying to play up the angle of magic, power, knowledge, and such above all else. He didn't want to do it, and he certainly wanted to make the baern pay for every moment there, but as in the discussion above, there wasn't much way around it. Shems pulled off that part in the above brilliantly. I would be lying though, if I didn't also say that for Tristol, being able to read that clock also tweaked that knowledge bug as well. No one else is going to claim that ability, and if he can unravel a mystery of the multiverse and share it with deserving people, he's doing Mystra's bidding. There are a few other times in the campaign that decisions like that had their cost.

I as a player have always been a firm believer in a well balanced character. For every amazing thing, they need a flaw or some such that can be tugged on. Shem's tugged pretty hard on a lot of those flaws, which make the internal conflict and resulting in character reckoning extremely fun to both write about (see Tristol's Diary), and to experience.


The following day, Tristol opened his eyes to find Nisha still there at his side, looking down at him with a smile.

“How are you?” Nisha asked, reaching out to stroke the wizard’s forehead.

“We did something terrible.” He looked away, unable to meet her stare. “And I feel even guiltier about it, because I keep trying to justify it for the knowledge that I gained. The Lie Weaver knew what it was doing when it sent us in the Clockmaker’s direction. It knew that I wouldn’t be able to refuse the opportunity for ancient knowledge that like; something that I’d never be able to gain by any other means, from any other source. For just a moment I felt like one of the ancient Netherese arcanists, delving into things forgotten or no longer even possible now.”

Tristol sighed. “And then, like Karsus, I found out the price of it all.”

Nisha nodded, “I know, and I trust that you think that what you gained was justified. We all knew that the bargain with the baern would be twisted and terrible.”

She paused and before Tristol could respond, she put a finger to his lips, “I’m sorry that I had to leave.”

“I don’t blame you at all.” He replied, now reaching up to brush his hand against her cheek. “You saved a life by doing so, and I wouldn’t have wanted you to witness what we did when we returned.”

She closed her eyes and nodded. “You can tell me about it. If you need to. When you’re ready.”

“Not now.” Tristol shook his head, “It’s too fresh, and honestly I’m not certain if I ever want to burden you with it. But if I do talk to anyone, it’ll be you first.”

Nisha wrapped her arms about him and kissed his forehead. Nothing more was said, but together they sat in intimate silence with one another for another two hours before finally venturing downstairs to meet back up with the others.


Since Clueless’s return to Sigil he’d tended bar in the Portal Jammer, trying to distract himself from the events of the past few days, though he’d been remarkably reserved when it came to talking to bar patrons. Anyone buying a drink from him would have sworn that the bladesinger looked haunted, and indeed he was.

Fyrehowl had already been there when Clueless, Tristol, and Florian had returned, and from the look of it, she’d been drinking for much of the time she’d been there. A bottle of Clueless’s private stock of fey wine sat next to her with a dozen empty shot glasses where she sat in the Jammer’s back room. She too said nothing, and in fact averted her eyes from direct contact. Despite her alienation from her own celestial race, verging on or flowing over into properly falling from good to neutrality, there was a look of shame in her countenance and her tail lay tucked tightly against her legs.

Quietly, one by one, they gathered together downstairs, with Clueless eventually leaving the bar and joining them. Toras was the last one to rejoin the party, and as he stepped into the room, he cast a withering gaze over the others but said nothing at first as he walked in, poured himself a drink, and took a seat.

And uncomfortable silence fell over the room and worried glances passed from person to person, all of them waiting for the fighter to say something.

“We should talk about this…” Fyrehowl began.

“No.” Toras was blunt and immediate. “We don’t.”

Nisha took a deep breath, her tail flitting anxiously behind her.

“This was traumatic for everyone and…” Clueless began, only to be cut off as Toras raised a hand.

“If you want to talk about it one on one with each other, go right ahead.” Toras explained, “But I neither want to nor need to know the specifics.”

