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"Second Son of a Second Son" - An Aquerra Story Hour (*finally* Updated 04/19)


Moderator Emeritus
The InterSession I am about to post takes place chronologically earlier the same night as the second assassination attempt on Telie. However, it was played out after the session on our messageboards.

While it does not necessarily move the plot along at all, I am including it because I think it gives a little sense of piece of the setting, and like most obsessive world-building DMs, one of my favorite parts of the game is just having characters interact with the setting and learned (both in and out of characters) about some its customs and eccentricities. As you will see for example, if you choose to read it, not all temples in Aquerra are large buildings with columns and elaborate golden altars and large statues and pews, etc. . .

Also, while I said that this intersession does not really move the plot along, there are elements of the plot that are mentioned, and references to things that will become important soon enough. . .


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Moderator Emeritus
InterSession #27.1 – “This Way and That…” 1

Tholem, the 11th of Syet - 566 H.E. (637 M.Y.)

The sky was growing dark when Timotheus came into view of the Wayhouse of Ptah. After swallowing a last mouthful of a meat pie and licking his fingers clean, he started whistling "Lacan Pepper Had A Scepter" horribly off-key, ogling the scenery all the while. The Wayhouse was a small ramshackle building set amid three tiers of houses of various sizes decorated with various patio gardens and flower boxes. In that way, this place did not look very different from any of the other residential islands in Lilly City (though the surrounding area held a number of dark warehouses). However, the red paper lanterns hanging from the eaves told a different story.

As the gondola pulled in, Timotheus noticed that the "street" climbed to the left and right to the closest houses of ill-repute, but a wooden walkway/staircase led up past patches of yellowing grass to the Wayhouse of Ptah itself. The sound of laughter and music trickled down to him. Tim wiped his hands on his trousers. "I'll be here a couple of hours maybe," he said to Peter the gondolier. "If it gets too late, come on in and get me. And I shouldn't be out for at least half an hour at the earliest, if you want to go grab a bite or something while you wait." Peter nodded.

Timotheus pushed open the thin wooden door and was greeted by the warmth of a hearth and a strange mix of smells, boiling beef, tobacco, and liquor, all covered over with thick incense. The building had one large shabby room with twelve cots lined against the walls around the central hearth, which had a brick ledge around the outside where some dirty cups and dishes were scattered. The boiling beef smell emerged from a pot hanging over the fire in the hearth. There was a silver eye with an ankh in the center and stars in the iris nailed to the hearth chimney. Scattered about were various raggedy stuffed chairs, and some warped wooden ones around low tables. A group of four musicians (three men and a woman) sat facing each other, playing a balalaika, a dulcimer, a recorder and a boron drum. A pair of women sat close by rocking to the music and pulling long slow puffs off a pipe they passed back and forth.

There was also a long sofa that bisected the room, and sitting there was a balding middle-aged man with a thin upper body and a distended paunch, as if he had frequently lost and gained weight. He wore gray and brown robes, and two young were ladies draped over him with wooden goblets were laughing at the joke he had just finished telling… "Not a black eye! A Black Islander!" He laughed at his own joke and then leapt up as Tim walked in and hurried over.

"Welcome weary traveler!" His eyes were bloodshot, his step staggered, his smile wide and warm.

Timotheus nodded and gave a friendly "Hey" to those who looked up in his direction. He clasped the older man’s hand with an uneasy smile. "Hi, are you the Wayfarer? I'm Tim Smith."

"Romulus Jonz, at your service!" The man smiled again. "Welcome to this humble wayhouse! Been on the road long? At sea? It doesn't matter. Sit relax, have some stew, listen to the music, we can draw you a drink, you can lead a prayer, whatever you like… Or I guess I can lead one for you if you aren't that good with words… Wondrous are the sights and sounds and experiences of the world that we journey through beyond these walls, but wondrous too are the comforts of a place to rest and be safe… for all these things we thank Ptah!"

“Thanks, Ptah!” came the voices of the others in echo.

"Nice to meet you, Romulus. Or is it Father Jonz?" Tim warmed his hands by the fire.

"Romulus is fine. . ." The priest turned back to one of the two women on the couch, who were now whispering into each other’s ears as they stole glances at Tim. "Fezalia! Fetch Master Smith here a drink, and draw him up a chair, I am sure his feet ache!"

"Oh yeah, that's nice. It's getting pretty damp and chilly out there. And did you say something about stew?" When the woman pulled a chair over, he sprawled into it. "It's Fezalia, right? Thanks, that's comfy."

Romulus fetched Timotheus a bowl of stew himself. "So, weary traveler Tim…Tell us of your travels… Where are you coming from? Where are going next?" He waves at the musicians and they stopped.

"Thanks..." Tim bolted down a mouthful of stew, and then said, "I've been around a good bit, mostly Schiereiland and Westen-scherp Muur, but lately I've been traveling further south with my adventuring companions. We've been staying in Sluetelot, but we've also been to New Harbinger, Quillton, and the Disputed Territories. The King-Stones, if you've heard of 'em, and before that, Kraken's Cove."

Timotheus gulped down some more stew, and then took a swig of the drink Fezalia provided. "Hey, this stuff is pretty good. What's it called?"

"Oh that? That's the Vale Burgundy, from down round Gullmoor. . . What's it called? Moraes Heng. . ." Romulus replied.

"Everyone just calls it ‘the Vale’," said the other woman that had been on the couch. She brought over the rounded bottle of green glass and refilled Tim's cup and winked at him. She was very skinny, perhaps five foot four inches, with long brown hair and bloodshot hazel eyes.

"Yeah, the Vineyard Vales… that's what I said, that's where it's from," Romulus replied.

"You said, Morro Henky or something…" The woman turned and snapped at him with playful spite.

"Bah, Tamala. . . You're stupid! Moraes Heng! It's the same place! You know how it is… every place has got ten names…Look at Lilly City, it was once Heliopolis and then it was The Sunken City and then it was Bridges…" He went on and on, and the musicians started up again. In the meantime, Tim's drink was refilled twice more. There was a warm and relaxing feeling here, some more people came in and he noticed them throw a few coppers in an urn by the hearth beneath the holy symbol. They carried a cask of beer, which they set on a low table, and the musicians stopped to try some…

Remembering his temple manners, Timotheus got up and poured a large fistful of copper coins into the urn as well.

"Come get some of this," Romulus said, breaking off his own long-winded dissertation on various names and aliases of Lilly City and the surrounding region to move to the front of the line and ‘bless’ the cask in the name of Ptah. "It's Quillton Brew!" He pointed to the burned 'Q' sigil on the side of the cask.

"You really know how to treat a guest," Tim said when he reached the head of the line and filled his mug with Quillton Brew. "Hey, this stuff reminds me: do you know anything about bullywugs?"

"A little bit…You have to fear their hop attack," Romulus replied. He took a deep sip of Quillton Brew and then wiped his mouth on his sleeve. The musicians started up an up-tempo tune and a couple of people began to dance. "If you had come last month I would have had some 'Schiereiland Wheat'… It's like drinking cool sunlight… I usually summer up in the breadbasket, wandering about and getting to know that land… you mentioned the King Stones before… I went down there as a lad, before I got my calling… But yeah, 'wugs… What do you want to know?"

"Let's talk about Schiereiland in a bit... you do actually look kind of familiar, maybe I've seen you before, since I grew up there and all…”

Jonz took another sip. "If you spent any time in Heartspire, we might have crossed paths. . .”

"Yeah, I've been to Heartspire a few times, though I wouldn't say I spent a lot of time there. Kind of a quiet town, nice if you like that sort of thing. Awful flat, though. I'm more of a hill-country boy. I grew up in Chalkour, and of course I've been to Azure; now there's a place to be!” Timotheus smiled and drank some more. “But about 'wugs, well, my party and I fought off a bunch of 'em up near Quillton a few weeks ago, 2 rescued a pretty girl from one of their raiding parties, and as their leader hopped off he swore revenge! So I figure, anything you know about 'em will help. Where are they from? What do they do? What kind of crazy magic do they have going on? You know, whatever."

"Bullywugs in Quillton! That's madness! I've never heard of such a thing. How did they get there? The Crossroads Bog? Yeah. The Disputed Territories? Sure! Red Spice Island? Sometimes. . . But Quillton? They're dumb and aggressive and rarely travel beyond their territories… I don't know that they use magic much. They worship the Frog God, though… so shaman sometimes. . ."

Tim drained the last of the beer. His face a bit flushed, he began to sweat from the heat of the hearth. "Lenore of Ptah always stops by Chalkour," he said, deciding he would learn nothing important about bullywugs here. "I was actually kind of hoping she'd be here. Do you know her?"

"Lenore! Sure I know Lenore. . . We've met five or six times here or there. . . Last I heard she's up around Westen-scherp Muur or something. . ."

"Damn, then I probably won't see her anytime soon. I'm not sure if I'll even get up Schiereiland way again this year, though I hope so. It's kinda rough not getting to see home at least every few months." Tim refilled his mug. "Lenore always knows the best stories. Like the one about the three gnomes and the blue dragon, or how the Margrave, the old one, tricked the Herman Land ambassador into giving away that island in exchange for an egg."

"I don't know either of those!" Romulus says. "I do know the one about the Wallbrookian Princess and the pea, and the one they tell in the south about how all animals once talked, but were tricked into giving up their voices by humans. Dolphins escaped this because they were in the sea at the time, and burrowing animals were given different voices back by the gnomish gods."

"I haven't heard the one about the princess since I was a kid. And I've never heard of that other story. Hey...." Tim looks puzzled. "Are you saying that dolphins can talk?"

Sure! Though most of them can only speak their own language - but they are as smart as you and me. . . Smarter even . . .

"Huh. Go figure." Tim chortled. "Next thing you'll be telling me there really are elves under the sea, riding sea horses and hunting sea lions and all."

"Haw! Now your pulling my leg, sonny! Everybody knows that a sea elf Prince has his court in the Captured Sea. . . I've even been there!" Romulus' eyes grow wide and shone with excitement, but Tamala walked over and deflated him with her skepticism.

"Sure, everyone knows it, but no one believes it, and no one believes you!" She laughed and so did the other 'petitioners' She handed Romulus Jonz the pipe. "It's lit."

Romulus rolled his eyes and took the pipe, the contents of the bowl crackled blue as he sucked in great amounts of the minty smoke. Holding the smoke in his lungs he passed the pipe over to Tim gesturing with his chin.

