• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Slave and Her Sovereign


* That is your Minor Quest completed @darkbard , so you guys split the 100 xp; each of you get 50 xp. Total xp for the Skill Challenge was 200, so you guys each get 100 xp. You need to write a new Minor Quest.


* You guys get 2d6 * 10 Gold = 70 Gold for the Encounter (see below how you arrive at this).

* Amidst the Scrolls of Xanthar, you find a Hold Portal Ritual Scroll, no doubt useful for ancient merchants whose chariots were besieged by bandits on the secret routes.

"Ah, but is it not the young scion Chanvati!? Just who I was looking for! Hurry, give him our patronage so that we might parley!"

In the plaza, amidst the throng of humanoid...anity...a Tiefling and her retinue of five Minotaurs descends upon you like ravenous vultures on a meal. Eyes full silver orbs, hair the color of blood and intricately braided, gregarious gown and stave signifying the station of barrister, she forces a large purse of gold into the hand of a Minotaur and shoves it toward you. "I am Bita-Bousseh of the barrister's guild. These are my stalwarts. They are good for...research...among other things..."

The Minotaur moves swiftly to you and either places the coin purse in your hands (the coin above!) or drops it at your feet if its not accepted or if Pa'avu intercedes. The lumbering beast then turns to walk back.

The Tiefling says "shall we proceed to your estate? My carriage caravan is parked nearby. We have much to talk about as well as with your father. I've just been hired on by your uncle! That basically makes us family!"
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Milestone Achieved: gain 1 Action Point

Short Rest: All Encounter-based resources refresh. Use Inspiring Word to regain 6 +4 HP = 24/24 HP, 6/7 Surges.

In the plaza, Chanvati barely has time to catch his breath after the harrowing encounter in the Undervault of the Dome when the Tiefling and her Minotaur retinue accost him. Pa’avu intervenes between her master and the Minotaur, placing a palm against the beast-man’s breast. Half a head taller, she glowers and grunts, “Close enough. Gosb’tar, do you wish me to take this woman’s coin?”

Chanvati’s face is an inscrutable mask. His mind calculates the web of relationships in this deadly game in which he has found himself a part. Amna has betrayed him. Of that he has no doubt. But he needs to understand where the game stands with his uncle. Has Amna betrayed him too, or does Tarquin stand to benefit from Chanvati’s death? What can he learn from this flamboyant barrister? Can he make her serve his needs instead? Is she assassin or ally? Regardless, he has no intention of being alone with the woman outside of the public eye until he knows more.

“Bita-Bousseh, is it? I would be pleased to make your acquaintance, but I fear matters at my father’s estate are a bit … unsettled … right now. Perhaps instead we can get to know each other better over hot tea and confections. I know of an excellent teahouse—The Waking Dragon—that is but a few minutes’ walk from here. No need for your carriage. Shall we?”

Chanvati slips the coin purse into the folds of his robes.

Diplomacy Primary Skill check Roll 6 +7 = 13, Success vs Medium DC 12.

Minor Quest: Recruit Bita-Bousseh the barrister as my asset.


Milestone Achieved: gain 1 Action Point

Short Rest: All Encounter-based resources refresh, HP 27/31, 10/10 Surges

New Stats: AC 17, Intimidate +9, Action Points 2

As the two aristocrats parlay, Pa’avu gazes for a moment at each face of the five, smaller guards: clearly they are not as effective as she, for the tiefling needed five of them! Seemingly returning her direct attention to Chanvati (her actual attention is always on dangers lurking around her master), the goliath allows a very faint sneer to grow on her lips.

New Minor Quest: assert her dominance over Minotaurs without alienating them.

Alright, lets handle this as a 2 staged Complexity 3 Social Conflict that is effectively 2 Social Conflicts wrapped in one. 4 Successes and she tips her hand. 8 Successes and you form an alliance with Bita-Bousseh the barrister on your terms. If you get 3 failures at any point, you fail to reach whatever goal hasn't been reached and things escalate.

Complexity 3, Level 1 Skill Challenge (300 xp). 8 Primary Skill Successes (6 x Medium DC of 12 and 2 x Hard DC of 19) before 3 Failures. If a Primary Skill to overcome an obstacle is vs AC or NAD, that will be 15 and 13 DC respectively. 3 x Secondary Skill for +2 Bonus at Low DC of 8. 2 Advantages (can be used to either (a) refresh a Trained Skill bonus that has exhausted or (b) turn a Medium DC into an Easy DC before the roll).

