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D&D 5E The Kalarian Precipice - Chapter Two


Interlude: Lirrel - Early Cuts

There was a light tapping at the base of the barn door. An energetic and rhythmic percussion that could only be his son. The boy had a predisposition to music, often conversing in song and converting whatever found objects and old farm tools he could get his hands on, into instruments. The light clacking of two small rocks. The hum of a saw blade bent back and twanged. A length of twine strummed on a bowed twig.

Every sound had a meaning to the little one, and this particular tapping meant dinner. Colirus’ wife would have bread ready, perhaps some cheese from the neighbors goats, and as always some kind of stew. Old Colirus had learned a little perhaps, of his ten year old child’s second language.

The boy’s father whistled back, inviting him to come in.

It was everything an old farm building was supposed to be. Musty. Full of tired implements of the trade. Old hay and dirt on a well-trodden floor. It took Lirrel’s youthful eyes a moment to adjust, as he pushed the door open and peeked inside with curious dark pupils.

“What are you working on? Mum has finished cooking. I did the peeling.”

“This is fine news, boy,” Colirus replied smiling. “I’ll be back in the house soon.”

The aged farmer’s gaze moved back to a well-soiled sheet, draped over something upon the ground. There was evidence of plenty of recent movement in here. Lots of shuffling items about, poking through chaos… like trying to drag out old memories.

“What is under there?”

“A fine question...” his father replied, winking mischievously.

“You are old enough now, for secrets. Tell me, are you ready to keep one? Of this you tell nobody, ever, unless they point to you where my brother’s bones lie.”

Lirrel considered the offer for a split second, before agreeing with a wide smile and a happy note from his lips.

Fate saw fit that one day, some thirty years later, that a visitor might arrive under the guise of seeking lodgings. He was plain-faced and humble in appearance, a middle aged fellow dressed in simple linen and carrying nothing more than a well-beaten walking stick.

“Excuse me, might you offer a traveler from Kalair a roof for one night?”

Naturally, Lirrel had offered the poor soul a proper bed, in one of the home’s simply attired guestrooms. They broke bread together and talked that eve, sharing even a song or two, the farmer’s only child unaware of what would come next. From out of nowhere the stranger said, “behind the small boulder, in the field where the clover runs free.”

His departed Father’s brother. Lost at the age of ten with no warning, had simply lost all breath from some unknown affliction of the lungs. Well, that was how father had told the tale.

“Yes, Lirrel. I know the secret Colirus bestowed upon you. Times near when the contraption will once again, be required. Tell me, are you trained in it?”

Lirrel was recoiling in shock, unable at first to speak.

“Yes,” he finally replied.

“Good. The Burning Rose is in need of your service. I do not ask lightly, but your father, the fine man that he was, worked with us long before you were born, and his oath did not dissolve upon his parting with the world.”

By year’s end Lirrel’s farm was abandoned, the home’s doors and windows nailed shut beneath firm planks. The garden left to overgrow and climb of its own free will.

Lirrel lived in Kalair now. A friendly whistling timberyard’s hired hand by day, and a crafter by night. Each evening the same nameless messenger of The Burning Rose would knock and deliver a pouch. Lirrel would tip the stones out onto a table in a concealed room, and practice. Upon river pebbles and small chunks of nameless rock he ran the machine, peddling with his feet to keep the grindstone turning. The domed cabochon. Facet tops. Asscher. Radiant. Trillion. He mastered them all. One day he hoped to shape something worthy of the art. The Burning Rose has said it would not be long till that day may come...
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Interlude: Emma - Colors Combined

Fifteen years ago - The Year of The Feather

She was beautiful despite her misery, stood at the cliff’s dizzying summit with tears streaming down her face. One at a time like droplets of rain, they collided upon vertical black stone, on a long and dangerous journey to meet with the boiling sea below.

But the anger in those distant waves was nothing compared to her sense of loss. It had taken the worst of grief and despair to bring her here, to admire where the blue of an uncharted sea met with a same colored and cloudless sky. Only in having something torn from you, did you appreciate that which was always there.

They’d hung her beloved sister just some hours ago, after a lengthy flesh-leeching imprisonment followed by a swift trial. The evidence was indefensible. Rumors had been spreading for months, of how the young lady had been victim to a robbery gone wrong. In the dead of night, an intruder had pinned her down whilst another searched the simple Kalarian home from top to toe. They hadn’t expected to find a collection of old scrolls within a lockbox beneath her bed. In fact, they probably didn’t even know what they were looking at. The dazzling color of several gems though, those they knew and feared too well.

The intruders had been released from the law office prison block with little more than a warning. A promise to end their ways of urban theft. Emma’s sister though, her sentence brought the ultimate price. Life.

If only Emma had known, or seen the signs, or been there that night. No reminiscing was going to change things now. The guilt had plans to stick around.

Taking in a deep breath, she stepped right to the edge of the cliff, sending a small patch of loose earth tumbling down into a salty oblivion. In that second she remembered a fleeting moment of childhood. Her older sister stroking her cheek with a finger, saying, “we will be always together, you and I. We are the same blood. I am the black, the yellow and the red. You are the blue and the green, the glinting wash of white.”

