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Pantheon of Deities and Demigods

Halina, Goddess of Fertility
The Great Mother, The Blessed Provider

Enworldian Greater Deity
Symbol: A baby lying in a basket of wheat
Home Plane: The Blessed Fields of Elysium
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Fertility in nature and crops, Conception, Birth.
Worshippers: Farmers, Conceiving couples, midwives
Cleric Alignments: N, LG, NG, CG.
Domains: Good, Healing, Plant, Sun
Favored Weapon: Sickle

Halina is worshiped by farmers, who believe she blesses their crop with a healthy growth each year. She is also worshiped by pregnant and conceiving couples, and midwives. Halina is believed to appear as a farmer, sometimes pregnant, usually carrying wheat or some other crop.

Followers of Halina teach that the creation of life in any form is precious and something to be celebrated. They teach that all things have their place in life, as the life and eventual death of many plants leads to a longer healthy life in other creatures. While not pacifists, followers of Halina strongly oppose the unnecessary killing of any creature. They often make the most out of animals used for food, making sure no part goes to waste, and no more are killed than necessary.

Halina’s worshipers often pray for her blessings before planting a crop by burning one seed of each crop planted, and throw a celebratory festival after the harvest (One of the most well known festivals is held at the town of Covington, a town about 7 days south west of Orussus just off the river Grellgo). Couples and midwives will often light a white candle in the name of Halina.

Some legends post Halina being the mother to both Verdante and Ulura, with each god taking some small part of Halina's domain from their mother's teachings.

-Created by Bront

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While there are many theories of creation of Enworld, one of the more well known of them is the tale of the conflict between Gundar and Halor. As the tales go, Gundar crafted the earth, and invited the gods to join in his creation under his guidance. Halor, Gundar's brother, became jealous of the power and control that Gundar had over the world and the other gods. In a great conflict, Halor crafted the skies and tried to have them swallow the earth in pure and total chaos. The two gods fought, and the world was ravaged and torn asunder, till Gundar placed what was left on the back of the Enworldphant, which was too large for the sky to swallow.

While many discount this as a simple legend, and this is rarely taught by either god's followers, it is a popular and well known tale. What is known is that Gundar and Halor are powerful deities and brothers in great conflict, and worshipers of both gods can be found across Enworld.

Gundar, God of the Earth
The High King, The Creator

Enworldian Greater Deity
Symbol: A Lion's head carved into a mountain.
Home Plane: Varies
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: The Earth, Order, Creation
Worshippers: Leaders, Druids, Craftsmen, Builders, Those seeking structure in life.
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, LE
Domains: Law, Earth, Strength, Creation, Artiface
Favored Weapon: Warhammer

Gundar is worshiped by those who strive to give order as well as those who make order out of chaos. Leaders, Crafters, Builders, and others looking to create structure in the world. Druids also worship him for his connection to the earth and the world. Gundar is never known to have appeared on the world, but is often depicted as an older but stronger man, whose face has the look of contemplation.

Followers of Gundar teach of his ties to the earth, and discipline in life. They teach that creating things is the way to bring order to the chaos of life, and priests are often local craftsmen as well. Temples dedicated to Gundar are always well built, and often ornately done as well. Worshipers of Gundar tell the story of creation, but they tell it more as a demonstration of Gundar’s potential power, and generally it is taught that while it is not necessarily true, it is a possibility, and well within the realm of Gundar’s powers.

Granted Power: Cast conjuration (creation) spells at +2 caster level. (Those with access to both the Artifice and Creation domains cast conjuration (creation) spells at +3 caster level.)
Creation Domain Spells

Spell Name		Brief Description
1 Create Water		Creates 2 gallons/level of pure water.
2 Minor Image		As silent image, plus some sound.
3 Create Food and Water	Feeds three humans (or one horse)/level.
4 Minor Creation	Creates one cloth or wood object.
5 Major Creation	As minor creation, plus stone and metal.
6 Heroes’ Feast		Food for one creature/level cures and grants combat bonuses.
7 Permanent Image	Includes sight, sound, and smell.
8 True Creation		Creates permanent nonmagical object.
9 Genesis		Creates a small demiplane.

True Creation
Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Creation 8
Components: V, S , M, X P
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: 0 ft.
Effect: Unattended, nonmagical object of nonliving matter, up to 1 cu. ft./level
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The caster creates a nonmagical, unattended object of any sort of matter. Items created are permanent and cannot be negated by dispelling magics or negating powers. For all intents and purposes, these items are completely real. The volume of the item created cannot exceed 1 cubic foot per caster level. The caster must succeed at an appropriate skill check to make a complex item.