Silence again as the others struggled to figure out how to approach the issue. The fighter’s divine patron was devoted to the protection of innocents, and particularly children: the entire episode had been an abject anathema to Toras, his faith, and his god. Somehow the rest of the party, especially the ones who had stayed to complete the Clockmaker’s task would need to come to terms with him over what they had done.

They would eventually, but it would not be today.

Toras had many, many things to say to each and every one of his companions. Despite his celestial heritage, a radiant hatred burned in his heart, and in communion with his deity, on his god’s home plane, he’d pledged his life to one day take righteous revenge on the Blind Clockmaker. It didn’t matter how long it took, and it didn’t matter if he ended up losing his own life in the process. However he managed it, one day he would make the baernaloth, that baernaloth in specific, pay for what it had done in the past, and for what it had made them do, no matter their own complicity in those horrors.

“Was it worth it?” Toras asked, looking directly at Tristol.

The aasimar blinked, took a deep breath, and swallowed hard as the fighter put him on the spot. The entire quest had been his idea in the first place. Everything from walking into the Lie Weaver’s lair to performing his poisoned tasks, and later to visit his so-called sibling and carry out the Clockmaker’s horrors from start to finish… it had been initiated at Tristol’s urging, following the clue’s laid out by Laughing Jane.

Tristol mulled over his words, his tail flitting uncomfortably behind him and drawing a soft bat from one of Nisha’s hands. Yes, ostensibly it all stemmed from Laughing Jane’s seeming hatred of the Oinoloth, and by virtue of that, a desire from all of them to pursue that lead if it could counter the Oinoloth’s designs in any way. But yet, beyond that, at the heart of it all, Tristol knew that he’d been greedy for knowledge. In the same way that the Ebon had tempted and manipulated Karsus down the path to oblivion for himself, all of Netheril, and a prior incarnation of Toril’s goddess of magic, Tristol realized that he’d fallen down the same path, walked in Karsus’s footsteps, and followed along with the lies of not one but two baernaloths.

Still, the price had been paid and knowledge gained. If he did nothing with that knowledge he’d gained, despite the terrible actions that it required, all of it would be for naught. He owed it to the ratatosks to see this through and make use of what they had paid for.

“Only if I put the knowledge gained to actual use.” Tristol said, meeting and keeping Toras’s stare. “Otherwise the hideous price we paid… we’ll have paid in vain.”

Toras looked into Tristol’s eyes long and hard, measuring what he’d said, and presumably balancing the wizard’s answer with the guidance that he’d himself gained in communion with his divine patron, “What do you intend to do?”

“I know how to read the Oblivion Compass now.” Tristol explained, “I can see it in my mind, and I can figure out what it’s ticking down to. I won’t necessarily know the meaning of those time points, but I’ll know when they’re supposed to happen, and we can hopefully act upon that.”

Toras looked down, paused in thought, and then he whispered a soft prayer. When he looked back up, he inclined his head towards Tristol in a motion of tacit approval. It was really the best that he could have hoped for.

“What do you need to do to scry that thing?” Clueless spoke, the first of the others to finally break the stillness.

Tristol smiled, “It shouldn’t be anything difficult at all. But I wanted us to have a chance to talk before I did anything. If I do this, I’d like to have everyone here to watch with me.”

Once again, as they had before, the group exchanged glances, but this time there was less apprehension than there was some fractional amount of hope. If something came from their experience, indeed it might soothe their spirits.

“I’ve been thinking about doing this for a while already.” Tristol said, smoothing his robes while, standing behind him, Nisha rubbed his ears in encouragement. “I’m ready whenever everyone else is.”

A short bit of group discussion and it was decided: whatever they had done, Tristol would use the knowledge that he’d gained. The table was cleared and they gathered together as Tristol gathered the necessary foci and reagents, and ten minutes later they were ready.

The wizard took a deep breath and incanted the words to a scrying spell. Abruptly the spell failed.

“What the…?” He muttered.

Florian raised an eyebrow, “Did you just whiff a spell?”

“No.” Tristol shook his head, “The spell failed. Someone doesn’t want that location scried.”

