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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Spending Time With Nelvandra

Some other things Respen finds out through conversation:

Respen said:
He ignores the domination, asking questions as well about other vampiric drow and if there are others who support Clare.

Nel says, "Others? What do you mean? Are you implying that Clare is a Vampire? Don't be silly, my pet."

GM: Respen, roll a Sense Motive check.

Respen said:
Do the powers-that-be in drow society know who she is and what she is doing?

Nel replies, "As I said before, she has the Queen's ear. The two of them are close confidants."

Respen said:
...he asks questions about Clare's relationship with her and Ky.

Nel replies, "Aside from being my sister? And aside from taking me under her wing, after our mother forced us to move out of Delzeen Gardens? ...As for Ky, she's a slave that Clare acquired by conquest; a rival of hers from House Vankor tried to assassinate Clare about 15 years ago. It didn't go well; Clare claimed the Right of Vengeance, and the Queen allowed her to attack Vankor Place with her Golem army. The whole city watched from the street and from nearby rooftops, as Clare's Golems laid waste to the whole household. Clare killed Matron Vankor, and took her daughter, Kylaendra, as a slave. Ironically, Ky is another one of those "misfits" among us, whose heart is not completely black. Her mother had forced her to live as a servant, and badly mistreated her for not being able to join the Dark Sisterhood. Even as Clare's slave, her life here is much better than it was under her mother's roof. Clare is in love with her, so she lets her have special privileges. I think she has a lovely singing voice; Ky loves to sing, she does it constantly. Sometimes, she even practices out in the hallway. Clare makes her sing every Godsday, at dinner. Too bad you can't stay an extra day, you'd get to hear it. But I understand that Clare wants you to run an errand for her. I heard her say she was sending you back to the surface. Sounds like fun; I wish I could go with you."


A quick explanation of Days of the Week in the World of Greyhawk:

Greyhawk Day = Our Equivalent:

(Work) Starday = Monday
(Work) Sunday = Tuesday
(Work) Moonday = Wednesday
(Prayer) Godsday = Sunday
(Work) Waterday = Thursday
(Work) Earthday = Friday
(Rest) Freeday = Saturday

Thus, Ky sings at every "Sunday Dinner."

Respen said:
He also looks for literature that might be on bookshelves that might shed light on the Drow, or Clare, or the innate Drow magic that he read about as an apprentice.

Nel has many books on Drow history, that basically boil down to centuries of intrigue, inter-house feuds, political coops, and the like, along with detailed genealogical lineages of the various Drow houses. She also has books like: Gellion's History of the Dark Sisterhood, Green's Anatomy of Illithids, and even a book written by Clare herself, entitled, "Theories on Advanced Construction Methods of Clockwork Constructs, Otherwise Known as Golems."

But Nel doesn't leave you with much time to read them; even when she is not amorous, she loves to lie in bed and talk, or snuggle on the couch, and Respen quickly becomes aware of how desperately lonely she really is.

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Aust Thale

Outwitting the Vampire (without dying...or getting whipped again)

~ An unsettling thought is settling in ~

Despite the nature of his relationship with Nel and the circumstances of their...involvement...he finds her legitimately desirable. He simultaneously desires her, pities her, and slightly fears her.
He knows from their point of view, he should feel honored. However, he highly doubts her attraction to him will remain sans this conditioning put upon her by Dame Clare's machinations. Thus he focuses solely on her needs in order to mute the sick feeling in his stomach at being little more than animal husbandry. Between it and the savage beating taken at the hands of Dame Clare, any indifference, curiosity, or "honest broker" tendencies he might have had coming into this have been wholly replaced by antipathy and a calculating cooperation based solely on self-preservation, and perhaps that of both Nel and Ky. He knows that Clare will use that softness against him should she wish. No moral hazard there. Perhaps he could learn a little from her; he'd have to get past her narcissistic obsession-compulsion with power. He knows intellectually that she is preferable to nearly any other drow; however, the scars on his back remind him that mental bargain is a little like choosing the way one wants to die, preferring cold to fire, or a mace versus the blade.