Unlike the items brought into being by the lower-level spells minor creation and major creation, objects created by the casting of true creation can be used as material components.

XP Cost: The item’s gold piece value in XP, or a minimum of 1 XP, whichever is more.

Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Creation 9
Components: V, S , M, X P
Casting Time: 1 week (8 hours/day)
Range: 180 ft.
Effect: A demiplane on the Ethereal Plane centered on your location
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell creates an immobile, finite plane with limited access - a demi-plane.

Demiplanes created by this power are very small, minor planes. A character can cast this spell only on the Ethereal Plane. When he or she casts it, a local density fluctuation precipitates the creation of a demiplane. At first, the demiplane grows at a rate of a 1-foot-radius per day to an initial maximum radius of 180 feet as the fledgling plane draws substance from surrounding ethereal vapors and protomatter or astral ectoplasm.

The character determines the environment in the demiplane when he or she first casts genesis, reflecting most any desire he or she can visualize. The caster determines factors such as atmosphere, water, temperature, and the shape of the general terrain. However, the spell cannot create life, nor can it create construction. If desired, these must be brought in by some other fashion.

Once the basic demiplane reaches its maximum size, the character can continue to cast this spell to enlarge the demiplane if he or she is inside the boundaries of the demiplane. In such a case, the radiusof the demiplane increases by 60 feet for each subsequent casting.

If the spell is cast again while outside an existing demi-plane, the casting creates a separate bubble that does not touch or overlap any previously created demiplane.

XP Cost: 5,000 XP.

Granted Power: Gain +4 bonus on Craft checks. The character casts conjuration (creation) spells at +1 caster level. (Those with access to both the Artifice and Creation domains cast conjuration [creation] spells at +3 caster level.)

Artifice Domain Spells
Spell Name		Brief Description
1 Animate Rope		Makes a rope move at your command.
2 Wood Shape		Rearranges wooden objects to suit you.
3 Stone Shape		Sculpts stone into any shape.
4 Minor Creation	Creates one cloth or wood object.
5 Fabricate		Transforms raw materials into finished items.
6 Major Creation	As minor creation, plus stone and metal.
7 Hardening		Increases hardness of target by 1 per 2 levels.
8 True Creation		Creates permanent non-magical object.
9 Prismatic sphere	As prismatic wall, but surrounds on all sides.

Level: Sor/Wiz 6, Artifice 7
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: One item of a volume no greater than 10 cu. ft./level (see text)
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (object)

This spell increases the hardness of materials. For every two caster levels, increase by 1 the hardness of the material targeted by the spell. This hardness increase improves only the material’s resistance to damage. Nothing else is modified by the improvement.

The hardening spell does not in any way affect resistance to other forms of transformation.

This spell affects up to 10 cubic feet per level of the spellcaster.

If cast upon a metal or mineral, the volume is reduced to 1 cubic foot per level.

Halor, God of the Sky
The Sky King, The Grand Suvayor

Enworldian Greater Deity
Symbol: The moon moving in to eclipse the sun (Think the mastercard logo with the moon over the sun)
Home Plane: Varies
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: The Sky (Sun, Moon, Stars), Weather, Chaos
Worshippers: Sailors, Druids, Astrologers, Those seeking chaos in life.
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, CE
Domains: Chaos, Air, Sun, Darkness, Weather
Favored Weapon: Rapier

Halor is worshiped by those who work under the sky, particularly sailors, astrologers, and druids. Halor is also worshiped by those who challenge the established authority, justly or not. Halor is often depicted as an elf with wings, flying high in the sky.

Worshipers of Halor tell the story of creation, but with a twist. In their version, Gundar was a strict and oppressive ruler, and Halor led the uprising against him among the gods. It is told to teach that order is not always right, as well as to inspire those of Halor’s power as a god. They make no commitment as to the truth of the tale however.

Granted Power: Survival is a class skill.

Weather Domain Spells
Spell Name		Brief Description
1 Obscuring Mist	Fog surrounds you.
2 Fog Cloud		Fog obscures vision.
3 Call Lightning	Calls down lightning bolts (3d6 per bolt) from sky.
4 Sleet Storm		Hampers vision and movement.
5 Ice Storm		Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. across.
6 Control Winds		Change wind direction and speed.
7 Control Weather	Changes weather in local area.
8 Whirlwind		Cyclone deals damage and can pick up creatures.
9 Storm of Vengeance	Storm rains acid, lightning, and hail.