A look of determination on his face, Tristol began the spell again, but this time significantly empowered, and with a crackle of silverfire manifesting along his fingertips as he wove them through the air. A bead of sweat broke upon his forehead but finally the resistance broke and his spell succeeded, producing a wavering image above the table for the rest of his companions to view alongside of him.

There within the shallow, desolate valley that held the nightmare construct of the Oblivion Compass they could all see once more what they had experienced firsthand. As during their visit, the landscape perpetually shifted, with shadowy, ephemeral silhouettes of the landscape and things and creatures from alternate timelines and possible futures appearing for a moment before being snuffed back into the nothingness from which they emerged. Unlike during their brief visit to the Compass, this time at least, the device was far from unattended.

Looming over the primary cogwheel and dial, in fact seeming to bodily emerge from out of it, arms stretched wide and eyes luminous was a baernaloth, its body shimmering with a fluid skein of ever-shifting runes and sets of magical symbols. This one they had seen before in the Fortress of Pitiless when it had butchered the inventor of the Divinity Leech, Ghyris Vast: The Architect. It was not the only one of its ilk.

Atop one of the smaller spindles adorned with irrational clockwork gears that jutted from the ground sat a slender aasimar girl, her legs kicking idle in the air and her hands neatly folded atop the folds of her robes in her lap along with a crooked shepherd’s staff. Below her, moving about independent of her physical form, a monstrous shadow moved about in reflection of the Architect, aiding in whatever ritual it was in the midst of enacting.

The third baernaloth superficially resembled the basic forms of the Lie Weaver or the Blind Clockmaker, but its exposed throat was a savage mess of bleached white scar tissue. Like the Architect and Dire Shepherd, it too moved its limbs in the motions of a ritual casting, but unlike them its lips did not move with the intonations of verbalized speech.

The final member of the Demented present and obviously visible was yet more grotesque than the others, a flash of color against the desolate grey of the Waste. Its body smeared in and dripping a steady flow of blood, its teeth a predatory hunter’s fangs, and its fingers sprouting jagged claws, it silently watched the work of its siblings, pausing periodically to lash at its own flesh, seemingly savoring the self-inflicted pain.

All of that noticed in a fraction of a second as Tristol viewed the image provided by his spell, the following happened an instant later: The Architect looked up and through the scrying spell, taking immediate notice despite all of Tristol’s attempts to make their viewing of the Compass as stealthily and incognito as possible.

“Oh sh*t!” Tristol blurted out, his worry only partially relieved a moment later as the Architect looked back down to its work, seemingly uncaring at the mortals’ observation of it and its kindred’s work.

Able to see the patterns of active magic, even through his scrying, Tristol squinted and focused on minute, barely visible flashes of color in the air surrounding the Compass. Rather than side effects of the baernaloths’ work or the bizarre, time-bending afterimages that shed from the gears like shed and decaying skins of possible-serpents, the flickers of color were the telltale signs of manifested scry foci from others doing precisely the same as Tristol.

“We aren’t the only one’s watching this.” The wizard tilted his head, his ears twitching in curiosity.

Summoning a pen to his hand and paper to the table with a snap of his fingers, Tristol hurriedly began to draw the symbols present on the other scry foci that he’d seen. Almost invariably a mage’s scry foci were personalized, imbued with some essence of their creator’s nature, and intentional of not, they betrayed the identity of the caster to those who could recognize the symbols or nature of the focus.

The first symbol was obvious: the triquetrous symbol of the Oinoloth, Vorkannis the Ebon, combining the symbols of the three neutral evil Planes of Conflict.

“Well, no surprise there.” Toras rolled his eyes.

“Have to wonder what the relationship there is.” Clueless mused, taking a sip of ale and shrugging. “Seemingly no love lost.”

The next wasn’t recognized by Tristol, but by Fyrehowl, immediately so.

“That’s the symbol of Prince Talisid.”

Nisha’s tail quirked into a question mark shape, “Remind me who that is? Should I know?”

“One of the unique Guardinal Lords of Elysium,” The lupinal explained, “The Leonal Prince, greatest of our kind.”

