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Sylvar B.

Sylvar, since he has already been assigned the role of a servant, walks in a few steps behind Thallok. His pride tells him to defend his honor, but his good sense tells him that now wouldn't be the time. He considers over playing the part, but figures that may make it more difficult for Thallok.

He deposits his longsword and 15gp on the appropriate tables, then approaches the chief a few steps back and to the right of Thallok, and says nothing. Allowing the Chief and others to assume what they wish about him.

+1,000 xp bonus to Sylvar for good intuition!
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The Company:

To pass the time the twins play a word game where they call out different things they see around them.
Lenny: Sand
Trav: Tent
Lenny: Scorpion
Trav: Boots

As Duncan stands guard he feels an over bearing sense of menace and dread. Not seeing anything of note in the vicinity, he glances to his right and notes his wife is staring a hole in the side of his head, which explains the feeling. There were a handful of things she could be upset about but he wasn't sure if guessing wrong would be better than guessing correctly, so he simply asks her.

Duncan: "Something on your mind?" He says with only a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
Ebony: "Why are we here?"
Duncan: "Why are we ... I thought we went over this already. The town needs the support, they pay well and we're not currently employed in another competing venture."
Ebony: "Why are we ... here."

Lenny: "Rope"
Trav: "Smoke"

Duncan: "We can leave whenever we want. It's why I invested so heavily in travel magic."
Ebony: "Why are we .... here!"

Duncan pinches the brow of his nose between his eyes. "What?"
Ebony: "Here outside this tent."
Duncan: "We're standing guard, it's literally what we signed on to do."

Lenny: "Horse"
Trav: "Smoke"
Lenny: "You said smoke already."
Trav: "There's a lot of smoke."

Ebony: "We are landed nobility of the realm."
Duncan: "Someone woke up prideful this morning........"

Their argument continues

GM: +500 xp per char (all 4) for making the DM laugh! :D :cool:
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[sblock=What Tam says and does AFTER Thallok finishes his introduction (Edited by DM)]

GM: For story continuity, I am placing the contents of this post AFTER Thallok's introduction. I am leaving your original post in place, so as not to mess up your ENWorld post count. But my instructions in LINE chat (wait for Thallok) were quite clear :p

Tam does not sit at his place at the table when he introduces himself. He is already very comfortable with the Ulli tongue having so many similarities to the Goblinoid and Common tongues (95%). Instead, he moves around the table to stand before the chieftain. First Tam gives the Outrider salute, two pounds of the fist over the heart and then an open hand salute (yes, much like the Nazi salute, EXCEPT...), palm down horizontal to Oerth. The first part signifies: I am a warrior, you are warrior. The second part signals two equals in combat and Life...even if not in station.
Then Tam does something he's not sure any of his compatriots would do, but he already understands the situation through his uncanny business sense; he falls to one knee, bowing his head before the Chieftain before looking up at him, saying, in very good, if not near perfect Ulli:
"Hail, and well met, great Changu Tokwan, Lord and Chieftain of the mighty Wung Bai."
At this point, Tam stands up, proudly, acting fully an equal, at least as a warrior:
"I am Tamartamlin Quickfoot. Orc killer, AND Orc friend." At this he nods to Thallok. "I am the Gate traveler, the Ogre's bane and the Troll's demise. I am a Wolf Outrider and the slayer of Hill Giants and of a Cloud Giant prince.
When Tam makes his last statement about Delliak, he he sweeps his hand to his friends:
"If ye doubt, great Changu, ask my friends, proven and tempered in battle and drink and song. Let our astute and most talented bard, Friend Sylvar, regale you with my, and my comrades, astounding deeds at the Giant's Steading. Ask him to sing our triumphs as we eat, drink and enjoy one another's fellowship."
Tam then salutes Changu with the Outrider salute again, does a perfect military pivot and returns to his seat; but, not before he stops by Sylvar and whispers:
"Forgive my braggadocio, Friend Sylvar. I will repay seven fold. I swear it on our 'friendship' (remember, this is a business agreement, Sylvar. That means it is sacrosanct to an halfling)...and to prove it, my first payment will be to ensure you are plied with the finest drink while you sing; and afterwards, I will talk to the children and wives and will equally ensure that you will have a most fine repast, though later."
Tam then quickly goes over to the stewards, the wives and the children and tells them of his need and performs a couple more quick, easy tricks for them, plus hands to all who are willing to help him, and Friend Sylvar, a copper piece for the children and a silver piece for the wives and stewards.He then heads back to his seat and gets ready for a fine and mighty feast.
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Thallok introduces himself.

