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Marvel could publish DC.

I love speculation about mergers and acquisitions but I notice I unknow what is happening behind the curtains. I love superheroes franchises but I don't trust those megacorporations that are using these for a "too agresive proselitism". I don't spend my money to read I have to feel ashamed and guilty, I need humildity and self-criticism because my point of view about certain threads is not the same than the author.

And now this is becoming like a soap-opera.

WarnerMedia Head Reportedly Negotiating Exit After Merger​

Jason Kilar is reportedly meeting with a legal team to work out his departure from WarnerMedia, after recently learning of the merger with Discovery.

WarnerMedia CEO Jason Kilar Urges His Team “To Continue To Keep Focus,” Said To Have Hired Legal Team To Negotiate Exit After Just A Year At Helm​


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Seriously, I don't know or I can't safe what is going to happen in the future. I love those characters, but I don't feel confortable with the new titles where I am not wellcome if my point of view is not the same than the authors. They have lost lost of readers by fault of that "agressive proselitism". Parents are ready to buy toys of superheroes for their children, but comics, the things are different.

At least I can say this disclaimer: if some day I tell Disney will break and bought by Hasbro, maybe I will be kidding.




Staff member
I love speculation about mergers and acquisitions but I notice I unknow what is happening behind the curtains. I love superheroes franchises but I don't trust those megacorporations that are using these for a "too agresive proselitism". I don't spend my money to read I have to feel ashamed and guilty, I need humildity and self-criticism because my point of view about certain threads is not the same than the author.
That prosetlizing isn’t exactly new. Most of the major characters of the Golden and Silver ages of comics were very progressive, at least in the context of their eras. Sometimes, pointedly so. I mean, early on in the first run of the Black Panther comic title, it was criticized for not having enough white pepole in it. Soon after, they had a storyline in which Black Panther went after a bunch of guys in the KKK.

If you read "Hey Kid, comics" you can get an idea for the golden age the artists weren't star as later, and they didn't feel valued by the bosses of the publisher houses. Other writters would rather earning money with their own books and novels.

I guess this will be the most reliable source:

The WarnerMedia-Discovery deal was structured to make a future sale easier

Malone agreed to turn in those shares for common equity because he wanted to give a combined WarnerDiscovery flexibility to sell itself in the future -- most likely to a deep-pocketed technology company like Amazon or Apple or another media behemoth like Disney, according to a person familiar with the matter.


I wonder about the possibily of WarnerMedia becoming a "satellite company" with different inverstors and shareholders from other megacorporations.

Disney couldn't offer more money, but prestige and experencie to negotiate some parnetship or licencing, and in long-term this may be the most profitable option.

I don't know the anti-monopoly laws in USA but I have seen in the web statita.com the distribution of comic store sales in the United States in 4th quarter 2020 was 33.6% by Marvel and 29,99% by DC.


Today lots of manga, I mean, paper printed editions, are published. Lots of readers would buy superheroes comics but.... the current fandom doesn't like very much the type of stories today are being published. Lots of readers don't feel welcome when they spend their money for a comic where the writter has got a different point of view about who are the good or the bad guys. The society of 2021 isn't like the generation who bought "Preacher" comics. And this is not only about comics, but also a growing reject against all Hollywood. Today the current potential fanboys don't feel identified with fictional characters who are too perfect, too handsome and never make mistakes. Today a gamer used to the shooter multiplayers who watchs a old far west movie can't believe the bad guys with a markmanship so horrible, even when old guns had got worse precision. And today other "indie" comic publishers are making enough money to survive at least, and some titles even have been adapted into action-live productions, for example Umbrella Academy or "the boys". Nor DC neither Marvel are selling the right product.

My suggestion is to publish motion webcomics in internet, at least something like "demo" or free-to-play equivalent, and enough "family-friendly". Then if those characters start to become popular the fandom will buy merchandising products.
Sorry, but no..

