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TUW: The Outpost

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Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Completely trusting his friends to handle any conversation with Vittero's father. Adisakti tries to encourage both of the two guards to have a drink with him. "All of this talking has made me thirsty. I am heading over to the Laden Hammer for some Pilsner. It is a better tavern than The Reverie, though that is where most soldiers go. You two should join me. I will buy the first round, while these thinkers talk more on political issues."
OOC: 93 + 75 = 168
OOC: Only his friends would know him well enough to understand that he has no desire to befriend the Cathedral guard. This is a ruse. He only intends him harm.


Pretending she's piously worshiping The Lord of the Day, Astarte keeps discreetly observing the clergy. If he decides to go anywhere, she will discreetly follow him; but this time she won't force him into a talking with her, but will carefully watch everything he does, eavesdrop any conversations he has with others, etc.

Even though she's dying to participate in the meeting with Plascimon, she's aware she can't be there, but at the first occasion she's gonna ask Taylar or Raven Elk how it was.


Gamer Extraordinaire
Taylar had expected to have all the Outliers at the meeting, but since it is an organization of independents, he says nothing more. When he and Raven Elk are alone with Plascimon, after the pleasantries and polite conversation, he begins the real talk. "Bishop you must see now that your religion has become infested with a hostile element. The attacks we encountered in the wilds were not random incidents, and that other symbol that we came here with is their real flag. We have even encountered secret camps where girls are taken and tortured to become heartless killers. Tell us what you know of this, and if there are any other possible allies we can meet with."


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Raven Elk... meeting... visit to Ma...
... Adisakti tries to encourage both of the two guards to have a drink with him...
... Astarte... clergy...
Taylar... begins...
Taylar: 45(coerce) + 27(muddle) + 70 = 142
Astarte: 32 + 31 + 54 = 117
Raven Elk: 45(coerce) + 41(befriend) + 50 = 136
Adisakti: 44(coerce) + 51(allure) + 168 = 263
Having developed an initial kinship to the benevolent persona of Raven Elk, the young Clergyman from Westford conveys an interest in accompanying the odd Kinamin to visit his adoptive mother. Seeing no harm in this, Raven Elk agrees, having Astarte accompany, as well. The Clergyman completely takes the religious interest of Astarte to be genuine, whether it is or not. As the three make the short trip to visit Richelle Fluorin, he continues to discus matters with her. She has no need for discretion or subterfuge. The young man is completely open with her, demonstrating no desire to separate himself from her or Raven Elk. He is not only cordial to the adoptive mother, but also says kind words and offers a real blessing.
OOC: The private conversation with Bishop Plascimon can wait and be conducted with Raven Elk and Astarte present, as the Clergyman will cooperate and wait in the main room of the temple for this to occur in private without his presence. Either way will not interfere with the plot.
Plascimon agrees with the assessment of Taylar. "I have known you since your birth and you are friends with my son. Please feel free to call me by my name when we are in private. I am not one to stand on formality with family and friends. Though I no longer have the impetuousness of youth like Vittero but I have suspected a horrible taint, though I do not know its origin or goal."

He continues to convey that he knows nothing of the recruitment or training of the Daughters of Dawn, because it is completely out of his purview. He is adamantly assuring of his agreement with the assessment of Taylar. "It seems to me that the malevolent element is coming from within the leadership of the Religion of Light, itself, and is being used to undermine the aspect of Dawn. Disturbingly, this means that one or more of the members of the Ministers of Light is a plant of Darkness, or Dusk at the very least. The only other possibility would be if all six members of the Hand of Justice are corrupt."

"I hate that what you have learned of the Daughters of Dawn is true. This is so wrong that I cannot convey my disdain for it in words. You are at a various dangerous juncture, having to contend with members of the Hand. As far as allies, you have my son and I. I am willing to stake my life that I can recruit Bishop Roqueir from Westford, which will give you three locales of safety. If I can help in any other way, let me know. This taint must be cleansed."
GM: The error with the symbol is considered to be corrected. Bishop Roqueir and the village of Westford are gained as an allies. The party should physically carry this news to Vittero in Refuge.