1 Success (2 Hard DC Available)/0 Failures/3 Secondary Skills Available/2 Advantages Available)

"Well...truth be told...the owner of The Waking Dragon doesn't love me. Their cousin was the one who accidentally (she whispers <on purpose> after that) slew Senator Hurang during the Popular Assembly at Moonfall Knoll a few years ago...if you recall? Well...I represented them...got them acquitted miraculously! Unfortunately, they failed to fulfill the steep debt they took on for my services...and...well, they were arrested and had both of their hands taken! My guess is he won't be serving us tea today!" She laughs and beats feet to The Waking Dragon, minotaurs in her wake trying to catch up.

The moment you set foot on the teahouse premises, the temperature escalates. An iron-stumped x 2 figure who works as a greeter is gesticulating wildly in the air of the mudroom, clearly intent on making as big of a scene as possible. The minotaurs part smirk at the spectacle and part look on dumbfounded as they can't foresee a real threat to the situation.

However, the epithet-shouting cousin throws his head down and looks to make a reckless shoulder charge at the large burning brazier that provides warmth and light to the mudroom and waiting area. If he knocks it over, there will be several injuries in the mudroom (Bita-Bousseh among them) and authorities will surely be called (authorities you may not like!)!

Medium DC to deal with this obstacle.


Seeing the danger to Chanvati, Pa'avu immediately steps calmly forward directly into the path of the enraged greeter. Crossing her arms and looking gravely down from her great height, she says to him sternly, "Calm down!"

Primary Check Intimidate vs. Medium DC 12 (or possibly Hard DC 19?) to stop greeter in his tracks by calming him down:

Roll 16 + 9 = 25, success against either DC.

2 Success (2 Hard DC Available)/0 Failures/3 Secondary Skills Available/2 Advantages Available)

After Pa'avu's intervention to corral him from doing something everyone would regret, the cousin of the owner of The Waking Dragon is quickly descended upon by members of the tea house. There is a short period of <rabble rabble rabble> as the staff and tea-swilling regulars get the gossip bug out of the collective system.

A staff member seats you after looking at your motley crew of sizable folk. "We have a section for those afflicted...I mean gifted...with...your brand of verticality. Right this way!"

After being seated in an area with sufficient headroom (a small section inside fully open to the sky), the Tiefling barrister doesn't waste much time getting to nitty gritty. With a fairly steep change in disposition, she whispers:

"Look, the priests have been commissioned to wage war on any member of the merchant, artisan, peasant, or slave class that will not provide material support to the border war effort to the north, the trade route expeditions to the east, or the spiritual journeys to discover why creatures terrible to behold are flooding our wilderlands. They are about to pour enough money at tribunals to empty your father's coffers and appropriate your land. That is where I come in. Simply sign this contract and I will represent you to fend off this siege of legal maneuvering for as long as I am able. Long enough for your family to buy new land elsewhere and get out of Imperial crosshairs."

She looks around, nods, a big minotaur paw pulls out a long contract scroll with all the fine print in the universe and a place to sign at the bottom. Its meaty hand fumbles a pen in your general direction as well.

Hard DC here. She means business and isn't interested in dilly dally.
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Just as Bita-Bousseh's stalwart unravels the scroll on the low table, servers arrive with steaming iron pots of tea and platters of honey-and-sesame seed confections.

"Ah, delicious!" Chanvati exclaims and claps his hands softly three times in appreciation. "Extend my compliments to Peta-Rivan, slave."

Delicate porcelain bowls are quickly filled and as the platters are passed back and forth, Chanvati launches into a brief monologue.

"As you know, Honored Barrister, ours is the greatest empire of any age, and a primary factor in our excellence is the social cohesion that binds together the strata of our society. Each knows their place, and yet within rank there is tremendous freedom to complement its responsibilities."

He pauses to sip fom his bowl and look directly into the Tiefling's eyes.

"Do you know that I practiced for a time at the Monastery of the Walkers of the Exalted Path? Yes, it's true! Despite my young age and family responsibilities, my father thought it was important that I be educated in broad fashion. And so after my years at Xerxes's School for Gifted Psicrafters, I sojourned among the Walkers of the Exalted Path in their mountain redoubt. The monks there have a wonderful, if occasionally sadistic, facility with practical lessons. Humility to one's betters. Strict oversight of one's inferiors. And above all, the merit of allowing natural talent and diligent development of ability to rise or fall through the castes as is befitting.

