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(he, him)
Yesterday I finished with chapter 2 (for extremely small values of "finished"), so today we look at Chapter 3. While my Epic feats are very different from ELH epic feats, my Legendary feats are much closer - and as I typed that, I was wondering if I should have named them the other way around, but there is a good reason for the feats to be that way around: My Epic feats are exclusive to and the main building block of Epic characters, whereas Legendary feats are neither of those things (anyone with at least 21 HD can take them - dragons, titans, etc).

There are 14 of these. All are simpler than any Epic feat, and several of the do what they say on the tin and do not really require much in the way further comment: Additional Magic Item Space, Armour Skin, Distant Shot, Dragon Wild Shape, Extra Domain, Magical Beast Wild Shape, Oversize Wild Shape, and Undersize Wild Shape.

Several of these are based directly on ELH epic feats, although even here there is a bit of merging going on. As a general principle, these are also one and done, with either decent bonuses right off the bat or scaling bonuses, rather than the take-it-a-bunch-of-times factor of some ELH feats (their version of Armour Skin for example IIRC). The only exception in the above list is Additional Magic Item Space, which you can take once per item slot.

And now it is bed time, so I will get onto the feats that have a bit more to say about them tomorrow.

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(he, him)
The first feat not included in the list in the previous post is Bulwark of Defence. This increases the bonuses from Defensive Stance, similar to (but lesser than) Epic Rage. It give lesser bonuses because, while Rage was upgraded significantly in PF1, Defensive Stance was not (also it is that ability of AFAIK one prestige class rather than being the signature ability of multiple base classes). And that in turn is why it is a Legendary Feat rather than Epic. TBH, the only reason I included it at all is that it is pretty much a direct port of the ELH feat of the same name - otherwise I would probably never have thought of it.

Enhance Spell is upgraded slightly from its ELH origins. Since a metamagic feat to upgrade the cap for damage already existst pre-Epic in PF1, this needed a little somethign extra. So I decided that that something extra was that it works for any capped applications of caster level, not just damage.
  • There is a typo in the prereqs: "of" should be "or".

Since we are talking metamagic, I will jump ahead to Magnify Spell. This is a new name for what the ELH calls Intensify Spell - since the latter is a bit close to Intensified Spell. As is common amongst these feats, I made the prereqs somewhat less extreme, and I also tweaked the interation with other metamagic effects slightly.

That will do for now. Next time, Expanded Spell Knowledge.



(he, him)
That will do for now. Next time, Expanded Spell Knowledge.
This is based on the ELH feat Spell Knowledge. I cannot remember why I renamed it; maybe I just thought it sounded better. Anyway, it works more or less like the original (adding two spells to your spells known), except that it is not limited to arcane spells. When the ELH was published, probably the only people who would want to use it would be arcane but times change - both divine casters who do not know their whole list, and casters who are neither arcane nor divine exist now. I also made this count as Spell Mastery for classes that care about that kind of thing, but those classes are probably still not going to be interested most of the time.

This is an incremental feat, with a rising Int prereq. An Int increase of two takes four levels for Epic characters, but they only get a general feat slot every three levels, effectively making it a six-level increment. Not sure how I feel about that - I might make it character level or caster level instead.

Also an Incremental feat (with a caster-level increment this time) is Familiar Spell. Apart from adjusting the prereqs as usual, this is a straight port from the ELH with just a bit of rewording.

And that is actually it for the feats in this chapter. Next step is probably to review what could be or needs to be added (I feel like there was something that came up earlier in the thread, but I cannot immediately find it. What I might do next is go through all the feats in the ELH and remind myself where they ended up (or did not).



(he, him)
Right, the first ten feats from the ELH (largely because that seems to be the limit on table rows) and what I decided to do with them (as far as I can recall):

Additional Magic Item SpaceLegendary feat. Minor tweaks.
Armour SkinLegendary feat. Made scaling rather than re-takable
Augmented AlchemyDropped due to being unimpressive. Need an Epic Alchemy feat, but it probably will not look much like this one.
Automagic X SpellRolled into Automatic Metamagic Epic feat.
Bane of EnemiesNot currently implemented. Could be rolled into an Epic feat to support higher-level rangers maybe. EDIT: Although I am not keen on hatred as a power source, so I may have left it out deliberately.
Beast CompanionWent away due to beast not being a type any more.
Beast Wild ShapeWent away due to beast not being a type any more.
Blinding SpeedBulked to form core of Blinding Speed Epic feat.
Bonus DomainBecame Extra Domain legendary feat.
Bulwark of DefenceLegendary feat. Minor tweaks.

