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ZEITGEIST Tizbiz Zeitgeist Campaign

I see a pattern here with RangerWickett's adventures and animating dragon skeletons on display. Though Syana's resurrection was more impressive and painful. At least in my group. But then again, she has had so much more history...)
I admit I had not planned this scene far enough in advance to set it up better. There probably could have been mentions of the dragon on display when the party visits the palace earlier, and perhaps some interaction with Bugge way back in adventure 2 or 3 before he gets disgraced and goes missing.

Ditto mentioning the Unseen and Hedgehog Courts earlier. I'm sure I could have come up with some side quest between adventures 5 and 6, maybe? But the campaign's pretty hefty as is.

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I admit I had not planned this scene far enough in advance to set it up better. There probably could have been mentions of the dragon on display when the party visits the palace earlier, and perhaps some interaction with Bugge way back in adventure 2 or 3 before he gets disgraced and goes missing.

Ditto mentioning the Unseen and Hedgehog Courts earlier. I'm sure I could have come up with some side quest between adventures 5 and 6, maybe? But the campaign's pretty hefty as is.
Ah, it was okay ;)
Syana was of central importance to the overall plot, and she was a very noble dragon in life on top of that.
But regarding ideas for a bit of foreshadowing, you could use adventure 6 and give the PCs a bit of lore on Venkio. Like, who killed him and why/how he ended up being put on display in Torfield Palace. Was he the first or last dragon that Boyle slew? Was he a gift from Ber?

Bugge would have been nice to have a namedrop or so before. He was okay as a random necromancer, but having him be a researcher or lecturer in Pardwright and then slipping to the dark side to continue his research would be sweet.

In my opinion, the Unseen Court is introduced quite well in some regards. We have Asrabey, Ekossigan and Beshela who we all meet pretty early on. Then Copperhat. Maybe add in a few more names that can be recognized in adventure 9, like Thisraldion instead of a nameless Fey Lady/Lord, or Darbony when the Satyrs attack the PCs, or Olazdor as whatever his previous role would have been. And mention the schism in the Court somewhere around the Epic Rap Battle of History. I'd rather have them somehow stay more relevant in later parts of the campaign.

Damned PC's ruining a perfectly good assassination
Tiz really tried. he had a good shot when Carlyle and Aodhan got ambushed by the hidden Porteurs. But Carlyle has some uncanny dodge ability that lets him act during a surprise, which led to initiative rolls in the surprise, which he won, and he then used all of his actions and powers to accelerate Aodhan and let him get away. And Aodhan would have refused to go, but Carlyle convinced him that they could very well both die if he didn't get Auryn as reinforcement in time. And a dead King AND successor would mean bad news for Risur.
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Session 56
To Flint!

Carlyle uses the time until our departure to consult with King Aodhan. Having little experience in governing, Aodhan gives him advice regarding the current political situation and certain noble houses of influence (primarily the "Big Six" from Slate). Carlyle also asks him about other dragons that are still unknown to him, whereupon Aodhan refers him to the locked royal archives, hinting that there may well be more than we know so far. But he also adds that these would they keep themselves even more hidden.

(Dragons are a major topic for Carlyle, and he is really keen on knowing the whereabouts of all the remaining dragons who accepted the Pact of Boyle)

Carlyle then confidentially reveals to Aodhan that the Obs have also been manipulating Risur for some time, as it was ultimately only on Nicodemus' orders that he was able to get his hands on Danoran technology in the third Yerasol war and thus truly kick off the industrialization of Risur. He also adds that this is in no way meant to undermine Aodhan's many accomplishments as a war hero, and that he holds him in high regard as both a soldier and a monarch. Aodhan is troubled by this, but takes the news with his usual calm. He says that neither he nor Gabriel may change history, and that he hopes that the industrial progress has still changed Risur for the better.

When asked about the Titans, Aodhan also explains that he has never faced off against a Titan himself, even though this would also the job of the King of Risur.

“In the end, keeping the Titans at bay, and protecting our citizens from them is our essential duty, and only the Monarch is able to protect their people from the Titans. One may only hope that this day will not come during their reign.”, Aodhan says thoughtfully.