Anyway, that is but a preamble to my point. At Xerxes's, I studied many disciplines beyond psicraft, the history and law of our great empire among them. I seem to recall that in the Fourth Dynasty the Emperor Zalthomet was deposed for a cruel and merciless levy during a time of famine and encroachment by the Yuan-ti upon what were then border provinces to the north. Zalthomet, too, used the priesthoods to enforce his will, but he overstepped his bounds, for even an Emperor is beholden by responsibility to the governed, and the Priests of Omthala, praise be the Lady of the Light, stood beside the alliance of merchants and commoners to restore the rightful order.

As a barrister, surely you would concede that therein lies legal precedent to stand against this new levy. No one would wish for the current emperor to risk overstepping her sovereign responsibilities. My family has many friends who can help persuade the Emperor that her zealousness, while admirable, might be somewhat moderated to the Empire's benefit."

Secondary Skill check Religion Roll 8 +4 = 12 vs Easy DC 8. Success = +2 buff to

Primary Skill check History Roll 16 +9 +2 = 27 vs Hard DC 19. Success.

One Secondary Skill used.

Chanvati is attempting to convince Bita-Bousseh that the current imperial assault is not as sure-to-succeed or as cut-and-dried as she might think, that capitulating to the Emperor's demands is not the only option.
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3 Successes (1 Hard DC Available)/0 Failures/2 Secondary Skills Available/2 Advantages Available)

One more Success and she tips her hand.

The barrister sits there blank-faced for several moments. A smile then slowly widens across her entire face. She raises her porcelain bowl to Chanvati in a toast.

"I'm impressed. By all of it. The whole thing. And I'm not easily impressed."

She takes a drink. Her look goes mirth to stoic in an instant.

"Let me ask you. (1) Do you think the Empress is possessed or her wits befouled in some other way? Or, worse still, do you think she's a fool?And...if so...possession or madness or fool-headed...what can we do? What means do you have to undo this? I look at the two of you...look. I see an incredible mind and will. I see a...well, I see a giant who no doubt has some measure of prowess of arms to go with her size. But truly...that is not enough. I need much more convincing if I'm to believe that the two of you are enough to contend with the threat that opposes you."

She pulls out a small stoppered vial, pulls it to eye level, and marvels.

"You see this? This tiny spider, The Stonefang, has enough petrifying venom to turn a man to stone in a few minutes. You can't even contend with this little thing, yet you wish to take on...or shake up...the might of our Empire?"

She places the stoppered vial with The Stonefang on the table.

"(2) Make...me...believe you."

Deal with either (1) or (2). Regardless, Hard DC to deal with this obstacle.


Pa’avu stares at the Stonefang spider in the vial as a long dormant memory is unearthed… a memory from long before her clan sold her to Chanvati’s father. These spiders are used in rituals teaching the young goliaths to fight calmly through great pain and to channel more fully their inherited endurance of stone. Children as young as five years old are forced to stand upright, as spiders – one by one – are placed into their cupped hands. Inevitably they will succumb to the venom eventually and fall into a deep, fevered sleep, sometimes for days, but Pa’avu can still recall her pride that, on the day of her trial, she held as many as seven spiders before succumbing herself. Not only that, she only slept for nine hours, not even a day. She wonders if she is still able to fully access the l’pahb’gin (every goliath’s inner connection to their common blood heritage), and she reaches for the vial to find out.

The spider’s venom floods her lymphatic system. Foggy headed, Pa’avu has just barely enough presence of mind to place the little spider gently back into its vial. She also has a vague sense of Chanvati grasping her jaw, turning her to face him, and staring deeply into her clouded eyes. Can he see her memories? Presently her focus telescopes to a memory: elders proclaiming that she showed great promise and was destined for excellence … promise that apparently ended a few short years later when she was gravely wounded in a caravan accident, leaving her too “damaged” and so she was sold away.

As Pa’avu breathes deeply in and out to focus her strength of endurance, she rasps out, “you see an obstacle: I see a challenge already overcome.”

Nature as secondary skill (vs Easy DC 8): Roll 17 + 3 = 20 = +2 to identify the spider

Adept’s insight: 1d4 + 1 = 1 + 2 = +3, Chanvati psionically interceding to augment Pa'avu's endurance

Endurance (+7) vs Hard DC 19: Roll 5 + 2 + 3 + 7 = 17, fail (barely!!)

I assume there will be some sort of surge loss, etc. I would like to invoke Stone’s Endurance to mitigate these effects and prove visible evidence of Pa’avu’s great fortitude.

I am attempting to (2) Make Her Believe … our power is greater than she imagines.

3 Successes (1 Hard DC Available)/1 Failures/1 Secondary Skills Available/2 Advantages Available)

One more Success and she tips her hand.

