Paizo Jessica Price (ex Paizo employee) spills the beans

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Without specifics, I have no clue what to even say about this. If you are going to say that something isn't true, you have to say what, otherwise it comes off as trying to cast doubt on it all. If there is something wrong, then say what you know is wrong. At this point, there's no reason to be vague about it.

You know, I subscribed to TB for a long time, but his help in giving GG credibility was unconscionable and always poorly-considered. To me, it always came off as being out of ego, and him tossing his credibility to a nascent hate movement honestly should not be forgotten. I never wanted the man to die nor would I celebrate his death, but I suppose if I were a women in gaming on the internet, I might not be so inclined to be so kind.
Oh no, I get it, but she celebrated his death and you just basically... excused it. It's not a relative thing, it's a very black & white issue. Is he Hitler or Mussolini?

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Oh no, I get it, but she celebrated his death and you just basically... excused it. It's not a relative thing, it's a very black & white issue. Is he Hitler or Mussolini?

TB didn't make my life unbearable like he did for a lot of women on the internet. He legitimized a hate movement and never once apologized for it. He got hundreds if not thousands of women harassed. You don't need to be Hitler or Mussolini to be s****y and hurt people, and those people shouldn't be expected to be nice upon your death.

I didn't hate TB, at least not enough to feel like I needed to do what she did. But I understand why some people felt that way, and it'd be pretty low of me to tell them how to feel after the guy made their lives miserable.


TB didn't make my life unbearable like he did for a lot of women on the internet. He legitimized a hate movement and never once apologized for it. He got hundreds if not thousands of women harassed. You don't need to be Hitler or Mussolini to be s****y and hurt people, and those people shouldn't be expected to be nice upon your death.

I didn't hate TB, at least not enough to feel like I needed to do what she did. But I understand why some people felt that way, and it'd be pretty low of me to tell them how to feel after the guy made their lives miserable.
Yeah but we aren't discussing him, we are discussing her celebrating his death, which undermines her credibility. He's not the one making claims, he's dead. SHe's the one who previously accused an employer of terminating her based on sexism etc that proved to not be the case and now she's making accusations that, well, some are debunked, some are meh and some are meh but concerning when you take something like asthma into account. So yeah, it's not about him, it's about her so stay on topic. She comes across as someone who likes to sling guns before she sees the innocent people in the room and then tries to escape the fall out of her actions.


And please note, I am not into Gamegate, I thought it was a pile of hot garbage. Attacking women and threatening them, harassing them, is never, ever excusable. EVER.


I crit!
Yeah but we aren't discussing him, we are discussing her celebrating his death, which undermines her credibility. He's not the one making claims, he's dead. SHe's the one who previously accused an employer of terminating her based on sexism etc that proved to not be the case and now she's making accusations that, well, some are debunked, some are meh and some are meh but concerning when you take something like asthma into account. So yeah, it's not about him, it's about her so stay on topic. She comes across as someone who likes to sling guns before she sees the innocent people in the room and then tries to escape the fall out of her actions.
Which are "debunked"?


Which are "debunked"?
I’d need to finish digging but there is a long thread on the Pf2e Facebook group talking about this.. if I get the time I’ll dig but off the top of my head: she claimed Paizo was in debt to the mob. No. Their printing house was a cover for a money laundering scheme. The claim makes it seem like Lisa Stevens and company got a loan or something from the mafia. They paid for printing costs.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Oh no, I get it, but she celebrated his death and you just basically... excused it. It's not a relative thing, it's a very black & white issue. Is he Hitler or Mussolini?
To quote Clarence Darrow, “I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction.”

Oh yeah, I’ve been highly satisfied with the deaths of certain people well below the ranks of Hitler or Mussolini.


Mod Squad
Staff member
She comes across as someone who likes to sling guns before she sees the innocent people in the room and then tries to escape the fall out of her actions.
Mod Note:
There were already two warnings that this thread would not be an argument about her character, which you have chosen to ignore.

You will not be posting in this thread further. For everyone else, this is the third, and final, warning.

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