“That…” Toras blinked, a smile spreading across his face, “That makes me genuinely happy to see. That’s the first f*cking time that we’ve seen absolutely any evidence that the upper planes are even aware of this sh*t the ‘loths are doing, much less actively planning to counter it.”

“It isn’t just Talisid.” Tristol added as he finished a third sketch, “This is the symbol of Queen Morwel of the Eladrin Court of Stars.”

Toras whistled, “These are some seriously big players here.”

A fourth foci then manifested in close proximity to that of the Oinoloth, itself a variation of his, though it contained only a version of the symbol of Carceri rather than the Oinoloth’s fusion of three: the symbol of the Overlord of Carceri, Shylara the Manged.

The fifth symbol came as a surprise. Rather than one of the other planar lords that might have been expected, the symbol was one that they’d seen up close, and seen the caster himself in person: Green Marvent of the Illuminated.

“What the…” Florian blinked. Neither she nor the others could have expected that particular individual to take an interest, let alone be aware of the Compass or the machinations of the baern.

They didn’t have much time to consider the ramifications of the myriad interested parties however.

While the Architect had noticed the scrying instantly, but had ignored the attempts to focus on the work that it and its kindred were in the act of performing, the Dire Shepherd eventually grew restless with the divinatory intrusions. Both her slender, mockingly aasimar in appearance physical form’s eyes and the eye-like holes in her independently moving shadow glanced at and followed the myriad of scry foci watching the ritual. She scowled and snapped her physical fingers, snuffing the scry foci of Talasid, then Morwel.

“Tristol hurry and read the values on the Compass!” Nisha tapped his shoulder nervously.

Moving from watching the other curious parties, the aasimar turned to the bizarre values present on the various faces and dials of the clockwork, his mind spinning with the knowledge he’d gained from the device’s co-creator, the Blind Clockmaker. Not saying a word, he took his pen and began jotting down a litany of numbers and figures as he read the nightmare device.

Scowling, the Dire Shepherd moved on, snuffing the scry foci of the Manged, and then of the Oinoloth himself, the latter seeming to require a greater effort on her part. Almost instantly the Oinoloth’s scry foci reappeared, conjured back into place, and this time drawing the attentions not only of the Shepherdess, but also the third baernaloth, whose name was yet unknown to them. This time when the Oinoloth’s foci was dismissed, it did not reappear, though it was up for debate if it was due to the actions of the Demented, or if the Ebon had simply given up with a shrug at the futility of a continued back and forth.

“Almost there!” Tristol announced as the Shepherdess looked not at his foci, largely uninterested in that of a mortal by comparison to the others.

A look, somewhere between curiosity and confusion passed over her face as she stared at Green Marvent’s scry foci, and rather than snuffing it, she actually paused to analyze it. Unlike the others dismissed by the baern, the self-titled Factol of the Illuminated dismissed his own scrying spell.

“Hurry hurry!” Nisha shouted as the Shepherdess turned to stare at Tristol’s foci, a snug look of contempt passing over her physical form’s face. As if she could stare back through the spell itself she locked eyes with the wizard and with only a modicum of effort, she collapsed the wizard’s spell, ending his scrying attempt.

All eyes moved to Tristol, hoping that he’d gotten the information that he needed. He stared down at his notes, a mixed and confusing expression crossing over his face. He put down his pen and looked up.

“The Oblivion Compass strikes 11 as the Clockmaker said, now 2 weeks, 1 day, 12 hours, 9 minutes and 5 seconds from now.” He paused, “And there are four additional demarcations of tolls of the clock after that, prior to it reaching its end. What that means however, I don’t know.”

“What do you mean, ‘The End’?” Florian asked, the concern in her voice echoed by the others’ expressions.