Tim sucked deeply on the pipe; he held it in for a moment, then smoke streamed from his mouth and nose as he coughed and laughed. "Wow, that tastes funny. What's in here? Tastes like sheep-mint and sorrel." 3

Passing the pipe to one of the other men, Tim mused, "Anyway, if there were sea elves down there, we'd know, right, 'cause they'd be sworn to the Margrave like the wood elves." He furrows his brow. "The wood elves are sworn to the Margrave, right?"

The smoke left behind a pleasant dull buzz and the world beyond the immediate conversation became a synesthesic blur.

"I wouldn't bet on it," Romulus says, growing serious. "The racial covenant means those lands are theirs and their rules and laws, such as they are, take precedence. Wood elves are fine in theory, but they can be cold and cruel to our human sensibilities…"

Tim's mood shifted to match the wayfarer's. "So are these sea elves part of the racial covenant? Because if they are, there's your proof… Or maybe you could just go down and see…” Timotheus paused as if waiting for Romulus to answer, but then he suddenly rambled on. "Say, that makes for a lot of underwater types of people, doesn't it? Sea elves, bullywugs, lizardfolks, and now dolphins. Who else lives under the sea? Are there really mermaids out there like the sailors say?" He looked at his mug in puzzlement, having forgotten he was holding it, then took a sip. "I wonder if their hair is green all the way down..."

"They don't have hair down there! That's the fish half!” Romulus laughed “But yeah, there are merfolk. . . not just maids, but mer-men and women. Lizardfolk and bullywugs aren't exactly sea people though. . ." Romulus was quiet for a long moment. "Proof of what? Huh? Did you say something?"

"I did? I dunno..." Tim stared into the distance for a moment, lost in thought. But as Romulus was about to speak, Tim blurted out, "The Kingdom of the Red God of the West! ... You ever been there?"

"No. . . No. . . No requirement to travel into danger. . " Romulus winked. "Why you plan to go there?"

"Yeah. Uh, well... we're adventurers, we go everywhere. Especially into danger. And just between you and me," he leaned in. "The Rubes really are on the move. We ran into some of 'em just south of the Border Shires. And they had horses, which is funny, 'cause apparently Rubes never use horses. Except these guys."

“You don’t say…” Romulus seemed to be hardly paying attention, his vision focused into the hearth’s fire. Tim belched loudly, drained his mug, and then held it out in hopes that it would get refilled somehow. "We also ran into a dragon down there," He added gravely. "A little one…"

"Yeah, I'm sure Stinging Wind was just flying around and you took pot shots at it," Tamala commented as she refilled his mug.

"Don't mind her," Romulus says. "That's her way of trying to be endearing. . ."

"Well, I'm not 400 pounds, so I am not sure how else to get your attention," She turned on the priest and stuck out her tongue. It is then that Tim noticed the shapeliness of her body.4

"The Rubes have always been a danger and skirmished on our border, doesn't seem like anything new. . ." Romulus said, suddenly commenting on what Timotheus had said a bit before. "Not sure about them using horses though… that does seem weird, but I am not exactly an expert on their culture."

"I'm sure you know more than I do," Tim replied to Romulus, though his eyes were on Tamala. "I only just learned they're not devil-worshippers, you know? It's a sure bet that anything you tell me is news to me. ... And it was a real dragon. Just, you know… a little one. 'Bout the size of a horse, not counting the wings. Not that it, you know, flew or anything."

"Uh-huh! A little dragon that doesn't fly," Tamala said coming back over to top off the mug right after Tim’s first sip. "Are you sure you're not describing what's in your pants?" She plopped down on Tim's lap even as Romulus stood.

"I think it is time to visit my favorite sisters. . ." He waggled his eyes brows, and hooked a thumb back over his shoulder. "Was there anything else you needed from me or from Ptah? A blessing for your journey? You are welcome to stay here the night. . .I mean, unless you have a gondola waiting. . . Shouldn't wander the bridges at night around here. . . Trolls, ya know. . ."

"I'd love to stay," Tim said, clasping a muscular arm around Tamala's waist. "But I do have a gondola waiting, and everyone's expecting me back. But I'd appreciate a blessing, and… Well, do you know any stories about the Swords of the Moon? I've probably heard 'em all -- I've always been interested, family reasons -- but you always hear new details with new tellers, and if there's any stories out there I've missed, I really want to hear 'em." Clearly excited by the topic, he jounced Tamala playfully.

"Don't be fresh!" Tamala stood and turned, giving Tim a soft playful slap and a wink. She went to fill her own mug again.

"The Swords of the Moon?" Romulus mused. "Well, they haven't been around in twenty years, but they are well known… I mean, I even heard a bard tell a story about them when I was abroad in Wallbrook. . . Something about defeating a ship of monsters coming from the south before it landed there. . . I was in the village of 'Blue'. . . They're not fond of strangers there, but they sure did like them Swords of the Moon. . ."

Romulus Jonz began to straighten his robes and brush them off. "You know who you might ask about them? The watch-mage of Azure. . . That young kid, stopped in at his place last year, his grandfather was Derrida the Buff, who was with the group on an adventure or two. . . Kid said he knew the Wallbrook story, so Derrida must have been there for that one. . ."

"Watch-mage of Azure? Which one?"5 Tim stood, all eagerness. "Todor's not a kid... Telare? Leinert, or Lenairt or whatever his name is? I didn't know that any of them were related to Derrida..."

"Alton? Ethan? Archie? Something like that. . ."

"Athoen? Right, Athoen the Blanche! The watch-mage innkeeper!" Tim lauged. "I didn't know that Derrida was his grandpa. If I knew that before, I would have had a talk with him a while ago. That's just the sort of thing I needed to know. Thanks!"

"Yep, well okay! I'm off to see the Chubba sisters," Romulus said. I will be sure to give a good long prayer to Ptah for your upcoming travels, and if you drink or smoke too much you are welcome to stay."

He moved to leave and Tim noticed the musicians waving as they shuffled off with some of the people that arrived in the second group.

Tamala returned with another pipe and a flagon of some other drink, the shoulder of her dress slipping down onto her arm. She smiled.

"Have fun!" Romulus added from the door.

Tim lingered a little while longer, enjoying the hospitality and getting to know Tamala a little better... Eventually he had to force himself to get up and head back to the inn. Peter the Gondolier was walking up the platform to fetch him as he exited.

End of InterSession #27.1



(1) This InterSession was played out on the messageboards after Session #27, though it takes places during the events of that session. (See Session #27 (part 2 of 3)).

(2) Timotheus is referring to the events of Session #8.

(3) Little did Tim know he was smoking sparkleweed.

(4) Wait, wasn’t she described as skinny earlier in this installment? Must have been the beer, wine and weed…

(5) Unlike everywhere else, Azure has several watch-mages, as it is more of a collection of distinct villages that have grown together over time, than a city in its own right.
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Moderator Emeritus
InterSession #27.2 – “Interrogation of the Would-Be Assassin” 1

As Peter poled the Signers towards the great keep at the center of Lilly City, he explained that Terrapin was built atop the famed ziggurat of Heliopolis. It had squat outer walls, buttressed by angled pylons of green veined stone that led deep into the water. The rounded ramparts were crenulated with areas wide enough for the many mangonels and catapults on the surrounding walls. There was a bark and they looked starboard to see Berenger the Taupe's gondola pulling up along side in the brackish water. Ewan, the watch-mage’s hound, barked again and wagged his tail. Guido, the gondolier, tipped his cap. The boats went right up to the gate, which stood open, and they noted an anchored barge about one hundred feet before the gate that caused boats to sail around it as the fortressed is approached. They saw lightly armored guards walking along the defensible war barge.

Berenger led the way, jumping from his gondola to land on the dock first. As Peter’s boat approached, the watch-mage could be seen speaking to an officer, flanked by four guards. They walked away as the Signers began to disembark. The inner building was a shining white spire with a tall rounded wall on its north side, and flanking towers topped with bombards. Between the outer walls and spire was an inner moat, allowing small boats to move around the keep. They noticed that there are several small boats with ironclad sides that the city watch use. Berenger pointed out that the city-watch worked from here.

"I have permission to lead you to the dungeons myself," Berenger said. Peter and Tymon remained behind, while Guido left to run some errands in the meantime.

Berenger led them through the busy courtyard to a wooden covered entrance flanked by two guards he nodded to. One lifted the angled wooden door with a chain and beyond were steps leading down into the stone beneath. The tunnel below was dank, its walls large mortared brick dripping with fetid moisture, the air filled with the acrid smell of lime. Bleys followed directly behind, pulling his robes tightly around him to ward off the damp chill air. He paused at the bottom of the stairs only long enough to allow his eyes to adjust to the dim light. Markos shuddered, feeling the weight of the stone walls on his shoulders but his face hardened and he frowned. The others followed silently, Telémahkos, Timotheus, Victoria and finally, Laarus. As the door above them closed, Berenger spoke an arcane word and light appeared at the end of his staff, which he used to knock on the great iron door they arrived at.

A slot opened in the door and the watch-mage merely said, "Taupe." The sound of the door unlocking echoed down the tunnel and it opened. From within could be heard the laughing voices of men, and as Berenger led the way in, the figures inside stood from their game of cards on a low table, surrounded by ragged chairs that look as if they once belonged in a fancy noble parlor. The guards carried clubs and were dressed in leather jerkins. In one corner was a desk covered in ledgers, some open, some closed, some crumpled and damp. An older man of average height and thinning long white hair and sharp bird-like features came forward. "Welcome young masters,” He coughed. "I am Zelazny Tumbler, humble turnkey and warden. I assume you are here to speak with the our latest prisoner…"

"You know why we are here." Berenger the Taupe was short with him.

"Yes, yes. . . Well, young Dobson will lead the way," The warden gestured to one of the guards took a lantern from a wall of pegs holding several more. The wall also held more clubs at the end of leather thongs, a man-catcher, a net and several pairs of manacles. He led them through the a door on the left, beyond which was another dank hall, though much shorter, that led to a precariously steep and narrow set of spiral steps that went down into clinging darkness.

Laarus of Ra moved up to the front of the line behind Bleys, quietly telling him that he had a spell prepared that might help the interrogation if it was needed. Telémahkos fell to the back of the group, clearly uncomfortable in the oppressive prison. The spiral staircase led to a small room, smoky from two torches high on one wall. The young nobles’ eyes stung and Berenger nodded to a guard standing by a thick iron door. "Desmond…"

"Sir Berenger. . ." The guard bowed stiffly and then took a large key from his belt and unlocked the door. As he held the door open, Dobson took his place on guard. Desmond gave each of the Signers of the Charter of Schiereiland an acknowledging nod as they walked by. On the other side was a short staircase that led to a hall about eight feet wide with another iron door on the far side, but Berenger stopped at the first door on the left. Desmond excused himself as he squeezed past them to unlock the thick wooden door reinforced with iron bands, taking a moment to peek through the iron grill in the door first. He held the door open and Sir Berenger led the way in.

