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D&D 1E Revised and rebalanced dragons for 1e AD&D


Sorry for disappearing for a while. I got tied up by various nuisances.

Now, you are actually suggesting 8d10+40 damage as a breath weapon?

No, I was suggesting 8d10+40 for the HIT DICE.

I'd find the Huge/Regular Adult Black Dragon's breath weapon difference of 5d8/5d8+5 more acceptable if their HD were 7d8+35/8d10+40 instead of 7d8+35/8d8+40.

What about the other suggestion of using the larger dice size for a Huge Dragon's breath weapons instead of the +1 per die? It doesn't make any difference to the average damage, and if you eventually decide to introduce a HD-based bonus damage to the breath it makes it easy to keep that separate from the size-based damage.

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Steeliest of the dragons
PS: Additional guardians for metallic dragon (gold and silver?) hordes when they're off doing other things:
Guardian Naga (those are the LG ones, right?)
Shedu maybe?


Platinum Dragon (Bahamut)
Frequency: Unique
No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: -10
Move: 9”/30” E
Hit Dice: 28+168 (392 hp)
% in Lair: 90%
Treasure Type: H x 4, I x 4, P x 4, Q x 4, R x 4, S x 4, T x 4, Z x 4
No. Of Attacks: 6
Damage/Attack: 7d10, 6d6, 6d6, 2d8, 2d8, 4d8
Special Attacks: Crush, breath weapon, hypnotic gaze, magic use, poison, spells, swallow whole, trample, wing storm
Special Defenses: Disease immunity, energy resistance, poison resistance, weapon resistance, +2 or better weapon required to hit
Magic Resistance: 100%
Intelligence: Godlike
Alignment: Lawful Good
Size: L (84’ long)
Psionic Ability: 300
Attack/Defense Modes: All/All
Chance of:
Speaking: 100%
Magic Use: 100%
Sleeping: 1%
Str: 25, Int: 25, Wis: 23, Dex: 16, Con: 25, Chr: 23

Legend has it that in some primordial age, Bahamut was deity of courtly love, virtue, and valor and was the paramour of the goddess now known as Tiamat. When Tiamat turned to evil and wrath, and assumed a monstrous visage, the broken-hearted god likewise assumed the same monstrous likeness, but where one was dark and evil, the form of Bahamut was radiant and its countenance noble. Bahamut has pledged himself, in sorrow, to opposing all the works of his former lover. Inspired by his example, several powerful celestial beings made a like pledge and sacrifice, and legend tells us that these became the progenitors of the race of good dragons.

Bahamut appears in his chosen form now as a vast and resplendent beast with scales that shine of platinum and polished steel. His eyes are like diamonds with an inner light, and his breath smells of the costliest perfumes and scented oils. His coat of scales counts as full plate armor and which may only be penetrated by weapons of +2 magical prowess or greater. Owing to his great size and the thickness of his hide, any physical weapon which successfully strikes the platinum dragon short of a siege weapon or those wielded by large sized creatures, has its damage reduced by 3 to a minimum of 0. Bahamut has 100% magic resistance with respect to spells cast at by a caster of 11th level or lower and fails saving throws only on a throw of 2 or less, and against poison or enchantment magic only on a 1. He is immune to diseases and the effects of magical aging, and any creature or attack which can be thwarted by cure disease, such as green slime or rot grubs, dies instantly as having been treated by cure disease if it attempts to attack the sacred flesh of the platinum dragon.

Bahamut ignores the first 20 points of damage from any sonic attack or attack involving fire, electricity, acid, or cold. He takes half damage from poisons of all sorts, and if the poison is such that a failed save normally indicates outright death, Bahamut instead takes 40 points of damage. If Bahamut fails any other saving throw which would otherwise result in immediate death or is subject to a spell effect such as Power Word: Kill which would otherwise result in immediate death, he instead takes but 40 points of damage. Bahamut regenerates damage at the rate of 1 hit point per turn elapsed.

In the form of a dragon, Bahamut is capable of all the special attacks associated with dragons of great size. Bahamut has three different breath weapons which he may employ. First, a disintegration ray 20” long and ½” wide which does 10d10+10 damage save half to all in its area of effect. Secondly, a cone of cold 10” long and 5” wide which does 10d8+10 damage to all in its area of effect, and lastly a cloud of transparent vapor 5” deep, 4” wide, and 3” tall which turns all in its area of effect which fail their saving throw into a gaseous form (as the potion). All saves versus Bahamut’s breath weapons are at -2 on the die. Bahamut has the hypnotic gave ability common to spell casting dragons but saves against the power are at -2 on the die.

Bahamut may, once per round, utilize any of the innate spell-casting abilities associated with the five metallic dragon species, as if he were a great wrym of each species with the same restrictions on the number of times per day the powers may be employed. Caster level for all such powers is 28th. Bahamut may shapechange at will into any humanoid or animal form, assuming a new form instantly once per round in addition to any other actions he takes. Bahamut also has the full spell casting abilities of both a 15th level wizard and a 15th level good cleric and will always possess the best selection of spells for a given situation.