- Created by Bront/Domains based on SRD
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Pantheon of the Goblinoids
The pantheon of the goblinoid races primarily consists of two deities that originally were one, Shural-Kazi. That deity suffered a terrible wound while imprisoning the evil deity Taurusk, and that wound festered to become a dark personality inside Shural-Kazi, until they finally split into Shural and KaziKazi

Lord Jade, the Resolute One

Enworldian Lesser Deity
Symbol: A goblin with a long white beard and a peaceful mien, holding a hammer in one hand.
Home Plane: Peaceable Kingdom of Arcadia.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral.
Portfolio: Mountain goblins, architecture, reason and rationalism.
Worshippers: Mountain goblins, builders.
Cleric Alignments: LN, LG, LE.
Domains: Earth, Knowledge, Law, Protection.
Favored Weapon: "Greyhand" (hammer, light or war).

Shural is the aspect most similar to the original deity, Shural-Kazi. He is patron of the clever mountain goblins as well as an inspiration for the great city-builders and architects of times past. Shural encourages the use of reason and skepticism, and believes that all foes (physical or metaphorical) may be overcome by learning to understand them and their weaknesses. He prizes efficiency in action and grace in form, and demands a code of personal honor among his followers.

Frenzy-Caller, Broken Face

Enworldian Lesser Deity
Symbol: A twisting, full-toothed goblinoid sneer.
Home Plane: Infinite Layers of the Abyss.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil.
Portfolio: Goblins, tunneling, animalistic vengeance.
Worshippers: Goblins and goblinoids, evil berserkers.
Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE.
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Strength, War.
Favored Weapon: "Smashtooth" (pick, heavy or light).

Kazikazi is the aspect that broke from Shural-Kazi when a faction of the greater deity's goblins originally rebelled. He is the ruler over the 'lower' goblins now, and spurs his followers to wild attacks and crazed bloodlust. Kazikazi encourages the digging of tunnels and warrens, and hates the surface world and the light. He would see his followers ruling over the world from the underground, if he had the organization to do it. Kazikazi's name is often shouted during the swarming raids of his worshippers.

- Created by Wizwyrm
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Pantheon of the Drow

Enworldian Lesser Drow Deity
Symbol: A black widow spider
Home Plane: Wondering the underdark
Alignment: Neutral Evil.
Portfolio: Manipulation through sex. Treachery and deceit
Worshippers: Matriarchal Drow Communities.
Cleric Alignments: LE, NE, CE.
Domains: Evil, Trickery, Magic
Favored Weapon: "Poison Ring"
Drow goddess of feminine power especially as it refers to manipulation and magic. Lilitu is the fabled "first drow" wife of the demon prince Mishtuli. Because of their forbidden love he was sent into the underworld to live in torment while Lilitu wondered the desert trying to find the entrance. Finding the entrance into the cavernous underdark she wanders still searching out her demon prince to try and free him or at least share in his torment forever. She is a beutifull and seductive looking Drow woman from the waist up. From the waist down she is a black widow spider.

Enworldian Lesser Drow Deity
Symbol: Black broken arrow
Home Plane: The underworld
Alignment: Chaotic Evil.
Portfolio: Killing for sport and amusement. Assassins.
Worshippers: Patriarchal Drow communities.
Cleric Alignments: LE, NE, CE.
Domains: War, Darkness, Evil
Favored Weapon: Long bow

Mishtuli is the prince of all demons in Drow cosmology. He represents the power of the masculine, especially as it pertains to war and destruction. He is a hunter with the head of a Dire wolf cloaked in darkness carrying a great dark longbow. According to tradition he is condemned to the underworld awaiting the end of the world when he will be permitted by the lawful gods to cover the earth in darkness. He is married to the fabled "first Drow" Lilitu.

The symbol of Mishtuli is a broken black arrow.

-Created by spycat
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Zephos, God of the Dead, Shepherds
Shepherd of the Dead, The Shepherd

Enworldian Greater Deity
Symbol: A Crossed pair of Shepherds Crooks
Home Plane: ???
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Death, Shepherds, Leadership
Worshippers: Morticians, Shepherds, Leaders, those who've lost someone close.
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, LE
Domains: Repose, Law, Protection, Travel
Favored Weapon: Shepherds Crook (Quarterstaff)

Note: Worshipers of Zephos always Turn undead (even Evil ones), and may never command or summon undead.