The man within looked up and then tried to look away. His eyes (one nearly swollen shut) watered in the sudden light. He had dark reddish-brown hair and a long face with crooked nose. He was stripped down to a loincloth and in noting this the cold and damp of the cell seemed even worse to the young nobles. The man had bruising scars here and there, some recognizable from the battle at the inn; others are more fresh. Most strikingly, he was locked into wooden stocks, his wrists and neck enclosed by the wooden frame, a narrow wooden bench propped under his knees. The cell was small, not more than twelve feet to a side.

Berenger walked over and pushed the bench out from under the prisoner with his foot, and the man groaned softly as the weight of his body made his confinement all the more painful. "We have some people who want to talk to you, scum," Berenger said, lifting the man's head up by the chin so he was forced to look at his visitors.

Bleys the Aubergine walked over and bent slightly, looking the man full in the face. "I am not going to play games with you, make false promises, or be coy. Frankly, I do not have the time and neither do you. I wish you to speak with us, and speak true. It can only go better for you should you choose to cooperate. If you are going to refuse, tell me now so that we can be done with this and away from this place."

The man remained silent, his eyes defiant.

Bleys met his stare, hard and cold. "How long will it be before those you work for dispatch others to the task?"

The prisoner's head dropped again. He said nothing. Bleys reached down and clamped his hand around the man's jaw and chin, beneath the ears. Squeezing hard, he forced the man's mouth open, inspecting for a tongue. The man choked out an incomprehensible word, likely a curse.

"They have left you your tongue, you may elect to use it at any time." Bleys released the prisoner.

"We had no luck getting him to speak yesterday… I even tried a spell I know, but he was able to resist it," Berenger said, his tone even and serious, as if he were a light-colored version of Bleys. "I could try it again… If there are no objections?"

Bleys withdrew from the assassin, acquiescent.

Telémahkos, Timotheus and Markos were stood squeezed into a corner by the cell door. Telémahkos whispered to them, thinking no one else could hear. "Magic won't work ... burn him or flay him… Either he talks or he doesn't. Either way we get our revenge."

The prisoner's gaze shot over to Telémahkos. He smiled, his lips puffy and black, his teeth cracked.

Markos frowned at Telémahkos’ words, but did not look at him. Instead, he called to Berenger, "Cast your spell and let us see." Berenger the Taupe reached into his satchel and drew out a needle with a tiny piece of red thread attached.

"I will need for one of you to donate a drop of blood. . ." Markos' frown disappeared as he watched Berenger intently. Telémahkos stepped forward and offered a finger silently.

Berenger grabbed hold of Telie's hand from beneath and pricked the offered finger quickly, squeezing it and smearing the emerging drop of blood onto his own. And with that he began to intone, "Amicus Fascinere Sanguinus Delphus!"

A moment later, the prisoner looked up with a look of fear and confusion. "Wha. . . Why are you holding me?" he asked. He looked right at Telémahkos and said with a bit of gruff pleading in his voice, "I made a mistake. I didn't know it was you, friend. If you tell them it was all a mistake and get them to let me go, I'll go away and never bother you again! Even better I'll tell them you were killed that way they'll leave you alone." He looked to Berenger and then to Bleys. "It's okay, I'm friends with these watch-mages. You can convince them to let me go. No hard feelings right? You know how this business is… You're one of us!"

Berenger the Taupe looked to Telemahkos and frowned slightly. "As you can see, he should be a lot more cooperative now. He believes the four of us to good friends. If you question him keeping that in mind, it should prove more fruitful." 2

Telémahkos straightened up and in a calm voice said, "I indeed know how the business is but the fact still remains that we need a lot more information before we can let you go. You know as well as anyone, one hand washes the other, right?” He paused. “Can you tell me how you were set on my trail, who was your contact and who they are likely to send next? We are all friends here, so all your secrets are safe with us."

The prisoner looked at Telémahkos again, but his eyes narrowed as his gaze shifted painfully towards Laarus. "I know if it were up to you I'd be let go, but I don't trust that baldie. Get him to swear to Ra…" He hissed.

"Laarus, this is not for your ears. Will you wait upstairs for us?" Telémahkos looked to the young priest.

Laarus stepped closer to the prisoner, looking down at him. "Your release or continued imprisonment is not up to me. So, there is nothing for me to swear to. The most I can do is put in a good word. But, for me to do that for you, we need you to share some facts with us."

Meanwhile, Markos, his eyes wide with an idea, began to whisper to Telémahkos to join him out in the hall to talk. Telémahkos ignored him,

"First of all, I would like to know your name," Laarus asked.

"I'm not telling him anything," the man replied, sneering,

"Then don't." With that Laarus turned his back on the prisoner and walked back to the cell door.

Markos sneered when ignored by Telémahkos. And his annoyance deepened when Laarus moved to the front of the cell and did not leave. He stepped over to interpose his himself between the prisoner and Laarus to block the latter’s view.

"He is of no matter,” Telémahkos said of Laarus. “These watch-mages will decide your fate. If you cannot trust us, who can you trust?"

The man did not reply.

Telémahkos continued. "The fur sure is flying in Thricia with everyone trying to grab a piece of the pie. It is an uncertain time, and in times like these a man needs good friends. Tell me what you can friend, and we will do all we can for you in return."

"I don't know what I can tell you…” The prisoner swallowed hard and then gasped. “I have no idea who would be sent next, if anyone. . . well, someone will be sent once the news gets back that Sancri and I failed… Can I get some water?"

"I will get you some." Markos stepped out of the cell to ask the jailer for some water.

"And how long will that be… before the Red Lanterns discover your failure?" Bleys asked.

"They might already know…It depends on who here is their informant…"

"Well, who was your contact for this job? We need names, anyone that you know besides your partner is in or working for the Lanterns," Telémahkos tried a different tact.

The prisoner coughed and futility tried to moisten his mouth by smacking his lips a few times as he waited for the water. "It was a halfling. . . People called him 'Gibbet', but I don't know his real name… I don't know much about him. . . But he is… or was a Lantern. . . We met him in Quillton, but from what I heard he used to work at Kraken's Cove until you all killed everyone there…Good job, by the way, it was mostly Coopers and Rubes. . . works for me!" He gave a smile and then began to cough again.

"And the bloodstone… Who gave it to you?" Bleys asked.3

"Sancri had it from her last mission. . . we didn't work on it together. . . But the mistress usually gives those out personally. . . or at least one of her lieutenants. . ." He coughs again. "Where's that water friend? It is getting hard to talk. . ."

"Is the water coming?" Telémahkos asked, turning toward the others. Markos returned with a bucket of water and lifted a ladle to the man's lips. The prisoner drank the water greedily and then let out a relieved sigh after he gulping down the last bit of it. He glared at Markos, however. . .

Telémahkos waited for water for the man to drink a bit and then smiled. "Why do you say ‘was’? What happened to this ‘Gibbet’? And is he the one paying for the bounty on my head or is he just as agent of the Lanterns?"

Markos returned the prisoner's glare. "Master watch-mage, please tell your friend to stop eye-balling me...” He said between clenched teeth. “Actually, don't bother… I will return to the inn. Telémahkos, a word before I go, please." He placed the bucket of water in front of the assassin and walked back into the hallway.

Telémahkos rolled his eyes and said to the prisoner, "At least he brought you water. Excuse me one moment." He stepped outside to join Markos in the hall. Timotheus accompanied his cousin, looming over him in a typical bodyguard stance.

"That little shrimp yours? Impudent servants should be kept on a leash. . ." The prisoner said to Berenger and Bleys as Markos, Telémahkos and Timotheus step out in the hall. "You both are watch-mages so you already have people watching your back, but the rest of these fools? The more they learn the more dangerous it will be for them…"

Seeing that the water had sufficiently wet the assassin's whistle, Bleys continued despite Telémahkos' absence. "Tell me more about this...Gibbet, and where you got the stone?"

"I don't know if I should tell you… Gibbet is Gibbet. There is nothing I can say that will help you and not hurt him, and while I don't like the little shet… There is a code… Though he clearly sent me into a situation a lot more difficult than he described. . . Little shet!" He smacked his lips again and closes his eyes as in deep in thought. "He worked in that Cove crew with Captain Javell… You know her? He was the only one beside her to survive. . . And I don't know much about the stone, that was Sancri's to use."

"Well, tell me what you do know. You know it is imbued with a magic powerful enough to aid in your work… What else? There is certainly more..."

"It takes blood to work them and it can never be the same person's blood twice in a row…At least that's what Sancri said. . "

"Is there anything more? What about Sancri?" Bleys asked,

"What about her?"

Bleys' face showed no sign of frustration. "Did you not work with her in the past? Was she a Red Lantern? Or more loosely affiliated like Gibbet? Did you meet her in Quillton? Did Gibbet pair you with her? Who was her contact?"

"She brought me. . .Things are like that now. . . I was the muscle. She's the fncking brains. Stupid bitch was too eager. . . I thought we should wait and get a better shot, and then he'd be dead, like a snap! But no she has to do the message thing… " He stopped and looked up at Bleys and then Berenger nervously. "You won't tell Telémahkos I was saying that when he comes back, right? I mean, I had to try to kill him, you know?"

"He seems to understand the business. What 'message thing'?" Bleys said.

"To have the porter at the inn bring the message that Tenbrook was there to see him…"

"What about Harliss? What is her relationship to Sancri, and Gibbet?"

The prisoner looked back and forth and was silent for a long time before answering. Telémahkos walked back in, followed by Timotheus. Markos could not leave without Berenger the Taupe, so he went back to the first room and spent time with the guards there.

"Gibbet worked for Captain Javell… He answered to her and to her pig-fncker first mate, Drevoraz. . . I heard Drevoraz escaped the cove, but you guys hunted him down and killed him, too… I assume the order to kill Briareus came from Javell. . . But I don't know. . . " He gulped and continued. "Harliss and what was left of her crew were not exactly in high regard with our mistress after what happened in the Cove. . . She was supposed to be working towards undermining the Coopers and taking over . . . Instead everyone is dead, all the booty gone and the Thrician navy is guarding the place. .. Sure, the Coopers are suffering and everyone loves that. . . but . . . well, but nothing. . . It just didn't work out right. . ."

"Well then, if this halfling pond scum isn't even in the good graces of your mistress any longer and obviously did not give one hair off his knotty little feet if you lived or died when sending you after me, seems more than fair for you tell me anything you can about him. What do you think?" Telémahkos said.

