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New Things To See in Star Wars Movies


Well online there is a thing about Star Wars fans hating Star Wars. I lean more towards Star Wars fans love Star Wars but its not automatic and just slapping the Star Wars label on something doesn't mean it will do well, Solo would like to say hi. Generally I think Star Wars is about compelling characters, Jedi, space battles, set against the back drop of a galaxy far far away. Note this doesn't mean you have to have force users in every movie or TV show but that they are important to the Star Wars universe. The following ideas a lot of them are not original but we have not seen them on the big screen yet but have seen them in books, games, cartoons comics, RPG etc both in the old legends material and the new canon. With 2 more trilogies potentially coming out in the next decade or so here are some ideas.

1. Grand Admiral Thrawn
Well we have seen Thrawn onscreen in Rebels and his fate in that show was ambiguous. One of the old Legends characters that has been reborn into the new canon people have probably wanted to see him onscreen since the early 90's. Theoretically he could turn up in episode IX, an obvious way would be he is in the New Order but even in the new canon the fate of the empire is also ambiguous so he could be in charge of an Imperial Remnant similar to his Legends appearance or he could turn up with the Chiss. He would be an easy character to transition to a hero role as well as he seemed to dislike the chaos of democracy but was not a dyed in the wool villain like the Sith.

2. Classic Ship Designs

Several ships I think could transition from legends material and the cartoons to the big screen. The obvious one would be the TIE Defender which has appeared in several popular video games, the SW RPG's, and the Rebels cartoon. Smaller Star destroyers like the Victory class would be another one as I think smarter imperials would go for more smaller but powerful ships over stupid bigger is better type ships.

3. Jedi Vs Sith
We did kind of see this in late Revenge of the Sith but the rule of 2 thing did limit this. I'm talking about lots of Sith and lots of Jedi. Of course this would likely have to take place in the distant past (or future a'la Star Wars Legacy) which leads to....

4. Knights of the Old Republic

There is a MMORPG of this still going, back before the dark times when good Star Wars games were made (thanks EA). They would not have to recycle the old KoToR lore or the Tales of the Jedi comics form Dark Horse Comics but 1000-5000 years before the movies is a large time period. THis would also have the added benefit from moving away from the Skywalker legacy but I understand it could be risky with no Darth Vader cameos.

5. Female Jedi
Yes we have Rey but shes not a Jedi at least at the start of TFA. We also have Aalya Secura from the prequels tut she is not a protagonist. The old l;legends material and Clone Wars cartoon had lots of great female Jedi but they have not really transitioned to the big screen yet. By what I eman by this a future female Jedi is a Jedi Knight or Master right out the gate. Of course she would need a good protagonist to feed off which basically means a force user as the Jedi are kind of super heroes (villains) at least relative to the majority of the galactic population.

6. Female Sith.

Female Sith are even more rare than female Jedi even in the old EU/Legends material. They did exist but while good female Jedi were reasonably abundant we had very few female Sith. Onscreen we have had 0 female Sith Ladies. Darth Sideous, Vader, Maul and Tyranus were all male. This of course also carries over into the cartoons as the few female dark siders were dark jedi or witches.

7. Other Force Using Traditions

The Legends material went a bit overboard with other force using traditions and we have had the barest hint of the Knights of Ren onscreen. In the cartoons they did have female dark Jedi along with the Witches of Dathomir. Some easy to transition to the big screen would be something based off the Imperial Knights and/or Jensaarai. Both were light side force traditions which tended to wear battle armor so lightsabers+ cool looking armor, makes a good visual- Vader something something something.

8. The Pilots
Most Star Wars movies have some sort of space battle in them. Some of the best Legends material was the Rogue/Wrath Squadron books and comics which mostly got away form the force but still aimed at exciting stories which were kind of top gun in space. Rogue One gave us a war movie mostly on the ground but X-Wing and TIE fighter aces that are not Skywalkers existed in the cartoons and EU.

9. Mandalorians
Apparently Disney are going with a Mandalorian TV show. Fett is probably the most popular Star Wars character outside of the OT 3, and we have seen Jango onscreen but similar to the Jedi how about a lot of them. We could go with a new take of the Mandalorian Wars or things on a smaller scale. Much like the Sith more than 1 or 2.

10. The Great Gungan Hunt
TGG is a in universe game I have included in my RPG games where the objective is to shoot as many Gungans as possible. If you want to blow up a planet that is considered a legitimate target Naboo would be at the top of my list. Much like Dolphins on Earth (they're planning something I tell you), the galaxy would be a better place with 100% less Gungans around. Coming soon to a diner near you the GGH is the SW galaxy equivalent of Space Invaders. They are evil shoot them 1st just in case.

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Funny thing about Jedi: Back in the West End Games Star Wars RPG days there would never be a Jedi in our gaming group, unless I played it.


Funny thing about Jedi: Back in the West End Games Star Wars RPG days there would never be a Jedi in our gaming group, unless I played it.

Thats the system I added the Great Gungan Hunt to.

They messed up the young Jedi template and it was hard to be a Jedi in the classic era in D6 if the GM was either a hard ass or played one as written. The template had drawbacks kinda like the AD&D Paladin.

GGH was used in some adventurers where combat wasn't an option and you were kinda only supposed to upskill skills you used in the adventure.


Thats the system I added the Great Gungan Hunt to.

They messed up the young Jedi template and it was hard to be a Jedi in the classic era in D6 if the GM was either a hard ass or played one as written. The template had drawbacks kinda like the AD&D Paladin.

GGH was used in some adventurers where combat wasn't an option and you were kinda only supposed to upskill skills you used in the adventure.

I had a novel way around the limitations. I did a lot of defending and deflecting. Playing a Young Jedi or Alien Jedi I didn't initiate combat and made sure to 'pray for their souls' afterward. A lot of Stormtrooper limbs went flying as a result of my parries and deflected blaster bolts were used far more often than my own pistol. As is the case with many of my characters, in different RPGs, my Jedi were annoyingly hard to kill and no one seemed to remember my kills.


I had a novel way around the limitations. I did a lot of defending and deflecting. Playing a Young Jedi or Alien Jedi I didn't initiate combat and made sure to 'pray for their souls' afterward. A lot of Stormtrooper limbs went flying as a result of my parries and deflected blaster bolts were used far more often than my own pistol. As is the case with many of my characters, in different RPGs, my Jedi were annoyingly hard to kill and no one seemed to remember my kills.

My players used dodge alot which was not much use with vibro weapons on speeder bikes. We had a lame Jedi who was more dangerous to the other PCs than anyone else. 3 or 4D in lightabers. You were better off being a force sensitive anything else and getting Jedi training than being an actual young Jedi. Or designing your own template. Young Jedi only had 12D of attributes+ 3D in force skills. Thats 3D short of the 18D you started the game with. The failed Jed was also better than the actual Jedi. Better stats+ a lightsaber.
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Dances with Gnolls
Aside from female dark siders/sith, all of that was old stuff. I thought you wanted to discuss things we haven't seen before. Instead it felt like you were just, yet again talking about your favorite stuff from the old EU books and media. With a dash of, it has already be done in video games.


It's hard to be original onscreen. Almost everything was done somewhere in the EU.

Original stories that are respectful to the source material makes sense yes?

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