Taylar: full wellness
Bracers: 16
Spaulders: 18 - 2 - 1 = 15
Tunic: 57 - 2 - 6 - 2 - 6 - 6 = 35 - 2 = 33
Raven Elk: full wellness
Buckler: 19
tunic: 53
Adisakti: full wellness
tunic: 47
Bracers: 18
Astarte: full wellness
OOC: Current Inventory:
harnin short swords: 22 (14 in Refuge)
bronze colored Dancer's Spike
harnin Longsword
marks: 111

Animal Parts:
Feline Leg Bone: 1. ??

Coal: 1: {Heat x3}
dark green opaque: 1: ??
Slate: 62: {Thump x2}
Flint: 4 {Heat x2}
Sunstone: 7: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Heartstone: 4: {Confluence +1}
Lodestone: 1 {shock x2}

Zinc Ingots: 1: {Health +1, Mend x2}
Tin Ingot: 1: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Lead Ingot: 10: {- Body x2}
Iron Ingot: 1 {Confluence +1, Mend x2}
Calcium Ingot: 1: {Cohesion +1, Restore x2}

Lighter Pine: 7 measures {heat x2}

Unknown Items:
Angry Spirit Dust: ??
Acolyte Avery's Ledger (In Refuge)
DoD Training Ledger (In Refuge)
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide a random roll.
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Plascimon said:
"the malevolent element .. one or more of the members of the Ministers of Light is a plant of Darkness, or Dusk at the very least. The only other possibility would be if all six members of the Hand of Justice are corrupt."
"It's no accident this malevolent element(s) caused the symbol of the Church to be changed to the one belonging to Dusk, as he's, or they're her servant(s) indeed. At least at this point, he/they showed some honesty. But seriously, what if only The Crazy Hand of Justice (whom I had doubtful pleasure to meet not so long ago) is the only culprit? Just don't know, at least I'm sure about him; they all might be guilty; they all might be innocent, except this madman; what if he alone would change the symbol, hire some rascals, even his friends or even some secret band and with their help become the mastermind behind these murders, indoctrination and other disgusting things? (or opposite; he might be as well but a pawn of an evil, powerful organization, and his only duty is to obey his wicked masters?)

And the question reminds, what is his/their eventual goal? The fact that the governing body always wears masks, is just too great opportunity for him to permanently swap those that he doesn't want into his men (both minions or lords). Even all of them. And literally no one would ever notice, even their personal servants, if only they would mimic their predecessors convincingly enough.

If that happen... (sigh). I don't wanna imagine what would become of these lands ruled by such insane, cunning brutes.😟

But the worst thing is, we still don't know, how far his/their plan has been already executed, nor which Ministers of Light or other Hands of Justice are those malevolent elements. What if we would find a reliable Markidian, plant him or her as a servant in the cathedral where the ministers live, to spy on them for us?"

When the meeting with Plascimon is over and Astarte leaves with Raven Elk ans Taylar, she halts them for a moment. "I think the clergy from Westford is a good guy, though he's also naive and unaware what scheming happens behind his back. There's no more need to stalk him, but we still have to be careful what we tell him."

If she meets with the cleric again, she'll be still nice and religious, but also natural, as the only person remaining at this time in The Outpost for whom the show of devotion to The Religion of Light should be reserved is the cathedral soldier.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Currently being separated from the main party, if both guards accompany Adisakti for a drink, he intends to mystically alter the natural toxicity of the alcohol in their drinks so that they will become drunk, while he can remain sober and only pretend. He figures that he can do this secretly, since he has enough talent to not need to touch their mugs.

He will alter the Cathedral guard's more than the other one's. Once the Cathedral guard needs to relieve himself, he will offer assistance in getting him to the outhouse where he will cause his mind to cease to function, dropping him on the ground to hurry back in and tell the Kingdom guard that the other man has passed out. If he cannot kill the man using only the manipulation of chemical waylines, he will forsake his plan. He will not resort to a physical assault as this could not be explained.