"I don't know what else to tell you about him," The prisoner coughed and then cleared his throat, hawking up a green and red nugget of phlegm. "Can I get some more water…?"

When he noticed that no one was going to oblige him, the man continued. "I don't give a shet about the halfling. . . It is just the principle of the matter. . . Let's see. . . we met him in Quillton at some man's house. . . I don't know the man's name, he wasn't there. . . I assumed that he was borrowing the place, but it was a man-place. . . not a halfling or gnome house. . . He gave us the drawing, your name and the name of all your companions, and the location: Death & Taxes. I got the impression he was used to spending his time at sea, he had a peeling complexion like the little shet you got out in the hall."

"When was this?" Bleys asked.

"We came into Quillton early last month. . . It was the fourth or maybe the fifth. . . No later than the sixth because we got to Sluetelot late on the ninth," the prisoner explained.

"Whom… Or when... were you supposed to meet when your task was complete?" Bleys continued with his questioning.

"Sancri knew… Though I guess we'd go back to the Port… or the Bosom. . ."4

Victoria moved over to Laarus and whispered in his ear, "It looks as if we killed the wrong assassin. The woman would've known more, I think. If we can get little more out of this one, we should think about preparing ourselves better for the next attempt on Telémahkos’ life."

Bleys eyed Telémahkos up and down, taking in his full measure, assessing the smaller man. "How much is he worth?" He turned to inquire of the would-be assassin.

"I would have gotten a cut of 600 silver…"

"Blood flows on the cheap these days," Telémahkos spat, and then after a moment he opened up a new line of questioning. "After your attempt on my life in Sluetelot, where did you go? Who was putting you up?"

When the man hesitated, Telémahkos added, "I am not going after you and I am not going after your friends but we can only be even if you give me a chance to get to someone with the pull to call this whole thing off."

"If you want to get this called off then you need to speak to the lady in charge, or make them think you're dead. . ." He swallowed hard. "Seriously, can I get some more water?"

Still no one moved to help him, so he croaked out some more. "We left Sluetelot to let things cool down and then came here to Lilly City. We were going to return, but then the fire happened and we figured the town-watch would be more vigilant, so we waited and Bes blessed us. . . You came here!"

"The gods work in mysterious ways,” Telémahkos sighed. “If you had gotten away from us but the city too hot to leave, where would you have gone?"

"Back to our rooms at the Tempe's Rising Inn," He coughed out, looking at the bucket and ladle longingly. Berenger finally reached down and puts a ladleful to the man's mouth and he slurped it down eagerly.

"More!" Berenger gave him another.

"We had been around for a while posing as brother and sister merchants in cloth and scrimshaw. . .There would be no reason to question us. We even saw you at that place's common room with Mercardo the shet-eater. . . It's a miracle that guy's not dead. If so, it's just because he is too pathetic to put a price on…" 5

"Did you have a secret word or anything when communicating with this halfling? If I wanted to get in touch with him, what would be the surest way?" Telémahkos asked.

"My guess is he's doing work for the Braids in Quillton now. . .5 If you know any of them you might be able to find him…"

"Question is, do you know any of them?" Telémahkos said.


"Any signals, secret hand-shakes, anything that would help me figure out who is going to try to kill me next?"

"Uh. . . I don't know. . . You know how it works, the trick is to get the target when they think they are safe, though I imagine someone could go the sloppy route and go for the ole arrow from a rooftop while you are in market, won't matter how many bodyguards you got then… Or poison… poison works, but you might end up killing a bunch of extra people. . If you care about that sort of thing…"

"If you needed to communicate with the halfling now, how would you? Through the woman?"

"Huh? I told you, Sancri was the contact. . . But if I had to I'd go to Quillton and look for him, maybe scope out the house and apply uh. . . pressure to the man that lives there. . . Maybe bribe some big noses. . ."

"I'm done,” Telémahkos finally said, disgusted. “Bleys, do you have any more questions?"

The watch-mage shook his head. “This has been useless…” 6

End of InterSession #27.2


(1) This InterSession took place on our messageboards between the meetings for Sessions #27 and #28.

(2) Berenger the Taupe cast Aquerra’s version of the friends spell.

(3) The bloodstone is what allowed for the silence spell in both assassination attempts, and perhaps Sancri’s ability to appear as the cleaning maid in the first. See Session #22

(4) These are references to Haffar’s Port and Misery’s Bosom.

(5) Telémahkos met Mercado the Magnificent in Session #27, but the character has a reputation dating back to the Oath Campaign, which was played from 1996 to 2000.

(6) While this was not said in the InterSession thread itself, this opinion was expressed to me by Bleys' player afterwards, and since the scene was left incomplete and the information gathered in the interrogation never came up in game again, I figured it accurately captured the feeling about the usefulness of the questioning, and thus served as a good place to end it.


Moderator Emeritus
Session #28 – “Drie-Hoek Jaunt” (part 1 of 3) 1

Isilem, the 16th of Syet - 566 H.E. (637 M.Y.)

The young nobles who had signed the so-called Charter of Schiereiland, and who at times had referred to themselves as the ‘Sons of Thricia’, at other times, ‘the Scions of Thricia’, and at least once as ‘Timotheus Smith and his Mystery Men’, made their way back to Sluetelot from Weirspierogen upon the Sea Wyvern. Morning was waning at the beginning of the third week of Syet, the second (and last) month of autumn, but it had been a sultry autumn with little rain. It hardly felt that winter was coming, except perhaps to Markos, who could taste it in the changing wind off Drie-Hoek Bay. Timotheus, however, felt the constant chill of his cousin, who continued to barely speak to him since the second assassination attempt.2

They had gotten back to Sluetelot late in the afternoon two days before and had a large lunch as a group, discussing their next moves, and some logistical things with their steward, Euleria Finch.3 Coins were handed out to cover the incredible expenses of their stay at the Golden Arch Bridge & Inn in Lilly City, 4 and it was decided they would travel as a group to retrieve their boat. In the meantime, Euleria would investigate a place to keep the boat while the party continued with their journeys.

The bay had been cold when had they crossed eastward on a ferry to Weirspierogen, and the sight of the low gray buildings and many small nest-like clustered brown houses was a letdown to those who had never passed through here before. Sluetelot was a metropolis in comparison. The only impressive features were upon the tiered side of the nearby great hill, the temple of Anhur and the walls of Sparlange, and at its top High Hill Tower.

The Signers walked north along the wharf towards the harbormaster’s office at Bleys’ direction. As they passed some townsfolk, Timotheus smiled and waved, greeting them happily, but they looked down or right past him, saying nothing. “Great! A town full of Bleyses,” Tim sighed.

Bleys did all the talking at the office, getting quickly past the clerk to talk to the Harbormaster himself, who complained at length of Sir Gregor Harrold’s defiance of naval regulations and his circumventing the law and the extra work it caused. The Signers a gave a collective “Hear! Hear!” though some with a slight mock in their tone. The harbormaster made a note of mentioning that Sir Adrian Devenpeck had come down to ask after the boat himself, and to see if any of the Signers had come to claim it. The fine was paid and they found the Sea Wyvern. Markos immediately began to inspect it. There were a few things they’d need to get her into shape for the trip back across the bay, but all of them would be easy enough to get.

“What is there to do around here?” Timotheus asked, squinting as he looked around.

“You’re looking at it,” Bleys replied dryly.

They were walking towards the market when they saw a tall man approaching. He wore ornate plate armor, and a soft blue cloak. He had long brown locks that blew in the harbor wind, and his face had a kind of brutal handsomeness, and unsettling ice blue eyes. He wore a longsword at his side, and a boy of about fourteen summers followed a bit behind him.

“Sir Adrian Devenpeck…” Bleys said quietly to the others. “He is not a man to be trifled with…”

“The Signers of the Charter of Schiereiland…” The imposing knight greeting in a deep voice as he approached. He reached out his hand and shook of their hands firmly, speaking to each of them as he did, revealing his awareness of each of them.

“Young Bleys, favored of the Margrave and kin of our house… Telémahkos Briareus, ever-affable and becoming known for being something of a duelist? If not a very good one yet… And his cousin, Timotheus, the recognized bastard of Briareus… I heard you almost beat Floris Tenbrook…?” Timotheus’s hands were the only ones that could match the noble’s size and strength as they shook. He nodded. “It is too bad that you were not able to teach that upstart a severe lesson… But it matters not… Someone will eventually…” He turned to Laarus. “Laarus Raymer of Ra… Ever an honor to meet a loyal follower of the King of the Gods, and Victoria Ostrander, I fear that the waterways and hills of Hoofdlan and Black Thread Island are likely not as satisfying for you as the open fields of Schiereiland… And finally, Markos Ackers, the poor victim of kidnappers… You do seem to have nearly finished learning the ways of civilization…”

There was a pause and then the Signers awkwardly greeted him back, and he continued. “I see you have come to retrieve your sloop. Very good… I pray the harbormaster informed you of the violation of law?”

“Yes, sir… He did…” Bleys replied.

Sir Adrian nodded. “Good… It chafes me how some nobles think they are above the law, and you would do well young master Bleys… You would all do well…” He surveyed the faces of the young nobles. “… To avoid such people, and avoid being drawn into their web of corruption…”

“Yes… yes…” They nodded.

“Take for example the recent events in Kraken’s Cove…” He looked at them again. “I hear you all were willing to do what House Wetherwax was not… Clear that foul smugglers cove of criminals, bringing them to the justice of the blade at the same time as making business profitable for legitimate Thrician merchants… It is to be commended…”

“Most of the people there were dead already when we arrived…” Telémahkos interjected.

“I am sure they were,” Adrian replied dismissively. “And now, forced to keep others from returning to that area and trying to handle the chaos in the illegal trade up from Devil’s Grasp, House Wetherwax is struggled to keep a watch over those waters that fall under their duty, and House Devenpeck has been called upon to fill the void and take over more patrols in Drie-Hoek Bay. If House Wetherwax had not turned a blind eye to this smuggling and handled it aggressively to begin with this would not be happening… Hopefully your actions have forced the issue and we are on the verge of a more lawful and stable era on the bay… At least, it shall be so across the Drie-Hoek now that Devenpeck ships are more ubiquitous on her waters…”

“I think this is excellent news!” Telémahkos burst out, wearing an over-wide smile.

“Yes, then things shall be as they should be…” Bleys agreed.

“I am glad to hear it,” Sir Adrian Devenpeck replied. The corner of his thin-lipped mouth moved slightly in an abortive smile. “And know that if on your time traveling on and around Drie-Hoek Bay, if you are in need of aid, rousting smugglers, pirates, inhuman creatures that threaten our security, or even some smaller aid, do not hesitate to seek out agents of House Devenpeck and give my name. And if you plan to stay in Weirspierogen for any amount of time, allow me to offer you my father’s hospitality in Sparlange.”

