• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

EN World: Tabletop RPG News & Reviews

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Where Are They Going?

There are many reasons for travel and those can be very useful for setting the mood in media res. Compare a campaign that opens with the PCs hired to explore an unknown region, with one that opens with them as refugees fleeing a war. The tone changes completely, even if the contents of the character sheets are still the same. They could be pilgrims or bodyguards upon a pleasure cruise.

Sean's Picks of the Week (1023-1027) - All Hallows' Eve Week!

With Halloween falling on a Tuesday next week, most folks are going all-in with their celebrations and related activities (at least here in the States) this weekend. That's why I decided to call this All Hallows' Eve Week and featured horror-and-spooky gaming products for the theme. I might have gone a bit overboard with the Friday Picks...

The Delays Of Cthulhu

Chaosium Inc’s Call of Cthulhu is one of the best-known RPGs in gaming with numerous official products as well as third party expansions to the franchise. While the majority of these produce outstanding products, some of those third party publishers have collected money via crowdfunding, then gone months between backer updates, and have yet to fulfill their commitments. Around Gen Con 50, Chaosium made announcements that addressed several of these unfulfilled third party products.
Some exciting news from SmiteWorks, the makers of the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop! "SmiteWorks USA LLC is extremely happy to announce the latest new game system supported by Fantasy Grounds - W.O.I.N. This first installment features N.E.W., EN Publishing's very own game system full of aliens, cybernetics, space ships and atronomical exploration!"

Paizo Roundup For 10-26-2017

Hello my fabulous fans and welcome to another exciting round of the PAIZO NEWS ROUNDUP! For this special event we’re bringing back an all-time favorite: the Third Party Bonanaza! Those busy beavers are always making more stellar content, so let’s get straight to work! First, Starfinder, and then to Pathfinder.

News Digest: PaizoCon Harassment, Dungeon Tiles Reincarnated, WizKids and Warhammer 40K, Fantasy Fli

Hello everyone, Darryl here with this week’s gaming news. An incident at PaizoCon prompts responses from several game companies, Dungeon Tiles are coming back, WizKids will be playing in the Warhammer 40k sandbox, Fantasy Flight announces a new video game development studio, Saving Throw having a charity marathon, and a lot more!

Fight The Future With The Synthicide Role-Playing Game

Give me a dystopian future peppered with 80s analogies and Easter eggs, like Earnest Cline’s Ready Player One, or give me the dark and beautiful gloom of George Orwell’s, 1984. What can I say? Give me hope, or give me misery. With the Synthicide RPG from Will To Power Games, you get a role-playing game that offers a dystopian future on a cosmic scale that bridges the gap between these two types of desires.

RPG Crowdfunding News 066: Heavy Metal Thunder Mouse, Dragon Drop Adventures Vol. 3, Gobblin’, Froze

Welcome back to our weekly look at tabletop roleplaying game, and accessories, crowdfunding roundup! Each week we’ll be looking at a few campaigns currently running that have caught our eye as well as occasionally speaking to some of the creators about their campaigns, or looking at some of the ‘behind the scenes’ business aspects of putting together, launching, operating and then delivering a crowdfunded project. If you have anything you’d like us to cover, or questions about anything we talk about, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment or contact me directly.

Harassment At PaizoCon 2017

In our post-Harvey Weinstein world, more and more people in the various entertainment industries are coming forward with allegations of abuse and harassment, both sexual and psychological. The tabletop gaming industry isn't isolated from this wave of revelation as incidents surface, and will likely continue to surface about professionals, and fans, within the gaming communities.

(KS) Shades of Vengeance return to Era: The Consortium with A Universe of Expansions 2

Shades of Vengeance return to their best-selling game, the sci-fi Era: The Consortium, in their latest Kickstarter. A Universe of Expansions 2 sees a host of new supplements on offer and mirrors a similar campaign in 2016 that unlocked eight expansions to add to the Consortium universe. Each supplement not only adds new story material and insight into the universe, but also provides new dimensions to gameplay.

(KS) Get a taste of Eastern Fantasy in The Folio #16 & #17 for 1E & 5E

Art of the Genre head east for an epic two-part adventure with their latest Folio offerings. Inspired by TSR’s classic Oriental Adventures, and suitable for both 1st Edition AD&D and 5th Edition D&D, Scott Taylor takes players and Gamemasters alike to explore the shadow corrupted Distant Turtle City.

(KS) Advanced Death Saves, Comic Anthology of Gaming Disasters…

Advanced Death Saves: More Games, More Rules, More Deaths is the follow up to the original Death Saves: Fallen Heroes of the Kitchen Table from 2015. Created, and edited, by Josh Trujillo, a lifelong gamer and also a writer on comics such as Adventure Time and Rick and Morty, this comic anthology has an international mix of dozens of contributors. The new book contains over 30 all-new stories that celebrate tabletop gaming and the beloved characters who get killed off during play. The book will be a full color, 200 pages, perfect bound hardcover printed in digest format.

(KS) Magic Item Card Catalog: 5e Fantasy Reference Cards

Inkwell Ideas’ Magic Item Card Catalog: 5e Fantasy Reference Cards are sets of trading card sized reference cards covering all the 5th edition magical items that they can legally publish. The reference cards have art on one side and rules, description and possible variations on the reverse. There are six decks of 54 cards available and make keeping track of magic items and their uses in play very easy.

Journey To...Mesoamerica

Mesoamerica was a profoundly important region and set of cultures that arose independently in the region stretching from central Mexico to northern Panama. The pre-colombian cultures created powerful civilizations that flourished for thousands of years. Study of the cities and monuments of these cultures suggests these civilizations were on par with those found in South America, Mesopotamia, Egypt, and China. There were many cultures that thrived in the region, including the Toltec, Mixtec, and Zapotec to name just three. However, we are going to look at three of the civilizations most familiar to modern society.
It's not just Judges and Civilians you can play in Judge Dredd & The Worlds of 2000AD! You can also play as Perps! Here's a sneak peek at one such career - the Hitman (Blitz Agent)!

The Original End Goal of Dungeons & Dragons

It's common knowledge that Dungeons & Dragons proposed "anything can be attempted," a revolutionary idea that launched the role-playing game industry. And yet, attempting anything didn't necessarily mean the same style of play throughout. There is evidence that D&D had a very specific end goal in mind for its characters, and it has a lot to do with its wargaming roots.

This Week in TTRPG


Play a vampire and kill nazis in WW2!
You won't survive this tragedy of doomed heroes!
A new spin on a retro form of text adventure games.
A one-shot adventure which evokes the generational horror of Stephen King.

Dungeons & Dragons

Alternate Player's Handbook cover art by Wylie Beckert.
Get in, nerds—we’re going to Curdello.
Here are a few more tidbits from Game Informer's magazine coverage of the new edition's rulebooks.
Art by Dmitry Burmak.
Dungeon Master’s Guide contains a sample setting—and that setting is, indeed, Greyhawk.
Game Informer has revealed the cover to the 2024 Player’s Handbook.

Industry News

D&D-powered cartoon fun from Cryptozoic Entertainment.
Developer tool released under Open RPG Creator (ORC) License.
SRD 5.2 will be released under Creative Commons next year.
One of only two TTRPG creators with four separate million dollar Kickstarters!
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