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Ruvalra, Goddess of Harvest and Hunt


From Soulnova's character submission, posting for discussion/voting:

[size=+1]Ruvalra Goddess of Harvest and Hunt[/size]

Titles: Lady of the Field, The Little Hare, The Wildflower, Harvest Maiden
Alingment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Farmers, Hunters, animals.
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG, N
Domains: Good, Heal, Animal, Plant, Protection
Weapon: Longspear
Holy Symbol: A winged flower (flower varies by region)

Ruvalra is a small goddess of harvest, land and protection. Her influence has been rising just very recently among farmers and hunters mostly. Is described as a winged maiden holding a hare and a basket full of bread, fish and fruit.

It is said she revealed herself to some hunters a couple of centuries ago to give them her favor on a hunt. Her only holy text (a simple set of rules) is carved on a stone in the middle of nowhere between Tritower and Venza.

She hates those who taint the land or deplete it without consideration. She specially loathes aberrations and the undead.

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I think the name is a little awkward to say but the goddess herself looks fine to me. I think she fits right in with the idea previously established that there are small nature gods/spirits around the countryside. A little more fluff would be nice but it's acceptable as it is (we've got gods on our list with less). She strikes me as Consort archetype.

With the fairly recent revelation as a goddess she seems to fit into the local nature cult type goddess.


Hey, thank you for posting this, I wasn't sure if I had to put it somewhere here. I tried to just give a general description to avoid messing with the official cosmology. I have yet to read about some of the gods so I played it safe. :)

I was about to pick Hinotheus for my Ranger for the whole hunter theme but then I realized he was more of a "city wolf" and she's definitely a outdoor girl. I was looking for something a group of farmers in the middle of nowhere would worship like Demeter/Artemis but I couldn't find anything similar. So there you go.

If you have any suggestion on her fluff, please, go ahead and share them. You guys are the ones that know how the gods are working here. ;)

Edit: And about the name. xD Well, I just hit a Random Name Generator and I liked it. Seemed exotic and unique. Really no biggy, we can name here something more easy if needed.


First Post
I like it, too; definitely suited for a ranger-type, and some druids, too.

I don't mind the name, but then again, I have a gnome named Nimientioquijuil. :p


No need to change the name; more a personal preference/observation than anything else really. And fluff grows over time. :)


Made an example of her symbol.


The flower changes depending on the local flora.

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