“I… don’t know.” Tristol shivered as he looked at the final number he’d written down, “But whatever is going to happen, the Compass is counting down to a final moment and it strikes a final hour, midnight, in 431 days, 19 hours, 2 minutes, and 37 seconds…”


Gone was the elegant, poised and fastidious fiend that had claimed the title of Oinoloth in sudden and startling fashion. No longer wrapped in velvet and silk, no longer well groomed with silky fur and gleaming white teeth, he strode through the ashen dust of the Waste naked and savage. Any pretense of civility or culture had been discarded when he summarily left Khin-Oin without warning and strode off into the hinterlands of the Waste, looking for something, or rather, someone.

Vorkannis wasn’t walking to his destination so much as bending the structure of Oinos itself, leagues flowing by in a dozen steps or so. There were quicker, immediate ways to venture there, but he wanted the time to allow his anger to fester and stew. He wanted to walk, his fingers feeling the plane flow and slide about him, supping on the collective misery absorbed by the soil over the eons like so much agonized rain devoured by a desolate and lifeless desert. He was preparing himself for what he would say and what he might need to do. He would have denied it, but a minuscule portion of his consciousness was in fact almost, almost apprehensive about what would occur when he got there.

Dozens of his fawning vassals, supplicants and would-be advisors had clamored to go with him, despite not having a clue where he intended to go. He’d had to kill one of them in a particularly spectacular fashion just to make it clear that they were not welcome. Still, it didn’t stop some from trying. The overlord of Carceri, Shylara the Manged, had gated into Khin-Oin and literally fallen to her knees and begged to accompany him. She, unlike the others, did in-fact know why he was going, though not where. Even she was only privy to so much.

Shylara… the ass kissing bitch. Not traditional words of endearment, but still, and most importantly, whatever words he applied to her, she was his. She had her charms, and as far as tools went, she was rather useful, and very much obedient. True, they were lovers in every way imaginable, but the very idea of love was a foreign, alien, and sickening concept for the Oinoloth. He simply had no grasp of it within his sphere of experience and understanding. The same went for the Manged as well, though she was not like him and might have actually had the capacity for a warped version of the emotion. He was incapable of it. She ‘loved’ him, as much as a yugoloth was capable of that emotion, though it was solidly grounded in greed, selfish desire, animal lust, and awe bordering on idolatrous worship. And for all of that, he was proud of her. A useful servant he’d created in her, and as close to a companion as he might conceivably find or create from amongst their kind, all of them still being simply his tools to use or discard notwithstanding.

He licked his muzzle as his mind wandered back for an idle moment to her kneeling naked and prostrate before him, pleading to travel with him into the hinterlands of Oinos. He smiled, and it was an open question whether his subsequent arousal was due to her nakedness in his mind or her supplication and worship.

Hours passed and the Oinoloth felt a magnetic sensation, a gentle tugging force of a river’s current flowing towards a hollow bowl or depression in the Waste where its despair and blind agony grew even more intense, a veritable gravity well of misery. The Ebon knew what it was, and he knew exactly where it was contained on the Waste. There were three of them in all, one upon each layer of the Waste, each of them unique and specific, each of them created by the thing that he sought.

As he walked, he witnessed tanar’ri and baatezu armies on the periphery of his vision. Imperfect beings fighting imperfect beings but feeding the Waste nonetheless in their pointless slaughter. Children all of them. He’d witnessed their birth. He’d even witnessed the emergence of those before them which they in turn had replaced. But there was a time to bear witness and a time to act, and the latter was what was needed.

The sprawling infinity of Oinos passed by him as he mumbled to himself, composing and recomposing what he might say, though the words were all iterations of things he had considered for eons, things which would inevitably need to be said. An infinite stretch of desolation held many things, but it was purely happenstance that the Oinoloth’s trek placed him in the proximity of another traveler upon the Waste.

His movement slowed and he looked with distaste at the lone figure in his path, a singular night hag, her pockets full of gold from the sale of her flock of captured souls and she on her way back to her coven to replenish those numbers and repeat ad nauseum, fueling the slaughter of the Blood War that went on and on about the first layer of the Waste.