Zephos, Shepherd of the Dead, and Husband of Halina (though they do not claim to have any children together). Zephos is also refered to simply as The Shepherd (capital T, capital S). Zephos is worshiped as the one who collects the souls and leads them to the afterlife, much like a shepherd leads his flock of sheep. Souls under the care of Zephos are protected from harm, and led onward when it is time. When a soul is recalled, Zephos resists only the unnatural calling of undeath.

Zephos' followers regard the undead as abominations and a mockery of their beliefs, and therefore all turn undead and refuse to raise or control them in any way. Priests of Zephos who do are immediately outcast from the priesthood, and many lose their connection to their deity.

Zephos is also looked upon with respect by Shepherds and other animal herders, and worshiped by them as well. Much like Zephos leads his souls, his worshipers lead their flock (people or animals), giving them proper direction and guidance, and keeping them safe from harm and outside influences.

Those wishing to offer their friends and loved one safe passage will often offer some small donation to Zephos, and many will bury or burn their bodies with a small bit of wool, to attract the attention of The Shepherd.

-Created by Bront
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Azwan, God of War and Nobility
Liberator of the Gods

Enworldian Intermediate Deity
Symbol: A shield with four part crest split, with the colors Red, Purple, Yellow, and Blue.
Home Plane: ???
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Nobility, Leadership, War, Freedom from Tyrany
Worshippers: Nobility, Warriors, Freedom Fighters
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, LN
Domains: War, Nobility, Liberation, Law
Favored Weapon: Warhammer

Azwan is the god of war, particularly war conducted honorably, as well as rule by righteous nobility. Many nobles of all beliefs worship Azwan, though those of tyrannical rule often fear his true believers. Generals and knights often follow Azwan as well, or at least pay him service. Azwan is also a common deity for Paladins.

Azwan is believed to have fought to maintain proper order among the gods, and has even defended the evil gods when it was deemed honorable and correct to do so. His worshipers tell a story of a time when the gods had seemed to abandon Enworld, when Azwan arose to liberate the gods from a confinement to allow them to return to influence the world. The exact nature of or the gods held in this confinement seem to vary from story to story, but no other church disputes this. Azwan is also said to have played a part in the confining of Taurusk to the Labyrinth, though again, his part in that is unclear.

Azwan's followers believe that honor in war is just as important as the war itself. Azwan's followers are rarely those seeking power for selfish and vile reasons, as much as they are those seeking to maintain a rightful power, or to overthrow an abusive or tyrannical one.

Dedications to Azwan often including accepting or offering an honorable surrender in his name, swearing fealty to a proper lord in his name, or simply defending those who cannot defend themselves. It is customary for warriors to receive a blessing from a priest of Azwan before heading into battle, and to give some small donation at such times.

One of the more confusing aspects of Azwan is his stance on freedom. It is generally accepted that he supports those who stand up against false rulers as well as tyrannical rule. There has been some interpretation of this as followers fighting for personal freedom, and as a result, many worshipers are more aware of personal freedoms than they might otherwise be, though it is not a direct aspect of the deity.

-Created by Bront
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Galatea, Goddess of the Waters
The Blue Lady, The Dolphin Queen, The Azure Calm, The Soothing Mist, The Flow that Connects us All

Enworldian Greater Deity
Symbol: A gentle drop of water that becomes a mighty ocean as it falls
Home Plane: ???
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Water, Oceans, Serenity, Gentle Sea Creatures, Commonality of all People and Animals, Soothing Healing, Calm Change that is not Radical
Worshippers: Merfolk and other Good-aligned aquatic races, Intelligent sea animals, Nymphs, Fisherman, those praying for bountiful water or rain
Cleric Alignments: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good
Domains: Water, Good, Weather, Healing, Animal
Favoured Weapon: Snare of Morpheus(a Net that puts her enemies into a peaceful slumber), Harpoon of Proteus (a Shortspear that has a strange sapphire at the end instead of a metal tip. The sapphire transforms those it touches)

Galatea is an ancient goddess composed entirely of water. Her true form is completely liquid, though she often shapes herself in the form of a female entity made of water. She also enjoys taking the shape of a dolphin, a mermaid, a sea elf, a human, or an elf, always female. Her form shifts fluidly like the water of which she is made.