Bahamut spends most of his time in a great palace built upon a cloud located beyond the east wind. This palace may, at the command of its owner, shift between the elemental plane of air, the material plane, and any of the upper planes of good and weal. The palace itself is of a most intricate design and each room is itself a work of art, featuring spires of carved alabaster, walls and floors decorated with murals of the finest glazed tile, panels of rare wood, exquisite tapestries, and statues covered in leaf made from precious metals. Bahamut is almost always (90%) accompanied by seven chosen companions who serve as his comrades and councilors, each of which is huge metallic dragon of at least ancient age, maximum wisdom, and each of which is one of his chosen priestly representatives. In addition, he has many other vassals and servants – all of whom are unswervingly lawful and good - who maintain and look after his palace when he is away.

Bahamut is said to be fond of visitors, and extends hospitality to any good hearted creature which arrives at his abode according to their need and station, but is also said to be very stern, unyielding, and unforgiving with regard to any error or defect of character, for Bahamut has no tolerance for evil and will repay any wrong-doing as he deems it deserves. Amongst metallic dragons it is said that Bahamut is more social than silver when pleased, but harder and sterner than bronze when displeased. When travelling among mortals, Bahamut is said to favor the visage of a questing knight, arrayed in finery now tarnished by long hardship but still upright in character, or that of a venerable arch-mage with body bowed by the weight of many years and great cares. His mighty companions often travel with him, disguised as a retinue of the humblest sort – familiars, pets, steeds, and lowly servants. Where Bahamut goes, mighty deeds follow in his wake, for Bahamut is always seeking to inspire the forces of good to take the fight to evil. It is said that Bahamut is the author of a many a great quest and has set the feet of many unlooked for hero on the path of greatness.
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Table #: Dragon Attacks and Damage for Exceptionally Large Dragons
Special Attacks1
Batter (triple damage), Breathe Weapon, Crush (Ogre Sized), Snatch, Swallow Whole (Human Sized), Tail Sweep, Trample (2"), Wing Storm
Batter (triple damage), Breathe Weapon, Crush (Ogre Sized), Snatch, Swallow Whole (Human Sized), Tail Sweep, Trample (2"), Wing Storm
Batter (triple damage), Breathe Weapon, Crush (Ogre Sized), Snatch, Swallow Whole (Human Sized), Tail Sweep, Trample (2"), Wing Storm
Batter (triple damage), Breathe Weapon, Crush (Ogre Sized), Snatch, Swallow Whole (Human Sized), Tail Sweep, Trample (2"), Wing Storm
Batter (triple damage), Breathe Weapon, Crush (Ogre Sized), Snatch, Swallow Whole (Human Sized), Tail Sweep, Trample (2"), Wing Storm
Batter (triple damage), Breathe Weapon, Crush (Ogre Sized), Snatch, Swallow Whole (Human Sized), Tail Sweep, Trample (2 1/2"), Wing Storm
Batter (triple damage), Breathe Weapon, Crush (Ogre Sized), Snatch, Swallow Whole (Human Sized), Tail Sweep, Trample (2 1/2"), Wing Storm
Batter (triple damage), Breathe Weapon, Crush (Ogre Sized), Snatch, Swallow Whole (Human Sized), Tail Sweep, Trample (2 1/2"), Wing Storm
1Adult dragons regardless of HD also have an Awe attack. All dragons capable of speech also have spell abilities, and a hypnotic gaze attack.
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Shadow Dragons
Age Category
Category Name
Move Rate
18"/24" D
Very Young
18"/24" D
18"/24" D
Young Adult
18"/24" E
18"/24" E
18"/24" E
18"/24" E
18"/24" E
18"/24" E
Great Wyrm
18"/24" E

Shadow Dragon

Treasure Type: D, Q x 20

In the youth of the world, a chromatic dragon male of exceptional cunning, sleekness, and vanity dared to imagine himself the consort of the dragon queen. The dragon queen spurned him for a rival suitor of greater girth and strength, and rather than ending up as a repast for either queen or rival as would be the usual result, the rejected male escaped injured in body and pride and vowing revenge. Seeking powers that this rivals could not defeat, and vowing to become king over all evil dragons, the male exchanged his spirit for that of shadow stuff using a rite probably not unlike those that a humanoids sometimes use to become Shades save that either owing to the rite or the caster’s draconic nature, it left him fully fertile and able to sire offspring. This male then became the first of the Shadow Dragons, and his brood has lurked in the deep dark places of the world ever since.

Despite his vow, the Shadow Dragon King never was able to usurp the Dragon Queen or avenge himself on evil-dragon kind. And over time his linage has diminished in stature, becoming smaller, leaner and sleeker, for the deep places of the world do not favor those with great appetites. However, at least in one respect, the Shadow Dragon King has attained his wish, for his clan is decidedly patriarchal in arrangement, and the male of the species is larger and more dominate than the female.

