WotBS WotBS on Foundry


Very aware of Roll20 availability, but has anyone run in Foundry VTT?
I plan to run in 5e. I actually have all 3.5, 4e and 5e. May even redo some of the maps. This seems like Herculean task.
Talk me out of it.

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What to you makes Foundry better than Roll20? Do you appreciate the craft of setting up modules, or do you just want to enjoy the game? What could you do with your time if you weren't cosplaying as Hercules?


What to you makes Foundry better than Roll20? Do you appreciate the craft of setting up modules, or do you just want to enjoy the game? What could you do with your time if you weren't cosplaying as Hercules?
I preferred Foundry to Roll20 because while I played D&D in the '80s, didn't start playing on VTT til late. When I started DMing again, I didn't want to have to re-purchase sourcebooks in Roll20 since I'd already had them in D&DBeyond and found it easier to convert scenes, journals, etc into Foundry. I found Roll20 cumbersome as DM and Player.
Back to WotBS, not as simple... I'm more accustomed to Foundry but all the VTT sources are for Roll20. But since I've pretty much bought every DnD X.X version of WotBS digital formats and discovered the roll20 availability after the fact I'm already invested.
The reason I bought WotBS was for the story, I was writing a similar campaign (intrigue, epic) which actually had elements of Zeitgeist too... this story had the elements I wanted and what I want to run as DM.
Maps are so-so, but I can work with them (or replace them), it still has DnD bones so I can pull creatures and beings over. The biggest problem is all the NPCs.
I think I can run it a few times to make it worth my time. Wanted a good non-WotC
story to run, which I didn't have to write and test, and I found it.
(I'm sure you've figured out, somewhere I went from answering you to justifying it to myself). I do like crafting modules, not necessarily in Herculean cosplay.


I preferred Foundry to Roll20 because while I played D&D in the '80s, didn't start playing on VTT til late. When I started DMing again, I didn't want to have to re-purchase sourcebooks in Roll20 since I'd already had them in D&DBeyond and found it easier to convert scenes, journals, etc into Foundry. I found Roll20 cumbersome as DM and Player.
Back to WotBS, not as simple... I'm more accustomed to Foundry but all the VTT sources are for Roll20. But since I've pretty much bought every DnD X.X version of WotBS digital formats and discovered the roll20 availability after the fact I'm already invested.
The reason I bought WotBS was for the story, I was writing a similar campaign (intrigue, epic) which actually had elements of Zeitgeist too... this story had the elements I wanted and what I want to run as DM.
Maps are so-so, but I can work with them (or replace them), it still has DnD bones so I can pull creatures and beings over. The biggest problem is all the NPCs.
I think I can run it a few times to make it worth my time. Wanted a good non-WotC
story to run, which I didn't have to write and test, and I found it.
(I'm sure you've figured out, somewhere I went from answering you to justifying it to myself). I do like crafting modules, not necessarily in Herculean cosplay.
I am running WotBS on Foundry as well and yes it is a lot of work. I switched after adventure 2 and we are in Adventure 10 right now. I also replaced most of the maps. I can tell you this much that it wont be easy. Getting Images for some NPCs is a bit annoying. And also the Subclasses that are campaign specific have to be made manually.
I am a "waiting until the last minute to do something"-DM and most of the time I am working on it shortly before the session(around 1 hour before, not counting making new maps).
Roll20 is a lot easier for sure since u can just buy the stuff. There is a good module though, that lets you import Statblocks and it works good most of the time. This is it
A lot of statblocks can be imported directly from the current DND Stuff as well.

In the end it is more work but I like Foundry so much more compared to Roll20 that I never had regrets regarding the switch.


I am running WotBS on Foundry as well and yes it is a lot of work. I switched after adventure 2 and we are in Adventure 10 right now. I also replaced most of the maps. I can tell you this much that it wont be easy. Getting Images for some NPCs is a bit annoying. And also the Subclasses that are campaign specific have to be made manually.
I am a "waiting until the last minute to do something"-DM and most of the time I am working on it shortly before the session(around 1 hour before, not counting making new maps).
Roll20 is a lot easier for sure since u can just buy the stuff. There is a good module though, that lets you import Statblocks and it works good most of the time. This is it
A lot of statblocks can be imported directly from the current DND Stuff as well.

In the end it is more work but I like Foundry so much more compared to Roll20 that I never had regrets regarding the switch.
Oh, thank you so much for this! (I knew I couldn't be the only one doing this) .
I like to think I had be everything prepared before session but I end up missing something... Or more often, even when I lay out options a, b and c, they'll come up with an option Z.
Thanks @Salicus


First Post
Hi there! How did this go for you? I'm currently debating doing the same thing. Is it possible for us to share recreated maps?

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