Galatea promotes peace among intelligent beings, and her texts teach tolerance of those who are different. The sacred texts hearken back to long ago, when they claim that there was no land on Enworld, and everything was water. Then when land appeared, creatures began to learn how to walk on land and changed, all from a common source in the water. Even later, some land animals returned to the water and became dolphins. Because they are such perfect examples of Galatea's philosophy, the dolphins are her favourite from among her many animal friends. Galatea also points out that all living creatures share the fact that they are mostly composed of water, and so the water within us all forms a bond of kinship and harmony.

Galatea's clerics are more likely to be diplomats or healers than warriors, but some strive to defeat unnatural beings, which Galatea believes are blights in a land of peace. She particularly despises aberrations, the twisted forms of what were once beautiful creatures, and so she cannot stand Ahrianna. She also considers undead to be an abomination, though to a lesser extent than aberrations, but her clerics are not afraid to destroy those lifeless menaces. She is very close to her son Delanor, and she is cordial to her granddaughter Shurassa despite their opposing influence on water.

Temples of Galatea on the land are often positioned above healing springs, as these are seen to perfectly emphasise Galatea's soothing influence, and the clerics there are often skilled masseuses. Underwater, temples are often built in spots where there is natural sunlight, as the clerics enjoy the beauty of the sunrise.

-Created by Rystil Arden
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Espranachtis, Goddess of Corruption
The Dark Lady, The Queen of Shadow, The Creeping Malignance, The Heart of Darkness

Enworldian Greater Deity
Symbol: A blackened heart radiating dark power, sometimes Espranachtis's clergy members will also use corrupted symbols of other deities
Home Plane: ???
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Corruption, Descent into Evil, The Void of Darkness, Amphousa's Portfolio, Disnomia's Portfolio
Worshippers: Evil people and monsters, Traitors, Schemers, Villains, Those who seek power, Those whose hearts are full of Avarice or Lust
Cleric Alignments: LE, NE, CE
Domains: Evil, Darkness, Trickery, Charm, Corruption, Temptation
Favoured Weapon: Tendril of Darkness (Dagger)

Espranachtis is an ancient evil deity in ENWorld. Her sacred texts tell that she was formed of the dark void of nothingness, before the world was even created. Angered by the act of creation and by the irritating and inimical goodness of some of its inhabitants, Espranachtis nonetheless delighted in the dark secrets and desires of mortals—she fed off these things and became more than a semi-sentient dark void. She became a goddess who began to take a shape more comprehensible to mortal eyes, but her unquenchable desire to restore the darkness of oblivion remained. She began a self-appointed crusade to corrupt the inhabitants of ENWorld and bring about a greater darkness, thus surrounding herself in the pleasurable corruption of blackened hearts and souls.

But she couldn't do it alone. Few would choose to worship a being of such unrelenting evil, and so she formed two aspects, wholly anthropomorphic daughters who could relate much more closely to human desires, and into her two daughter-aspects, she poured all the dark baleful blackness of her heart, like a twisted perversion of a mother's love.

But this was not enough to complete her two finest creations. And so she baited the ambitious young goddess Urdiga, newly spurned by Zephos and hoping for revenge, feeding the blackness in the goddess's heart, reinforcing Urdiga's evil, and tempting her to steal the portfolio domain of Temptation from Espranachtis's grasp. Urdiga took the bait, and Espranachtis took a piece of the goddess's life essence in return, which she used to complete the birth of her aspects. But Urdiga managed to escape intact with Temptation in her grasp, replacing her missing life essence with the foul essence of undeath, thus proving herself to be cunning and quick-witted—perhaps she had allowed herself to be baited in the first place. The clergies of Espranachtis and Urdiga disagree became bitter enemies over this point, and they disagree vehemently over whether Urdiga's theft of Temptation had destroyed a lynchpin within Espranachtis that allowed the goddess to manifest in her full form as a Greater Power or whether Espranachtis had planned even the success of Urdiga's theft for some other reason (had Espranachtis corrupted the portfolio domain subtly to gain an advantage against Urdiga later?). Either way, through choice or inability, Espranachtis has not manifested in her full form ever since, biding her time and continuing with her eternal, slowly-advancing plan to engulf the world in darkness.

Espranachtis's true form is a roiling mass of pure darkness with two black feminine eyes that stare with pure malice, a later addition due to feeding on the influence of mortals' darkness. But she either cannot or will not appear in this form as of late.