"I am Thallok Oakspear, I come from Tribe Oakspear named for my great, great grandfather. I am the second red-skinned Orc of my line, after my father. My companions and I are simply travelling through. I will allow the others to introduce themselves." He gestures to the others to add their introductions.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
This is Tam's original, un-edited post. It has simply been moved for the sake of story continuity.

Tam does not sit at his place at the table when he introduces himself. He is already very comfortable with the Ulli tongue having so many similarities to the Goblinoid and Common tongues (95%). Instead, he moves around the table to stand before the chieftain. First Tam gives the Outrider salute, two pounds of the fist over the heart and then an open hand salute (yes, much like the Nazi salute, EXCEPT...), palm down horizontal to Oerth. The first part signifies: I am a warrior, you are warrior. The second part signals two equals in combat and Life...even if not in station.

Then Tam does something he's not sure any of his compatriots would do, but he already understands the situation through his uncanny business sense; he falls to one knee, bowing his head before the Chieftain before looking up at him, saying, in very good, if not near perfect Ulli:

"Hail, and well met, great Changu Tokwan, Lord and Chieftain of the mighty Wung Bai."

At this point, Tam stands up, proudly, acting fully an equal, at least as a warrior:

"I am Tamartamlin Quickfoot. Orc killer, AND Orc friend."
At this he nods to Thallok. "I am the Gate traveler, the Ogre's bane and the Troll's demise. I am a Wolf Outrider and the slayer of Hill Giants and of a Cloud Giant prince.

When Tam makes his last statement about Delliak, he he sweeps his hand to his friends:

"If ye doubt, great Changu, ask my friends, proven and tempered in battle and drink and song. Let our astute and most talented bard, Friend Sylvar, regale you with my, and my comrades, astounding deeds at the Giant's Steading. Ask him to sing our triumphs as we eat, drink and enjoy one another's fellowship."

Tam then salutes Changu with the Outrider salute again, does a perfect military pivot and returns to his seat; but, not before he stops by Sylvar and whispers:

"Forgive my braggadocio, Friend Sylvar. I will repay seven fold. I swear it on our 'friendship' (remember, this is a business agreement, Sylvar. That means it is sacrosanct to an halfling)...and to prove it, my first payment will be to ensure you are plied with the finest drink while you sing; and afterwards, I will talk to the children and wives and will equally ensure that you will have a most fine repast, though later."

Tam then quickly goes over to the stewards, the wives and the children and tells them of his need and performs a couple more quick, easy tricks for them, plus hands to all who are willing to help him, and Friend Sylvar, a copper piece for the children and a silver piece for the wives and stewards.He then heads back to his seat and gets ready for a fine and mighty feast.

Aust Thale

Respen Plays It Close To The Vest...

~ Well now, not at all what I expected...but most interesting..most interesting indeed. ~

Seeing the amount of magic in present company makes Respen glad he kept his kept his magical staff inside the glove of storing! The arcane sight allowed visibility to magical items within his line of sight, but it did not filter those items. His own friends and colleagues had more than enough magic for him to track them in the average crowd. This entire tent being what it was, that is, magical, and with his hosts being every bit as endowed with magical means, the room's multiple auras had him seeing spots. He dialed back the sight by squinting his eyes and allowing his Hat (of Obscurity) to shadow more of his face. He did not want to be inhospitable, but he didn't count on this much magic in one place.
He quietly placed his fingers to his chin, stroking it, hiding his hand movements and his lips from prying eyes. He cast a silent message spell, tagging his comrades calmly, one by one, taking his time: Thallok, Kleborn, Tam, Moseby, Vale, Sylvar, Duncan, Ebony, and the Twins...the spell would last for 100 minutes as well as allow his fellowship to reply similarly only to him. But he didn't want a reply at this time. He simply wanted them to know what he knew. Quietly, he moved his lips in Common... "My friends...the entire tent we are in is magical. Our hosts are clothed in it. Even the tables are enchanted. It is...well...it is very bright. Disconcerting. As for this Message, I can communicate to all of you silently for the next hour and a half, and you can communicate with me, though not with each other. Let's hear them out. Thallok appears to have a good relationship with them. Let's see if they can assist us. "

When introductions are made, Respen quietly announces himself in deference to their host's request; however, he does so with apparent deference to Thallok, " I am Respen. Thank you for your hospitality, Great Chieftain. I am at your service. "

Speaking again in silent Message, Respen coaches Thallok, "If you perceive that it's appropriate, I think we should ask if they know about any Sphinx in this region, and request safe passage to it. Perhaps we can strike a bargain.