“The day may come sooner than we both wish for, Aodhan. I sense that there will be a conflict with the Voice of Rot soon. The Serpent had agents within the Obs and also instigated the conflict in the Unseen Court, to keep the fey busy. He is up to something.”, Carlyle replies, his voice heavy with worries. Aodhan then calls the Serpent to be the most active and also the most dangerous of the Titans, and that Gabriel was be wise to not underestimate his cunning.

Next, the two talk about how Aodhan was appointed king. Here Carlyle learning that it was Queen Melissa who had brought the war hero Aodhan into her council and had gradually given him more and more duties before she surprised him with her appointment as much as he had now surprised Gabriel. So he is confident that Gabriel will grow into his role as well.

(Basically “as long as you believe that I am a good King, you can also believe that you will become a good one in time. Just trust the system”)

Carlyle then turns the matter to Stanfield and his obvious, but at the moment hardly provable treason. He adds that both he and Auryn suspected there might be something going on regarding Stanfield and the Obscurati, but that they were never able to get more than second-hand hints until now. Aodhan advises him to only dismiss him from his position of Governor if he has something tangible against Stanfield in his hands, and otherwise to rather command him to a higher position, where he can be kept out of the way and under better surveillance.

When asked about Fordren's whereabouts, Aodhan smiles mischievously and reveals that the man was presumably called up to the Danoran war council. A seat he he already held during the last Yerasol war.

“Both an advantage and a disadvantage as I assume that he has to play his part. We managed quite well during the last Yearsol war, even though he officially helped Danor. At least according to Queen Melissa. I'd call him an ace up our sleeve, should we desperately need info.”, Aodhan states.

Meanwhile, Auryn uses the spare time to rest. After she has finished, she briefly checks in on the situation with King Aodhan and Gabriel and finds them engrossed in conversation. Not wanting to disturb them, she instead seeks out Harkover Lee again to discuss her future plans. She asks him to provide her with whatever materiel his own troops can spare to arm the population in Flint, since they will fight for their city no matter what. At the same time, she advises him to stop executing Obscurati, as they will eventually return as Ghost Councilors. Instead, the royal mage-techs should focus on developing "ghost cells" or something similar to be able to lock up the members of the Ghost Council. This is where Carlyle, with his affinity for ghosts of all kinds, could certainly provide assistance, she assures Lee.

“Oh, and there is something more”, she adds, reaches into her pocket and brings forth the engraved Ring of Nicodemus.

“You are among the only people I can entrust with this object. It is a Ring of the original founders of the Obscurati: Kasvarina, Nicodemus and the first Jierre. They formed a pact of trust and sealed it with three rings that allowed their users to watch each other. The code phrase is 'In Methia, in the Lance of Triegenes, we were forged in secrecy'. You can use it to spy upon Han Jierre and I guess it will be priceless in the coming war.”

She looks him deeply in the eyes and then hands him Nicodemus' ring, asking him to keep it safe and secret. Likewise, she suggests that he'd use all available mages and divination spells to gather more information about the situation in Flint. She also asks him to keep an eye on the changes in flight magic, as longer flight may be possible should the Obscurati manage to complete their ritual before we're able to reach them. This knowledge could be essential to saving the survivors on Elba, she explains with a heavy voice.

Auryn also talks to Lee about her role as the newly appointed Baroness of Bole. Harkover Lee points out to her that she will be primarily responsible for the protection and official tax revenues of the city, but reassures her that the city has managed itself well so far through its mayor, so there is no need to worry about being overwhelmed by paperwork and administrative acts.

“Oh, I am not afraid of Bureaucracy. I simply wish to fulfill my role properly.”, she replies

Lastly, Auryn asks Harkover Lee if he would also serve a "King Carlyle" in the future, to which he replies that he's more than willing should the new “King Gabriel” wish to do so. Auryn is at first a bit irritated by that name, but then understands that she might have to share the name “Gabriel” with the rest of the world in a not too far future.

She also asks him to take the Eye of Yeref with her to Flint, and together the two agree that “Shealis” would probably be the most likely to be able to handle the artifact. Which is why she'd better accompany us as well.