Amphousa, Goddess of Lust, Uncontrollable Urge for Power and Desire
Queen of Seduction, The Sigh in the Darkness, The Unfulfilled Desire

ENWorldian Lesser Deity
Symbol: Full red lips on a field of darkness
Home Plane: ???
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Lust, Uncontrolled Desire, Attainment no matter the cost
Worshippers: Powermad Dreamers, Megalomaniacs, Desperate Lovers, Spurned Lovers, Undisciplined Spellcasters, and anyone who desires power without regard to consequences
Cleric Alignments: CN, CE, NE
Domains: Charm, Chaos, Evil, Trickery, Corruption, Temptation
Favoured Weapon: Kiss of Lust (Unarmed)

Amphousa appears as a voluptuous, scantily-clad mortal female of unparalleled beauty. The race and specific features vary, but her favourites seem to be human, either an delicate, innocent, and kind-seeming blonde form, a dark and mysterious raven-haired beauty, or a red-haired temptress designed purely to inspire lust. She is served by myriad succubi, all of whom typically have at least three such forms in their repertoire to honour their goddess—it is said that they are Amphousa's own joke at the relationship of the three goddesses, with the raven-haired girl standing for Espranachtis, the blonde Disnomia, and the red-haired temptress Amphousa herself. This belief has become widespread enough that red hair is taken as a sign of being close to the goddess, and so many of Amphousa's priestesses have red hair.

Amphousa herself does retain some of the subtlety of Espranachtis, but she is nowhere near as planning as Disnomia, preferring to give in to the passion of the moment, and encouraging others to do so as well, to give in to their primal urges and take what they want. As such, she can sometimes be a patron of love, but love spurred by Amphousa's lust always turns bad. Because of her nature, Amphousa truly enjoys herself as she corrupts others, and the thought of twisting pure hearts to evil fills her with glee. This actually causes her to sometimes be perversely protective and caring of her favourites—they aren't just pawns like for Disnomia, but instead, they are each individual expressions of the malignant growth of evil, obsession, and lust. This doesn't stop her from egging them ever onward to greater and greater heights of depravity until they destroy themselves, however, as this is her ultimate goal, but she will protect them almost tenderly until the evil in their hearts is ripe. Of course, should they turn from her bosom, she is both relentless and brutal as she exults in tearing them apart and drinking in their blood, so woe to he who jilts the Queen of Seduction!

Disnomia, Goddess of Manipulation, Gradual Measured Assumption of Power and Desire
The Puppetmistress, The Patient Smile, The Schemer's Mistress

ENWorldian Lesser Deity
Symbol: A hand with strings extending outward, sometimes the hand is holding a chess pawn
Home Plane: ???
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Portfolio: Manipulation, Underhanded Schemes, Corruption from Within, Meticulous Plans
Worshippers: Corrupt Politicians, Unscrupulous Merchants, those who manipulate others to their own gain, those who pursue power through secret schemes
Cleric Alignments: LN, LE, NE
Domains: Law, Evil, Trickery, Charm, Corruption, Temptation
Favoured Weapons: Spindle of Silken Puppet-Strings (Net)

Disnomia appears as either a regal and noble lady with a clear kind face who looks something like an angel among mortals, or as a lady at a masked ball with a full mask of some sort covering her face. Sometimes, she dresses herself in a gown of pure moonsilk, with strands reaching out to manipulate all around her. In either form, she prefers a blonde haired human, but she will appear as a member of any appropriate race and hair colour when necessary.

Disnomia views her elaborate schemes to manipulate and corrupt others towards evil as a grand game with moves from various players, and thus she gets along incredibly well with Jareth, often perfecting her skills at the game with the Keeper of the Labyrinth in hopes of also perfecting her machinations. Although the Grim Dealer almost never loses at a game, Disnomia thus considers herself to be the true winner, and she finds herself strongly attracted to him during the game, often acting more like her unrestrained lustful sister than like herself while playing with him. Secretly, she realises that as her rival at games, he some day will probably become an opponent at a game where the stakes are higher, and so she scrutinises his weaknesses for the day she must turn the tables on him. Disnomia favours convoluted plots that can barely be traced back to their source but are resilient to multiple failures, like a beautiful spider's web. Even her favourites are nothing more than pawns for her immortal plots, but she will still always choose to aid in promoting their welfare and their own goals when it suits her—better to promote her pieces now, so that they can buy her more when she needs to sacrifice them later. And of course, any mortal who can place herself such that she is indispensable in her current position will not only earn the Puppetmistress's continuing protection, but also her scheming smile of approval for a kindred spirit.

