Undead Origins


Pathfinder Society Scenario #4-02: Return to the Grave
Pathfinder 2e
Zombie Shambler: ?
Zombie Shambler, Medium-Size Zombie: ?
Featherfall, Zombie Brute, Zombified Corpse of Claudiette's Owlbear Animal Companion: ?
Haunt A Broken Promise: The grove, broken and tormented due to the necromantic energy infecting the area it protected, manifests an illusion to warn others of the region’s plight and plead for help.
Before the Whispering Tyrant’s forces took over the nearby watchtower, this was a sacred grove with a shrine in the center dedicated to the god Erastil. The consecrated shrine supposedly protected the forests around it from evil magic, plague, destruction, and the like, allowing safe havens like Steadfast to remain available to those in need. But as the undead took root, they managed to corrupt Seldrick Dralston, an Ivory Reaper—a Pharasmin hunter of Tar-Baphon’s forces—whose concern for his family and friends outpaced his faith in Pharasma. Once Seldrick had been corrupted, he entered the grove to desecrate the shrine. Moments later, the necromantic energy spewing from the watchtower cursed him with undeath and set him on the path to add his former compatriots to his forces.
Skeletal Pathfinder, Variant Skeletal Soldier, Skeletal Former Pathfinder, Skeleton, Undead Pathfinder, Undead Minion: ?
Skeleton Guard: ?
Skeleton Guard, Skeleton, Undead Minion: ?
Wolf Skeleton: ?
Seldrick Dralston, Variant Deathless Acolyte, Fallen Ally, Walking Corpse, Something Horrible, Ivory Reaper, Undead Human Fallen Ivory Reaper: As for my husband, well, Seldrick turned into something horrible when he died.
Before the Whispering Tyrant’s forces took over the nearby watchtower, this was a sacred grove with a shrine in the center dedicated to the god Erastil. The consecrated shrine supposedly protected the forests around it from evil magic, plague, destruction, and the like, allowing safe havens like Steadfast to remain available to those in need. But as the undead took root, they managed to corrupt Seldrick Dralston, an Ivory Reaper—a Pharasmin hunter of Tar-Baphon’s forces—whose concern for his family and friends outpaced his faith in Pharasma. Once Seldrick had been corrupted, he entered the grove to desecrate the shrine. Moments later, the necromantic energy spewing from the watchtower cursed him with undeath and set him on the path to add his former compatriots to his forces.
Plague Zombie: ?
Plague Zombie, Medium-Size Zombie: ?
Featherfall, Zombie Owlbear, Zombified Corpse of Claudiette's Owlbear Animal Companion: ?
Skeletal Pathfinder Veteran, Variant Skeletal Champion, Skeletal Former Pathfinder, Skeleton, Undead Pathfinder: ?
Skeleton Horse: ?
Undead, The Dead, Undead Creature: Instead, she stumbled on the undead remains of her team of Pathfinders and witnessed fell magics from her husband’s walking corpse as anything that died around him rose to walk under his banner.
And from what Claudiette says, something in the area makes it so that everyone that dies rises back up. Most of them under the spell of some necromancer or some other malevolence.
The area around the town is afflicted. Something makes everyone who dies return to join the enemy.
The effect that prevents true death in the region has caused many undead to rise as Tar-Baphon’s servants, but somehow, many others have avoided such a fate.
“Everything that dies out here comes back as undead—whether they want to or not. But some retain their own minds, especially those who die far from the tower or the evil Ivory Reaper who preys on the region.”
Undead Soldier: ?
Roaming Undead: ?
Wandering Undead Minion: ?
Intelligent Undead: ?
Undead Trooper: ?
Tar-Baphon's Servant: ?
Wild Undead: ?
Hungry Dead: ?
Eerie Undead Drummer: ?
Undead Refugee: ?
Undead Minion: ?
Ghost, Foul Spirit: ?
Powerful Graveknight, Rider, Knight of Death, Death Knight, Deathknight: ?
Whispering Tyrant, Tar-Baphon, Lich, Undead Tyrant: ?
Foul Spirit: ?
Skeleton, Hungry Dead: ?
Tomas, Skeleton, Skeletal Mason: ?
Skeleton Refugee: ?
Zombie Owlbear: ?