(Auryn does have a certain fondness for Harkover Lee. Maybe it is his steadfast loyalty that he has in common with Asrabey. But realizing that Lee is a dragon who actively made the choice to support the Monarchs of Risur despite the fact that he owed them nothing but keeping a low profile, staying in human form and not harming Risur put him on another level. Worthy of being an esteemed husband for the Monarch indeed ;) )

Next, Auryn wishes to be led to the current whereabouts of Cula Ravjahani, as she promised the former Obs Agent to provide her with news regarding Kasvarina. Cula is quartered in the "guest wing" of Lord Menash, so getting to her is no big deal. A servant with squeaky colored clothes leads her to Cula, and locks the door behind the two women.

(I laughed about that sweet cameo!)

Cula Ravjahani seems quite bored as she had nothing to do for the last couple of weeks and she appears quite interested when she sees Auryn return. Auryn tells her about her journey with Kasvarina and also that she was unable to reach her ancestor after the vision of the fall of Srasama due to her being trapped in the Dreaming. So she and hopes that Kasvarina is well.

Cula thanks her for the update, but insists that she has to hear that story from Kasvarina firsthand to believe it.

Auryn sighs in disappointment, as this is really not the time to travel a weeks-long trip just to search for Kasvarina. She understands that Cula wants to hear Kasvarina's renunciation of Nicodemus and the Obs from her own mouth, but also points out to her that Nicodemus is ultimately responsible for all the suffering that befell Kas after the fall of Srasama, including the death of her last daughter.

“And there is one last thing that even Kasvarina doesn't know as she left us before we were able to confront Nicodemus. The one who had abducted my dear friend Andrei, who used his body, and who only let him go on the brink of death. This very same Nicodemus mocked me as I vowed to protect Kasvarina, our people, and her family, before adding that he ultimately thought that the Eladrin would be better off going extinct. So... are you still not sure whether you should choose our side?” Auryn adds, watching Cula's reaction closely.

But unfortunately, Cula seems still unimpressed, and Auryn leaves her in her “guest quarter”.

(Yeah, that was a bummer. Still not sure why Cula would insist on getting the info directly from Kasvarina as she surely does have some judge of character and was almost on our side during Schism. Auryn can understand Cula, but probably would not trust her more deeply from that point on. In her eyes, someone who doesn't want to think for herself and is so doggedly dependent on someone else's word is not someone you should trust too much with making their own moral decisions.)

Both Auryn and Carlyle meet again in the palace shortly before departure and they exchange information about the state of preparation. Harkover Lee also informs us about the results of the divination and scouting spells: It appears that the whole harbor area of Flint is currently under Danoran control, as several large warships are cruising in front of and inside the harbor. These ships have their respective cannons aimed directly at positions at the harbor and the Coaltongue, which is currently lying at the dock. Likewise, they appear to have taken up positions on the mainland.

King Aodhan states that he intends to travel by train with a contingent of soldiers from Slate, even if parts of the railway are impassable. Lee and Dame Jillian do not want to leave their King's side for obvious reasons, while Lauryn Cyneburg wants to take care of mobilizing the troops. She'd sprinkle in some last-minute magical tinkering, which limits the "volunteers" in our team to Asrabey, "Shealis" and Andrei.

Auryn urges all parties to make haste, as she interprets the sign of the deceased royal Skyseer that there could literally be "no future" as the Reida, Plane of Destiny could disappear through the Obs' ritual. Therefore, it would be worth considering storming Axis Island in order to perhaps still be able to prevent the ritual from completion. In the end, however, we decide to secure our land first, since we are currently at war and do not want to open up yet another front.

(Yeah, of all possible people it would be her to bring up Reida, the plane she'd considered to prevent true free will.)

So we and the Wild Hunt head for Flint, with Asrabey and Riffian hitting it off right away, just as we had assumed. At least a small positive among all the chaos.

After a few miles we make a short stop. Auryn uses the time to try to send a message to Kasvarina, asking if she's okay (after all, last time we saw her, she'd jumped through the portal atop the Lance of Triegenes), where she'd be located, and what she's up to. This time, fortunately, she gets an honest answer. Kasvarina sounds relieved to finally receive a message from us after three months of silence and worrying. She reports that she is currently in Elfaivar to unseat the Obs that she had once put in place. In return, she asks if we are okay and what took us so long. Auryn answers her that we were stuck in the Dreaming for no more than a few days because the portal brought us there. She also mentions her promotion to a Feylady and that we are about to join Asrabey and the Wild Hunt in saving Flint from the Danorans. Oh, and Stanfield is a traitor, so she'd better watch out. Both wish each other well and hope the other stays safe.

