• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Slave and Her Sovereign


PA'AVU may be large, but she is deceptively quick for a being so massive. With reflexes honed in games of stoneball with other Goliath youths before her captivity (and innumerable duels and battles with blade in hand since), she launches herself over the railing and intercedes her body between the hurtling torso of the slain and the stunned onlookers, soaring almost like a great bird through the air. Reaching out with one massive mitt, she grabs the tumbling object by a forearm before it can strike anyone. (4)

But there is only so much even an athlete of her prowess can do. In thick, heavy spurts still blasted out by an adrenaline-fueled heart, severed arteries splatter drops of blood that threaten to befoul the young boy and his father, potentially undoing whatever Golden Lesson was learned on this day. But the drops suddenly slow and halt their advance upon the duo, hovering like shimmering jewels in the air. One of the Bladelings reaches out a finger and pokes the carmine sphere, which recoils, then rebounds from the touch like a jelly at some pampered merchant's feast. All at once, the frozen droplets collapse and splatter harmlessly against the cold stone of the stadium floor. Above, CHANVATI releases the two fingers he holds from his temple and exhales. (3)

Pa'avu uses Crane's Wings [Movement Technique} for a +5 power bonus to her interceding jump down, Primary Skill Athletics check (powerful athlete=roll twice), r15, 8 = 15+16+5=36 vs 29 Hard DC. Success vs (4).

Chanvati uses Primary Skill Arcana to telekinetically freeze the splatter of blood in time and space and stop them from befouling the young boy and his father, r9+16=25 vs 20 Moderate DC. Success vs (3).

We're happy to proceed against either/both of your (1) and (2) above, but perhaps here is an opportunity for Chanvati to read the Bladeling foot soldiers for their reactions to the wanton display of bloodlust and narcissistic glory-seeking. That said, perhaps there is no drama, nothing truly at stake in making such a check here (without some attendant fiction)?

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3/6 Successes (0 Hard DC available)/0 Failures/2 Secondary Skill Available

The rank-and-file pair of Bladeling soldiers in the back eyes go wide. They look at each other with something resembling shock, incredulity, fear, and drunken haze. They look at their leader below them for a cue of what comes next.

The leader who gifted the father the pauldron begins gesticulating toward Gormandt and then back at the father and the pauldron that is supposed to provide succor against just such displays or physical conflict with the Legion; whether actually intended or mere collateral is irrelevant.

The action on the arena floor halts entirely as the pair exchange heated escalations in the form of sharp words in their foreign tongue.

Heated words turn to flexed fists and pantomimed threats of violence.

Gormandt's enormous hands move to the railing and his legs subtly sink as if to spring. Grimtail sidles up to its master. Its poisonous payload looms more ominously over its head than ever.

Malice at the Palace if you know the reference!

What do you do? MEDIUM DC


The Psion has been through such incidents many times in recent weeks, ever since the Legion of Ruth took occupation in Bantouk: the Bladelings, creatures of war as much by nature as culture, their hearts kicking and bucking in their chests like wild horses roped by elven horsebreakers, penned up as they are in the city with too few opportunities to act upon their drives as they are used to doing. As so many times before, CHANVATI must intercede with both mind and words to cool the situation.

As Gormandt grabs the railing, Chanvati projects his mind into the behemoth of a Bladeling, and into the minds of the three soldiers here with him in the stands. Subtly, he slows the enflamed endocrine response of the mutants, dulling passions, retarding heartbeats. When a modicum of docility is achieved, he opens his eyes and speaks.

"Fierce warriors of the Legion! I applaud you! We all applaud you!

"What you have done here today is a great service to the citizenry of Bantouk. This father and his boy have learned of courage and sound judgment, reward and ever-present threat. What's more, they will carry forth with them the tale of Great Gormandt and his fearsome steed beyond to the wider populace. Thrill-seekers will flock to the Congress of Savagery in hope that the boundary between spectator and violent display will dissolve momentarily as it nearly did just now. The fans you so rightly disdain for their commerce and conspicuous consumption will be replaced by adoring masses eager to bask in brushes with the brutality of the Tyrant Gormandt and his Gruesome Steed, Grimtail. The benefit you will reap is not wealth, nor even mere fame. You will be worshipped, and your stories will be told for generations! Come, now. Put aside your grievances for the time being. Save your true efforts for building a legacy to last all time!"

Chanvati makes a Secondary Skill Arcana check to psionically cool the emotions of the Bladelings long enough to listen to his appeal. His +16 is an autosuccess against the Easy 14 DC for a +2 bonus to his

Primary Skill Diplomacy check, r16+16+2=34 vs 20 Moderate DC. Success.

I think Chanvati just invented the WWE? Jeez, this guy. First representative democracy and separation of church & state. Now this! What's next?!? The Googles?!?

4/6 Successes (0 Hard DC available)/0 Failures/1 Secondary Skill Available

The collective responses to the above:


Excited Ric Flair GIF

The now pauldronless Bladeling leader of the trio (he gives his name; FAZGAROK...he is not imbued with Vezzuvu's flames so his type is Natural)

Proud Of You Yes GIF


Great Gatsby Movie GIF by Sony

The sound of slow, deliberate clapping interrupts the good feels.