@Nephis , Pa'avu loses 1 Healing Surge (but not Hit Points). Little Reverse Spider Man Trope incoming! Dangerous Encounter; 1 Solo and 1 Hazard.

Pa'avu swoons but holds fast.

It is the spider that recoils from her Goliath blood. The creature leaps from her, skitters for a moment...then...grows and molts...again...and again...and again. The speed is dizzying. Within a few short moments, the creature has gone from the size of a coin to that of a small Brown Bear!

Bita-Bouseh gasps as the entirety of The Waking Dragon leaps up in terror. Patrons and staff alike exit the premises. A poor canine, mistreated by the staff that run the place, is anchored to the floor by a 15 ft chain which is spiked at the end. It barks wildly and rushes back and forth, snapping at everyone who draws near (within 15 ft).

The Tiefling takes a few steps back as her stalwarts draw their axes and circle to protect her. "The legends are true! There are a mythical few Stone Spiders who draw upon the blood of a mythical few Goliath and grow to impossible size!" She seems almost giddy until she realizes what peril she, and all of you, are in...

* The entire structure is well-lit.

* L5/M5/N5/M6/N4 are table/chairs; Challenging Terrain. They can be navigated by a DC 8 Athletics or Acrobatics check. Failure means they function as Difficult Terrain.

* Every square with orange is a stove or brazier; Hindering Terrain. If you start your turn adjacent to one of these squares, you take Ongoing 3 damage (Save Ends) or is Dazed UtEoYNT (player's choice).

* FG5&6 and UV5 are Difficult Terrain.

* LMPQ9 are all outside and have open walls. If Bita-Bouseh makes it to one of these squares, she can spend a Standard Action to make an Athletics Check DC 12 to leave the scene. If she leaves the scene, any minotaurs that have been knocked unconscious by the end of combat are slain. If she stays in the scene, any minotaurs that are knocked unconscious survive. Players control Bita-Bouseh and Stalwart Minotaurs (see below).

* VA is a Vicious Animal Hazard (Staff Service Animal!). See Below.

* SS is the Goliath Stone Spider. AC 16, Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 13

* This is a nested combat. WIN CON for 1 Success in the Skill Challenge = Bita-Bouseh survives AND at least 1 Stalwart Minotaur. If you do not satisfy the Win Con, you earn 1 Failure in the Skill Challenge, 1 Hard DC refreshes, Bita-Bouseh is gravely injured, and you'll have to resolve that vs Hard DC as next obstacle.


Vicious Animal (Hazard) Level 1 Warder XP 100
A savage beast strains against a chain, snapping at anyone that draws near.

Hazard: A vicious animal is chained to an iron spike. It can move up to 3 squares from the iron spike and make an attack.

Initiative +2

A vicious animal rolls initiative whenever a character comes within 3 squares of it. Henceforth, the vicious animal makes an attack against any creature it can reach.

Standard Action Melee
Special: The vicious animal can move up to 3 squares before the attack.
Target: One creature
Attack: +6 vs. AC
Hit:1d8 + 1 damage, and the target is knocked prone.
Effect: Each round on its turn, the vicious animal attacks the closest creature it can reach.

✦ Nature DC 16 (Move): An adjacent character can calm the animal UtEoYNT so it will not activate against them or their allies.
✦ A character can attack the vicious animal (AC 15, other defenses 11; hp 15). When reduced to 0 hit points, the vicious animal dies, ending the hazard.
✦ An adjacent character can break or destroy the chain & spike restricting the animal's movement (break DC 19 Athletic - Standard; AC 5, Fortitude 8; hp 30). Doing so releases the animal from the chain and befriends it for the rest of the encounter. PCs activate it on its initiative and has 6 Speed.

Stalwart Minotaur x 5
Medium natural humanoid
Level 1 Minion Soldier
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +2
AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 11, Will 11 Perception+4
Speed 5 Low-light vision

Phalanx for Master
Whenever Bita-Bousseh is adjacent to a minotaur she gains a +2 Power Bonus to all defenses.

Standard Actions
(⚔) Axe ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Hit: 3 damage, and the target is marked until the end of the minotaur's next turn.

Triggered Actions
⚔ Subduing Gore ✦ At-Will
Trigger: An adjacent enemy that is marked by the minotaur makes an attack that does not include the minotaur.
Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 1 (one creature); +4 vs. Reflex
Hit: 3 damage and the minotaur takes the attack instead.