Auryn then heads to Asrabey and informs him that Kasvarina is both safe and fighting the Obs in parallel to us. The Dreadnaught thanks her for this information, but he seems rather focused on his current task.

Carlyle simultaneously contacts Delft, starting with an uncompromising greeting and the wish that he is alright, but he only gets word that “everything is fine and reinforcements are on the way”. This, of course, is not really truthful, so we assume another sending-redirecting mechanism.

After the rest, we continue on our way to Flint. We soon encounter a Danoran blockade on the railroad track, which fires cannons at us from a distance. We quickly leave the road and briefly discuss how to proceed. We decide to give them a chance before going straight at them. But after they do not to respond in any kind to our "surrender or else", Auryn and Carlyle sneak towards the blockade and take care of the bombardment while the Wild Hunt trample over the rest of them with their animals. We leave the survivors tied to the railroad track with a handwritten greeting to King Aodhan and his forces.

(Just a friendly flex. Because we can. Asrabey and Riffian were amused)
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My players wanted to know about all the hidden dragons, I made a list of 3 or more who lived in Risur and another one Lord Kulp from the malice lands
That's neat. So Kulp is both a dragon and a Vekeshi affiliate in your setting?

I do not get the reference.
It was a reference to Erdan Menash of Gate Pass ;)
The guy with a horrible, but gaudy fashion sense and a huge collection of erratic looking equipment.

Andrew Moreton

Yes Kulp was a Bronze dragon explaining his link to Earth magic which I think is mentioned and a Vekeshi. I had a female Blue Dragon running a set of schools for young ladies and those wanting to act like ladies and also a very polite blackmail ring, Harkover was a Blue as well because my players had decided before the reveal that he must be a dragon and based on what they knew of him he was a Blue. There was a Black running a maritime salvage company which dabbled in smuggling and Green running a Forestry company which ALWAYS got the ogging rights it wanted as no one dared compete. IIRC The Blue running the schools and Harkover married in the epilogue


Searching for friends

After a few hours on horseback, we finally reach the outskirts of Flint; Cloudwood to be exact. Here we use our contacts with the Druids and the Brigands of Woodsman, as well as the artists, to get a quick update on the current situation in the city. From them, we learn that Gale has gone to the city to assist the resistance against the Danorans. Likewise, more druid orders are already on the move, and the local druids invite us to communicate with them via message ravens (Seems like the ravens can finally score some points with Carlyle...). To our surprise, Renard and his brigands also offer us support as, after all, we helped them get rid of the Kells.

Via the ravens and Gale's Windfeather we eventually learn that Gale has entered the Golden Sawfish specifically to stop the Dockers from taking unilateral action against the Danorans. We return to her that the Dockers are, of course, welcome to make their contribution to the resistance, but should not plunge themselves headfirst into ruin.

(We called it “lachend in die Kreissäge stürzen” which directly means “rushing into the circular saw while laughing” Don't know whether there is a similar ridiculous saying in English)

We leave the Wild Hunt with the druids so that their mounts can rest and regenerate their strength, and ask them to join our forces in due time. After that, we decide to visit the guardian(s) of Cauldron Hill and see whether they can provide us with any help. In front of the mayor's mansion we spot a group of seemingly possessed servants of the mayor, who we knock out quite easily. After convincing Smithee and Macbannin, who had entrenched themselves in the mansion, that we have not met the same fate as their employees, the two men let us into the mansion. They are glad to see us alive and kicking and and tell us about the mysterious events at the Hill with more restless spirits and strange planar rifts that had led Macbannin to the decision of erecting a new seal.

We tell them about the attack on Torfield Palace, and add that the king has sent for an army to free Flint. And although we are officially only the vanguard, we want to do what we can to free our city.

In the end, we assumed that Macbannin and Smithee would have the same goal, so we'd be better off coordinating our actions. Smithee assures us that if in doubt, he could take care of the Nettles on his own, since he managed to gain the trust of the residents after months of hard work. Also, he thinks it advisable to evacuate the Nettles one more time, considering the omens and the vision of Nevard.