He knows that she will compel him to retrieve Margull's vampiric library. He also knows that he might well find himself in conflict with Vega at least, and perhaps Margull himself. It dawns on him (see Rolz rolls) that she doesn't have to utilize her vampire powers in this regard. In fact, those powers appear to be more effective the more simple the direction. They are not truly singleness of mind. His time meditating, sleeping, and studying he was able to do provided him with more than additional spells. He is convinced that she will magically compel him to accomplish her goal of getting those books. And that spell will be a) more complicated and b) provide much less room or opportunity to get away if he can.

He digs into the books in Nel's room, quietly digging into Clare's tome on constructs and the book on the sisterhood, all the while looking for advantage, not simply "book learning". He utilizes Nel's library to stack his magical knowledge. He wonders whether these books would return to their spots if he borrower them too long.

Respen has a 'Eureka!" moment. He memorizes Laramon's book return spell, and commits it to memory. Perhaps it will help him.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Additional Info Discovered by Respen

During the course of the 4 days, Respen does get a few chances to walk freely around Clare’s domicile; Iron Golems bar the entrance to four key points, otherwise, there are no guards to be seen anywhere.

Clare’s slaves, which consist mainly of Drow males, but which also include a few Humans, Dwarves, and Gnomes, have the run of the place, just as Respen does. Respen learns, through conversations with them, that they are Clare’s personal buffet; Clare feeds on them when she has need, but is careful not to drain them completely.

One Human slave, named Torrendel, tells Respen that just being touched by Clare makes him tired, but she always casts some sort of spell on him afterward that makes him feel better, even refreshed. He says that he was captured by the Drow as a teenager, during one of their nocturnal surface raids. He says that he was badly treated by his first mistress, but Clare purchased him 4 years ago, and that despite Clare’s feeding habits, overall, life in this household is much easier. His required tasks consist of menial chores, housecleaning, and cooking meals for the other slaves. Torrendel, it seems, is a chef, among other talents. He is also an artist, and has painted several murals for Clare, all of which followed the same theme: sunrises. Sunrises over the ocean, over the mountains, over lush, green hills, over waterfalls, etc.

Torrendel also says that Clare does sometimes kill slaves, but usually only for grievous offenses; escape attempts earn slaves a beating, nothing more. But he knows of at least one instance where a slave took advantage of his privileges, and did serious harm to another slave; the victim nearly died. Clare killed him for that transgression.

“She’s insidious in that regard,” Torrendel says. “She has that young girl come sing to them. The girl must be a bard. She sings, calming them down, like a lullaby. Then Clare takes them into another chamber, and the screaming begins.”

Torrendel relates that he has only seen this happen once, but other, older slaves have told him that she has done things like that many times. “Of course, from what I understand, they often deserved it. It happens a lot to her Drow slaves; they’re so despicable, they often end up commiting some heinous act that draws out her wrath. And the result is always the same: the slaves call it ‘Clare’s Lullaby.’ Those that hear it are never seen again.”
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Supplemental Info For The "Errand."

Quick Note:

Answering some questions you had, as per our conversation at lunch.

1. Yes, you will have a chance to speak with Dame Clare before she sends you on the "errand." Please post any questions or comments you have for her, and word them EXACTLY as you plan to speak them.
2. Yes, Nelvandra wants to go with you on this errand.
3. Yes, Clare says it's OK if Nel tags along.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Questioning Dame Clare, Part Two

Posted on behalf of Respen, as per our email discussion.

~ I wonder if a vampire sleeps, and what she dreams. ~

Sometime during his confinement, as Nel sleeps, Respen picks up her books on constructs and the sisterhood and walks to Dame Clare’s lab. He cringes, still feeling the neuropathy of the savage torture she doled out.

~ Sometimes there is pain. ~ Something his friend Telvin had said back in the Enllaves. Respen decided to suspend his contempt for Dame Clare’s “punishment”. Suffering this bully would serve his purpose, and he would move on as he always had.

He walks to Dame Clare’s lab and speaks to the construct, “I would speak with your master.”

Upon entry, after the obligatory “why are you here” introductions, Respen begins his questions.

To Dame Clare: “I came looking for you for a reason. And my questions are still unanswered. To wit, I have more questions than when I began. I know that this is not an equal relationship. However, I think there is no harm in asking questions, if the answer ‘no’ is the worst response I can expect?
Respen grimaces, thinking of the scars on his back. He rubs the scar over his left shoulder. “Or are you as capricious as common lore suggests?” He says, implying that the question is rhetorical.

