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D&D 5E D&D Up 35% In 2020 While Virtual Play Rises 86%

In this article from the Los Angeles Times, WotC's Liz Schuh shared a couple of interesting statistics: D&D revenues increased 35% in 2020 over 2019; and online play is up 86% (for obvious reasons). https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-01-13/online-d-d-provides-relief-covid-19-pandemic The LA Times published a similar article a couple of months ago. See my big list of articles...

In this article from the Los Angeles Times, WotC's Liz Schuh shared a couple of interesting statistics: D&D revenues increased 35% in 2020 over 2019; and online play is up 86% (for obvious reasons).


The LA Times published a similar article a couple of months ago. See my big list of articles about D&D in the meanstream!

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Yeah. VTT has been a game changer for me. I doubt I will return to face to face gaming on a regular basis. The odd convention game or the annual weekend of gaming with the old friends. Otherwise you can't beat the convenience of VTT, being able to play with people not in my immediate area, the ability to play shorter sessions on weeknights with family in the next room, etc.

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It'll be interesting to see what happens with that massive increase in online play. I think it will decrease if we can ever get through the pandemic, but I don't think it will decrease as quickly or drastically as one might think.
Agreed. Of my 3 games, one will go back to in person, but one now includes friends that aren't local so that one is staying on Roll20, and the third will be in-person or virtual depending on the DM. One of the silver linings of COVID-19 has been more time for D&D and connecting with long-distance friends to play again. I had never played in a virtual game before the pandemic, but for me at least it's here to stay.

Once we're able to play in-person again, our main group will do a mix of online and in-person play. In fact, we may even have remote participants for our in-person games... but haven't discussed those logistics yet. We do have a good number of our West Marches player pool spread out across the state (and country) and don't want to exclude anyone just b/c we start with some in-person sessions. But, dang, it will be good to roll some real dice right in front of some players again.

I think we all expect something in 2024, but what remains to be seen.
Agreed. Something's fishy about the timing of 2024. I can't put my finger on it just yet. I have the strong feeling of a PHB/DMG2. We've had this discussion on various forums and with my players. We almost all agree that something along that line is comming. I thought TCoE would be more heavy rule wise but it was not. But something is definitely comming up as the SA are often "attacked" on forums as well as the "errata" that change rules. An official book with all these would put an end to many debates and more rules on how to make the game deadlier might be more welcomed than many think.

Nathaniel Lee

I'm sure that D&D books and sets now being staples of the book and toy sections of Target has a fair bit to do with it... Between that and things like Critical Role and the D&D Cookbook...
Or how about both? My jaw dropped when I saw that new "life story of Critical Role" book right on the end cap in Target. LOL
I don't care too much if Wizards isn't catering to my every whim - I care that they're keeping the hobby healthy so that there are plenty of other people in it who cater to my tastes (and those of everyone else)!
If everyone had that same reasonable perspective on things, the Internet would be a much quieter place! LOL

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