“You've heard the words of dear Mr. Smith, my friends, and I hope you trust him as much as I do.”, Macbannin says.

“Therefore I'd be glad if you allow me to assist you two against the Obscurati one more time.”

So Macbannin joins our campaign against the occupying force and vows to do everything in his power to defend his city.

(MacB has certainly earned a spot on our list of most beloved NPC in Zeitgeist)

Next, we head to Stray River together with Andrei, Shealis and Asrabey, as we both wish to reunite Andrei and Isobel and to make contact with our friendly new Flinters from Crisillyir.
After we part with Andrei, we find Cippiano and his Familia at the break of evening at a very moving funeral ceremony, where several of the Don's deceased godchildren are being laid to rest, accompanied by the tears of their loved ones. We attend the ceremony in silence at a respectful distance as we let the emotions of the moment sink in.

After the funeral is over, we approach Cippiano and offer our condolences.

“To die so young... such an unnecessary death...” he says, his voice still full of grief.

“The Danorans attacked the harbor without warning. Fired their cannons at the docks. The young lads had no chance. But I thank you for your comfort, my friends.”

“You have my sympathy, Don Cippiano. And I promise that your dead Godchildren will not go unpunished.”, Carlyle states with reassurance, as, after all, the Bravuras were citizens of the Flint and died keeping the docks safe.

Afterwards, we tell him that King Aodhan has not forgotten Flint, and that both he and reinforcements are already on their way. Meanwhile, we as the vanguard arrived in advance to plan and prepare our own counteroffensive. We also explain that communication by magical means would be difficult, since something (we suspect a magical beacon) intercepts our messages and sends and incorrect answer in reply. We therefore ask Cippiano to take care of the messaging problem and maybe assign some of his people as messengers. This way, the Familia could greatly help us without putting themselves in more danger. Together, we also work out a plan to send a specially constructed message that can then be tracked to get the location of the jamming transmitter.

(Oh my, that went straight to the heart. Cippiano offered us more help, but we didn't want him to lose any more of his Familia at that point.)

Next, we move to the RHC to rally our comrades. But once we arrive at the HQ, all we see is a lone still-lit light in our office window. It turns out that the singular source of light belongs to Xambria Meredith, who is the only agent left behind while the other two of our team and Delft were called to Stanfield earlier. This gives us a good punch in the gut, as we now know that Delft, as well as Margit and Flying Spark are most likely in immediate danger. We enlighten Dr. Meredith about our current situation and ask her to assist us in our rescue attempt as we will most likely have to make a move on Stanfield very soon. Xambria Meredith of course joins us, and we take the opportunity to empty the arsenals of the RHC and also call in the B.E.A.R.s for support.

“I always told Master Delft that getting more B.E.A.R.s would be a good plan!”, Carlyle states triumphantly as he realizes that the mechanical ursoids would now play a big role in freeing the Chief of the RHC.

(he regularly claimed that “we should buy a BEAR” or “get more BEARs” whenever we talked to Delft on our requirements)

Since we are all interested in both getting rid of the Danorans and checking up on Stanfield's machinations at the same time, we agree to split up the team for the next step: Auryn decides to meet up with the dockers and Gale at the Sawfish, while Carlyle wants to call on Vantrys and, should they be available in a timely manner, other industrialists, for support.

Carlyle heads directly to the Vantrys' estate, where he is escorted straight to Lady Cecilia Vantrys. The Lady is distraught with worries, as her husband has not returned from his meeting with Stanfield for more than a day. After hearing this, Carlyle is immediately put on alert, knowing that Stanfield had already let Morris Dawkins sail into a trap. He promises Cecilia to look out for Lord Vantrys and bring him back home safely.

“Um, Mr. Carlyle... please wait a minute!”, Cecilia adds quickly and presents a small, inconspicuous key.

“Take this. It is a key for our safe. My dear Nathaniel gave it to me to use it in case of emergency. And this is an emergency, I assume”.

Carlyle takes the key and thanks Lady Vantrys for her trust. In the safe, he finds yet another key to one of Fordren Industries' warehouses, which Cecilia claims to contain material from the two industrialists' cooperation. Carlyle thanks Lady Vantrys again for this and then heads for the Sawfish to inform Auryn.