Without pausing, he continues, “No, I don’t think so. You are unusual in this regard, aren’t you? You clearly care about your family, though frankly I question your wisdom of putting Nel, your sister, with the likes of me. ” Respen tries his hardest to be humorous and self-deprecating. Humor suits him. The reminder of the beating does not.

“Dame Clare, if I may so bold, and I realize that I am way out of bounds here, but you can do anything that you want. Explore anything you want. Again, a bold presumption on my part, but why on earth with all this experience, skill, and yes, I suppose, power, you find yourself surrounded by two living creatures and the rest constructs? Your Grace, why on earth tie yourself to this…giant coffin underground? You are a vampire; you have no master. You have strikingly few limitations. Perhaps I am become too much the explorer, but we are elves. We live many lives anyway. Why do you still think in terms of the terrestrial? And that question illuminates the questions I wanted to ask you in the first place.”

He pauses for a moment,Who are these True Vampires and where are they? What are you relative to them? Why do you loathe each other? And I suppose this is an opinion question: why, with all of this time, are you all not explorers? It makes little sense to me. It’s what humans would call a waste of time. Perhaps it’s because they have so little of it. But I see their point. ”

As she undoubtedly will become frustrated with his approach, he then asks the punch line, “How did you get here? Do you not dream good dreams anymore?”
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Dame Clare Is Honest And Open With Respen...

Respen said:
"... However, I think there is no harm in asking questions, if the answer ‘no’ is the worst response I can expect? ... “Or are you as capricious as common lore suggests?”

Dame Clare: "I am not capricious; it's not in my nature. I am very careful. I plan every move. I consider every possibility. I weigh every option. I will not punish you for asking questions. Have I ever punished you without just cause? That golem that you and your friends destroyed cost me over 20,000 gold pieces to make. The scars you now carry will serve as a reminder, forevermore, that I am not someone that you want to cross. So you see, your beating wasn't a capricious act in the least; it was a measured response for a grievous offense. It served as both punishment and warning; a single effort, with two results. So you see, it was not only an effective response, but an efficient one as well."

Respen said:
"...though frankly I question your wisdom of putting Nel, your sister, with the likes of me. ”

Dame clare chuckles. "Why so? Simply based on your plain looks? If I wanted to find Nel a physically attractive husband, I could send her any one of my male, Drow slaves, all of whom are handsome in the extreme. But I wanted to find her a suitable mate, a mate with that unique spark, that something special, that special chemistry that would mix well with her creativity, eccentricity, and genius. I wanted to find someone who wouldn't bore her. That sort of person is rare, and quite difficult to find. So imagine my delight when you practically delivered yourself to me."

Respen said:
"Your Grace, why on earth tie yourself to this… giant coffin underground? ...Why do you still think in terms of the terrestrial?"

Dame Clare sighs. "My dear Respen, you are so simple, so straight-forward. I adore that about you. It is true, I have eternity to explore, without the fetters of a mortal body and limited lifespan. Even the lifespan of an Elf is nothing to me. But the surface world is dangerous, for one main reason: the sun. If I go there, I am confined to the night-time hours. That reason, in and of itself, would force me to cut my active time in half. I would be forced to find shelter during the day, and the presence of the sun's power, even if I am hidden from its direct rays, would make me lethargic and tired. I would be forced to sleep. Here, so deep underground, I am free to enjoy every minute of every hour of every day. Here, I do not sleep. So you see, here, I have twice as much opportunity to live, learn, and explore, as you would have it."

Dame Clare approaches you, moving into your personal space, bringing her eyes inches away from yours, and staring at you intently. "And let's not forget; I am a Drow, so the Elves would hate me, and hunt me. I am undead also, so every Priest of Pelor would be looking to cause my destruction. Lastly, because I refuse to follow your laws, and your ideologies, I am labeled as tainted, vile, and evil. In these ways, I am ill-suited to a life within the world from which you hail." She kisses you tenderly, yet briefly. Her touch is chillingly cold, and unnatural, but also pleasantly sensual. "There now, how was that? Did you find that vile? Disgusting? Do I repulse you? Or do I excite you? I suspect it is the latter; but your kind are quick to judge, quick to condemn. So you can keep your surface world, and I will remain here, free, within my giant coffin, as you call it."