Scholars argue over what the original race of the Shadow Dragon King was, for it has been lost to history. Perhaps he was a cunning green, a stealthy black, or even an ambitious white. Whatever race he was, the Shadow Dragons are now a race apart though they still closely enough resemble their chromatic forebears in demeanor and nature that much that is true of dragons generally apply to them. Unless stated otherwise, the common abilities of dragon-kin are also present in shadow dragons.

A shadow dragon has scales of dull ebony, woven with gray shadows of different tones, some lighter and others darker, seemingly drawing their color from their nature and not from outward light for light falling upon them does not change their hue nor the brightness. Their wings are diminished in size and often appear semi-translucent, as can parts of their body. The head of a shadow dragon is proportionately larger than other evil dragon kind, and the eyes of a shadow dragon are a dark reflective gray much like polished hematite.

Shadow Dragons may have diminished in stature, but the shadow stuff that now animates them gives them unnatural fortitude and strange powers. All shadow dragons are serpentine and lithe, and have an effective dexterity of 19. The sinuous agility of a shadow dragon allows them to make constrict attacks with their tail and body, but their insubstantial wings are relatively useless as weapons and do damage as a dragon 4HD smaller than their actual size (a shadow dragon of 4HD or less may not make wing bash attacks at all) and likewise any special attacks with wings are earned or made as if the shadow dragon had 4 less HD.

The breath weapon of a shadow dragon is a cloud of chilling darkness 2/3” inches long and ½” wide and tall for each age category of the dragon. This tangible stuff blinds all within its confines even those that have infravision, and lowers the life energy of all living things to only 25% of their usual vitality (level or HD) for as many turns as the shadow dragon has age categories. On a successful save, 50% of the usual vitality is still lost.

All shadow dragons may hide in shadows and move silently as a 10th level thief.

Shadow dragons are cold loving creatures, and resist the first 5 damage from cold or acid attacks per age category. Shadow dragons are immune to the breath weapon of their kind, and to all attacks and magic which drain life energy. A shadow dragon has 12% magic resistance per age category. Owing to their nature and substance, all shadow dragons may only be harmed by magic weapons.

A shadow dragon’s intelligence is 2 higher than usual for a chromatic dragon up to the adulthood, at which point it is 4 higher than is usual for evil dragons. This gives the shadow dragon proportionately greater chances of acquiring the power of speech and spell-casting ability. A shadow dragon which has acquired the power of speech casts spell as an Illusionist of level equal to ½ of the dragon’s intelligence (rounded down). Those with an intelligence of at least 15 may employ spell-books.

All huge shadow dragons are male, while all small ones are female. There is a 25% chance that any encounter with an adult or older shadow dragon is with a mated pair, with male generally dominating the relationship and bullying the female (which is always smaller and of a lower age category).

Shadow dragons are especial collectors of black and grey gemstones, and as indicated by the treasure type "Q x 20", will have 10-40 such gems in an average horde. When determining the nature of such gems, consult the following table:

RollGemBase Value
01-15Cat’s Eye Scapolite 10 g.p.
16-30Hematite10 g.p.
31-45 Obsidian 10 g.p.
45-60 Jet 10 g.p.
61-65 Black Star Diopside 50 g.p.
66-70 Moonstone 50 g.p.
71-75 Onyx 50 g.p.
76-80 Smoky Quartz 50 g.p.
81-84 Black Garnet 100 g.p.
85-89 Black Tourmaline 100 g.p.
90-93 Grey Spinel 100 g.p.
94-96 Black Pearl 500 g.p.
97-98 Black Opal 1000 g.p.
99 Black Diamond 1000 g.p.
00 Black Sapphire 5000 g.p.

Age Category Small (Female) Normal Huge (Male)
1 III/92 + 2/hp IV/165 + 3/hp IV/165 + 3/hp
2IV/165 + 3/hp IV/280 + 4/hp IV/280 + 4/hp
3 IV/280 + 4/hp IV/430 + 5/hp IV/430 + 5/hp
4 IV/430 + 5/hp V/750 + 6/hp VI/1175 + 8/hp
5 V/750 + 6/hp VI/1175 + 8/hp VI/1825 + 10/hp
6 VI/1300 + 8/hpVII/2000 + 10/hp VIII/3300 + 12/hp
7VII/2000 + 10/hp VIII/3300 + 12/hp IX/6300 + 14/hp
8VIII/3300 + 12/hp VIII/4950 + 14/hp X/11400 + 16/hp
9VIII/3300 + 12/hp IX/6300 + 14/hp XI/16600 + 18/hp
10VIII/4950 + 14/hp X/11400 + 16/hp XI/16600 + 18/hp
[TH colspan="4"]Shadow Dragon Level and XP Value [/TH]
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Simon Miles

Creator of the World of Barnaynia FRPG setting
This is a cracking piece of work and very much mirrors my own thoughts; although I have not invested anywhere near the level of effort in it as you have (respect!). I suggested higher hit-dice and more age categories (and more HP per hit dice) for my dragons, which I wrote up in the GM's Guide to Dunromin (at www.dunrominuniversitypress.co.uk - sorry for the plug) which is pretty similar in concept to your first table, but that's as far as I got. This work is brilliant and an excellent addition to the cannon. Thank-you for sharing!

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