(Speaking of high emotional stakes... I can only assume that inner Carlyle freaked out at that point, but he obviously did not want to get Cecilia even more worried. Yeah, Stanfield is screwed.)

Meanwhile, Auryn heads to the Dockers' favorite meeting place and finds Gale and Thames Grimsley in a heated dialogue about how to proceed. While Gale tries to urge the Dockers to be prudent and make well-considered plans before acting, Thames argues that they should not continue to watch the Danorans' despicable actions any longer.

“My friends! I'm glad that I've got to you you in time!”, Auryn interrupts the discussion to join in on the conversation herself. All of a sudden both Gale and Thames look at her baffled as if she was the last of all people they'd expect to see here. She then explains very briefly that she got stranded in the Dreaming and then had to prevent the assassination of King Aodhan before rushing back to Flint as soon as she heard the news.

“I know that all of you want to defend our beloved city by all means, and I do feel the very same as you do. But I have already attended one funeral today, and my conscience forbids me that I let those I'd call my dear friends and allies run blindly to their deaths. So please, do not take actions hastily. The Danorans had the element of surprise and they are still technologically more advanced than we are. And on top of that, our own Governor Stanfield has betrayed us. Therefore, we have to proceed cleverly and with caution.”

She then reminds the Dockers that they are not the only ones who want to fight for Flint, but that rather several factions, including the Druids, the New Flinters from Crisillyir, some of the industrialists and certainly some of the officials also want to join the fight. Besides that, a fight with proper weapons and a well-prepared plan is bound to be far more promising.

Thames and the Dockers see the truth in her words and they eventually agree join forces. Auryn arranges with them to exchange messages with the Druids and Bravura suggests that they'd agree on a communal signal for setting the plan in motion. For example, since the Coaltongue is currently lying motionless in port, it might be a good idea to use the ship and its mighty cannons to signal the start of the liberation strike.

Just as Auryn is about to leave the Sawfish where she almost bumps into Carlyle, they both see that all of a sudden a magical dome is forming over the governor's mansion and that a chromatic light appears on one of its towers. We are now conflicted about the order of our actions, since on the one hand the Governor is a traitor who is presumably holding our boss and friends hostage and is certainly up to no good, while we, on the other hand previously wanted to drive the Danorans out of the harbor first.

We agree that while Stanfield may be the more pressing issue, we do not know the magical properties of the dome and assume that it might have some major defensive qualities. Which means in return that gathering powerful offensive weaponry, like the main gun of the Coaltongue, would be a sound plan. So we decide to take a closer look at the Fordren Industries warehouse first. There, we find all kinds of weapons, (none which should be stored there officially, of course), as well as an improved B.E.A.R. Mk.II. We use Gale's feather to message Shealis and leave the tech in her claws for the time being, since she'd knows the most about mechanical stuff like that. As we are in Parity Lake, we decide to take a look around the corner at Sechim's factory.

As we kind of expected, Sechim is still busy working in his lab. We inform him about the current situation and Sechim shrugs once we mention Stanfield.

“The Governor? Yeah, he invited me over to his palace. My fellow industrialists of the humanist league were invited as well. But I turned down his invitation as, you see, I am really very busy right now. Lucky me, I guess?” he says with a crooked grin on his face.

(That was so Heward Sechim. Doesn't matter who knocks, work almost always comes first)

He adds that, by chance, he has also been able to offer refuge to Geoff Massarde just after the Danoran attack. The latter had managed to escape with the key to the Coaltongue's propulsion system, and who would not help a fellow tinkerer in need?

Just when Sechim mentions Massarde, the latter joins the small gathering and explains that he had not wanted to hand over the ship to the Danorans and had instead heroically jumped into the water during the last stand of the crew. He agrees to contribute his skills in an effort to make the ship navigable again and also reports that the crew of the ship must be held in captivity at the King's dock.

Andrew Moreton

My players grew to appreciate MacB too, after he aided them against the Ob at the convention they had a statue set up to commemorate his sacrifice , and I arranged for them to meet him in the Gyre


Sweet :)
Yeah, we have some rather unusual character deaths and "survivorships" regarding the overall cast.
So, I'd just toss in two questions, as I am curious about your opinion:

1) Who do you think will die or live to see the end of the story?
2) How could the story develop from here on?

Voidrunner's Codex

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