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Beyond the Serpentine Lock
Pathfinder 2e
Undead: ?
Zalsiniah, Failed Lich, Undead Horror, Near-Mindless Undead Creature With Some of a Lich's Powers But None of its Intellect, Undead Tiefling, Horrid Skeletal Tiefling Woman Wrapped in Robes, Nearly Mindless Lich-Like Creature, Straightforward Combatant: In this laboratory, Zalsiniah failed her anticipated apotheosis. Instead of becoming a lich, she instead became a nearly mindless lich-like creature. Since her botched transformation centuries ago, Zalsiniah has lurked in this room, occasionally venting her rage on the delicate arcane reagents and priceless tomes that failed her.
Ghoul: Zalsiniah used this room for foul rituals, converting five of her faithful disciples into ghouls and chaining the ghouls to the altar.
Ghoul Fever disease.
Ghoul, Feral Humanoid Creature, Tormented Soul, Chained Ghoul: ?
Bloody Skeleton: Furthermore, these tormented souls cannot be put down easily. When a [chained] ghoul [created by Zalsiniah] is reduced to 0 hit points it collapses as usual, but on its next initiative round, a bloody skeleton bursts from the ghoul and attacks the ghoul’s killer (if possible).
Ghoul Bloody Rebirth power.
Bloody Skeleton, Dangerous Skeleton: ?
Dying Child's Spirit Haunt: Zalsiniah entombed her daughter in the crypt with her, intending to shepherd the girl through a life of magic and, ultimately, lichdom. Because Zalsiniah’s bid for lichdom failed, her daughter wasted away to death in her room only a few days after Zalsiniah’s ritual failed.
Hazard: Part of the girl’s spirit remains in the form of the attic whisperer in Room 5G, but another part possesses this hallway.
The haunted creature feels a terrible stab of loneliness and hunger. The creature remembers being brought into this strange, cold, lonely place. The creature's mother promised on her three eyes to combe back, but never did.
This is the room where Zalsiniah’s daughter lived and, ultimately died of neglect. Part of the girl’s soul animates the haunt in the hall outside (Room 5D), and the other part has animated a ghost.
Ghost Girl, Attic Whisperer, Ghost, Lingering Spirit of Zalsiniah's Daughter: Zalsiniah entombed her daughter in the crypt with her, intending to shepherd the girl through a life of magic and, ultimately, lichdom. Because Zalsiniah’s bid for lichdom failed, her daughter wasted away to death in her room only a few days after Zalsiniah’s ritual failed.
Hazard: Part of the girl’s spirit remains in the form of the attic whisperer in Room 5G, but another part possesses this hallway.
This is the room where Zalsiniah’s daughter lived and, ultimately died of neglect. Part of the girl’s soul animates the haunt in the hall outside (Room 5D), and the other part has animated a ghost.
Lich: ?

Bloody Rebirth * Trigger The ghoul is reduced to 0 hit points; Effect On the ghoul's next turn in initiative, a bloody skeleton rips free from the ghoul's body and targets the ghoul's killer. The bloody skeleton is not Chained, even if the ghoul generating it was, as it easily slips the chains through the gaps between its bones.

Ghoul Fever (disease) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 15; Stage 1 carrier with no ill effect (1 day); Stage 2 2d6 negative damage and regains half as many Hit Points from all healing (1 day); Stage 3 as Stage 2 (1 day); Stage 4 2d6 negative damage and gains no benefit from healing (1 day); Stage 5 as Stage 4 (1 day); Stage 6 dead, and rises as a ghoul the next midnight.