Athletics + 8

Medium natural humanoid, tiefling
Level 2 Minion
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative Minotaurs
AC 16, Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 15 Perception+5 Speed 6

Standard Actions
Infernal Glower
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +5 vs. Will
Effect: The target cannot attack Bita-Bouseh until the end of her next turn.

There Will Be Order
Immediate Reaction (Encounter)
Trigger: Bita-Bouseh or an ally within 3 squares of Bita-Bouseh is knocked unconscious.
Effect: Bita-Bouseh or the ally heals 1d6 HP and saves against 1 ongoing effect.

Lawyer's Dodge
Move Action (Encounter)
Effect: Bita-Bouseh shifts 3 squares and can shift through difficult terrain until the end of her next turn.

Athletics +3


18 Chanvati
17 Pa’avu
15 B & M
14 Vicious Animal
11 Goliath Stone Spider


Chanvati's mind spins as the tiny spider grows into a thing of nightmare proportions. "Bita-Bousseh thought to test our mettle, eh?" he thinks. "Perhaps we die together at this trial." With a thought, he binds the Goliath Stonefang Spider, then hurls it into the corner, where it strikes the mistreated mongrel, eliciting a high-pitched cry of pain from the poor creature. The two collapse in a heap on the floor beside each other. While this new foe is incapacitated, Chanvati follows up his initial assault with a blast of psionic energy that ravages the spider's mental pathways.

Knowledge check (no action) to recall useful info about this mythological creature. Nature Roll 17 +1 = meets Medium but not Hard DC.

* Goliath Stone Spider - 128 HP, medium natural beast, spider, poison - petrification attack, neutral, "short but violent life - will perish in 5 rounds if it doesn't feed on its source of rare Goliath blood"

Standard Action: Living Missile vs GSS. Roll 11 +5 = 16 vs Fort 13. Hit. GSS is immobilized (save ends).

Minor: Living Missile Attack vs GSS. Slide GSS from P6 to S7.

Secondary Attack vs Hazard Roll 10 +5 = 15 vs Reflex 11. Hit for 14 damage and Hazard falls prone. GSS takes half damage (7) and falls prone.

Standard (spend Action Point): Mind Thrust vs GSS. Roll 15 +5 - 2 for prone = 18 vs Will 13. Hit for 13 damage.

* GSS takes 20 damage, is immobilized (SE) and prone. Hazard takes 14 damage and is prone.

TRIGGER - Vicious Animal rolls Initiative. 12 + 2 = 14

While chaos breaks out around her, Pa’avu’s focus remains fixed upon the once tiny spider. Briefly narrowing her eyes while pointing Velmech’ti in its direction, she breathes in to strengthen herself and – releasing that breath – rushes forward with a blood-freezing scream. Her blade slashes this way and that, wildly and yet precisely, attacking the carapace of the giant arachnid and leaving it staggered. The goliath’s blood boils with a glorious rage as Pa’avu gives in to the tyrant within.

Designate Hunter’s Quarry (GSS): Minor action, Encounter: effect +1d6 damage 1x per rd UtEoMNT

Access Stone’s Endurance: Minor action, Encounter: effect Resist 5 All UtEoMNT

Charge (to R6) using Howling Strike (replacing MBA) vs. GSS: Standard action: Roll 19 + 8 +2 = 29 (prone) vs. AC 16 = Hit!! Damage: 10 + 4 + 4 + 4 (Hunter’s Quarry) = 22 damage

Spend 1 Action Point (1 remaining): Invoke Tyrant’s Rage attack vs. GSS: Standard, Daily, Fear: Roll 10 + 7 + 2 (Prone) = 19 vs. Will (13) = Hit!! 9 + 1 + 4 = 14, and target is Dazed (SE): Pa’avu enters the Rage of the Tyrant!!

* GSS takes 36 HP damage & is Dazed (SE)


Skittering Attack ✦ At-Will Trigger: An enemy is within 3 squares of GSS when he starts his turn, or an enemy ends its turn within 3 squares of GSS. Effect (Free Action): GSS shifts up to half its speed and uses bite against the triggering enemy.

Bite (poison) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 1 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
First Failed Saving Throw: The target also Slides 3 squares.
Second Failed Saving Throw: The target is also immobilized (save ends).
Third Failed Saving Throw: The target is also petrified (save ends).

Attack: (Roll) 15 -2 (prone) + 6 = 19. Hit: (Roll) 6+1 = 7 - 5 (DR) = 2 Damage and Ongoing 5 Poison (Save Ends) to Pa'avu

With the vicious animal barking up a storm, Pa'avu bears down on the Giant Stone Spider with a terrible fury. The creature responds with stone-venom dripping fangs. Her mountain-blessed skin barely registers the minor pinch of the bite, but the venom finds its mark nonetheless!

