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D&D 5E To The Strongest: A Mercenary Story


The Discussion Thread
The Cast List

The East is in chaos. It has been fifteen, long years since the fall of Kadmos Nikitis, Humanity's Strongest Leader, and the world has suffered greatly. In the wake of his passing has arisen the Haeres, the 10 Kings, Queens, Statesmen, and Generals who were among Kadmos's most loyal, most powerful leaders, each claiming a large swath of the dead Empire for their own. The wars over the carcass of Kadmos's achievements began soon after, and no lands are safe.

The Elves have fractured into two governments, each looking at the stormclouds on their borders whilst eyeing the other with suspicion. The Great Western Throng has sounded drums and trumpets, knowing that the fractured East would be a far easier morsel to devour than their former, powerful enemy, the Empire. The Tribes of The Dwarves continue as they have: battling one another, battling all else around them, refusing to be subdued by any would-be conquerors.

What started as skirmishes turned into full-blown conflict. Thousands are displaced by war, and though the thrones of Man, Elf, Dwarf, and Orc vie against one another, the people of the land are bound together to face the fires, the steel, and the blood.

On such group is The Iron Wolves.

For the past month, the Iron Wolves Mercenary Company have been in the service of the Avernix Tribe; a group of Dwarves and Halflings, and even Human Refugees, caught between the crushing pressure of two of the Haeres.

To the West lies the lands of General Patroklos, a man well known for both his cruelty and his wealth, seeking to add the Iron-Rich hills of the Avernix to his burgeoning city-state. Patroklos's army has already burned miles of forest and the villages therein, putting pressure on the Avernix to surrender their lands before there is nothing left.

To the East comes Patroklos's chief rival, Queen Pantea; the widow of a Statesman slain early in the Haere Wars. Known as The Even-Handed, she has been told to be far more fair in her dealings with her subjects, though her penchant for ruthlessness was solidified in the destruction of a village that refused to provide their levy of young men and women, as well as their crops, for the campaigning season. She had approached the Avernix first with the goal of peaceful annexation, but has lately turned towards raids into their borders to force the issue.

Where Pantea's and Patroklos's soldiers meet one another, blood is sure to follow: they are loyal to their lords, loyal to their causes, and will stop at nothing to stamp out the resistance that the Dwarves and their allies put up. The battles have left hundreds of humans and elves without homes as well; they now take shelter with the Avernix, who will not turn these downtrodden away: the hold of Honor binds their hospitality, though the able-bodied are also given weapons and shields with which to aid in the defense.

The Iron Wolves's contract with the Avernix is up today. The pay has already been received and distributed to the troops, leaving little left, sadly: the Avernix, while a rich land, are a poor people. The conflict has drained their coffers to near empty. Still, one of their messengers arrives to the camp of the Iron Wolves, situated half-a-day's march from their capital of Halveroth, with an offer to renew the contract. The growing battles between Patroklos and Pantea have left The Druidic Council fearful of their ability to mount a true resistance, and they have seen the prowess of the Wolves against these powerful foes. They can offer only enough silver to cover the wages of the troops and perhaps a small bit left over: 600 Gold Pieces for the month. However, they offer something else: Dwarf-Forged weapons and armor. Steel regarded as some of the best within The East, enough for at least thirty of the Wolves to be fitted with. This gear is perhaps worth more than the gold offered, but it shows how desperate the Avernix have become, willing to trust this band of mercenaries with their artisan's talents to provide such work for practically no cost.

However, at separate times in the morning, the camp is also approached by two others: a rider from Patroklos, and one of Pantea's scouts. They both present offers from their lords, for the Wolves have fought both during their time with the Avernix.

Patroklos's letter is straight to the point: He offers 2,500 Gold for the Month if the Wolves will turn on the Avernix so he can focus his battles against Pantea. He fully plans to use The Wolves to conquer the land for him, and he plainly states so. However, he admits that such assistance would make him eternally grateful, and he can be quite the profitable patron for the future.

Pantea's offers 1,200 Gold for the month to the Iron Wolves if they will join her forces in fighting Patroklos. She could honestly care less about the Avernix: they are small, and can always be conquered after Patroklos's forces are broken. However, she recognizes that the true threat to her power in The East lays in her rival, for his armies are a match for her own. She believes, however, that with the help of The Wolves, she can overcome Patroklos. While her coinage offer is not as much as Patroklos, she instead offers Land: there is a small, wooden fort that she asks the Wolves to march on and, were they to seize it, it would be theirs, protected by her own forces in return for such assistance.

These messages have been brought to the Officers of The Iron Wolves, and the general troops know nothing of any of this. Yet. Surely they have seen the messengers, but they trust in the orders and guidance of their leadership.

Inside the command tent, the founders of this mercenary company come together to discuss their prospects and their next action: either way nets them enemies, allies, and assistance. All paths have their own dangers.