Traditional Comic sales overall are on a slight but consistent uptick. Marvel and DC still account for the lion's share of all those sales. No, Trad comics sales are not what they were like in, say, the 1970s (and probably never will be again regardless of what's done) but there are many other well-known factors contributing to that.

Comics shop sales of Traditional floppies (individual issues) are about half of trade paperback sales through the book trade.

Nobody is dropping books because of 'proselytizing' except in the eager imaginations of some conservative pundits.

There's not some massive groundswell 'rejection of Hollywood' except in, again, those same fevered imaginations mentioned above. The overall industry of 'Hollywood' has, over the long run, a pretty good track record of separating people from their money by correctly reading trends and giving people what they want. Studios who consistently do badly at that don't survive. So, if you've noticed certain social and political trends in Hollywood movies, you can rest assured that more people than not want those same things because that's that Hollywood does.

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
I don't know the anti-monopoly laws in USA but I have seen in the web statita.com the distribution of comic store sales in the United States in 4th quarter 2020 was 33.6% by Marvel and 29,99% by DC.
Wow, Marvel has come down. DC has almost always been in 2nd place in modern times, but there have been times when Marvel's been closer to 40%

The cinema adwards gala (Oscars, Globe) lose watchers, and some teleseries started well but later they lost audence rating. Of course there is an "aggresive proselitism". Bobby Drake "Iceman" and Kitty Pride "Shadowcat" were straight were decades, but now they aren't. Let's suggest a checkup. Go to the fandom wiki of DC and Marvel and search "LGBT characters", and later "Christian characters" and "Catholic characters". What do you think? How many characters go to Sunday everysunday in a Hollywood production and not only weddings and funerals, and I mean not only Simpsons. In Top Gun 2 the Taiwanese flag has been banned. John Cena apologing and speaking Mandarin because he said Taiwan was an independient country. Do you remember the remake of "Red Dawn"? What about Richad Gere and Bai Ling after "The Red Corner"? How many times the communist have been the antagonists in a Hollywood production after Reagan age? Do you know what means "cheka" or "Holodomor"? How many times Hollywood mentioned McCarthy's witch-hunt, telling this was the "bad guy", or showing a no-good image about the anti-communists? When anybody has said George Lematire, the father or the theory of the big bang was a priest, or a Christian in a Hollywood production could talk about the fine turning of the universe with a scientific. What do you know about project Venona or operation mockbirding? Think about how Hollywood helped gay community to be tolerated and accepted.

Hollywood has got a too great influence to be not used as a propaganda weapon in the cultural war.

I guess maybe Warner/DC will become a corporate spin-off and this will acept work with Disney as a partner or a hired outsourcer company. This would be gradually. The first steps would be Disney working with Warner franchises, something like Sony movies with characters from Marvel comics. Why to sell the cash-cow when you could "rent" it and later this would become more valious?

Disney Reportedly Almost Bought Warner Bros. in 2016​



Mod Squad
Staff member
Of course there is an "aggresive proselitism".

To bring this back around to comics... Marvel has always had a relevant socio-political message - Captain America was a hero created by two Jewish authors to fight Nazis. The X-men (and mutants in general) have always been a thinly veiled analog for the LGTBQ community. The list goes on. Many of the old things weren't great by today's standards, but they were always making the effort, however clumsily.

So, let us not pretend that somehow, now, folks are being driven away by the message. The message was always there.


To bring this back around to comics... Marvel has always had a relevant socio-political message - Captain America was a hero created by two Jewish authors to fight Nazis. The X-men (and mutants in general) have always been a thinly veiled analog for the LGTBQ community. The list goes on. Many of the old things weren't great by today's standards, but they were always making the effort, however clumsily.

So, let us not pretend that somehow, now, folks are being driven away by the message. The message was always there.
The problem is when that relevant socio-political message becomes very different than their customer. And for that we will have to wait and see.

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