The hag narrowed glowing yellow eyes as the Oinoloth approached her, the dust stirring at his feet, churned physically by the roiling shadows that licked like tongues of dark flame from his body, the omnipresent cloud of mock plague spores that marked his ascension to Oinoloth. Gingerly her fingers clutched her heartstone and her other hand flexed should the need arise. She knew more than most beings to never trust a yugoloth, especially the jackal-headed sorcerers of their kind.

“Do I know you…?” The night hag blinked, “Have I seen yer before…?” She glanced in the direction of the oncoming fiend as he strode towards the invisible presence of the Oinian Loadstone several miles beyond her.

She walked closer, squinting her eyes at the dirty, snarling jackal as he looked in her direction. Her moon-like luminous eyes met his, burning pinpricks of scarlet on an ebon field. She suddenly felt unimaginably cold at his attention. He was familiar, but she could not yet place his identity.

“Your presence is undesired…” He said in a language she had no way of understanding.

“Whotcher say there?” She scowled, “Speak up yer naked ‘loth.”

The visage of pinkish red eyes on darkness sneered, drawing back his lips over white fangs. He spoke in a language she could comprehend, “Larvae spawned sh*t.”

She would have responded to his statement, snarled at him for the insult, perhaps cursed at him in return, except that she couldn’t. Where the hag had stood there was now only a smear of carbon where she had been incinerated with barely a fleeting thought on the Oinoloth’s part.

“Return to that which births us…” He said with an almost religious tone as he flicked a bit of white ash off his hand.

He paused his walk and sunk his toes into the ground, the individual clawed digits blurring and indistinct against the ash and dirt, feeling the results of his action as the Waste fed on the hag’s obliteration. Piece by suffering piece the Waste ripped apart and digested her soulstuff, paring away consciousness and individuality, reducing it to base granules and absorbing it. The feeling was intimate to him and he cast his senses further afield, back in the direction from which he came, feeling in an instant as a mezzoloth emerged from the spawning pools beneath Khin-Oin in direct relation to the hag’s death, her spiritual essence feeding the plane and serving him to create another cog in the engine of his will.

He continued, and then he was there.

The Loadstone of Misery was massive, perhaps a story or two high, seemingly grown up out of the very soil of the Waste rather than having been built upon it; a cancerous boil upon the flesh of Evil. The Ebon strode up to the obelisk of ash gray stone and the hillock that it was built atop, reading the burning blue runes scrawled across every inch of the monolith’s surface area. He recognized them, he understood their meaning, and he knew perhaps more about it and its purpose than any other of his race.

“LAZARIUS!” The Ebon screamed, “Make yourself known!”

He snarled and addressed the monolith as if it was a living thing, almost seeming to speak –through– the stone, rather than to it. His words were filled with a burning hatred and they would have caused spontaneous bleeding and pain in the ears of any non-yugoloth that might have overheard it. That she had been snuffed from existence in a single, fleeting moment had probably spared the hag a longer period of painful, spasmodic agony.

He did not whisper, he screamed out the words with fury enough to send ripples through the dust and ash of the landscape around him.

“Arrogant son of a b*tch! You had your chance long ago and you abandoned it. What I do now is of no concern to you and yours.” The Ebon clenched his right fist tightly enough to draw blood by his own claws, causing the ground to bubble and sizzle from the errant drips running down his hand and wrist. “I will take what is mine and mine alone and do not even begin to presume that you have either the right, or the will to stop me!”

Silence met the Oinoloth’s outburst, a silence that only goaded the archfiend into a further tirade as his eyes flared with a livid, sickly pink radiance. Erupting from where he stood and extending outwards, inch by inch, second by second, the soil of the Waste stirred and frothed at the agitation of an unseen force, the ash and dust taking on the appearance of a carpet of magical runes and symbols spiraling out in ever more and more complex patterns: magic coaxed into being unconsciously by the Ebon’s fury.

“What? Do you think that I’ve not been aware of the attempts of the 13 to influence the actions of my servitors? You are not the only one waiting for the Compass to strike midnight. You are not the only ones aware of the signs and of the intent?” Vorkannis snarled savagely, “This is mine. You know this.”