Naaphid's scaled hands generate the noise as the steward's mouth utters; "Bravo! Come, let us celebrate such a victory!"

Gae'al looks on stone-faced (literally and figuratively) as the heroes rejoin them in her chambers. When Pa'avu walks in she places a massive hand on the shoulder of her sister-in-arms, furrows her brow and tightens her lips as if to silently convey "I am proud of you (and perhaps..."I harbor shame")."

< Naaphid breaks out and pours drinks from his private stash without any regard for objections >

The slight dragonborn takes a sip (something resembling bourbon but with a tremendous, fiery kick), savors it, and says:

"Word has it that a tax is soon to be levied on the Bantouk citizenry to formally construct a garrison for the fine Legionnaires who delivered our city from a fate worse than death! I think this is a fine, fine course of action; a great investment both for them and for the general Bantoukian riffraff on the street who dare to complain about their presence. Quartering them proper is both an honor and a duty...and I think it should firmly quell any...reported <said with incredulity> ...street violence or untoward, likely provoked, interaction with the low members of our fine home."

MEDIUM DC for whatever social or surveillance or knowledge move (or whatever) you make here.


[darkbard here: soliloquizer on behalf of Chanvati and Ibhea by day, scrivener in service to @Nephis by night!]

PA'AVU pauses as Gae'al places a hand on her shoulder. Something is off here. The Goliaths are a stoic and proud people, and surely having control of "her" arena countermanded in this way must be galling; but to show that shame, even in silent communication is ... troubling.

Pa'avu looks up into the older Goliath's eyes for a moment, reading what's there. Shame. Humiliation bordering on anguish. A simmering rage turned inward too long. She reaches up and closes her own hand over Gae'al's, crossing the two against her own breast. She bows her head. "V'nem o'de*," she murmurs, "your l'pahb'gin seems wounded. Lean on me and draw on my strength."

The Goliaths may be a stoic people, but they are deeply communal. Boundaries between individuals do not exist in the way of humans and other valleydwellers. Like through a porous stone of pumice, Pa'avu's l'pahb'gin flows from her into her elder, soothing the psychological malady that besets her.

Older sister

Okay, we have every intention of making some kind of move against Naaphid, but Pa'avu cannot ignore the psychological malady that besets Gae'al. First things first! Whether you wish to count this as a move in this Skill Challenge or not is, of course, at your discretion.

Pa'avu makes a Secondary Skill Insight check to get a sense of how psychologically wounded is Gae'al, r3 +9 +2 (within 10 of Chanvati) = 14 vs 14 Easy DC. Success and +2 forward to

Her Primary Skill Heal check, aided as well by using Iron Resurgence (and spending 1 Surge) to comfort the (psychologically wounded) Gae'al for an additional +2 bonus, r4 +12 +2 SS +2 IR = 20 vs 20 Moderate DC. o_O Makes it. Success. Just--on these 2 rolls! Good allocation of resources, what?
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[darkbard here: soliloquizer on behalf of Chanvati and Ibhea by day, scrivener in service to @Nephis by night!]

PA'AVU pauses as Gae'al places a hand on her shoulder. Something is off here. The Goliaths are a stoic and proud people, and surely having control of "her" arena countermanded in this way must be galling; but to show that shame, even in silent communication is ... troubling.

Pa'avu looks up into the older Goliath's eyes for a moment, reading what's there. Shame. Humiliation bordering on anguish. A simmering rage turned inward too long. She reaches up and closes her own hand over Gae'al's, crossing the two against her own breast. She bows her head. "V'nem o'de*," she murmurs, "your l'pahb'gin seems wounded. Lean on me and draw on my strength."

The Goliaths may be a stoic people, but they are deeply communal. Boundaries between individuals do not exist in the way of humans and other valleydwellers. Like through a porous stone of pumice, Pa'avu's l'pahb'gin flows from her into her elder, soothing the psychological malady that besets her.

Older sister

Okay, we have every intention of making some kind of move against Naaphid, but Pa'avu cannot ignore the psychological malady that besets Gae'al. First things first! Whether you wish to count this as a move in this Skill Challenge or not is, of course, at your discretion.

Pa'avu makes a Secondary Skill Insight check to get a sense of how psychologically wounded is Gae'al, r3 +9 +2 (within 10 of Chanvati) = 14 vs 14 Easy DC. Success and +2 forward to

Her Primary Skill Heal check, aided as well by using Iron Resurgence (and spending 1 Surge) to comfort the (psychologically wounded) Gae'al for an additional +2 bonus, r4 +12 +2 SS +2 IR = 20 vs 20 Moderate DC. o_O Makes it. Success. Just--on these 2 rolls! Good allocation of resources, what?

