Will's AD&D 2nd Edition - Who knows where it will go!


Clalick raises a hand to in front of his mouth to stifle a bit of a burp. Looking down at his empty cup, head angled just a bit, he makes a bit of a disappointed face.

"It sure does the trick. Anyone else try the Balrog's Blast?"

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William Smith1

One of the serving girl orcs comes to the private room and awaits Weleand's order. Weleand says, "Well Blossom how are you doing tonight? And how are those twins of yours?" Blossom answers, "As well as two rambunctious half-orc boys can be at their age!" "What will you and your friends be having tonight?" Weleand responds, "Well, let's start with a pitcher of Balrog Blast. And then some roast piglet with that Arborean wine sauce I brought you. Sorry, any vegetarians in the group? I'm sure Jagyuk can whip up some great roasted vegetables if needed. Better yet, Blossom, let's have those roasted root vegetables I brought back from Elysium, as well shall we?" Blossom says, "Right away Weleand and I'll make sure I bring some cups to fit everyone, you have assembled quite a crew this time!"

William Smith1

Weleand says to the group assembled, "I seem to be blessed with some interesting potential hires this time." "I am loath to start serious matters before meat and drink so let's get better acquainted, shall we? As you know I am Weleand a somewhat renowned wizard in these parts. Certainly not a member of the Invincible Overlord's court or politically connected in any way. I am a collector of items both magical and mundane but my advancing age does not allow me to adventure to secure my desires as I once was able. So, I seek out young, inexperienced but eager adventurers to be to find those items and return them to me. In exchange, those adventurers can keep whatever else they can secure from the dungeons, tombs, and ruined cities I send them to. Of course I can provide some magical assistance in the form of items on loan, potions, and the occasional scroll, but I want those brave and confident enough in their own abilities to go on these quests for me. But enough about me for now. Although I have heard from each of your parents or other guardians about your past, I want to know more about each of you in the here and now. Please feel free to relate to me and the others in the group more about yourselves and your abilities and why you want to take on the dangerous life of an adventurer."
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Dorana Helgart

"I dinnae 'ave much of a story to tell," she says since no one else said anything. "I grew up with my clan and when your invitation arrived I decided I would get to see more of the world then one lone cave full of dwarves. As for my abilities, I am pretty good working at an anvil. I am also a priest in Moradin's church." With that she takes a drink from her ale mug.


"Clalick Knappvep is my name" Clalick says with a bit of pride.

"I apprenticed for a while under an illusionist that was doing some research in my village. I learned enough from him to know that if I really wanted to learn the magic arts I would need to seek out someone more knowledgeable. He was not keen on sharing what he knew as much as he was using my families gold to fund his own projects. My parents had different ways of saying it but they felt like this was a great chance for me to make a name for myself." Clalick finishes that last sentence with a bit of attitude. Something akin to a child trying to make it sound good when sent off to a relative to be taught a lesson.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Aego nods slightly at Clalick's words.

"Parents often see things differently," he says, trying to sound casual.

"My own decided that I had learned enough magic from Master Sahrax, despite my objections. Surely I could still learn a spell or two from him before finding a teacher with more hands-on experience," the elf lies convincingly. "But no, they found me more than sufficiently prepared for the life of a wizard. I guess I'll have to see if I can find some unknown spells on the quest we're going on."

Downing the rest of his drink, Aego again grimaces before addressing Weleand in particular, smiling as if the man is his new best friend. "I'd like a Balrog Blast, yes, thank you!"


"I ran intea some trouble back home." Uhtred says guardedly. "I ook what I culd and came 'ere. Now I hear ya may have some coin? I have an axe."

He grumbles about the cost of the Balrog's blast while he orders another ale.

William Smith1

"Uhtred, I have a pitcher of Balrog Blast coming, do not be concerned with the cost, this event is paid by me, your new benefactor." At this point Blossom returns with the pitcher of Balrog Blast as well as a two platters of food and plates and eating utensils for all. The first is a whole suckling pig roasted to perfection with a wine reduction sauce. It has an apple in its mouth. {Some of you might wonder how a perfect roast piglet could be produced in such a short time, usually such a dish takes several hours.} The other platter is an assortment of roasted root vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, turnips, parsnips, and a couple you cannot identify. It all smells terrific. Weleand says, "Let's get down to business shall we? The business of this fine repast I mean!" Blossom produces a strange green colored knife and quickly cuts up the piglet while discarding the bones. The meat and crispy skin are arranged on the platter and Blossom serves each of you in turn starting with Weleand. Blossom says, "Any vegetarians in the group? I don't want to waste any of this piglet on someone who cannot eat it!"


"It all smells so amazing. I'll eat what you put in front of me. Thank you"

Clalic is eager to try the meal. He doesn't get such splendid fair at home bur does try to remember his manors.

"So why don't we talk a little about why you brought us all here while we eat? I'm sure I'm not the only one curious."

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