Respen said:
"...Who are these True Vampires and where are they? What are you relative to them? Why do you loathe each other?"

Dame Clare smiles, and says, "I am not sure WHO they are, nor WHERE they might be found. The answers to those questions form the main body of my research. I am always trying to find sources of information about them. The fact that you have actually met one of them makes me very envious, perhaps even a little jealous. As for what I am, in relation to them, I would imagine that if you were to ask one of them, I am a disease, a blight, an abomination. They consider themselves apart, even superior. I bear them no ill will; but the last one of their kind I met tried to kill me on sight, unprovoked. I was forced to imprison him. That's another reason that I try now to avoid the surface world, when I can. They might be different, but they can sense my presence all the same. That's why the vast majority of my dealings with the surface are through my minions. Minions are replaceable; my soul and my lifeblood are not."

Respen said:
“How did you get here? Do you not dream good dreams anymore?”

Dame Clare looks thoughtful. "It's funny you should put it that way. I don't sleep, you see, so I haven't dreamt in a long time. But I have daydreams, musings, thoughts; and believe it or not, not all of them are about conquest and power. Happiness for me has long been elusive, the carrot dangled in front of the ass. But if Serindak is successful in his task, that might actually change. I want to be happy, and loved, Respen. I think deep down, everyone does. Even those whose hearts are black and burning with hatred yearn for love, and to be loved. But some of them lose hope, so they bury their feelings deep down, and keep them there, burying them under layer after layer of hate and despair. They forget how to be happy. I burn with the desire for blood, and I live in a world where my continued existence depends upon my ability to conquer and acquire. But I haven't forgotten what happiness is, nor what it feels like. And I still pursue it."

And with that, Clare pauses, watching you closely, waiting to see if you have further questions.
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Aust Thale

Respen Pushes His Luck

~ Perhaps I should get to the point ~

OOC: Respen initiates conversation, through which he asks questions. The conversation can flow less as a series of monologues and more evenly; however, here it will be monologue-ish.

Respen leans in uncomfortably close to Dame Clare during the conversation, attempting to match her confidence, challenging himself to look directly into her eyes (what do vampires smell like?) for any hint of…something other than shrewd and deadly calculation,my curiosity has always been both my delight and undoing. I know that I will fumble this, so I will simply be straightforward. Your Grace, what are you doing here? If you long for love and exploration, why all of this…?Respen pauses, motioning his arms wide to take in the room. Respen is legitimately confused, even vexed.Thank you for sharing your desires to me, but who or what damaged you? Who or what makes your blood boil so much that you, unshackled from terrestrial concerns, are still motivated to coerce your family to be protected while you prepare for war?" He leans in, genuinely interested in her responses and trying to not be swept up by his being this close to her.Might I ask, who were you, your Grace? Before all of this.

Continuing, Respen comments during the conversation. You don’t strike me as a mercenary; that appears too pedestrian, yet you clearly have concerns about currency. Only adventures, kingdoms, and wars require this much currency. Golems are indeed not cheap. Neither are teleporters. It seems rather odd that you would work for someone else, but who is paying for your war?

Respen caresses her cheek in spite of himself, a clumsy attempt at intimacy. He pulls away quickly from her space, realizing that she might not welcome the overture.Forgive me, your Grace.He walks over to her library shelves. He is not entirely sure of himself, and thus is winging it, contemplating his own internal mental monologue and forgetting to shut his mouth.Forgive my questions also; I am drinking from a waterfall at the moment. My head is fogged from Ky’s siren voice, and Nel’s perfect embraces, and you…quite frankly…nearly everything about you. Strange, I should loathe you for maiming me. Yet I do not. It would be nice to be clearheaded for a moment.Respen presses himself to lucidity, and thumbs along one of the bookshelves.Oh but to have a library such as this. How many years did this take to create?