This is very cool stuff, but lets call this a conflict unto itself, unrelated to the stakes/goal of the primary conflict. We'll leave the fiction of the first conflict where it is so go ahead and make a move for that at your leisure. Here is this new, concurrent conflict framework below:

Complexity 1 SC, Level 13 SC.
Goal: Assuage Gae'al's burden.
DCs 14/20
1/4 Successes (0 Hard DC available)/0 Failures/0 Secondary Skill Available

The transference between the earthen pair sends Pa'avu's psyche careening as if down a chute.

She sees the brutal loss at Gormandt's hands. The crawling from the arena floor; bruised, battered, near-death. The hoots and hollers of the crowd. The taunting of the new champion. The convalescing for days while her stoney blood and flesh magically mended.

<Imagery blurs as Pa'avu transitions down another chute>

A bath of consecration to Stoneroot; bubbling mud, a communion of rock and blood, words of veneration begging for strength to surmount her terrible foe.

<Imagery blurs as Pa'avu transitions down another chute>

A second loss, this one worse than the first. Gae'al's battered body begging for a death that would not come due to her magical fortitude and resilience.

A spectral figure clad in black-of-deepest-night approaches as the hulking goliath lies prostrate in a pool of blood...

<A powerful sense that her earth-sister is desperately trying to shunt her from bearing witness>

How do you learn more?

Or how do you sustain this psychosomatic or spiritual connection that is severing?



PA'AVU steels her will against her mentor's in a struggle for control. There is something here that Gae'al does not wish her to see. Perhaps it is that black figure? Perhaps, in her desperate desire to best her foe, Gae'al sought not only Stoneroot's primal blessing but struck a bargain with some profane power? Certainly not Vezzuvu, Stoneroot's ancient enemy! That is her (Pa'avu's) cross to bear ... and reconcile in time. Something else. Perhaps darker...

Pa'avu makes a Primary Skill Endurance check to persist against Gae'al attempt to drive her out of her memories, r6+12=18 vs 20 Moderate DC. Fails.

1/4 Successes (0 Hard DC available)/1 Failures/0 Secondary Skill Available

Crestfallen at the exchange, Pa'avu takes -2 forward to her Will vs the next Attack vs Will or her next Wisdom-based Skill Check (whichever comes first).

Unable to shake off youthful Pa'avu from the annals of Gae'al's memories, the legendary Goliath warrior flinches when the inevitable exchange takes place and her palm opens up for the spectral figure to drop something into it; a vial of deadly poison....

The dark figure disappears behind a veil of mist.

Carried on shame-fueled legs, she explodes down the fugue-like alley, trying desperately to escape Pa'avu's understanding of what transpired. Mighty ethereal feet pound illusory pavement as an envelope of mist spirals and encloses. The small passage seemingly goes on forever. There is a sense of a great door or perhaps a cliff somewhere ahead in the mist.

What do you do? If you want to risk it for a biscuit, you can try to prevent her eggress, chase her down, get through the door before she bars it or vault the chasm (whatever it is?) at HIGH DC for either 2 x Successes or 2 x Failures (pending result). Otherwise, MEDIUM DC.


Momentarily stunned by what she is witnessing, PA'AVU hesitates. A mental push from her gosb'tar - <go!> - releases her feet from the gravity of this mental space, and the goliath leaps high and far, sailing like a meteor through the air. Somehow - without the limitations of the material world - she follows her target, through the mist, around labyrinthine corners, over barriers quickly constructed, easily keeping pace with her.

Finally, following her through the doorway, Pa'avu lands softly just inside and reaches her hand to gently grasp Gae'al's arm.

* Chanvati uses Adept's Insight to push Pa'avu forward, giving her a r1+1=2 bonus to her Primary Skill Athletics check

* Pa'avu uses Crane's Wings Movement Technique (encounter) to gain a +5 to

* her Primary Skill Athletics check: r17,10 (Power Athlete) +16+5 CW +2 AI = 40 vs 29 Hard DC = 2 Successes

3/4 Successes (0 Hard DC available)/1 Failures/0 Secondary Skill Available

Stoneflesh touches stoneflesh.

Pa'avu's world spins and careens off a montage of terrible memories and an undeniable truth:

* The vial's wicked contents empty into Gormandt's gruel. The bowl's offerings, poison and all, are consumed in one fell swoop. Gormandt wipes his face, smiles, compliments the "chef" to a hearty laughter, and continues his slaughter...unaffected...

* A stricken Gae'al goes back to the alley. The spectral figure appears to provide a new course; a dark enchantment where every night her sleep is captured in a timescape until she defeats Gormandt and Grimtail and "sets things to as they should be."

* Evening in her chambers. She bathes herself in consecrated earth and sharpens her weapon's edge with consecrated stone. Sleep comes. It is a torrent of nightmarish defeat. Waking exhausted, unslept, emotionally and physically battered.

* Again...and again...and again. Stoneroot has abandoned her. This is no enchantment. It is a curse.

The touch in the material world is broken off. Equally stricken as in her mind, Gae'al's eyes silently plead for this to not be voiced and made more real than it already is...

The only way to get the final success is to lift the curse. An actual Ritual (if she would accept it)...destroying the one who cursed her...entering her dreams and felling Gormandt & Grimtail; but that last would have implications for the temporal continuity of your world.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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