“Thank you…” Bleys said.

“Yes, thank you… Your promise of aid means a great deal…” Laarus said. The rest of the Signers echoed the thanks, though Markos’ was mumbled and forced.

“I am very pleased to have met you,” Telémahkos smiled more as they all shook the serious knight’s hand one more time before he left.

Markos looked around at his companions in the silence that followed the knight’s leaving and noted the unsettled feeling on most of their faces. He could tell that each of them were disturbed in his own way by Sir Adrian Devenpeck’s words and demeanor, and he smiled. “You know… I am actually starting to like some of you some of the time…” He said.

“Well, that’s something,” Timotheus slapped Markos on the back hard, and the sailor-mage went back to his usual sneer.

Going back across the bay, Telémahkos spent his time shadowing Markos to learn more of the sailor’s craft. When he wasn’t needed and the wind grew cold, he went back down below, where Timotheus, tired of the silent treatment confronted him.

“You know, if you didn’t ignore my own interests, I would be happier about bodyguarding you,” Tim said.

“I’m sorry that ditching the group for seedy bars and syphilitic whores and then waking up not knowing how many coppers you have left is more important than protecting the life of your cousin,” Telémahkos sneered. “If you want to be a noble, you need to start acting and talking like one… You may have a reputation as a fighter, but not as a leader of men, and to be leader you need to take on responsibilities…”

“We used to go out all the time and have fun…” Timotheus complained.

“That was before assassins were after me, and before we had a responsibility to the rest of the group,” Telémahkos explained. “We all have to grow up sometime…”

Teflem, the 20th of Keent - 566 H.E. (637 M.Y.)

Four days later the Signers of the Charter of Schiereiland were riding south along the Beach Road from Sluetelot, headed to New Harbinger to answer the summons of Lord Swann.5 Before leaving there was some talk of going to Quillton to search out the halfling mentioned by the assassin interrogated in Lilly City, but it was generally agreed that he was likely long gone. As it was, Laarus of Ra insisted that a lord’s summons was not something that could be delayed any longer. Also in this time, Victoria picked up her finished masterwork armor, and a decision was made that Telémahkos would wear the Warding Ring when the party was in civilization, but out on the road, it would be Bleys the Aubergine who would wear it.

Misty rain dogged their ride and slowed them down, as the Beach Road was muddier and narrower having given way to the sea in several places. And on the second miserable day, they were nearly right upon a wrecked fishing boat when they spotted. Two men were sitting on the edge of the beached craft, while another lay curled in a ball on the sand. They looked bedraggled and downcast.

“Hail! And well met, what has happened here?” Bleys called, rearing his warhorse.

“Sea monsters?” Timotheus called, barely concealing his hope that his guess was true.

Victoria rolled her eyes. “You have quite the imagination, Timotheus…”

“What? Don’t believe in sea monsters?” Tim frowned.

“It is not that… But sea monster don’t beat people up and leave them on the beach…”

“What has happened here?!” Bleys’ voice boomed when he called to the men.

The fishermen explained that local rogues set them upon when they pulled their craft in. Their friend on the sand was beat into unconsciousness for fighting back, and a whole sack of their freshly caught fish was taken from them.

“Who were they?” Bleys asked.

“MacHaven’s Brood, people call them…” A fisherman explained. “They have been brazenly pushing their weight around since all the soldiers have been busy fighting lizardmen in the bog… They are probably at Wringneck’s right now…”

“Okay! Let’s take care of this!” Timotheus announced.

“I agree,” Markos murmured. “These poor saps are suffering for our failure to settle this matter the last time we were here…”

The Signers doubled their pace to get to Bog End before nightfall, leaving the appreciative fishermen behind with a couple of silver pieces each to cover their lost fish and promising to look into the banditry.

A light rain began to fall as the Beach Road turned west, and climbed up towards the High Road and the crossroads at Bog End. The hamlet was already dark as they made their way on horseback past the ramshackle houses and dilapidated boathouses and stables. They soon saw the lanterns hanging from the awnings of the Wringneck’s, the tavern upon the dock. It was the only building lit up in the growing gloom.

“Hail!” Bleys addressed a man standing out front of the tavern, as if on guard. He wore studded leather armor, and carried a longsword at his side. “Is Wallaby about?”

“He’s inside,” The man gestured with his head, wearing sneer as he looked over each party member as they dismounted and tied their horses out front.

“Cousin… Stay and watch the horses,” Markos suggested.

“It is my duty to check for injustice here,” Laarus of Ra replied. He began to walk towards the tavern’s entrance.

“Let Tymon and me watch them…” Telémahkos said, eying the guard.

“You need me, Cuz?” Timotheus asked, looking back to Telémahkos, but Telie ignored him. The brawny fighter walked in behind Victoria and Markos.

Inside were none of the usual local regulars. Instead there were a handful of armed men in leather and studded leather armor, drinking and chew roasted fish. One of them sat up on one of the large tables. He had a broad back and wore mud-caked studded leather armor, but had bare arms covered in countless tattoos of streams of ants emerging from and going into small green anthills, and many bangled braclets on his forerarm and above the bicep. He wore a hunter’s cap and had bright green eyes. There were three bedraggled wenches, laughing and screaming as they were groped, pinched and tickled. “Ten to one, one of these guys is McHaven,” Timotheus said under his breath as he walked up behind the watch-mage. Bleys the Aubergine walked past the men towards the bar, where he recognized Tickle sitting at one end.6 He noticed there were fewer benches and tables than there had been before, and those remaining were abused, stained, cracked or warped. As the watch-mage reached the dark man, Wallaby Wringneck popped his head up from behind the bar. The portly halfling had a blackened left eye and a cut lip. His hair was tousled, and his shirt askew and stained with sweat, ale and fish guts.

“You don’t mind if I sharpen my weapon do you?” Telémahkos walked up to the man standing out front. He appeared in his mid-twenties, with his pale freckled skin darkened by dirt. The man was smoking a pipe, and cocked an eyebrow, but then shrugged his response. The blond Briareus drew his rapier and began to sharpen it on a stone with exaggerated effect, only a few feet in front of the man.

“That’s a nice blade ya got,” the man said. “Can I see it?”

“Sure,” Telémahkos cocked his chin and then flipped the sword with an expert flourish, passing it over pommel first. The man took it and swung it with some obvious martial knowledge. He held it up to the light of one of the hanging lanterns. “Nice…” He said, and handed it back.

“Thanks…” Telémahkos replied as he took it, and then continued to sharpen it

“What happened to the watch-mage?” Bleys was questioning Tickle about the recent occurrences, and the news of the skirmishes against the lizardfolk.

“Rumor is he fell in the bog fighting the lizardmen,” Tickle replied quietly. Every once in a while his eyes would dart nervously towards the drinking men, one of whom was giving a detailed account of a drunken night another spent with a donkey.

“Do you believe this?” Bleys asked.

“Why don’t you cast a little spell and find out?” One of the armed men was at the bar. He sneered at Bleys, while the man’s companions quieted down finally noticing the new arrivals.

“Bleys, we are wasting time…” Victoria said, standing near the middle of the tavern, just a few feet away from the table of drinkers. “Why don’t you tell them why we are here so we can get to the bottom of this?” She struck the butt of her spear on the floor to emphasize her point.

“I’d sure like to give her a taste of my spear!” One of the men said, softly, but with the obvious intention of being overheard.

“Shut your filthy fncking mouth!” Markos yelled, stepping right up to the man, who was leaning on one of the long tables. “You had better apologize right now and learn to show the proper respect!”

“And who is going to make me little man? You?” The man smirked. He stood to tower over the diminutive mage

…to be continued…


(1) This session was played Sunday March 30, 2008 in Brooklyn, NY.

(2) See Session #27.

(3) Some of this logistical stuff was handled over email and on the messageboards.

(4) The total cost was just over 100 silver pieces.

(5) Bleys received the summons in Session #26

(6) The party met Tickle on their first trip through Bog End. (See Session #2)
Last edited:


First Post
YAY! Back to some good old adventuring. And I am happy to have caught up. The intersessions were interesting, but I am glad to be back to some action. The upcoming bar fight in particular.



Moderator Emeritus
Session #28 – “Drie-Hoek Jaunt” (part 2 of 3)

Markos pushed his hands against the man’s chest and the next thing he knew he felt a pain and force that drove his chin to one side. “Take that you little shet!” the man said, still smirking.

Victoria dropped her spear and hurried over to grab at the man, but he easily pushed her away with a snarl. Markos ducked behind the female militant and pointed two fingers at the man’s face, “Sagitta aquom! Two magic missiles flew from the fingers, but while one slammed into the mouthy brigand, the other flew across the room to hit the large man watching the tussle and laughing from his position sitting on the table.

“Are any of these men MacHaven?” Bleys asked Wallaby as the halfling ducked noticing the fight beginning. “Just bloody kill these bastards!” The halfling hissed. Bleys cocked an eyebrow.

“You dare?” The big man face changed from one of amusement to one of deep anger. He stood up from his seat on the table, and they now noticed that he had a great sword, as he lifted it up from resting across his thighs. “You dare?” he growled again, his bloodshot eyes widening.

“Are any of these men MacHaven?” Bleys turned his question to Tickle as the man watched as the dispassionately fight erupt.

“No, he wouldn’t come here… That’s Furious Garry…” He cocked a thumb surreptitiously towards the man with the greatsword.

“Don’t worry, Boss! I got this!” One of the other men hurried around a table and sent a fist up into Timotheus’ neck. Stung, Timotheus shot him a look of annoyance before bashing him with his heavy shield of bulette hide. The man stumbled back, and swollen with cockiness, Tim leapt up onto one of the tables to survey the entire room. Unfortunately, the cheap furniture of the tavern could not hold his weight and it splintered beneath him, sending him to the floor with a jarring blow to his tailbone.

“If you cannot be taught respect with words, you must be taught respect with the might of Ra!” Laarus barked as he drew his heavy flail, and move to stand shoulder to shoulder with Victoria. She grabbed at Furious Garry, barely avoiding a heavy blow from his great sword, and then drawing off. She stumbled as she sidestepped to avoid another of the drunken men, closing in to punch at her with a cudgel. She was unable to avoid the punch of the first man. It was an uppercut to the chin and she fell backward, collapsing to the floor, and then panting as she scrambled back to her feet.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Furious Garry turned and brought a hard blow onto Timotheus’s shoulder as he was standing. He was nearly driven back down as the plates of his armor groaned in protest, and he grunted with deep pain, and could feel blood trickled underneath.

