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D&D 5E Tomb of Horrors!


At an unnamed guildhall, for the guild members were still arguing about what to name the guildhall, a messenger arrives with news most foul, for the guild's greatest rivals, the Wolves of Timber, a guild of some renown, led by the half elven bard Loradris, has vanished. Some of you remember how they bragged recently of finding the entrance to the tomb of an ancient wizard, Acererak.

They knew little of the dangers in the tomb other than what legend has said. That it is filled with terrible traps, and not a few strange and ferocious monsters to slay the unwary. Yet, it is also filled with rich treasures both precious and magical, or so the legends say. Besides the aforementioned guardians, however, the legends also suggest the wizard is no longer a mere wizard, but a demilich, possessed of powers that make him neigh unbeatable!

All accounts conclude that it is quite unlikely any explorers will ever find the chamber where the demilich lingers, for the passages and rooms of the tomb are fraught with traps, poison gasses, and magical protections. Furthermore, the demilich has so well hidden his lair that even those who avoid the pitfalls will not be likely to locate their true goal. Only large and well prepared parties of the bravest and strongest should even consider the attempt, and if such a group does locate the tomb, they must be prepared to fail. Any expedition must have magical protections and weapons, and must be equipped with every sort of device possible to ensure survival.

Which is why is is so intriguing that apparently, when Loradris left his guildhall with his companions, he ordered a messenger to deliver a note to your guild should they not return within a month's time. The letter contained a map which led to the where the Wolves of Timber believe the tomb to be, a small hill a few hundred miles to the northwest, in the middle of nowhere.

You were overcome with curiosity, or perhaps worry for the fate of your friendly rivals. Maybe you could not stop dreaming of the Lich's treasure, or perhaps you would like to claim Loradris' sword, which you know to be a rare Moonblade. Whatever your reason, you packed a wagon and set off, for had you not we would not get to play.

Before you is a low, flat topped hill, about 200 yards wide, 300 yards long, and 60 feet high. Only ugly weeds, thorns and briars grow upon the steep sides and bald top of the mound. You are approaching from the south, and this looks to be the location of the Tomb, at least according to your crudely drawn map.

What do you do?

OOC: Feel free to RP leaving from the guildhall, but make it in flashback form, where you are still doing actions in the present while you explain what you did in the past. That'll keep the game going.

It would be wonderful if everyone could have a stat block on each of their posts. Just copy it from your previous post. It'll help tremendously. If you don't want a full stat block, then at least stats, and what items you are carrying, would be nice. I will be instructing you on when to subtract rations. I won't force you to keep a stat block, but it would help.

Ground Rules:

Short rests are 8 hours (four for elves) and only once a day, long rests are 7 days. I highly suggest filling a bag of holding with food and supplies if you don't already have one.

"Perception Checks" (Including Investigation) are the "Easy way" to find things. If you pass, I'll tell you what you notice. If you fail, you have to wait a day to try again (someone else can try, though). If you want to auto succeed on a perception check, just wait four days. I'll assume you spent the time searching at that point in exchange for four days worth of rations from each of you. If you don't pass the perception check and don't want to wait, you can manually search for whatever, but you have to describe exactly what you're doing and where you're searching. I will try to have a map for you.

Happy dying!

@Azurewraith @KahlessNestor @Charwoman Gene @VLAD the Destroyer @Shayuri @Thateous


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Namfoodle wonders to himself standing infront of this hill. Did I check my clone? Why is this map so crude I have seen children do better. What sort of wizard let alone a demilich doesn't hire a gardener.

Seeing the other's staring at him Namfoodle snaps out of his thoughts."I do so believe we are, without a doubt here. Well that is if this scrawl of a map,is to be believed. So I imagine I could burn all these weeds down with a well placed fireball Namfoodle begins to rub his palms together.

OOC: Ill get a stat block worked up for my next post. HP, spell slots. Anything else. I don't need to eat so that's a non issue.


OOC: HP, AC, and Attributes would be good. Spell slots would also be nice. And Ration count, if any. I did notice the stone you bought.

Korigan walks with the others. One of his creations a large mechanical cat at his side. The gnome surveys the hill. If this was the entrance of to the tomb it was well hidden.

"No reason to waste one of your spells."

Korigan pulls a vial of alchemical fire from his satchel and tosses it into the thorns and weeds covering the hill. The gnome continues till most of the weeds and brush are cleared from the hill. He turns to the others.

"Any ideas where the entrance might be? My guess is it is well hidden. So spread out and begin looking. The other option is we start digging."

OOC: Rolling investigation to look for entrance. [roll0]


First Post
A few steps behind the gnomes was a resplendent figure in shiny full plate, bearing an unlikely combination of shield and...staff? Yet the staff was graven with strange runes and fair crackled with magic around the crystal that hovered just over its end. Taller and larger of build than an elf, but with the delicate features and pointed ears of their kin, this was Dame Astirise, a witchknight from the great city of Silverwood. Long, flowing blonde hair, held from her eyes by a simple circlet of steel or by her helmet when she wore it. Piercing green eyes. A face with a maiden's beauty but the intensity of an older woman; she shed years like a duck did water, it was said. She was one of the older members of the guild, perhaps even from the start of it.

Astirise slung her staff back over her shoulder and produced a lantern of brass and clouded quartz. Despite it being daylight, she filled the lantern with oil and lit it, holding it high while keeping her shield at the ready.

The others might be there for treasure, or glory, or for a glimpse at the lich's secrets...that was all perfectly fine for Astirise. She was there for the lich itself. Though its reign of terror had long ended, and the creature had spent centuries only preying on those who came for it...there was no telling how long that would last. If it woke, if it hungered...who then would stop it? And what was keeping such a creature so quiet, holed up in its lair? Nothing good.

No. Ending the lich would be a fitting quest for Astirise...one she was content to end her story with, if it came to that. There were so few shadows in the world dark enough to require her now. This could well be one of the deepest. It was where she was needed.

"Do not look at random," the half-elf knight said, her voice ringing out clearly. A voice that had commanded armies, shouting orders at a hundred paces or more. "Form a pattern. You, there. You, there. And so on. Otherwise we'll waste time searching spots other people have already examined."

Meanwhile, under the unearthly flickering light of her lantern, she chose a spot and began to examine every rock, every stump, for signs of an entrance.

Perception! [roll0] or [roll1] w/advantage, and plus [roll2] from Guidance.

(Bwah...Perception 31, and can see invisible stuff. :))

(Oops, forgot statblock:)
Attributes Save bonuses
Str 18 +12
Dex 14 +16
Con 16 +17
Int 10 +8
Wis 14 +16
Cha 20 +19

HP 124 - AC 24
Prof Bonus +6
Init +2 Speed 30' Swim 40'
Passive Perception 18
Spell Slots
- Paladin 1 - 4/4, 2 - 3/3, 3 - 3/3
- Warlock 2 (level 3)

Advantage vs Charm and Poison effects, Can see in any form of Darkness up to 120'
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OOC: You are currently on the South side of the hill, and see nothing, though the brush has been clear d by the fire. You can travel around the East, West, or go on top of the hill. It will not be hard to walk up.


Namfoodle sits back and watches the others search figuring he should save himself for when things get difficult.

HP 80
Hd 15d6
Str 19
Dex 16
Con 14
Int 20
Wis 10
Cha 8
Lvl. Slot
1. 4
2. 3
3. 3
4. 3
5. 2
6. 1
7. 1
8. 1
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Voidrunner's Codex

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