At Tam's rather loquacious introduction, Respen chuckles and admonishes his halfling mate with his Message spell, "Tam, careful. I'm unsure whether our hosts are inclined to your wit and humor. Hopefully, they are." Respen smiles in spite of himself. Tam is indeed a peculiar and most interesting hobbit.


"Tam, careful. I'm unsure whether our hosts are inclined to your wit and humor. Hopefully, they are."

Tam replies, Respen hearing his chuckling thoughts and catching a glimpse of the halflings inherently bold braggadocio, well cultivated from being a business man having to oversell his wares as a jeweller:
"Why Respen, you should know that a people showing of such strength, courage and pride can only respect the same being returned. There was no wit or humor implied. This is business.
A businessman can tell the difference between a huckster, a haggler and a guinea hen. The one is a cheat, a ravenous beast, the second is shrewd, but the last is a lamb for the slaughter. These people are of the first two types. Mostly the second; but enough of the first that one must be wary of such wolves. And make no mistake, the Ban Wai are wolves, top predators/businessmen in this area. So, let's not be lambs to the slaughter; for, being a lamb, or a guinea hen, in a wolves' den will only make you their dinner."

Tam then sends the image of bartering for what we want to know and/or gain assistance with. In other words: business is business. Let's get on with it, but the right way --- from a strong position.
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Sylvar B.

Sylvar give Tam a nod and begins to weave his tail as the others feast. In his head, he thinks good naturedly ~you owe me, halfling~

(Sylvar begins a rhythmic chant, he mimes the actions of opening doors and swinging swords.)

Peace and goodwill to thee and thine.
Lend me your ear great chieft’n,
I offer a fresh course to thy feast’n

Hear the ingredients I render;
Tasty bits, savory, sweet
Bravery, cunning, and near defeat

Our tale begins in darkness;
A Dwarven path, hewn, unseen
Nine heros, behind magic’s screen

Heroes prepare the incursion
Now From the sky, water falls.
A boon, masking sounds of foot falls

In silence we make our approach
A guard, unaware, halts forward travail
Faster than a thought, our druid assails

Owl to man transformed, spear in hand
Death, silently, quickly, hushed
A Giant fails like men, life extinguished

Still unknown, our heroes press on
Into the stronghold we hurry
Ever onward, life and death tarry

Through closed doors, cries of joy and fear
Heroes crash in, relentless
Life and death adrift, as in stasis

We stop, shock, surprised and in awe
Ogres and Hill Giants, soldiers, kings
Two score against nine, an even match?
(Sylvar shrugs melodramatically, to emphasize the question)

(Sylvar uses Silent Image to magically produce a life size rendering of a Hill Giant)

In the middle, hung over flames,
Breakfast, crying, begging MERCY!!
Twain dwarfs, and a halfling, we, their hope

Charging in, Dewydd, working fast
Ogre one, dead, falling , two taps
Severance Complete, base to caps

We advance, pressing the attack
Fireballs rending Giant flesh
Caught by surprise, delayed giant reprise

We, fully committed to this cause
Inviting death to a waltz
Unnoticed, those who would give us pause

Nosnra, Delliak and a dire bear
Elder’s Kanor and Kurok and Krag
Also the Priestess Vulka, all were there

Time, in battle, stands still it seems
Fire burns flesh and steel rends limbs
Spiked stones pierce Giant feet from below

Walls of fire burn all who linger
Striking with speed, a blitzkrieg
Stunned giants stare, none can lift a finger

Hapless Giants, with one named Nancy
Begin chucking pots and pans,
Fortunately none were fancy

Ogres and Giants no longer surprised
Moving slowly through spiked stones
Attack our heroes with deadly blows

But our heroes fair well, given the odds
Weathering attacks with grace
An unseen Tam stabbing ogres in the face

Alas, battle is not pretty
No one says it is easy
Much less when Giants make things queasy

A bog, by magic created
Keeping our heroes in place
Poor Tam Tammerlain, mud past his face.