“Everyone let me know when they’re ready!” Markos called out to his companions, eying a lantern right in the bandits’ field of vision.

“Ready and hurry it up!” Timotheus closed his eyes as he sidestepped and stood, hopping to avoid a follow-up attack.

“Victoria! The time has come to draw your weapon!” Laarus said, as he stepped around her to block the kicks of one of the brawlers, and punched him in the chest, flail in hand.

Outside, Telémahkos had put his rapier to the smoking man’s neck as soon as the sound of combat reached them. “Move and I’ll fncking kill you,” he said, with a smirk. “Tymon, aim your crossbow at his chest!”

The manservant nervously nodded and then did just that.1 “If his hands come down, peg him between the eyes,” Telémahkos said as he ducked into the pub. He heard the twang of the crossbow when he had barely gone in ten feet, still too far to join the melee. “Master, look out!” Telémahkos spun around and noted a crossbow bolt on the floor as the man was suddenly upon him, sword in hand. Telie barely got his rapier up to parry the blow. “Let’s dance, scum…” He winked.

The cudgel-wielding man, tried to move around Laarus to get a blow in on Victoria as she was still getting up. The big mouth moved away from the two priests, sensing weakness in Timotheus. The blow made Tim open his eyes, but more from its weight and sound than from any actual damage it dealt him.

“You stupid fncking knuckle-draggers! Tell me when you’re ready!” Markos screeched.

Furious Garry began to huff and puff. His eyes grew wide and his licked his teeth with a brown tongue, drool pouring off his chin as his muscles began to swell with savage strength. Timotheus cursed when he felt the weight of the raging bandit’s great sword, tear into his shield.

“I guess that’s not happening, Markos!” Timotheus called back. He cut at his foe’s arm with his sabre. Garry was oblivious to pain. Laarus moved over to try to pen the furious man in, leaving Victoria to deal with the others. She took a cudgel blow to the ribs. She finally drew her morningstar, but groaned as the tip of Furious Garry’s sword thrust past Laarus and caught her in the ribs as she raised her arms. She spun and raised her morningstar against the pain, and called to Anhur to infuse her with his righteous fury. Splinters flew from the spiked club as it met the edge of the great sword to block it.

“STOP! WE CANNOT KILL THESE MEN!” Bleys’ voice booming thanks to his announce spell. He pointed to the various men. “YOU! SURRENDER NOW!”

No one seemed to listen. Least of all, Markos, whose hand was crackling with blue electricity as he stepped over to flank the man fighting Telémahkos. “Looks like you could use some help, Tee-Kay,” Markos reached out and the man jerked for a moment, his clothing and armor smoking. He fell unconscious to the damp tavern floor.

The man that started the altercation, drew his longsword and swung weakly at Tim as he moved in the direction of the exit. “Maybe we should get out here…” He called to his friends. “They said the watch-mage was gone…”

“Tymon! Sword! Shield! Back me up!” Telémahkos practiced the footwork Mercado had shown him as he moved to cut off the retreating big mouth. “Have at you, scum!” The bandit barely deflect the worst of the rapier thrust, his armor absorbing the pointed edge, but the not the weight of the blow. Timotheus backed up to give himself some room to work, and took a swipe at the big mouth, who ducked. However, before he could get any further, Tymon was there to pen him and flank him with Tim.

The wenches, who had been slowly retreating from the fray, finally sprinted out the back door. The man with the cudgel, ignored by Victoria, moved to flank Laarus, and the young priest of Ra felt the blunt weapon’s heavy blow on his back as he spun to block a follow-up. The militant of Anhur swung her morningstar again and again at Furious Garry, to little effect. “Down, dog!”

“SURRENDER NOW!” Bleys repeated. “NO ONE SHOULD DIE HERE!” He moved past the fight to check on the man Markos had fried.

“Bleys! There are children in this town who have probably not eaten because of these men…” Markos complained. “Sagitta caustus! He sent an acid arrow flying at Furious Garry, but had to send it between the narrow gap between Victoria and Laarus to do so, and the caustic liquid splattered against his cousin.2

Seeing enough, the loudmouth, tried to flee, but quick blows from Victoria and Telémahkos sent him bleeding to the floor. Furious Garry roared and shrugging off a cut to the forehead as he passed Timotheus, and instinctively dodging to avoid Laarus’ flail, he charged right into Markos punching down with all his might, and slamming the hilt of the sword into the little mage’s neck.3 Markos took a step back, but miraculously did not fall. His head, neck and shoulder ached.

“My sympathies are with the bandits’ victims,” Telémahkos shot towards Bleys as he moved to flank Furious Garry with the mewling Markos.

The raging bandit spun around, growling as he raised his greatsword, smiling as he saw an opening in Telémahkos’ defense, but he was reckless with his own. Timotheus shoved his saber under the man’s armpit and twisted the blade. Furious Garry’s eyes widened as blood exploded from him, and he collapsed.

Shocked at his leader’s sudden defeat, the remaining bandit was not ready for Telémahkos’ opportunistic blow, which sent him down to the floor to bleed out as well.

“Ra, save this man so we can interrogate him and bring him to justice,” Laarus prayed and cast cure minor wounds on Furious Garry in order to stabilize him. He did the same to the man Telémahkos dropped, while Victoria dealt with the bleeding loudmouth who had started the whole thing.

“Just kill ‘em! Just kill them all! They’re bastard bandits that have been making all our lives miserable since that knight and the watch-mage took all the soldiers into the bog!” Wallaby cried out, distraught.

“This one is dead…” Bleys said, ignoring the halfling. He gestured to the man Markos had electrocuted with a spell. The purple-robed watch-mage turned to Markos. “Was this really necessary? Murdering this man?”

“Murder? These are bandits who are terrorizing these people!” Markos spat. “You’re just mad than no one obeyed you… Well, despite what Timotheus says, you are not the boss!”

“We had no evidence that these men are bandits, and until you used your magic missile spell, it seemed possible that we might subdue them without resorting to lethal means,” Bleys argued, his voice getting a bit heated for once.

“Markos was rash, but we were in our rights,” Laarus defended their actions.

“The guy outside told me these guys were with MacHaven,” Telémahkos bluffed. “That was evidence enough for me…”

“They looked bad…” Markos said. “You could just tell…”

“So you judged them based on looks alone? How very noble of you…” Bleys replied.

“Bah! I don’t care…” Markos spat again.

Laarus cast a curing spell on Timotheus and then another on himself, as Markos shifted the argument to be about no one following the routine for his casting pyrotechnics. The priest of Ra winced as the acid-burns on his neck healed.

“Where can we find the rest of these bandits, and their leader MacHaven?” Victoria asked, but neither Wallaby or Tickle knew, or at least they wouldn’t say.

“If you hang around long enough more of them will come, especially once Garry and his men go missing…” Wallaby answered. “Ever since all the soldiers out of Gullmoor have been busy with the lizardfolk and the watch-mage died, they have been coming and going more than ever!”

“Oroleniel the Salmon?” Bleys asked. Wallaby nodded. “Word is the lizardfolk tricked him into stumbling into a bog…”

“I thought the Salmon was arrested in New Harbinger…” Telémahkos whispered in Bleys’ ear. He had just finished searching the bandits, and took an ivory-pommel dagger for himself.

The dead bandit was dragged outside, and the Signers discussed their next move, quickly deciding that they should ride to Gullmoor with Furious Garry and talk to the Viceroy and gather more information on the Brood, if possible.

“If we leave now, he can send someone to pick up the remaining prisoners by morning…” Telémahkos reasoned.

“What!” Wallaby grew flush. “You cannot leave these men here! What if more of MacHaven’s men come while you’re gone? They’ll hold me responsible! I’ll be dead meat!”

“You do not seem appreciative of our help,” Markos sneered.

“Maybe this’ll teach you the value of the local patrols…” Telémahkos added.

“Oh yeah! Thanks for all the Gods-damned help,” Wallaby swore, running his stubby fingers through his matted black hair nervously.

“Wallaby is right… We should stay here overnight and then take all the prisoners in the morning,” Bleys said. He turned to the halfling “We shall eat and drink, and if more of MacHaven’s men come in, give a signal… Say something like, ‘Another round on me!’”

“That’s not believable,” Wallaby smiled, slyly.

“Say it anyway…” Bleys replied.

“Let him pick the phrase,” Timotheus said.

“How about, ‘Are you going to pay for that?’” Wallaby’s smile widened. It was agreed. “But you know, the simplest thing would be to just dump these bastards in the bog…”

Over the next hour, some locals poked their heads in and then quickly went on their way again, but finally a lanky man in new clothes arrived. He wore tall wading boots, and a fine green and brown hunting cap hat atop his long shaggy hair and a smile from ear to ear. It was Tavius.4

“Well if it isn’t my favorite noble band!” He smirked and strut, looking at each of the Signers. “Stirring up the hornet’s nest again?”

“Do you know anything about MacHaven and his men?” Bleys asked.

“Nothing nobody else doesn’t know or hasn’t told ya!” Tavius walked over to the bar. “But I sure am thirsty…” He took off his hat as he walked past them.

Telémahkos sneered at the party’s former guide, while Markos sulked about no one following the routine in order for him to cast pyrotechnics, and Victoria of Anhur was taking the time to try to explain why it was tactically unsound to it in this case.

Tavius looked around and rolled his eyes. “I do have a story or two to tell, but if you all are too stingy to part with a few coppers to quench a workingman’s throat… Well, in that case… I may have to keep it to myself.”

“Talk or leave,” Bleys said flatly, and Tavius put his hat back on and began to make a show of leaving.

“Oh hold on! Come back! I’ll buy you a gods-damned drink,” Timotheus swore, glaring at Bleys the Aubergine. Tavius spun around and smiled, and Wallaby poured him an ale. Tavius downed it quickly and then gestured to the cup again, after he looked to Tim hopefully and the warrior nodded.

“So out with it! What do you have for us?” Telémahkos snapped.

“Well, as you know I am the smartest person around here, and I have a knack for looking out for things that might be worth seeing and knowing…” He smiled wide again, but then saw Telémahkos fuming and rolled his eyes again. “I was around when that knight and the elven watch-mage arrived with some men-at-arms and headed out into the bog. This the kind of thing you are looking for?”

Bleys nodded. Tavius finished his ale and gestures for another.

“Next thing I hear…” He took a sip. “Next thing I hear they are back in town some days later man down… They threatened some locals to put them up and then they went back out… I saw them that morning…” He paused to gauge the interest of his listeners. Bleys and Laarus were placid as always, and Tim kind of hummed to himself as he drank large mugs of ale between small bowls of fish stew. Markos was deep in thought, and Victoria was stern. Telémahkos sharpened a dagger.