Black Guard Bestiary 1 - 2ed
Pathfinder 2e
Crauvithex, Skeletal Yeth Hound, Servant, Guard, Assassin, Right Hand, Canine Skeleton: Crauvithex and the rest of his yeth hound pack were originally summoned by and served the Black Lotus cult. They proved capable of eliminating all the targets they were sent after, but the leader of that cult developed a little too much confidence in their abilities and sent them to kill a rival who turned out to be a lich.
The hunters became the prey and their target easily slew the pack. Not content to let such potentially valuable minions go to waste, he raised them from the dead and bound them as his servants.
Lich: ?
Undead, Undead Creature: ?
Skeleton Swarm: A necromancer doesn’t always have access to a graveyard, battlefield or other source of corpses suitable for raising the dead. In such cases, or when a necromantic minded individual does not think a standard skeleton is useful, they will instead animate hundreds of smaller dead bodies into a single, undead swarm.
The skeleton of a lizard, snake, toad, bird or small mammal that has been stripped of flesh either through normal means or by the magic of the spell that animates them is the typical specimen in a Skeleton Swarm. Depending on the age of the skeleton, the bones may be bright white and fresh, old and yellowed, or bleached and pitted from exposure to the elements. Generally, a Skeleton Swarm is made up of the remains of a wide variety of whatever creatures the creator can find. However, some spell casters go through the trouble of animating only the skeletons of creatures of the same species, or happen to have such a single mass on hand to make a homogenous group. Though not confirmed rumors persist of at least one Skeleton Swarms made up of the remains of very small fey creatures.
Skeleton Swarm, Undead Swarm, Tiny Skeletons: ?
Skeleton Swarm, Guard: ?
Standard Skeleton: ?
Mindless Undead: ?
Wretched: The Wretched are all that remain of men and women who were unable to fulfill the oaths they made to lawful evil gods while alive. Brought back into an undead existence as a punishment these oath breakers are relegated to a potentially eternal torment on the material plane trying to fulfill their vow. Only major vows that were failed can lead to a wretched being created and then only the most significant worshipers of a deity are transformed in this way. Things like killing a major opponent of the religion, guarding a particularly significant unholy place or retrieving an important unholy artifact are all distinct possibilities for failed vows that might lead to a person being brought back as a wretched.
These vows are generally more eloquent and inspirational than specific. “I will not rest until I slay Sille Redsky” or “I will always defend Dark Bramble church” are both real examples. The first vow assumes that Sille Redsky doesn’t die before the oathtaker can kill her. The second is dangerous because Dark Bramble church is quite likely to continue to exist for centuries after the oathtaker dies of natural causes.
The gods inflicting this punishment are often known for their cruelty and as part of the punishment for failing them, they strip most of the memories away from the Wretched, including the oath they took that lead to their curse. Despite the fact that they can’t remember the task they are meant to accomplish, they are still driven to accomplish it.
Zombie: ?


Burgundia Campaign Setting
Pathfinder 2e
Umbra, Bogeyman: The collective fears of people often give rise to an Umbra, making real the imagined horrors of story or legend.
Vampire Cursed: Diseases of the blood have been documented for centuries. Rarest among these is the curse of vampirism. Similar in many ways to the vampires of legend, those who bear the blood borne disease are gifted with long lives. Talamasca records suggest that some vampires are as old as six hundred years. There are no documented cases of vampires that predate IC 1276.
Vampire Cursed Debutante: ?
Vampire Cursed Man Slayer: ?
Chemical Vampire: Mankind’s ability to create is boundless, and Chemical Vampires are a product of the desire to manufacture super soldiers. Experiments during the Great War produced many of these abominations.
Created in a chemical bath suspended in a hyperbaric chamber, the Chemical Vampire restores more quickly in its formation chamber.
Chemical vampires were crafted during the Great War as a part of the Clovian war department’s strategy to create soldiers capable of enduring extreme conditions and resisting injury. Other countries may have attempted similar experiments, but their efforts have yet to be made public. It is rumored that secret laboratories in Clovia still harbor the recipe for super soldiers, and perhaps functional examples.
Onstierlech: Immortal undead created through an alchemical transformation.
Umbra, Manifestation of the Dream Stuff of the Middle Welkin: ?
Vampire Cursed Debutante, Rare Creature: ?
Vampire Cursed Man Slayer, Nomadic Hunter, Careful Hunter, Hateful Creature: ?
Chemical Vampire, Abomination: ?
Onstierlech, Immortal Undead, Sentient Undead: ?
Onstierlech, Thrall: ?
Ghost: ?
Ghost, Malevolent Creature, Tortured Spirit, Spirit: ?
Vampire: ?
Ms. Bella Devor, Vampire, Woman With Shining White-Gold Hair, Uninvited Guest, Centuries-Old Killer: ?