But the Wolf Must Feed, and it would not be long before she was starving if a choice wasn't made.
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River Song

Theo scratches his thick black beard as he mulls over the offers, he liked the Avernix Tribe and they were easy to like. A small plucky group caught between to greater powers; they embodied every heroic and noble ideal. But his men came first, so he was bound to consider all the options.

"Well, this is interesting. It makes me feel like a young maid with three suitors." he laughs. "I am against Patroklos though, the man is a snake and I do not trust him. The money sounds great but I do not think he will honor the contract. There is just something about him I do not trust."

He surveys the map of the area.

"Queen Pantea's offer is interesting. Land for our men to rest in when the season is out is a very tempting offer. The Avernix cannot hold against either of these, their time could be at an end but dwarven forged weaponry would stand us in good stead. Pantea is interested in fighting off Patroklos, so we will only be facing a small force, to my mind, if we stand with the Avernix for another month."

"I am in favour of another month with Avernix, 30 men outfitted in dwarvish arms and armour is something that we might not be able to get again."

OOC: Can we get an idea of how many stand each of them commands?
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"I agree with you there Theo. Patroklos is a snake of a man and I don't trust him at all. I'm Though dwarven weapons would be useful I'd prefer to side with Queen Pantea. We get some coin and the benifit of removing some scum from the earth the same time. Not to mention a base of operations would be a pleasent upgrade from our current stations. People might actually take us seriously for once."

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk

River Song

"From memory Patroklos can field possibly 500 men (50 Stands). He tends to favor lines of heavy infantry, in the style of Kadmos, supported by lighter skirmishers and cavalry forces. It is slow: It may be possible to isolate parts of it and destroy them piece by piece before the entire force could be mustered en masse. Likewise, were it all to gather in one place, Patroklos would have a hard time rerouting it to another destination. What it lacks in Speed, Patroklos's army more than makes up for in raw staying power and numbers: they would be hard to drive from the field or take ground from." he takes a drink of wine.

"Queen Pantea has about 300 troops (30 Stands) at her command. Her army has adopted a lot from the Orcish means of fighting, and so relies on fast, mobile forces, intended to harass and wear down an opponent. Cavalry Archers are a common sight, as are light infantry meant to ambush or entrap enemies so the cavalry can swoop in for the kill. "

"And as we know the locals can must about 100 men, mostly conscripts." he shakes his head. "The only thing saving them is that Patroklos and Pantea are so busy with each other that they cannot send their full force here."

Feyson sits in the shadows listening to the options and the others speak. The Avernix are good people but that doesn't put food on the table. The steel is valuable but barely outfits a quarter of the troops. It's value would be limited. As for Patroklos he was untrustworthy and ruthless. Feyson didn't trust the man not to turn on them once the Wolves assured him victory. The Queen was a stronger option. She was not as cruel as her rival and offered hard coin and land which can be used as a base of operations.

"I agree with you both, the Snake is not to be trusted. I would not accept his offer unless it was the only option." Feyson pauses. "I think the best option for us and the Avernix is to support the Queen. She will weaken herself fighting the Snake and give the Druidic Council some breathing room. The land and fort can be used as a base. It is much better than sleeping on the hard ground every night."

Feyson looks to see the others reaction to his speech.

"Theo taking the Queens offer does the least harm to the Avernix and places us and them in a stronger position. Once the Snake is gone they are only dealing with one lordling. And at that time we can support them if they still require our services."
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"Then it is settled. Unless Artemis feels he can sway some opinions we should send a messenger at once. She mentioned that we would have to seize the fort first, so once we have its location we should scout it out immediately."

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"No our fort has some squatters that need to be evicted." Feyson grins at those assembled. "I will go prepare the scouts. I'll send a messenger to carry the reply."

He pauses briefly at the tent flap. "Aridha, Lucius do either of you want to join me?"

Feyson waits for a response then walks out of the tent. He squints as his eyes adjust to the light. Pointing to one of the couriers lounging near the tent.

"We have a message to deliver. Those in the tent will provide the message and it's destination."

The courier sent Feyson begins to gather some of his men getting them mustered and prepared to head out on the scouting mission.


First Post
Aridha, a diminutive halfling lounging in tribal leathers reinforced with bone and metal scowled and got to her feet. She had her own opinion about what they ought to be doing, but it was personal and she knew that. This 'queen's offer was better for the men. In the long run it might even be better for the Avernix.

It was hard to see another independent tribe being run down though, and every instinct she had urged her to stop it.

Outside the tent she inhales the cooling air and looks at Feyson.

"If yeh want me tae find a fort, ye'll have tae give me some idea where tae look," she said with her accent thick and sharp in her voice. "Otherwise me'n me men could spend a month or more runnin' around with nothin' tae show for it. The land here is big."

It wasn't entirely true, of course. A fort needed water, so there'd have to be some nearby it. And Aridha could enlist aid from birds to spy from the air.

But opening with all your cards was a lousy way to win a hand.

Voidrunner's Codex

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