He sighed and continued. “Couple of days later they come back, now with only two men-at-arms, and after staying one night they make their way to Gullmoor the next day… It was not long after that that the soldiers went in there, including your old friend Sir Quintus… In fact, I saw him around before the rest of the soldiers and that other knight, Lizard-bane, came back from Gullmoor with the watch-mage in tow… Oh, and when they passed through town, the knight and the watch-mage weren’t speaking…”

“How do you know?” Bleys asked.

“I notice things… The knight was definitely mad at the elf, and then the next thing you know, word is watch-mage fell in the bog and was never seen again… Make you think, right?” Tavius tapped his temple.

Telémahkos looked to Bleys as if to remind him that this was the second time they had heard this news of Oroleniel’s fate.

“How long ago was this?” Bleys asked.

“Couple of months? They first got out here first week of Keent or so…” Tavius replied. He reached for a bowl of fish stew Wallaby had served for Timotheus. Tim shot him a look, but gestured to the halfling for another bowl. “Now Thricius Gosprey is involved in the fight…”

“Thricius Gosprey?” Telémahkos asked.

“Son of the Viceroy… Not the eldest… Second son, I think. Militant of Anhur, like Miss Priestess over here.” He jerked a thumb towards Victoria.

Furious Garry began to stir and pull absently as his bonds, so Bleys walked over and slammed a fist into the man’s face, knocking him out again.

Later, after Wallaby had shuttered the Wringneck Pub closed, and the Signers of the Charter of Schiereiland did their best to clear space on the filthy floor and lay out their bedrolls, they started to rethink their plans.

“I have a bad feeling about going to Gullmoor,” Telémahkos said. “If the Viceroy’s son is working with Lizardbane, we might end up being detained and never get to help Oroleniel the Salmon…”

“Detain us for what? We have not done anything,” Laarus said.

“Like a lord has never used his power to stall or misdirect people when it was in his interest…” Telémahkos rolled his eyes at the priest. “I think we should go on to New Harbinger and give the prisoners in there…”

“I, too, think we should go on to New Harbinger,” Bleys concurred. “We have heard conflicting reports as to Oroleniel’s fate and I would like to know for certain what has happened…”

“I would rather stay and deal with the bandits,” Markos said.

“Wouldn’t you rather clean up our mess? We left Oroleniel to deal with the lizardfolk and look what has happened…” Victoria said.

“Whatever Oroleniel is embroiled in has nothing to do with us,” Laarus said.

“Speak for yourself,” Bleys did not even turn to look at Laarus when he spoke.

“However…” Laarus continued, ignoring the blast of cold emanating from the watch-mage. “You were summoned by Lord Swann, so we should go to New Harbinger…”

“I can answer that at my leisure,” Bleys replied.

“That may be so, but it is still a sign of respect to not tarry when summoned by a Lord,” Laarus said. “It has already been at least a fortnight since you received word…”

It was put to a vote, and in the end only Markos was against going to New Harbinger, but for once, instead of putting up a fight he went to sleep.

…to be continued…


(1) See Aquerra’s rules for covering an opponent, here.

(2) In Aquerra we play with the rules where there is a chance to hit cover when you miss your target. If the roll hits an AC within the range of the target’s normal AC and that gained by the cover and is still high enough to strike the cover’s AC (in this case Laarus or Victoria, I rolled a die) then it gets hit instead.

(3) Furious Garry did 20 points of damage to Markos with that one hit. At the time, I believe Markos had 24 hit points at max.

(4) Tavius first appeared in Session #2, and served as their guide on their first adventure.


Moderator Emeritus
Session #28 – “Drie-Hoek Jaunt” (part 3 of 3)

Anulem, the 21st of Keent - 566 H.E. (637 M.Y.)

Early the next morning, the young nobles were on the road. The prisoners were trussed up and thrown over the backs of horses, which they walked down to the walled city on the southern part of Drie-Hoek Bay. On horseback the trip usually took four to six hours, but it was early-afternoon before they saw the towers of the city, and the smattered clusters of outer buildings where they left their horses at a livery.

At the gate into the city, Ferris Twelf and other townguards met them, and they remanded the prisoners into their custody before heading on towards the citadel.

“Do you know any of their names?” The lieutenant asked. “For the record?”

“I think that one is called ‘Furious George’,” Bleys said, pointing to the tattooed man. “Or maybe it’s Garry…” 1

“Wow! That’s a nice shield!” One of the guards commented to Timotheus.

“Bulette hide! Real Bulette teeth!” He pointed to where the triangular teeth were wedged into the wide to decorate the stylized mouth on the shield.


“It’s halfling for ‘landshark’,” Timotheus clarified.

At the New Harbinger Citadel they were met by the castle steward, Tabitha Mark, and she showed them to the same cells they had stayed in the last time they passed through town.2 Markos practiced his etiquette with gross exaggeration that might have appeared as mocking to some when he addressed the steward.3

As they cleaned up and prepared for their audience with Lord Swann, Timotheus walked over to Markos’ room with a vial of a viscous red-black liquid.

“You need this?” It was the blood of the strange adhering mummy-men they had fought at the obelisk that pointed that way to the tomb of Dalvan Meir.4

“Yes!” Markos snatched it. “This is important magical stuff!”

“Really?” Timotheus asked.

“Well… Maybe…” Markos replied. He put it among his things.

The Signers were brought before Lord Swann in his audience chamber soon after.

Young Lord Swann was wrapped in a fur robe, and sitting up on the dais on an ornate chair decorated with gold and onyx swans. He has long light brown hair and the beginnings of a trimmed narrow beard on his chin, though the rest of his face was clean-shaven. He welcomed the young nobles sullenly, absently rubbing a small red book that lay in his lap.

“Our apologies for the late arrival, Lord Swann,” Victoria spoke first. “But we were delayed, first by Bleys’ duty in Sluetelot and then by bandits in the vicinity of Bog End.”

“Yes, I have been informed of the prisoners you brought with you and I thank you for dealing with those who would seek to take advantage of the crisis in the bog and the escalating hostilities of the lizardfolk there,” Lord Septimias Giaus Swann replied. “Trust me when I say those men shall never see the light of Ra’s Glory so long as they live…” The young lord cleared his throat and continued. “Now… What can you tell me about the Pillars?”5

“The Pillars, my lord? I thought we were summoned to discuss Oroleniel the Salmon…” Bleys said.

“I shall explain it all… Humor me…”

“Very well…” Bleys went on to say what they knew, which wasn’t very much. He explained that the party had still be traveling back from the Disputed Territories when the Day of Pillars had occurred, and the word on the street in Sluetelot was that at least there, children had supposedly been hired to do most of the drawings; though no one knew by who.6

“There is reason to believe that this movement of the Pillars is related to the rogue watch-mage, Oroleniel and perhaps the attacks by the lizardfolk is part of the plot somehow… It is clear that he betrayed his duty and aided the lizardfolk in their plot… It is unfortunate that your group was fooled by these beasts in this way, but thankfully you all were not led astray as Oroleniel has been…”

“I am sorry, my lord, but this does not make sense to me,” Victoria said. “Why would Oroleniel betray his people to the lizardfolk?”

“He is of elven blood and grew up in Tempestas,” Lord Swann gave by way of explanation, a faint hint of distaste in his voice. “Though he was assigned here, we are not his people…”

“Would you be willing to start from the beginning?” Victoria asked as politely as possible. “What is the evidence against him?”

In that moment, the lord’s vizier, Tiperol Dust walked into the chamber from the rear door. He was a swarthy man in his early thirties with short tight curls shaped at sharp angles on his head, and a black goatee. He wore gray and black robes cut in a style similar to those of a watch-mage. He carried a large scroll tube in his left hand.

“Master Dust, please read the charges against Oroleniel to our guests…” Lord Swann said.

“Oroleniel the Salmon has been charged with colluding with an enemy of the Thrician people, assaulting agents of the Lord of House Swann and New Harbinger, and conspiracy to overthrow the Magocracy…”

“Those are serious charges…” Bleys said. “What is the evidence?”

“As sworn in an affidavit by Sir Septimias Benedict Swann, the 28th of Keent in the 637th year of the Margrave,” the Grand Vizier read from an opened scroll. “After several journeys into the Crossroads Bog in order to parley with the Goldstraw Lizardfolk, in which loyal men-at-arms of House Swann were drawn into bogs or killed by reptilian creatures under the command of lizardfolk between the 2nd and 16th of Keent, during which time Sir Septimias was forced to seek further aid from nearby Gullmoor, Oroleniel the Salmon did attempt to secretly meet with said lizardfolk after there was evidence of their capturing (and perhaps devouring) Sir Quintus Gosprey and his squire, Valerius Esmus Tarchon. When the foul lizardmen were attacked, the watch-mage of New Harbinger attacked Sir Septimias and the soldiers from Gullmoor there to aid him, allowing the lizardfolk to escape.”

Dust paused and cleared his throat, looking at each of the Signers, before continuing, “And then, rather than submit to arrest, Oroleniel fled and was not seen again by Sir Septimias…”

There was a long pause.

“I authorized his home be searched for a clue as to where he might hide, or a reason for his betrayal and that was when this was found…” Lord Septimias Giaus Swann held up the small book on his lap with a look of satisfaction. It had a cover of the finest red leather and one its front were embossed three golden pillars.

Markos coughed and hastily excused himself.

“What is it?” Laarus asked.

“A seditious volume that purports to overthrow the magocracy and steal the wealth of the nobility,” Lord Swann said, his face growing flush with anger with the thought of it. “It can undo all that is good and lawful in Thricia, if not all of Aquerra, And the notes in Oroleniel’s own hand that are in the front of the book, which we had translated from elven attest to his adherence to it traitorous philosophy…”

“What do the notes say?” Bleys asked.

Lord Swann looked to Tiperol Dust, who opened another scroll and read. “There were four lines written at different times they seem. In order they read, ‘One. There is something here similar to the spirit of the elven will, of the will of Aranris. Two. This will be the hasty undoing of generations of work. Three. How will the Academy stand on this? Would they be able to make a smooth transition? And finally, this last line was crossed out: Note: Methal the Mauve, expert on Han-Jost.

“Methul the Mauve?” Timotheus spoke up. “Didn’t he used to be watch-mage of Marrock? Didn’t he die not that long ago?”

“You are correct,” Bleys the Aubergine confirmed.

Tiperol Dust continued to read, now from a third document, “Oroleniel the Salmon was taken into custody on the eighth of Ese when he attempted to sneak back into New Harbinger…”

“Did he put up a fight?” Telémahkos asked.