Condensed Campaigns: A Broken Sky
Pathfinder 2e
Undead, The Dead: In fact, legend says that as the Nightfall draws near, the incidence of the dead rising from their grave will increase so dramatically as to become a plague upon the land. Whether this is true and the Void Furnace of the Fortress causes this, or if it is merely a ghost story is unknown.
Unintelligent Minion: ?
Greater Form of Undead: The same barriers that prevent connection to the powers of the divine also prevent the formation of greater forms of undead, although legends do tell of extremely powerful wizards who were able to transform themselves into something beyond their frail mortal forms.
Undead Threat: ?
Free-Willed Undead: ?
Upper Tier Undead: ?
Ghoul, Undead Threat: ?
Ghoul: ?
Devastatingly Powerful Graveknight: ?
Graveknight: ?
Lich: ?
Skeleton, Unintelligent Minion: ?
Skeleton, Undead Threat: ?
Skeletal Warrior: ?
Skeleton Champion: ?
Skeleton Guard: ?
Zombie, Unintelligent Minion: ?
Zombie, Undead Threat: ?
Zombie: ?


Divine Companions
Pathfinder 2e
Snap-Rat: When in need of spies, many deities of undeath have been known to lay claim to nearby rats and proceed to transform them by first breaking the rat's back in half, then reanimating the body as undead while also tying it with a divine connection to their worshipers.
Snap-Rat, Spy: ?


Liber Genus XI - Ghoul
Pathfinder 2e
Ghoul: Ghouls are undead creatures spread like a disease.
Ghouls are the embodiment of unnatural cannibalism, with those that die after feeding upon another of their kind occasionally rising the next night as a ghoul. The more common way new ghouls are made is from the contraction of ghoul fever from the infected bites of these creatures, which causes death and transformation if not treated.
The original ghoul is said to have been an elf that ate their brother who later became a powerful demon lord. Truth is lent to this myth since all ghouls take on elven features after their transformation. Such are the changes that many believe ghouls were once elves and that other ancestries are immune to this fate, although it is in fact the opposite, with elves being the only creatures immune to becoming ghouls.
You Might… have died from ghoul fever.
Ghoul, Embodiment of Unnatural Cannibalism: ?
Undead, Undead Creature: ?
The Original Ghoul: The original ghoul is said to have been an elf that ate their brother who later became a powerful demon lord.
Pureblood Ghoul: You were born a ghoul and have enjoyed the rotten flesh of others since birth.
Ghast: ?
Ghast, More Powerful Kin of Ghouls: ?
Leng Ghoul: ?
Afflicted Ghoul: You have become infected by a ghoul and have turned into one yourself.