Thallok the Red does not throw fits
Though wounded he jeers at the Ogre
He slices and dices a dread Ogre in bits

Still living, the Ogre is knowing
Thallok comes, you must be right
Or you won’t survive the fighting

All creatures bleed, and writhe in pain
But there is not time for that
Here comes Tamtamarlain with his bow

Evil Prince Delliak, mighty foe
Must be dealt, a finite blow
Hail Tamtamarlin, with his might bow!! (Sylvar points at Tam)

The halfling, a giant slayer
With two arrows from his hand
Behold the giant falters, falling, slain

We are triumphant in the moment
But the battle is not won
Lathir the druid, master of nature

Calls forth flames from the vast nothing
Some not dead, now transform
Their bodies now soulless, scorched and torn

Nosnra and Vulka still have breath
Their anger kindled by the flames
Summon a Drider, bringer of death.

Cowards, Vulka and Nosnra flee
To another room to plan
Worry not, we will see them again

Parry, Thrust, we fight with vigor
(Sylvar imitates a sword fight)
We hang by a single thread
Death is near, and he favors our side

We say, death before dishonor
Prepared to fight to the end
When suddenly appearing, flanking.

Four strangers armed with steel (Sylvar holds up 4 fingers)
Fighting with the dire Drider
Foiled evil’s plan to divide us

Drider distracted, Respen can repel
Two arrows, quickly striking
The drider beast, though slowly, did fail

Thallok, Vale, Respen, Tam, US
The newcomers and I, US
We lay about us with magic and steel

Giant and Ogre blood flow together
Metallic smell of death, cooked.
The mud, mire, magically dispelled

(Sylvar stops the chant and begins to narrate)

As the near battle closes, we take respite
Death all around, some giants surrender
Far off, a rebellion continues, though not our concern

Showing battle prowess and compassion
Thallok the red accepts surrender, sparing their lives.
The giants retreat, and we continue, hunting for Nosnra and Vulka.

It is said that the only certainty in life is death. This truth is found out by Nosnra and Vulka. They are found out. At the end of a long corridor. Flanked by grisly trophies. Man and beast, stuffed with sawdust and put on display.

The displays strengthen our resolve, Nosnra and Vulka must die. We press the attack. (Sylvar acts out a battle, moving and swaying, parrying imaginary blows)

The battle continues, magic and steel, vs magic and steel. Nosnra and Vulka are not alone. Two Giant handmaidens must fall as well. At long last Nosnra, Vulka and the two attendants lie still. Felled by our arrows and swords. Though we are wounded the days is ours.

Sylvar Purposefully leaves out the part where he nearly died and received the boon from Uller. Figuring that it might ruin the image of him as Thallok's servant.
Sylvar bows, then produces his Lute and begins to entertain the crowd with song

GM: +1,500 xp. for this well-crafted ballad.

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Tam is thrilled by Sylvar's performance.
After Sylvar pointed to him after the mention of Tam's putting in the killing shots to Delliak, Tam slipped over to the children's area where the little Ban Wai girl he gave the flower to turned out to be the daughter of what can only be called the Chieftain's "Senechal". He asked her: "Hear, little Karani --- please ask your father to set a small table with a bottle of your finest strong beverage that you have in his stores for my good Friend Sylvar. Here are three gold pieces for him for doing this great, goodly thing for me.".
Money was no object, and Tam wanted Friend Sylvar to have the very, very best vintage or distilled spirit the Ban Wai could offer --- for the right price of course; so, he figured a few gold pieces should do the trick.
When the "Senechal" himself set the table with a dusty bottle of some well kept vintage and an ivory horn, turned into a goblet, was set beside him after the second song Sylvar sang, Tam headed back to the table with his party and dove in with a will at the fairly tasty victuals that were offered --- though a few of the tastier items looked strange, he just didn't want to know exactly what it was he was eating so as not to be put off his appetite.

Aust Thale

Respen, At Tenagra...Shaka, When the Walls Fell

~ Well now, that leaves no doubt who attacked the steading ~

As the Bard engaged his audience, Respen tried unsuccessfully to look un-surprised. Continuing his sending, catching Sylvar at pauses, and almost throwing him off once or twice, Respen messaged, "Anonymity, thy name is most certainly not Sylvar"; "...Oh my...our exploits on display; how entertaining..."; "...Lathir wouldn't have a sense of humor about this..."; "...You do realize they are not dead anymore, right?..."; "...okay, Tam killing the giant makes for good staging..."; and finally, "...leave Nel out of the story. She's drow and was pregnant. No way a song about that ends well."

Respen kept his guard up. Sylvar's bardic tale was most entertaining; however, the loss of anonymity, if the Chieftain or his retainers were to realize it, might well put our party in a bit of a pickle, one way or the other. But Respen had to admit, Sylvar demonstrated nearly daily that he had style.

"Good show, Sylvar! Good show! "

Voidrunner's Codex

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