B & M

Bita-Bousseh transcends her panic and reverts to familiar command of the Minotaurs, who leap into action. Inspired by the eerie cry of the goliath, three of the stalwarts charge across the courtyard, their axes harrying the prostrate spider.

Another circles the table, grabbing the hot iron teapot and flinging it at their foe before positioning himself between his master and the fracas. Unfortunately, it clatters harmlessly against the teahouse wall. Following suit, the remaining stalwart picks up the stool that blocks his path, flings it in a splintering of wood and woven rush against the wall, and takes up protective position.

Bita-Bousseh strides with deliberation and menace around the table, domineering the mythical creature with her very stare.

Meanwhile, Chanvati sends his thoughts telepathically to the barrister: "Should the situation turn grim, take a guard and meet us at my father's estate three hours after the dusk bell."

M (N7) Charges to R8 and uses Axe vs GSS, Roll 15 +7 +2 (prone enemy) = 22 vs 16 AC. Hit. 3 damage.

M (L7) Moves to O6, picks up iron teapot (Minor) and uses Improvised Action to make a Ranged attack Roll 1 +3 +2 granting CA -2 prone vs 14 Reflex = Miss.

M (O4) Charges to T6 (now flanking with M in R8) Rolls 16 +7 +2 = 25 vs 16 AC. Hit. 3 damage, and GSS is marked until the end of the minotaur's next turn.

M (N3) Charges to S6 Rolls 1 +7 +2 CA = 10 vs 16 AC. Miss.

TRIGGER (GSS: Spinneret Cocoon IR on melee miss denied due to Dazed)

M (L7) Picks up stool (Minor), Moves to O8, makes Improvised Attack 8 +3 = 11 vs 14 Reflex. Miss.

Bita-Bousseh Moves K4 to N7 and uses Infernal Glower vs GSS. Rolls 8 +5 +2 CA -2 Prone enemy = 13 vs 13 Will. Hit. GSS cannot attack Bita-Bousseh UEoHNT. She is adjacent to a Minotaur Stalwart so +2 Power Bonus to Defenses UtEoYNT.

Chanvati uses Send Thoughts (Free Action Encounter Power) to communicate message to Bita-Bousseh.


Skittering Attack ✦ At-Will Trigger: An enemy is within 3 squares of GSS when he starts his turn, or an enemy ends its turn within 3 squares of GSS. Effect (Free Action): GSS shifts up to half its speed and uses bite against the triggering enemy.

Bite (poison) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 1 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
First Failed Saving Throw: The target also Slides 3 squares.
Second Failed Saving Throw: The target is also immobilized (save ends).
Third Failed Saving Throw: The target is also petrified (save ends).

Attack (vs marking Minotaur in T6): (Roll) 14 -2 (prone) + 6 = 18. Hit: T6 Minotaur dead.

The Vicious Animal's chain rattles widly as it sneers and snaps at the monstrous stone spider, its toothy maw attempting to clamp down on something meaty.

Standard: Vicious Bite +6 vs GSS AC; Roll 13 +6 +2 (Prone) = 21. Hit; 1d8 +1 = 9 Damage (already prone). GSS is Bloodied.


Skittering Attack ✦ At-Will Trigger: An enemy is within 3 squares of GSS when he starts his turn, or an enemy ends its turn within 3 squares of GSS. Effect (Free Action): GSS shifts up to half its speed and uses bite against the triggering enemy.

Bite (poison) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 1 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
First Failed Saving Throw: The target also Slides 3 squares.
Second Failed Saving Throw: The target is also immobilized (save ends).
Third Failed Saving Throw: The target is also petrified (save ends).

Attack (vs Vicious Animal): 3 (Roll) -2 (prone) + 6 = 7. Miss.

The Goliath Stone Spider sinks its fangs into the vicious animal slaying it. Simultaneously, it gathers its nimble legs below itself and recovers its bearings before it unleashes a barrage of silky strands, cocooning both Pa'aavu and a Minotaur, the latter of which succumbs to the suffocating influence!


Skittering Attack ✦ At-Will Trigger: An enemy is within 3 squares of GSS when he starts his turn, or an enemy ends its turn within 3 squares of GSS. Effect (Free Action): GSS shifts up to half its speed and uses bite against the triggering enemy.

Bite (poison) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. VA AC; (Roll) 12 +6 -2 (prone) = 16. Hit: 1d8 + 1 damage; (any damage kills) Vicious Animal Dead.