Quickly changing the subject, slightly embarrasses by his behavior.By the way, how many golems do you have? I understand from lore that drow internal politics is, shall we say, animated? Are these your hobby, or do you plan a coup d’état?" (Respen laughs nervously, his remark meant to be both laced with humor and probing) "...Given you have written extensively on the subject, I’d say hobby, perhaps even a full-fledged professorial pursuit. However, given that other than Ky and Nel, the only people you interact with consistently are for sustenance. You keep company more with these golems. It seems that conversation with them appears one-sided." (more nervous humor). "Tough crowd. You should get out more." (he looks for even the faintest hint of a sense of humor.)

Respen walks over to her crystal ball.You have one of those nifty magic orbs. An alchemist’s telescope into the heavens…Respen laughs nervously.I’ll share a little of myself since I’m asking you so many questions. Long story short, I chose to leave a good life as a hunter a very long way from here. My late uncle Auror gave me an opportunity to explore arcane magic. When he passed Oerth, I left. A really long boat ride, and a really long walk later, I am here. My goal was to be mentored by Arcanus, a wizard that my uncle Auror held in high regard. Obviously, I got a little sidetracked. At the rate I am moving, my curiosity, it seems, might be only that which I shall be remembered.Respen is visibly uncomfortable being so forthcoming; he masks it by looking carefully at several shelves in her library for other books who titles or pages he might recognize.

Now, I hunt more broadly; wanderlust, curiosity, magic, immortality, purpose…” He looks wistful. “And as it now appears forced upon me, love and legacy.” He looks back at Dame Clare. “Right. Every bite at the apple? The sweet and the sour.

Respen walks back over toward the ball.Yes indeed. Nifty orb. Does it come in other colors?” Before she can answer, he moves on, “Don’t misunderstand me. Nel is beautiful. And interesting. And certainly above my station. So perhaps I should be grateful. But you forced it nonetheless. Why would you do that?” Again, before she answers, he continues, “you know, she’s as lonely as she is lovely. Ki’s lonely. Hell, you’re lonely."

His countenance changes as Respen focuses and contemplates that his main priority until now was getting out of harm’s way. Now, he realizes what his duty is, and he juxtaposes that with what he can control. It’s time to take a risk and speak truth to power. Respen continues, You don’t need, nor do you probably care about my judgment, so I will simply say it. I know you think you are protecting her, but if you continue on this track, you will lose your sister to loneliness and then despair. My presence won’t fix that; she’ll eventually hate me because she’ll realize it was forced. It won’t matter that it was you that did it, and it won’t matter that I didn’t fight you very much. Children won’t fix it either, despite maternal instincts. And you ought to know by now that Ky can’t fix that for you indefinitely, even with her abilities. You are obviously wise and intelligent enough to understand that. Whatever you are doing, if you doing it for her…for them…you might inquire as to whether they want it, and if they don’t, you should remove them from harm’s way. They aren’t safe. You don’t need additional evidence of that. Fact: I didn’t practically deliver myself to you; I did deliver myself to you. Let’s be clear. You are extremely powerful; I was warned not to trifle with you. However, Ky and Nel are not. And I came in the front door. Succubus? Dusted. Orcs? Green goo. Undead? Pile of charred bones. The clay golem of yours? Eighteen seconds. Your iron golems? Amazing construction. Truly. And one Rust spell or gauntlet from being reduced to a dwarven smith’s anvil. I’m absolutely the least of your worries, but you have me intimately close to the two people you value the most after less than a fortnight. Ironically, they are the purpose and the reason that I am here, alive, and in front of you, willingly and not. And I’m just an impetuous elf.

Respen’s expression deepens, Here is my point. If you have or acquire enemies in your endeavors, Ki, and especially Nel and perhaps a child, they are all at risk, no? Again, I came through the front door. What about the True Ones? You say that they kill regular vampires on sight; that makes conversation kind of tricky. Imagine what they might do to them.

Respen walks to Dame Clare, strokes away her hair, and cups her face in his hands, and then kneels on one knee, taking her hands in his, knowing full well that he may risk her wrath.I am going to take a risk, and I am hopeful that you receive it well. I do not think you are vile nor disgusting. I'd be fortunate to survive a night with you, however, if your sister is any indication." Respen tries to make an awkward joke. "Still, it would be an noteworthy experience."