“No, he was taken by Captain Aurelius Oberto, he didn’t dare…” Lord Swann said.

“What has he said about the book and about what happened in the bog?” Bleys asked.

The young lord’s face grew dark with anger and the words in answer were filled of frustration and rancor. “He refuses to speak, to say anything on the matter… He said he would only speak to you…” Lord Swann pointed at Bleys. “In fact, one of your elder alumnus, Malcolm the Bronze passed through town and we explained the situation to him and asked him to intervene… And what was his response?” Swann looked to his vizier.

“I believe he said, ‘If he wants to talk to Bleys, let him talk to Bleys…’”

“Sounds like Malcolm,” Bleys replied. “Who found the book?”

“Captain Oberto…” Tiperol Dust said.

“And his word would be honorable?”

“Of course.”

Bleys requested to search Oroleniel’s house himself, and the Lord agreed, saying that Captain Aurielius Oberto would be summoned as he had the key. “In the meantime, take the book, examine it, see its danger for yourself,” he handed the book to Bleys. “It shall be arranged for you to have an audience with the prisoner after dinner tonight.”

“And Markos Ackers…” He turned to look at the sun-baked mage. “I am sure my cousin 6 would be happy to get a visit from you while you are here… Though you will see her at the dinner tonight…”

“Oh, uh… thanks? I mean, yes, thank you my lord…” Markos was flustered.

“He often speaks of her fondly,” Bleys added, getting a glare from his companion.

The Signers of the Charter of Schiereiland retired to their cells, as Bleys flipped through the book with furrowed brow.

“Is it really full of evil magic?” Timotheus asked as they were led, a bit of eager awe in his voice.

“No,” Bleys responded without looking up.

“Then how is it supposed to overthrow all good in Thricia?” Timotheus was confused.

“It is not magical. It is philosophical…”


As they gathered in the cold bare common room at the end of the hall where they were staying, Telémahkos leaned into the purple-robed watch-mage and said quietly, “We should copy portions of it so we can read it in depth and at our leisure in the future…”

“That could be risky, see what happened to Oroleniel?” Bleys replied.

“It will be fine as long as no one finds out,” Telémahkos said. “Anyway, they were looking to nail Oroleniel. I am sure Oberto would have found something incriminating if he had to put it there himself… Remember, he is the one who sent me after Harliss Javell.”7

Some simple fare was brought to the young nobles, and they talked quietly among themselves as Bleys perused sections of the book with Markos looking over his shoulder. The smaller mage would sigh and roll his eyes when he reached the end of a page before Bleys did, muttering “finally” when the watch-mage turned to another one.

”You know, those notes in the front sound more like musings than adoption of a philosophy,” Markos said. “We should use comprehend languages to check them out for ourselves and see how else they might be interpreted…”

“I agree…” Bleys said. “As it stands, from what I can see of this book… It is a proclamation of anarchy…”

“Yes, this does seem dangerous… There is no way to implement these ideas without violence…” Markos nodded.

“What does it say?” Telémahkos asked, clearly frustrated with not being able to read it.

“Here, read this part…” Bleys hand the book over, pointed to particular section. Telémahkos read as quickly as he could, pausing only to glare at Markos when he sighed impatiently, and to flip some pages.

“So?” Timotheus looked to his cousin.

“It is a model for a new form of government… Democracy,” Telémahkos said.

“What’s that?”

“Imagine that everyone is a king…” Telémahkos began.

“That doesn’t make any sense! Everyone would be giving everyone else orders! It’d be chaos!” Timotheus was bewildered.

“Everyone would get to vote for their representatives and leaders…A million votes for a million people,” Bleys clarified.

“We can hardly vote with only six people! All of Thricia voting on things? That would never work!” Timotheus was adamant. “How can something so stupid be dangerous?”

“You do a pretty good job with your saber…” Telémahkos winked and threw his cousin and elbow, and got a punch in the arm in reply.

“It is not exactly stupid, Tim,” Markos said. “There have been other nations that used a similar system, and there is a section in the book that makes reference to place that still uses it now… The idea is that the people’s will should determine their leaders, not the arbitrariness of birth rank.”

“Here! Listen to this…” Telémahkos read from another section of the book, which he had started flipping through randomly. “While Ra may be undisputed King of the Gods, the idea that it is He who chooses and anoints the rulers of Aquerra is a myth perpetrated to keep power in the hands of the few. Ra’s Kingly virtues are present in all of creation and absorbed by the masses in order to be enacted as the impulse to vote, and to serve faithfully the mandate of that impulse if elected…”8

“That sounds like blasphemy! All copies of this book should be destroyed!” Laarus intoned. He had been silent most of the time, as if deep in thought.9

“Yes, Ra is the god of rulers, it is by his will that leaders are chosen and have power,” Victoria said.

“Ridiculous!” Telémahkos scoffed. “How can you believe that Ra really chooses all rulers? Does he choose the priest-king of the Kingdom of the Red God of the West? What about the baron of the Black Islands?”

“He chooses all legitimate leaders…” Victoria replied.

“My father is ostensibly a ruler, and a legitimate one, but he’s practically a beast in human clothing…” Telémahkos said, getting surly. He continued to read off some sections, though not everyone was listening.

“And if there is a disagreement between followers of Ra about who is a legitimate ruler?” Markos asked his cousin.

“That is irrelevant… Such things are discussed at length when there is disagreement…”

“So there is disagreement,” Markos smiled.

“Eventually, one or both sides are enlightened by Ra,” Laarus explained. “Disagreements are an opportunity to learn how the law can be made more binding and specific…”

“It sounds to me like some of you are agreeing with blasphemy,” Victoria frowned at Markos and Telémahkos.

“This is Thricia, and I can be a blasphemer without fear,” Telémahkos replied.10

“Yes, no one is going to run you through for saying so…” Victoria said. “But they may for the actions you take in the name of that blasphemy…”

“So you think it is acceptable to undermine the very fabric of our society?” Laarus turned to Telémahkos.

“Look at all the bad nobles…” Telémahkos began.

“So you would burn down the tree for giving some rotten fruit?” Victoria asked.

“Why are we even arguing about this?” Timotheus suddenly asked.

“Yes, this is a distraction from the real issue,” Victoria agreed, dropping the subject.

Soon after Bleys cast comprehend languages to read the notes in elven for himself, Captain Aurelius Oberto arrived to show them to Oroleniel’s house.

“Where in the house did you find the book?” Bleys asked as they made their way through New Harbinger’s narrow winding streets accompanied by two of the townguard. Oberto flicked his long brown shiny hair, and the silver of his hoop ear-ring sparkled in the lantern light. He wore a permanent grin, and Telémahkos felt that the man’s eyes kept darting towards him, though he could never quite catch him at it.

“It was just on a bookshelf, out in the open,” the captain of the guard replied. “Most people can’t read, so it was hidden in plain sight. It took my training as an investigator to look for clues for his behavior among his reading.”

“And his spellbook?” Bleys asked.

“He had one on him when captured, but if he had others, we have not found them…”

When they reached the cottage, Captain Oberto unlocked the door and handed the key to one of the guards. “Please leave things as you found them,” he said to the Signers. “When you are done the guards will lock up and bring you back to the citadel… Good night.”

He nodded to each of them, but Telémahkos noticed a tiny cock of the head when he was looked to, and he squinted back, but then looked away. As Telémahkos and the other began to look around the cottage, Bleys walked over to the small kitchen area and found some stake bread in a basket. Crumbling it in his hand, he walked over and opened the shutters, scattering the crumbs on the sill as he made clucking noise, which made both the guard standing outside and nearby Victoria turn to look at him.

A few moments later a gray and white gull hopped down onto the sill from outside and pecked at the bread and then looked up at Bleys. The watch-mage stroked the bird’s head.

“Hey! Is that the watch-mage’s familiar?” The guard asked from outside. The window was at about his chest level.

“No idea,” Bleys the Aubergine shrugged.

“If it is I should tell the captain… Can’t familiars be used to spy and communicate?” the guard asked.

“Not that I have ever heard of…” Bleys replied with a straight face. The gull hopped into his hand and then flew up into a rafter of the house. The guard frowned, but then shrugged and turned back around.

Meanwhile, Markos found a letter folded into one of Oroleniel’s books. It was appeared to be a love letter of a sort, written in a crude hand from someone named ‘Jeffery’.

“I thought that only happened on ships!” Markos quipped.

“Don’t be stupid,” Timotheus gave the smaller man a hard slap on the shoulder.

Telémahkos searched behind the books and noted small lever in the grooves in the back of the shelf. He signaled Bleys over and whispered his discovery. Realizing something had been found, Markos walked over to Laarus and Victoria and got them to walk out and distract the guards. Bleys passed the warding ring to Telémahkos to wear as he searched the area of the lever for traps and then pulled it to one side at Bleys’ word.

There was a click and a seamless panel in the back of the shelf slid open and out fell a large book with a dark green leather cover.

“Is it something we should open?” Telémahkos asked Bleys.


“It is something we should put back?” He asked.

“No,” Bleys replied. “It is probably his spellbook and if the house is searched again, it might be found.”

“Then as a watch-mage, you want to take it into your custody?” Telémahkos asked, handing it over.

“Yes…” Bleys took the book.

End of Session #28


(1) Much to my annoyance, the players took to calling ‘Furious Garry’, ‘Furious George’ instead (as in the monkey) and then mocking me for my failure to see that coming.

(2) See Session #4

(3) Markos has been practicing his etiquette since returning from the Disputed Territories after a lesson or three from Euleria Finch.

(4) Adherers. See Session #17

(5) The party learned about the Day of the Pillars (after seeing evidence of it) upon returned from the Disputed Territories.

(6) Telémahkos was able to gather this information from some of the urchins of Sluetelot with the help of Mirth while separated from the rest of the party during the plague of insomnia (Sessions #24 & 24).

(7) See InterSession #4.3

(8) You can read the entire handout that was given to the party to represent the “Pillars Book” here. It is officially titled, “The Pillars of Thricia”.

(9) Actually, Laarus’ player, Jesse, was not present for this session.

(10) Freedom of religion is the rule of law in Thricia.


Moderator Emeritus
Attention Loyal Readers!

<chirp, chirp>

This is just to say that this last installment is more than likely the last for this year. I have finished typing out Session #29, but only just got a start on #30 before end of the semester master's thesis crunch time was upon me. As you know I don't like to start posting installments from a session until the one after it is done (as an incentive to keep up the diligent pounding out of pages).

So expect part one of session #29 sometime in the second week of January 2009.

And soon after that? The first PC death! Who could it be. . .?

Happy Holidays!

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