Move: Stand up from Prone.

Standard: (Denied due to Dazed; 1 Action).

Action Point (Free Action > Gain Standard): Stonespinneret Spray ✦ Recharge ⚄ ⚅. CBL3 vs R8 Minotaur and Pa'avu +4 vs Fort; 16 (Roll) +6 = 22. Hit; R8 Minotaur Dead. 13 (Roll) +4 = 17. Hit Pa'avu. Hit: 1d6+3 (2+3 - 5 DR = 0 damage) damage, target is slowed and suffers -2 penalty to hit UtEoYNT

Saving Throw vs Dazed: 11+5 = Success

Saving Throw vs Immobilized: 7+5 = Success

GSS 57/128 = Bloodied



If Bita-Bousseh needs 'much more convincing' of our capabilities, then I shall give it to her! Chanvati strides confidently past the barrister and her Minotaur guards, his crystalline staff held aloft and glowing faintly from a rosy light within. He blasts the Spider with psionic force, but this time the creature's alien brain resists his attack. Nevertheless, as the Spider takes his bait and skitters forward at him with its venomous fangs, Chanvati takes satisfaction in his ruse, penetrating the Spider's mental architecture with a second psionic thrust and setting up Pa'avu for a vicious swing of her sword.

* Move Action: L6 to Q7.

* Standard Action: Mind Thrust vs GSS, Roll 2 +5 =7 vs 13 Will. Miss.


Skittering Attack ✦ At-Will Trigger: An enemy is within 3 squares of GSS when he starts his turn, or an enemy ends its turn within 3 squares of GSS. Effect (Free Action): GSS shifts up to half its speed and uses bite against the triggering enemy. Shift to R7 and Bite Chanvati; (Roll) 16 + 6 = Hit; (Roll) 3 + 1 = 4 poison damage and Chanvati takes 5 ongoing poison (save ends).

* Trigger - Vengeance is Mine (Immediate Reaction). Mind Thrust vs GSS (no OA because of Staff Expertise), Roll 9 +5 = 14 vs 13 Will = Hit for 4+4=8 psychic damage. Pa'avu moves up to Speed as necessary and makes an MBA vs GSS: Roll 14 +7 -2 (spray effect) = 19 vs 16 AC = Hit for 8+4=12 damage.

GSS takes 20 damage total.

Chanvati 20/24 HP (ongoing 5 poison damage), 6/7 Surges.

Pa’avu briefly feels a faint nausea threaten cloud her mind again, then instantly she feels invigorated by the poison entering her body. Alert to her gosb’tar’s tactical instruction, Pa’avu pierces the spider’s side with her sword, using her momentum to leap over her quarry. Her vault causes air to whistle shrilly through the gleaming mouths covering her armor, and that noise in turn seems to catch at the spider’s nerves, causing it to shake with some agitation. As the goliath lands sure-footedly, she howls and brings Velmech’ti to slice deeply into her quarry once again. Pulling the sword out of the body, Pa’avu places her foot on the side of the spider and shoves it away from her.

* take 5 Ongoing Poison Damage – Resist All 5 = 0 Damage

* Minor Action (Encounter): activate Screaming Armor Power: An enemy w/in 5 sq of you -2 attack rolls UtEoMNT (GSS)

* Standard (AtWill): Pressing Strike: Shift 2 SQ (through enemy OK) (Q8), then Attack: Roll 10 + 7 – 2 (web) + 2 CA (flanking) = 17 vs. AC 16 = Hit!! * Damage: 8 + 4 + 4 (Raging) + 5 (HQ) = 21 HP damage and target Pushed 1 square to R6.

* Save versus Ongoing Poison: 10 Success!

* HQ and Stone's Endurance expire EoT.


Skittering Attack ✦ At-Will Trigger: An enemy is within 3 squares of GSS when he starts his turn, or an enemy ends its turn within 3 squares of GSS. Effect (Free Action): GSS shifts up to half its speed and uses bite against the triggering enemy. Shift to R8 and Bite Pa'avu; (Roll) 7 + 6 - 2 = 11. Miss.

* Pa’avu’s conditions: Save vs Ongoing Poison; Slowed/-2 ATT, Eo GSS NT; HP: 25/31; 10/11 Surges * GSS conditions from Pa'avu: -2 attacks via Screaming Armor UtEoMNT (edited)

B & M

Witnessing the relentless attacks of Pa'avu and Chanvati and sensing the giant Stonefang Spider's impending demise, Bita-Bousseh holds her ground, maintaining her infernal glower to hold off the arachnid. "Bring it low!" she orders her stalwarts, and two of them charge the spider with fearsome blows from their axes, surrounding it in the corner of the once-placid teahouse.