Night of the Skulltaker (PF2e)
Pathfinder 2e
Skulltaker, Saxra: ?
Skulltaker, Powerful Monster Made of Bones Shrouds and Evil, Powerful Undead Creature: ?
Weakened Skulltaker: A skulltaker truly came to Cuttlevale on a winter night long ago, but the creature was destroyed by a brave pirate crew—that of Captain Jamlathan Case—before it could ravage the town. Captain Case and most of his crew were slain in attack. The surviving pirates sought aid in Cuttlevale, muttering with terror about the “saxra” and displaying the few bones they’d taken from the creature. The pirates left as soon as possible, wanting nothing more to do with Cuttlevale. They were wholly ignorant of how the townspeople were already misunderstanding their encounter with “Saxra.”
The bones are no ordinary remains. They still contain a lingering echo of the skulltaker they were taken from. Ironically, the faith of Cuttlevale’s people and the sanctity of the town’s small church have kept the bones quiescent in the generations since they were enshrined. They’ve only become dangerous when removed, which is the cause of Cuttelvale’s recent troubles.
Alkini learned from a hapless fisherman than the townspeople revere some “magical bones” that bring them luck and peace. Alkini wanted these bones for herself, so she sent a small strike force to retrieve them. They succeeded, but one of the skum was killed by a dog in town as they made their escape.
Almost as soon as the skum returned the bones to their cave, the skulltaker’s evil sentience awoke. It swirled the bones around in deadly shards, flaying Alkini and most of the skum. The dead skum animated as skeletons, their bones ripping free from their flesh. Some of these stolen bones coalesced to form a new body for the skulltaker, much smaller and weaker than its prior incarnation.
Skum Skeleton, Undead Skum Skeleton: Almost as soon as the skum returned the bones to their cave, the skulltaker’s evil sentience awoke. It swirled the bones around in deadly shards, flaying Alkini and most of the skum. The dead skum animated as skeletons, their bones ripping free from their flesh.
Tholog can explain all the recent events, including Alkini’s scheme to steal the sacred bones from the land-walkers’ church to acquire their good luck. This theft went terribly wrong, as the bones were some sort of creature that animated when brought away from the town. The creature killed all the skum except Tholog, turning them into skeletons or taking their bones for its own gruesome form.
Skum Skeletal Champion: The skum corpse is split wide open because the skeleton inside has clawed its way out. This is more of the skulltaker’s evil magic, amplified at the site where its bones rested for so long. This skeleton has arisen as a more powerful creature than the ones the heroes previously fought.
Skum Skeleton, Skeleton of a Piscine Humanoid, Strange Skeleton, Loyal Skum Skeleton: ?
Skum Skeletal Champion, More Powerful Creature: ?
Skeleton Guard: Weakened Skulltaker Bonetaker power.

Bonetaker (divine, necromancy) Whenever a creature dies within 30 feet of a skulltaker, the skulltaker draws a portion of the creature's bones into its shard storm. The creature must succeed at a DC 18 Will save or rise as a skeleton guard in 1d4 rounds. These skeleton guards are controlled by the skulltaker.


Night of the Skulltaker SOLO Edition
Pathfinder 2e
Skulltaker, Saxra: ?
Weakened Skulltaker: ?
Skulltaker, Most Powerful Undead Creature, Person-Sized Jumble of Mismatched Bones Held Together By Tendrils of Negative Energy, Evil Form, Undead Foe, Undead Skeletal Oracle-Monster, Terrible Monster, Bone Monster: ?
Ghost Pirate: ?
Fishfolk Skeleton, Undead Skum Skeleton: But then things went horribly wrong. The bones began to shudder and move, then to emit waves of deadly energy and cause shards of bone to erupt from the ground. Some of the skum, including Alkini, died quickly. Moments later, their bones tore free from their bodies. Some of these joined wthi the stolen bones to form a terrible monster; the others became walking skeletons under its command.
The skum inhabit a hidden cave on this island—or, at least, they did before being turned into skeletons by whatever the skulltaker's stolen bones have now become.
Fishfolk Skeleton, Strange Skeleton, Bony Humanoid, Skeleton of a Piscine Humanoid, Fishfolk Skeleton, Walking Skeleton: ?
Fishfolk Skeletal Champion: ?
Skum Skeleton: ?
Skum Skeleton, Skum Skeleton Guard: ?
Skeleton Guard: Weakened Skulltaker Bonetaker power.
Undead Beast: ?

Bonetaker (divine, necromancy) Whenever a creature dies within 30 feet of a skulltaker, the skulltaker draws a portion of the creature's bones into its shard storm. The creature must succeed at a DC 18 Will save or rise as skeleton guard in 1d4 rounds. These skeleton guards are controlled by the skulltaker.

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