"From speaking to Nel, I believe that you have it within you to be Eilistraee embodied. I see the look on your face; you have no idea who this is. It’s a legend told among my people that Corellon and Lolth (before she was Lolth) had a daughter, a young goddess who was melancholy and kind, and full of mercy and assistance for all Drow and hopeful for all Elvenkind. She was the mercy to the Mother’s vengeance, and true hope to the Mother’s contempt. You referred to yourself as Aunt Clare, jokingly perhaps. I choose to view this as providential. As long as I am able, I will protect Nel and the child, and I will protect Ky so that you may pursue your efforts among your people. If you do not coerce me. I will listen to your wishes, and I will offer counsel, and I will assist you where I am able. However, I will also speak truth to power. I believe you to be the hope of Eilistraee to your people. Anything is possible.

Respen rises, and he begins to take his leave.Your Grace, I told you that I would not lie to you; and you may count on that honesty, if for nothing else than sparing my life. If you compel or coerce me, I will attempt to escape at the earliest chance I have, and I will go back to my previous life without qualm, care, or mention. Understand that you indeed hold the power. You must choose, at least with me, whether you wish fidelity and trust, or control and manipulation. Hint, if you haven't figured it out, I do the former much better than the latter. I’ll leave you to your thoughts, now. I’m sure you have enough of me for a day.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
More Answers From A Very Talkative Clare

Respen said:
"...Might I ask, who were you, your Grace? Before all of this?"

Dame Clare says, "You mean before I was given the so-called "Dark Gift"? I was a Sorceress, as I still am. But the Gift has given me a new perspective on things. It has sharpened the lens through which I view the world, and broadened the scope of my understanding, and for that, I suppose that I am grateful. But I learned too late that immortality is a greater burden than one would initially suppose. In a way, it grants me a new kind of freedom, but in other ways, it has deepened my sense of despair. It is this impetus that has spurred me into my current course of action. It seems that I must rise to the occasion, and meet the challenge head on, if I am to emerge victorious."

Respen said:
"...It seems rather odd that you would work for someone else, but who is paying for your war?"

Dame Clare says, "Money is a means to an end, to be sure. I have all of eternity to amass a vast fortune, which of course is your point, since none of it needs be spent on my physical needs. I do not eat, nor drink, nor sleep, unless I desire it. Time appears to be on my side, so why don't I just wait out my enemies? Isn't that what you're getting at? You're suggesting that I don't need money to do what I want to do, or to go where I want to go. But you're missing one key element: I don't want to spend all of eternity alone. Companionship, loyalty, love, and devotion, are the things that money cannot buy. It is upon these things that I am focused. I do require some money, in the overall scheme of things, but the money itself is a tertiary concern. If other people were not involved, I would indeed simply wait, and gather my wealth over time. But time is against me, because the people who are important to me need my protection, my oversight, my involvement, now, rather than later, in this moment. The process of my machinations must be sped along, and for that to happen, I need money, and I need it in a timely manner. Thus, I am forced to accept employments of convenience, assignments, and commissions, to pay the bills, as it were. No one is paying for my "war," because my war doesn't exist. Wars are long, bloody, and costly. I am not interested in waging war. I am interested in the forcible application of peace. And while peace is far less bloody, it comes with a hefty price tag; thus, I construct the occasional teleport circle, golem, or miscellaneous magic item for a well-paying customer or two."

Respen said:
"...Strange, I should loathe you for maiming me. Yet I do not."

Dame Clare says, "Of course you don't; you are wise, and you can see that my hand, though merciless in application, is equitable in judgment. You cannot loathe that which you respect... or should I say, that which you desire?" Clare flashes a wicked smile at Respen.

Respen said:
"...Oh but to have a library such as this. How many years did this take to create?"

Dame Clare says, "I acquired the majority of it as an inheritance, when my cousin's concubine, Eldimar, suffered an untimely death when he lost a battle with a Mind Flayer. His library was an excellent seed, which, through my care and attention over the last several hundred years, has grown into a much larger fruit, so to speak."

Respen said:
"...By the way, how many golems do you have?"

Dame Clare chuckles, "I have 49 golems of various types. More than enough to protect me from the animated, internal Drow politics, as you put it. Four of them are more powerful than anyone here has ever seen. Those are my Mithral babies."

Respen said:
"...You keep company more with these golems."