M(O8) Ready an action: if GSS enters a square within melee range, attack with Axe.

M(O6) Charges 2 to R7, avoiding OA, Roll 13 +7 = 20 vs 16 AC. Hit for 3 damage.

M(S6) Charges 2 squares to S8 (flanking with P), avoiding OA, Roll 18 +7 +2 CA -2 webs =23 vs 16 AC for 3 damage and Marks GSS UEoMNT.

Bita-Bousseh: Infernal Glower vs GSS, Roll 10 +5 =15 vs 13 Will. GSS cannot attack B-B UEoHNT.

Skittering Attack ✦ At-Will Trigger: An enemy is within 3 squares of GSS when he starts his turn, or an enemy ends its turn within 3 squares of GSS. Effect (Free Action): GSS shifts up to half its speed and uses bite against the triggering enemy. Bite Minotaur S8; (Roll) 6 + 6 - 2 = 10. Miss.

The Goliath Stone Spider fights like a cornered beast (which it is) on its last legs (which it is)! Desperate fangs and spinnerets sink into flesh and entomb prey in silk!

Stonespinneret Spray ✦ Recharge ⚄ ⚅. Rolled 6; Recharges.


Skittering Attack ✦ At-Will Trigger: An enemy is within 3 squares of GSS when he starts his turn, or an enemy ends its turn within 3 squares of GSS. Effect (Free Action): GSS shifts up to half its speed and uses bite against the triggering enemy. Bite; +6 vs. P; (Roll) 11 +6 -2 = 15; Miss

Standard: Stonespinneret Spray (CBL3 on C, P, M in O8); +4 vs. Fort. (Roll) 12 + 4 - 2 = 14 vs C; Hit. Damage; 5 + 1 = 6 damage, target is slowed and suffers -2 penalty to hit UtEoYNT. (Roll) 2 + 4 - 2 = 4 vs P; Miss. (Roll) 6 + 4 - 2 = 8 vs M in O8; Miss.

Action Point (Free Action > Gain Standard): Bite Pa'avu; (Roll) 20; CRITICAL. 9 poison damage and Pa'avu takes 5 ongoing poison (save ends).

Move: Shifts to S7

GSS - 10/128 HP. Stonespinneret Spray exhausted. Slowed and -2 Hit UtEoPNT.



Chanvati is staggered by the concussion force of the Spider's spinneret spray and encased in a thick film of webbing. What's more, the poison from that bite is coursing throughout his system. His heartbeat races. The pain like little he has experienced before. It's all he can do to stagger back in the direction of the barrister, feebly attempting to blast the spider once more with a psionic assault, but his concentration falters and the effect fizzles.

Frustrated, he chastises himself: "Collect yourself, man! This is no way to impress a lady!"

Buoyed, he feels the effects of the poison abate.

Begins turn and takes 5 ongoing poison damage (SE).

Moves to O7. Standard: Mind Thrust vs GSS. Roll 5 +5 -2 (stonepinneret) = 8 vs 13 Will. Miss.

Minor: Inspiring Word on self. Roll 3 + 6 Surge = regain 9 HPs. Save vs ongoing poison Roll 17 = Success. Ongoing damage ends.

Chanvati 16/24 HP, 5/7 Surges, Slowed and -2 Attacks UEoGSSNT.

Experiencing the spider’s futile but dangerous efforts to break free, Pa’avu grimly sets herself to the task of finishing it off … before its death throes take them all out. Fighting off the effects of yet more poison, she moves herself into position. Then she lets loose her tyrant raging within and charges swiftly forward with an eerie howling cry. Spider limbs and hunks of carapace fly through the air as Pa’avu moves in blurred motion. Then there is a sudden crunch as her foot stomps the spider’s body, and all motion stops … save for the goliath’s labored breath.

* take 5 Ongoing Poison Damage: 9 HP

* move from Q8 to Q5

* Howling Strike: charge from Q5 to S6, avoiding OA; attack vs. AC: Roll 18 + 8 + 2 (flanking) = 28 vs AC 16 = Success!! Damage: 10 + 1 + 4 = 15 = dead

* Iron Wolf Charge (trigger: hit w/charge): + 4 = 19 = stomped on by Pa’avu

* save ends: 6 … fail! Slide ...save ends: 6 ...immobilized! ... save ends: 8: petrified (briefly, as save will eventually end that too)!



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