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What makes a "bad GM" or a "bad player"?

Thomas Shey

Lack of communication. Not responding to (or even reading) emails or text messages, not updating the schedule calendar, cancelling at the last minute because you "just remembered" you had plans...and then complaining about how you are "totally lost" and "can't follow the plot" (if you're a player) or about how "nobody is taking it seriously anymore" and you "need more engagement" (if you're the DM).

If we communicate, we can handle just about any problem that comes up as a group. But if you don't/can't/won't communicate, you are the problem.

This is all fair, but in its milder forms is so common it probably isn't really useful when separating the genuine bad.

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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Posting before reading so I can give uninfluenced responses.

Bad GM
  • Inconsistent with rules and rulings.
  • Shows favoritism or negative bias towards certain players.
  • Negates player actions / nerfs character abilities because they get in the way of the cool things they had planned.
  • Ignores GM-specific guidance and rules. (For example, ignoring Agendas, Principles and GM moves in PbtA games.)
  • Requires player to be know how to do something for the character to be able to do it.
  • Unwilling to listen to players / tyrant when it comes to the system and the game.

Could be Bad, could be Inexperienced GM
  • Slow pacing / boring session.
  • Flavorless NPCs, locations, and enemies.
  • Unable to engage the players.
  • Not understanding the type of GMing a game system requires.
  • Puts in place house rules because they "like them" without thinking of the consequences of the changes, if the rest of the table likes them, or if they fit the genre of the rules/setting/campaign. (For example, trying to put in "realistic" house rules for non-magic that don't match the "heroic fantasy" genre of a game.)
  • Poor improv skills.
  • Poor communication skills.
  • Doesn't make sure everyone gets spotlight.

Bad Player
  • Not paying attention / not attempting to engage with play. (Note, a shy or anxious player who is playing attention and occasionally makes suggestions is engaged in play.)
  • Slowing the game or distracting others from it for illegitimate reasons.
  • Not attempting to learn the rules/mechanics.
  • Intentionally playing against the style of the campaign. (Like creating a character called Ronald the Mac of Donald and making constant hamburger jokes during a serious campaign.)
  • Bringing outside knowledge to the game that makes it less fun for others around the table including the GM.
  • Showboating / stealing the spotlight.
  • Intentionally creating a character much stronger or weaker than the rest of the party.

Bad Anyone
  • Breaking the social contract.
  • Not respecting the host's space.
  • Cancelling / showing up late regularly. Especially with little or no notice.
  • Talking over others / not respecting the others at the table.
  • Not responding to out-of-session communications (schedulign questions, etc.)


Small Ball Archmage
A lot of what makes a bad player is just the stress that they put on me, in all honesty. It can have a lot of different sources, but a bad player burns out a GM and reduces their energy levels and excitement when they run a game, and likely has a similar effect on the other players too.

Committed Hero

For me a bad GM is inconsistent. Their application of the rules is unreliable, regardless of whether it's due to inexperience or insistence to stay on the plot.

A bad player doesn't care about the fun of his fellow players, especially if called out about it. I suppose this applies to GMs too.

Thomas Shey

A bad player doesn't care about the fun of his fellow players, especially if called out about it. I suppose this applies to GMs too.

I think with GMs its more often projecting their idea of what the player(s) will find fun on them without going to the effort to find out if that's true of the people actually at hand (not that the "I'm doing the work so I'll do what I enjoy and if you don't like it take a walk" isn't a thing too, but I think its actually the less common of the two).

Voidrunner's Codex

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