Espranachtis Lore

Knowledge Religion Check--You receive a +10 to these checks if you are a follower of Amphousa or Disnomia and a +20 if you are a follower of the Heart of Darkness herself.

DC 10: This name is unfamiliar, not encountered in your studies of common Enworldian deities
DC 15: Espranachtis is a name encountered rarely in obscure references among sacred texts. It is unclear to what the name refers, but it seems to be some sort of extraplanar entity.
DC 20: Espranachtis is an ancient evil goddess whose worship is uncommon
DC 25: Espranachtis is the Creeping Malignance, the Queen of Shadow, the Heart of Darkness. She is an elder entity from the time before creation who yearns for the darkness of the void and experiences pleasure as she revels in the evil that permeates the souls of mortals. She has two aspects named Amphousa and Disnomia (check below for Knowledge on them). Her holy symbol is a black heart.
DC 30: Espranachtis spawned her two daughter-aspects by taking life essence from the goddess Urdiga in an ancient gambit involving baiting the Lady of Undeath with the domain of Misdirection. Since then, the Queen of Shadow has been unusually quiet, at least as her true form. Her two aspects, more anthropomorphic and thus more connected to the mortals whose lives they touch, still play an active role in ENWorld events. Espranachtis's true form is a shroud of malignant darkness with feminine eyes. Sometimes, she uses corrupted symbols of other deities in place of her own holy symbol.

Amphousa Lore

Knowledge Religion Check--you receive a +10 to this check if you follow Espranachtis or Disnomia and a +20 if you worship the Unfulfilled Desire herself

DC 10: Amphousa is a beautiful goddess who offers mortals their deepest desires
DC 15: Amphousa is an evil temptress, the goddess of lust, who builds uncontrollable desires within mortals and seduces them to great lengths to achieve the object of that desire. Her holy symbol is a pair of lips.
DC 20: Amphousa prefers red-haired followers over others, and her minions are often redheaded succubi. Amphousa has a sister named Disnomia. Amphousa appears as a voluptuous, scantily-clad woman of unparalleled beauty, often with red hair.
DC 25: Though she leads them to destruction, Amphousa truly cares for the poor souls she nurtures into beings of pure evil, viewing their falls from grace as individual expressions of pure beauty.
DC 30: Aglaia, a powerful succubus temptress, is one of Amphousa's favoured minions. Once a kind and gentle ladylove of a noble knight named Kharisa, Amphousa led her lover astray and used jealousy to kindle the fire in Kharisa's heart, leading her to further and further depths of depravity after her love until she eventually destroyed him. Frothing with madness over her former lover's corpse and full of lust for more pleasure and power than her mortal frame could contain, she willingly embraced her own destruction with glee as her soul melted into Amphousa's warm caress. Feeling a kindred spirit in what she had made of the woman called Kharisa, Amphousa coddled, stroked, and nurtured the damned soul in an almost-motherly fashion, twisting Kharisa with her tainted love and leaving her a demon full of uncontrollable lust and an equal love for her mistress.

Disnomia Lore

Knowledge Religion Check--you receive a +10 to this check if you follow Espranachtis or Amphousa and a +20 if you worship the Puppetmistress herself

DC 10: Disnomia is a meticulous goddess who aids those who plan towards attaining a goal.
DC 15: Disnomia is an evil schemer whose plots always end in a net gain for her, and she favours those who make subtle and complex plans like hers that are impossible to trace to their creator. Her holy symbol is a hand with strings extending outward.
DC 20: Disnomia prefers blonde haired humans as priestesses, and her minions are often blonde Erinyes. She has a sister named Amphousa. Her holy symbol sometimes shows the hand holding a chess piece. Disnomia often appears as a regal noble lady with a clear kind face who appears as an angel among mortals.
DC 25: Disnomia loves playing games of strategy with Jareth, and they have an on-again off-again relationship as well. She considers the game a metaphor for plots in the real world, and thus considers her practise against Jareth crucial for keeping her mind sharp. She considers her worshippers to be mere pawns, but she still provides them what they desire, for a promoted pawn is worth more to sacrifice. Nonetheless, making oneself indispensable to keep around earns her favour at the worshipper's cunning. Sometimes, Disnomia's aspect will wear a mask like a lady at a masked ball. Her aspects always love engaging in debates and games of strategy, and against mortals, they always win.