Once again silence was the obelisk’s only reply, a response that only increased the Ebon’s fury. To one such as he, there was no greater insult than to be ignored.

“Ancient miserable wretches all bottled up in your own delusions and self-cannibalizing madness!” Vorkannis screamed, and now the ever-expanding field of boiling runes about him ignited, outlining the lines of magic is flickering pale blue flames to match the color of the trio of ioun stones that swirled about his head. “You rage against it silently and I hear you. You have sat back and done nothing for far too long, content to let the multiverse rot when it could have been yours already. You squander the power given to you, and now it seems that you resent those of us who dare to aspire to higher.”

The burning magic now changed color, blue igniting brighter than before and shedding a fiercely pink, albino radiance across the bleak and bleached landscape as if it were a window into the eyes of something far greater than the mere physical form of the Oinoloth standing there upon the Waste at the foot of the Loadstone.

“You and yours have become irrelevant Lazarius.” The Oinoloth said as the burning runes reached out and touched the base of the obelisk.

Finally then, the Ebon’s audience made its presence obvious as something stirred and seemed to focus its distant, powerful consciousness upon the Oinoloth. It was primordial, unfathomable, and terrible to behold, and for a brief moment, for perhaps the first time in his long, long existence, Vorkannis felt fractionally uncertain as that massive presence seemed to momentarily dwarf him, a foreign body casting an eclipse over his own dark and burning sun.

The detached presence of The Architect then focused on the Oinoloth and spoke, the words reverberating through the Loadstone and the surrounding landscape, curdling the air between them, “Have we Oinoloth?”

A spiraling field of symbols and warped, twisting formulae swirled across the face of the Loadstone, similar to that radiating out from the Oinoloth, reaching out inch by inch until it reached the flames and then it paused, not so much of its own accord, but at the faintest, incremental retreat of the Oinoloth own surrounding field of magic.

Vorkannis’s defiant glare directed at and through the Loadstone did not waver however.

“A conflict here and now between the two of us would be distinctly unwise.” Be it bravado or knowledge of something deeper, the Ebon’s lips curled into a sneer as he stood firm, “You and I both know this.”

The baernaloth did not answer him in so many words, but there was almost the hint of a beguiling, smug smile in the mental sensation of Lazarius’s presence. It didn’t need to respond in deep back and forth dialogue as the Ebon was there to threaten rather than act, despite his mockery of the Demented. For all he was, the Architect mentally chuckled at how little he knew, or perhaps how much he thought he knew of the great plan of the Demented forged in the earliest days of reality. Still, Lazarius would not answer him bluntly because there were still unknowns upon the board of their little ancient game and nothing, absolutely nothing was completely certain.

The planned future might be known, but it was not made until it was made, and at the present time, the future, a future, was something that very much desired something from Vorkannis himself. The one principle question lingering in the Architect’s vast mind was just how aware of the particular and precise intricacies of those steps and his place in those steps that the Oinoloth was. If he was, even partially so, then their hand was not so much a definite wager as it might have been. There was still too much to chance in their game, so much blind uncaring luck, and so many variables still open in their great experiment still unfolding.

“As you wish Oinoloth…” Lazarius’s voice spoke through the Loadstone, “Do as you will. It matters not.”

Silence blanketed the landscape and the fields of roiling magic from both the Loadstone and the Oinoloth retreated, flickered, and vanished back into quiescence, drawn back to their sources.

“Oh, I will.” Vorkannis whispered with a smirk, and for the briefest of moments something stared back at the Loadstone through the Ebon’s eyes, there and gone, a whisper and an echo of something utterly familiar.

In a last moment of defiance, the Oinoloth spat on the ground before turning his back on Lazarius and walking back into the desolation of the Waste, back to his throne atop the Wasting Tower. As he did so, as the presence behind his eyes withdrew, the ashes below his feet were frozen.



Wow if that isn't the most creative way of putting the party under time pressure i ever read.

Incredible good episode, resolving some of the plot and opening new uncertainties.

Voidrunner's Codex

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