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The Kolloseaum: Team Gil's Conscience (DM: Iron Sky, Judge: Luinnar)


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Artemis feels Joy start to rouse.

"Easy there Joy. Nothing to get excited about. We're just climbing up a wall... deadly fog beneath us... attack spiders around here somewhere... did I mention I can't see anything?"

Movement: Climb: 1d20+9 → [7,9] = (16) Roll Lookup Not sure if that is enough to get to the top or if I should spend another move action to climb again.
If I get to the top with the first movement, Artie will use second wind.

Save (blind): 1d20 → [12] = (12) Roll Lookup
Save (weakened): 1d20 → [9] = (9) Roll Lookup

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As Joy flickered between consciousness and blackout, the strange aura of music seemed to fade in and out as well, swelling and dying like an ocean tide. She fumbled in her belt pouch, trying to hand Artemis a small vial. And in a brief moment of lucidity, she could hear the strain in Gil's voice, somewhere above her. "Steady on, master scholar," she managed to croak, but even her strained voice carried far more emotion than one would have thought...

>At start of turn, Joy has nothing in hand- not even going to guess where her sword would have ended up by now...
>Minor (?): Offer Artemis a healing potion
>Minor: Inspiring word (MC daily, and last healing power) for Gil; spend a surge for surge +1d6+1HP

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Match Three: Pillars of Doom Match Over

Seeing no hope, the half-spiders throw there weapons away and cower, the crowd booing them loudly as they do so.

"Folks, we have a WINNNNER - Team Gil's Conscience is victorious!"

The mists dissipate, the floor comes rising up as goblins scramble from everywhere to clear the debris and dead bodies away and suddenly two dozen chests come sailing through the air.

"Each of our fighters has three chests, but they only get to pick one! Who knows what will be inside!"
GM: There's only two enemies left and this is the last match. Both will almost surely die next round and no PCs are near death. The enemy are calling it a match.

Now to wrap up. Each of you has three chests before you labeled 1, 2, 3. Pick a number and your character will get that chest and see what's in the two they didn't pick.

[sblock=Parcels]Fight 1:
Difficulty - Easy: +.5 Parcels
Hazard - Simple: +0 Parcels
Total: .5 Parcels

Fight 2:
Difficulty - Hard: +1 Parcel
Hazard - Hazardous: +.5 Parcel
Objective Bonus - Take the Pedestal: +1 Parcel
Total: 2.5 Parcels

Fight 3:
Difficulty - Brutal: +2 Parcels
Hazard - Extreme: +1 Parcel
Total: 3 Parcels

Net total: 6 Parcels / 9 PCs = 1 Parcel each.[/sblock]
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*Kauldron grins as the rest all surrender. He puts out his current cigar and lights up a new one placing it into his mouth and puffing away upon it.*

Ahh, tis good to see that everyone made it.

*He stated looking around at the mangled lot of them. He watches as all the chests hover into the arena, and marches up front and center to claim his earnings. Still puffing away upon his cigar. He grins and points to the third chest in the set of three he currently has in front of himself.*

What the heck. *He shrugs* I'll take that one.

OOC: Alright, my daughter said to take number three. So three it is for me. Ha!


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Artemis helps Joy to her feet. He stands bent at the hips, hands on knees, panting from the exertion. His energy slowly recovering from the magic fog. He holds up one finger.

"Chest one please."


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Whewww! The cleric takes a deep breath and lets it out slowing. Good job guys! The cleric then sits down and crosses her legs, still feeling weak from aiding her comrades in battle. She then studies the chests before her. She looks up I'll take chest 2.


First Post
Having most of his immediate pain assuaged by Joy, Gil sniffles a bit and wipes his nose on his sleeve. Thanks for coming everyone, couldn't have made it without you. the scholar points to chest number 3 and back to himself. three please.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Not being in serious trouble like most of the team, Martelai is only somewhat winded from all the jumping he's unaccustomed to. Still, it wasn't as different as jumping on the pirate ship so he did well.

"I'll take the one fates decide for me." he says casting a clutch of various claws.

*rattle rattle*

"I'll take number three too."
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"Pah. The fights were just trickery and jumping around. I prefer a good normal ambush."

"Also, I didn't kill enough people. Apoli gives me a chance and all i got was that stupid spider thing."

"And, uh, I'll take chest one."


First Post
Joy can barely stand, and while the aura of music around her seemed to have stopped fading in and out, it was a slow quiet tune now- just enough to lift the spirits of those around her. "Number 3," she managed after a bit.

Voidrunner's Codex

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