-Created by Rystil Arden
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Ahrianna, Goddess of Delirium

Ahrianna, Goddess of Delirium
Mother of Monsters, Daugher of Madness, Clarity

Enworldian Demigod
Symbol: Eight eyes in two lines of four on a field of purple
Home Plane: Outer Plane of Chaotic Evil
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: madness, insanity, aberrations, enlightenment
Worshippers: Aberrations, madmen, those seeking enlightenment by pushing mental boundaries
Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE
Domains: Chaos, Madness, Mind
Favored Weapon: Flail

Ahrianna is one of the Seven Sisters.

As daughter of Halor, Ahrianna is tainted by the Chaos he embodies. Her birth was particularily difficult on her mother and as such she has always been treated as the black sheep of the family. Twisted as she is Ahrianna embodies insanity. Those who worship her are either insane themselves or seek to play with madness in order to find clarity and enlightenment. The dogma of many who follow her is, "Only through madness can one find true purpose.".

From Ahrianna many of the strangest creatures in EnWorld have flowed. She has given birth to a number of different aberrations including the rust monster, the gibbering mouther, the otyugh, and most notorious to those who've encountered them, the beholder. As Mother of Monsters, her children have been a bane to both the lives of Enworldians and their sanity.

Rituals preformed by the Cult of Eyes are scenes of pure chaos and bedlam, with a howling orgiastic high priestess leading a congregation in foul rites that cause her holy symbol to glow with an eerie yellow mist, that sweeps out and engulfs them all, causing tentacles, eyestalks, warts, and slime to sprout across the celebrants bodies, as they twist into maddened beasts from out of a nightmare.

Note: The spell random action in the Madness Domain has since been changed to lesser confusion, as the former does not exist.

-Created by Erekose13

Naberezhnyi, God of controlling others and gaining power through tyranny and force.
The Slaver, God Killer
Enworldian Demigod
Symbol: manacles
Home Plane: Enworld
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Portfolio: Tyranny, Slavery, Martial Conflict
Worshippers: Slavers, and those seeking power through force.
Cleric Alignments: LE, NE, LN
Domains: Evil, War, Nobility
Favored Weapon: Greatsword

Simply known as Naberezhnyi, this god is thoroughly evil and seeks to control all without exception. Naberezhnyi is at odds with all other Gods except Urdiga, whom Naberezhnyi seeks help from on occasion. Urdiga has at times used Naberezhnyi to do her bidding by trickery and convincing Naberezhnyi it is what he wants. Urdiga once assisted Naberezhnyi to defeat a lesser god (long forgotten) and to become a god himself. Naberezhnyi once ruled a small kingdom, and used his power to destroy all the followers of one of Urdiga's rivals before confronting and killing the god. Urdiga underestimated Naberezhnyi's desire to control all and now keeps him in check through trickery and charm. Naberezhnyi's most persistent adversary is Azwan, God of War and Nobility. The followers of the two are always at war. For most of his life as a mortal Naberezhnyi was a warrior known to do good and often thought to be a paladin. As the years accumulated Naberezhnyi became obsessed with eternal life and sought the help of his god, but was denied. Naberezhnyi then sought Urdiga, and with her help he and with much magic he defeated his former god and captured him. Naberezhnyi later performed a ceremony to steal the gods power and become a god himself. The ceremony involved beheading the god with a powerful Greatsword embued with the magic of the gods by Urdiga.

Naberezhnyi is the god of Tyranny, and Slavery. His followers are many. Naberezhnyi's followers may be either LE, LN or NE. Worshippers are either those controlling the many or the slaves forced into worship. Many slaves come to embrace Naberezhnyi and seek to gain control over their oppressors through uprisings or single battles. Advancement is always by force through defeating someone in the position desired or by defeating a powerful follower of an opposing god. Naberezhnyi and his followers seek rulership and order through power and force. Naberezhnyi has enlisted the aid of Arrhim a devil envoy of his confidence, with the mission of propagating the cult of Arrhim and the god´s ideals.

Those that worship Naberezhnyi often seek to cheat death, or to gain power through force. They seek to force others to follow Naberezhnyi or recruit with offers of great power.

If Naberezhnyi is depicted, or appears to mortals, he is always a large humanoid with a human face wearing full plate mail and carrying his greatsword (god killer).

Naberezhnyi accepts donations of slaves, as well as the bodies of those conquered to be forced into slavery through undeath. However, he also accepts lands and property gained through force.

Naberezhnyi controls a small area of barren land that is secluded and far from Orussus. He is Known to enslave his enemies and for his ruthless rule over the land.

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