If the Kingdom guard insists in trying to help, though he should be too inebriated, he will still try to mystically kill the Cathedral guard. With the Kingdom guard standing beside him, the death should seem even less suspicious.
OOC: previous number 168


Gamer Extraordinaire
What if we would find a reliable Markidian, plant him or her as a servant in the cathedral where the ministers live, to spy on them for us?
Taylar rubs his chin in thought and says in Maldrog, "You may do as you wish, but I don't want to keep track of such things. Whoever is behind this takeover of religious power is skilled in deception and hiding in plain sight. Plascimon, speak to Roquier about this corruption, but only talk about your own concerns. Leave our visit out of it. I think our best strategy is to keep moving. Let us find Adisakti and physically carry this news to Vittero in Refuge."


Whoever is behind this takeover of religious power is skilled in deception and hiding in plain sight.
Astarte replies: "That's why we need any information we can obtain about our foe(s). While the most probably we'll get to know very little, it's still better than nothing, as even this can may be crucial to decide about our victory or defeat. Plascimon, Raven Elk, do you know a person we can trust to be our agent at The Ministry of Light?"


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
...Adisakti... intends...
Taylar rubs his chin...
Astarte replies...
Taylar: 45(coerce) + 27(muddle) + 84 = 156
Astarte: 32 + 31 + 54 = 117
Raven Elk: 45(coerce) + 41(befriend) + 50 = 136
Adisakti: 44(coerce) + 51(allure) + 168 = 263
It may, in fact, surprise him, but Adisakti convinces both guards to have a drink, though they wish it to be at Reverie instead of Hammer Falls. Adisakti is undeterred. Sensing no one in the tavern with even the slightest talent for Bending, he easily alters the drinks of both men without drawing any suspicion. Though his desire was to kill the Cathedral soldier, it seems that is not to be possible by his chosen method. He is only able to make the man greatly sick, so sick in fact that he remains in town after the others leave. The townsfolk are given to the idea that he has alcohol sickness, as seen in many others who have had too much too drink.

On the road to Refuge, the three men explain to Astarte that Bishop Plascimon and Vittero are their inside men within the Religion of Light. Though it would be advantageous to have someone of higher authority within the organization, it is highly unlikely to acquire such. Adisakti conveys his suspicion that trying, would most likely lead to the person selling them out.

In Refuge, Vittero is happy to see his friends and even more pleased to learn that Bishop Roqueir seems to be genuine in his benevolence. Not knowing if it is possible that one of the Hand of Justice may be tainted and behind the whole movement, he tells the crew that he can use his own unit of Daughters of Dawn to see what additional information they can find.
Taylar: full wellness
Bracers: 16
Spaulders: 18 - 2 - 1 = 15
Tunic: 57 - 2 - 6 - 2 - 6 - 6 = 35 - 2 = 33
Raven Elk: full wellness
Buckler: 19
tunic: 53
Adisakti: full wellness
tunic: 47
Bracers: 18
Astarte: full wellness
OOC: Current Inventory:
harnin short swords: 22 (14 in Refuge)
bronze colored Dancer's Spike
harnin Longsword
marks: 111

Animal Parts:
Feline Leg Bone: 1. ??

Coal: 1: {Heat x3}
dark green opaque: 1: ??
Slate: 62: {Thump x2}
Flint: 4 {Heat x2}
Sunstone: 7: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Heartstone: 4: {Confluence +1}
Lodestone: 1 {shock x2}

Zinc Ingots: 1: {Health +1, Mend x2}
Tin Ingot: 1: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Lead Ingot: 10: {- Body x2}
Iron Ingot: 1 {Confluence +1, Mend x2}
Calcium Ingot: 1: {Cohesion +1, Restore x2}

Lighter Pine: 7 measures {heat x2}

Unknown Items:
Angry Spirit Dust: ??
Acolyte Avery's Ledger (In Refuge)
DoD Training Ledger (In Refuge)
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. Astarte improves in Markidian 2%. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide a random roll.
Last edited:

Voidrunner's Codex

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