Some food for thought there. Next ten in the next post.

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(he, him)
Next ten in the next post.
Chaotic RageRage power accessed through Epic Rage.
Colossal Wild ShapeRolled into Oversize Wildshape legendary feat.
Combat ArcheryNot currently represented. Could become a Legendary feat, or maybe part of an Epic feat
Craft Epic XRolled into Epic Crafter feat.
Damage ReductionDropped due to being boring numbers (although Epic Rage does give boosts to DR while raging).
Deafening SongPerformance accessed via Epic Performer.
Death of EnemiesNot currently implemented. Could be rolled into an Epic feat to support higher-level rangers maybe. Although I am not keen on hatred as a power source, so I may have left it out deliberately.
Devastating CriticalNot directly implemented. Epic Criticals and Epic Warrior have crit-related stuff, but no direct save-or-die. Maybe roll various martial save-or-dies together somehow?
Dexstrous Fortitude and Dextrous WillDropped due to being weird (and not in a good way).
Diminutive Wild ShapeEDIT: Partly rolled into Undersize Wildshape, although diminutive animal forms are already available to PF1 druids (from 8th level!) EDIT2: Although not the non-animal forms, so it probably needs editing.

More food for thought.

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(he, him)
Continuing with the ELH feats:

Dire ChargeDropped for now, partly becase there are already several ways to get pounce in PF1 and partly because I do not want to encourage full attacks any more than they already are.
Distant ShotLegendary feat. Minor tweaks.
Dragon WildshapeLegendary feat. Reworded as befits the changes to Wildshape and polymorph in PF1. Prereqs toned down less than average.
Energy ResistanceLike DR, this does not feel like a generic feat to me, and besides it is just numbers. Dropped.
Enhance SpellLegendary feat. Minor tweaks.
Epic DodgeBoring numbers. Dropped.
Epic EnduranceBoring numbers. Dropped.
Epic FortitudeChanged from a flat numerical bonus to something a little more interesting, and bulked up to become Epic feat.
Epic InspirationBoring Numbers. Dropped and replaced with Epic Performer.
Epic LeadershipDropped due to being a gargantuan can of worms I dit not want to get into!

The only thing that springs to mind here is the possibility of a charge-based feat. But almost certainly not full attack based, so I am not sure what it would do instead.



(he, him)
Ten more ELH feats:

Epic ProwessJust hell no!
Epic ReflexesChanged from a flat numerical bonus to something a little more interesting, and bulked up to become Epic feat.
Epic ReputationBoring numbers. Dropped.
Epic Skill FocusBoring numbers. Dropped.
Epic SpeedDropped, although the Blinding Speed Epic feat includes a reduced version
Epic Spell FocusBoring numbers. Dropped.
Epic Spell PenetrationBoring numbers. Dropped.
Epic SpellcasterBecame Cosmic Spellcaster. Epic Spellcaster is something else (mostly)
Epic ToughnessTemporarily became part of Epic Defences, before I dropped that for being boring numbers (and a feat tax to boot).
Epic Weapon FocusBoring numbers. Dropped.

Nothing much to add here, except to mention that I need to actually write the Cosmic Spellcasting chapter.

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(he, him)
Yet more ELH feats:

Epic WillChanged from a flat numerical bonus to something a little more interesting, and bulked up to become Epic feat.
Exceptional DeflectionDropped for now. Might add it back later.
Extended Life SpanRolled in to general Epic benefits and also Epic Fortitude.
Familiar SpellLegendary feat. Minor tweaks.
Fast HealingDropped for now. Might add it back later.
Fine Wild ShapeRolled into Undersize Wild Shape.
Forge Epic RingRolled into Epic Crafter.
Gargantuan Wild ShapeRolled into Oversize Wild Shape.
Great Charisma (etc)Exascerbates widening the gap. Dropped.
Great SmitingNot currently represented. Not sure what to do with this one.


Voidrunner's Codex

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