It hadn’t made sense back then. Now however, Emma could almost feel it. There was something else… out there in this world. A greater reason. An energy untapped. A delicious and addictive song that barely an ear could hear. It chimed to her now, a tinkling sense of purpose and amazement as she flung herself out into the air. Her last breaths were of seawater, and her last thoughts were the hues of a stone’s reflected light.


First Post
Jeovanna- the second landing

Well, Metea nearly made it past.

Jeovanna caught the tiefling by one horn before she could rush off down the steps. "No you don't, boots," and, like a mother leading a naughty child by the ear, she'd direct her back to a safer place in their little convoy.

Dain would not get lead by the ear, but he'd get a very sour look at his rushing ahead. They were on the move, though, so it would not take long at all to catch up.

"That," she murmured, in response to the land opening up, "that is where predators skulk."

But perhaps they could fight better with a bit more space.

Carthum One-Tusk: Further down

Carthum grinned as Metea got put in her place. Absolutely grinned. But that disappeared as they headed down and approached the next landing, which appeared to be the beginnings of the actual mining. This is where the miners must have found the greatest amount of gemstones- but even so, it appeared that they went further down. the hole in the center of the clearing evoked some primal unease that he could not ignore.

The half-orc picked up a loose stone from the ground.

"Suru- guide us!" Carthum said. And, the rock began to glow indeed. He cast this ahead of them, to the far edge of the landing, so they could at least get a little light.

<Spellcasting- cantrip. Light.>


First Post
Dain - Further Down

Dain might have noticed Jeovanna's ire. Or he might not have. At any rate, they were moving, and he was trying to proceed with as much caution as possible. In his defense, he was very accustomed to traveling alone and his people skills were not the greatest.

Had they been once? He wondered. Part of him liked to think so.


Further Down

Carthum’s stone clatters against the wall beyond the pit, spreading light across all of the landing ahead, silencing the shadows of corners and bleeding into the area’s various exits.

The pit in the centre of the ground appears to tunnel downwards at a slight angle, with the occasional step cut into the floor to prevent any potential nasty slips. To the left and right of the landing, the tunnels appear to head straight off for a few yards, before turning at right angles and leaving the area beyond out of view.

Unlike the earlier section of the mine, the carving and what must have been painstaking cutting of these paths, appears more organic. Less attention has been paid to neatness or consistency. This is clearly the beginnings of what might have been the working area of the dig.

From the left, at first Dain might believe he hears a few soft tapping sounds, which abruptly stop, and then start again before fading off into an unknown distance.



First Post
Otiroth: Further Down

Otiroth had a front row seat, such as it were, to Metea and Jeovanna's brief skirmish. And he had to admit, it was a nice break from the seriousness of the moment. Jeovanna was an imposing woman. Of course, it was hard for anyone to compare to the tiefling, for a multitude of reasons.

They'd head further down. Now, they were faced with a choice, and barring off one entrance was not an option.

Otiroth would vote for heading down the path where Dain had heard some noise. There was no point in putting it off. Whatever lived down here no doubt knew all the twists and turns, so if they would be surrounded- they would be surrounded.

The sorcerer had a spell that he knew that could cause quite a bit of harm to anyone that might look to sneak up on them. He would not mind a chance to test it...


First Post
Metea- Further Down

"Hey, not the horns! Not the horns!" Metea protested. But, she'd fall back to 'safety' in the middle of the group.

She couldn't resist a pout at Jeovanna's back, though. "You're worse than an Olovian priestess," she teased.

Once they were on the move, though, she'd fall silent, taking it all in. Carthum's light helped the others, but it did not make too much of a difference to her. The rock here was all the same color- nothing interesting to see. Nothing sparkly.

"We could try saying we come in peace? I mean, we smashed up their walking armor, but it started it." At least, Metea was pretty sure it had. She wasn't sure why she still thought there were creatures that'd be interested in- or capable of- talking to them down here. "Does anybody speak mouse?"


First Post
Jeovanna- Further Down

Jeovanna grimaced in irritation, but her back was to Metea, so the tiefling wouldn't be able to enjoy it.

It seemed this group would fuss forever about which direction to head next. A symptom of only newly working together, maybe, or a popular pasttime of city folk, but not something they could keep up while in a dangerous location. So when Otiroth indicated one pathway, well, they would take it, the open landing give them time to change their formation as necessary.

"If they are mice," Jeovanna snorted grimly, "they are big mice."

The light of Dain's torch and Carthum's... rock... competed with each other in the dark.

Carthum One-Tusk: Further down

Carthum's eyes might have played a trick on him, but... for the briefest moment, he thought he saw a faint glitter.

It was far off, though, and squinting and looking closer towards it, he saw nothing. Otiroth wanted to go the same way, though, so perhaps that had been a brief vision from Suru, a momentary whisper of something true.

Voidrunner's Codex

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