Dame Clare scoffs, and replies, "It is statements like that which show me how little you truly know. But that's good, because my enemies think along the same lines. Let's just say, they have no idea with whom I consort, nor what I am truly up to." Dame Clare cackles with glee, a youthful, giddy cackle, like a kid set loose in a candy store.

Respen said:
"...My goal was to be mentored by Arcanus, a wizard that my uncle Auror held in high regard. Obviously, I got a little sidetracked."

Dame Clare says, "Lord Delbin? I'm impressed. Your uncle must have had connections. I don't suppose you could arrange an introduction for Nel? I've taught her a few things, but I don't have the time to spend with her that she truly deserves. Being an apprentice to the great Demon Killer would temper her talent, like a piece of iron, thrown into the coals of a hot forge. If you don't mind my asking, why aren't you further along? How badly were you sidetracked? And by what, or by whom?"

Respen said:
"...But you forced it nonetheless. Why would you do that?"

Dame Clare says, "Do not judge me, my dear. You think me cruel, perhaps even psychotic, to manipulate and control my own flesh and blood in such a manner. But you only have half the facts. Time is of the essence, my dear. If there was another way, believe me, I would spare my sister this ordeal, this brainwashing. But it will all work itself out in the end, I assure you. Nel's will and sense of autonomy will be restored, and even I, the instigator of it all, will atone for my actions. But first things must come first. Before that can happen, I must be cruel, ruthless, calculating. Only then can I afford the luxury of compassion."

Respen said:
"...You know, [Nel]’s as lonely as she is lovely. Ky’s lonely. Hell, you’re lonely."

Dame Clare says, "Right you are; and I have already said as much. Which is one of the reasons that I'm so glad of your arrival. Your attentions to Nel can alleviate some of that. As for Ky and myself, our remediation will take a different form. Especially for me. You see, for Vampires, love is a completely different proposition; it is far less sensual, and far more emotional and sentimental. You might say that it's the one saving grace that comes from being transformed into such a monster. As a Vampire, I have learned to love on an emotional level, rather than on a physical one. Physical sensuality can still be accomplished in this fabulously beautiful form of mine, but it no longer satisfies my desires. For me, passion lies within; it lies within the mind, and within the soul. The flesh is weak, compared to the mind, and to the spirit; flesh is mortal, corruptible, transient, insignificant. True passion comes from the soul, and true sentiment and inspiration comes from the imagination. You can't kill an idea, nor can you kill the love or the passion that fuels it. Therein lies true immortality. Therefore, because I understand this, and because I understand that this way of thinking is not the norm, and that it takes a long time for most people to accept, I forced you upon Nel, because although neither of you can see it, you are both the best possible match for one another. Your physical forms and base, lustful desires have very little to do with it. As for the consequences of my actions, I am willing to face them, in due time."

Respen said:
"...she’ll eventually hate me because she’ll realize it was forced."

Dame Clare nods and says, "You're probably right, in a way; I know my sister, you see, better than anyone; it's possible that she'll hate me for what I did. But I'm willing to risk her ire, because if my plans succeed, this whole ordeal will serve the greater good. Ironic, isn't it? Here I am, the epitome of cruelty, the antithesis of life, harmony, and the natural order, and I'm talking about the greater good. Believe me, such things are not lost upon me. As for you, I think you'll be surprised. It's just a hunch, an instinct, but somehow, I have the feeling everything will work out between the two of you. But be careful, my dear; like I said before, she's ruthless, cunning, treacherous, and unpredictable. If she comes to think of you as hers, you'd best not ever do anything to challenge that notion."

Respen said:
"...Ky, and especially Nel, and perhaps a child, they are all at risk, no? What about the True Ones? You say that they kill regular vampires on sight; that makes conversation kind of tricky. Imagine what they might do to them."

Dame Clare replies, "You are correct, they will need protection. And I would not be so foolish as to rely upon a golem to ensure their safety. You seriously misjudge me; my golems are tools. I have ways to protect Ky, and Nel, and Nel's future children. And the plans for their safety has nothing to do with my golems. ALSO: don't make the mistake of believing that all of my creations are as easily dealt with as Number 14 was. He was never intended for combat. He was designed for hard labor, and for reconnaissance. But that's a story for another day. Getting back to the subject, Ky and Nel's protection has nothing to do with the golems, and everything to do with YOU, my dear."


Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Clare's Monstrous Embrace

Respen said:
Respen walks to Dame Clare, strokes away her hair, and cups her face in his hands...

Dame Clare rewards Respen with a long, sensual kiss. She bites him on the tongue, hard enough to draw blood, which she playfully consumes, all the while continuing to kiss him.

Respen said:
"...I do not think you are vile nor disgusting. I'd be fortunate to survive a night with you... it would be an noteworthy experience."

Dame Clare bites Respen on the neck, saying, "Be still, my sweet."

Respen obeys. In the space of only a few seconds, Clare drains a moderate portion of blood from her would-be suitor.

GM: Respen: the experience is euphoric. You can feel your life force slipping away under Clare's icy embrace, and yet, you are filled with an overwhelming desire to let her take even more. You are swooning in her embrace, in a wave of ecstasy, overcome with physical pleasure, and sensual desires.

Blood Drain: 1d4 CON per round.
Clare will spend 1 round (6 seconds) drinking.
Result: (1d4) = 1 point.
Temporary CON score: 17 (Down from 18)

Clare releases Respen, and smiles at him, his blood drooling from the corners of her mouth. "Arcanum Restoratu," she whispers.

Limited Wish (No xp cost to duplicate 4th level spell, Restoration.)

When a limited wish duplicates a spell that has an XP cost, you must pay that cost or 300 XP, whichever is more.
(Restoration does not have an xp cost.)

When a limited wish spell duplicates a spell with a material component that costs more than 1,000 gp, you must provide that component.
(Restoration requires only 100 gp. worth of diamond dust, therefore, no component need be provided.)

Respen's CON is restored to 18.

Dame Clare giggles mischievously, "Was that as good for you as it was for me?" She then gives Respen another long, bloody kiss.

Respen: As you feel your strength returning to you, you have the sudden, sobering realization that you are indeed playing with fire! But your prediction was true, nonetheless: it was indeed a noteworthy experience.

Respen said:
"...From speaking to Nel, I believe that you have it within you to be Eilistraee embodied. I see the look on your face; you have no idea who this is."

Dame Clare smiles, and retorts, "I beg to differ. Eilistraee is well-known to me; it would appear that some of your ancestors have crossed the veil, and visited other spheres. You are indeed a child of fate, descended from worthy ancestral origins, destined for greatness. I have chosen well. Knowledge of other spheres is not easy to come by. The Drow in that sphere are luckier than the ones who live here; Eilistraee is a beacon of hope for them, a ray of light in a sea of darkness, a chance at redemption for all Drow that heed her call; but here, in our sphere, where her presence is only hearsay and legend, darkness reigns supreme. I am flattered that you believe me to be the shining hope for my kind; I shall endeavor to prove worthy of your idealistic vision. I don't know if I can redeem my race, but I do intend leave my mark upon them. When I am done with the Drow, there will be a new structure to things. I intend to bring order to chaos."

Respen said:
"...As long as I am able, I will protect Nel and the child, and I will protect Ky so that you may pursue your efforts among your people."

Dame Clare says, "Look at you, so sweet and trusting, even after I have tasted your lifeblood. I will take you up on your offer to protect Nel and the child. But you can leave Ky to me. She plays an integral role in my immediate, future plans."

Respen said:
"...You must choose, at least with me, whether you wish fidelity and trust, or control and manipulation."

Dame Clare says, "Fidelity? Really? You'd swear loyalty to me? Let us test this premise."

Clare releases Respen from Mental Domination!

Clare walks over to The Orb of Errinder, and waves her hand over it, bringing it to life, as it begins to pulse with an eerie, red light.

Dame Clare says, "On your knees, then, and swear your oath. Know that your words shall be chronicled by The Orb, recorded in your own voice, for perpetuity. A portion of your soul shall enter The Orb as you swear your loyalty, and I will be able to cast spells upon you, using The Orb as a conduit. This is a supreme act of trust my dear, for if I were to intend ill toward you, I could use The Orb to strike you down without ever leaving my study. Show me this fidelity of yours, and claim your reward."

RESPEN: Clare is watching you intently. What do you do?

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