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D&D 5E Out of the Abyss IC


Raza Thulcandra

Raza-Crab scuttled sideways on eight legs towards the Kuo-toan warrior that Brinn just attacked. She snapped her claw at him, threatening and attempting to hold him still.

[sblock=OOC]Raza Claw: 1D20+3 = [12]+3 = 15 Grapple?
Claw Bludgeoning: 1D6+1 = [4]+1 = 5

Str 13 (+1), Dex 15 (+2), Con 11 (+0)
Hit Points 13, HD 3
Speed 30, Swim 30
Blindsight 30 ft
Claw: +3 1d6+1 B, target grappled (escape DC 11; two claws to grapple)
(gear absorbed)
[sblock=Raza, in brief]
[size=+1]Raza Thulcandra[/size], halfling Druid 4
Initiative: +3; Inspiration: No
AC: 14, Current: 14; HP: 31/31; Speed: 25 ft

Str 8 (-1), Dex 16 (+3) , Con 14 (+2), Int 11 (+0), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 12 (+1)

Conditions: Darkvision
Saves: Intelligence +2, Wisdom +5
Skills: Insight +5, Perception +5, Religion +2, Stealth +5
Senses: passive Perception 15

In Hand:
Spells Prepared: (7) (Grimoire)
  • 2nd level: 2/2; Darkvision, Flame Blade*, Lesser Restoration, Spider Climb (circle), Spike Growth (circle)
  • 1st level: 4/4; Absorb Elements*, Cure Wounds*, Faerie Fire, Goodberry
  • Cantrips: Druidcraft, Mold Earth, Produce Flame, Guidance
* can be cast at higher level
Spell Attack: +5; Spell save DC 13

Lucky, Brave, Halfling Nimbleness, Naturally Stealthy, Natural Recovery 2/2
Wild Shape 1/2 (2 hour duration)
Hit Dice 4/4 (1/2 total HD restored at long rest)

Kuo-toa pack, 1/2 ration, 1/2 full waterskin, focus (obsidion)
Driftglobe: light (at will); 1/1 daylight

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Middle of Round 1


Credit: Wizards of the Coast . . . Cartographer: Jared Blando

Google Drawing map

Brinn advanced and, in a flurry of open palm strikes and a roundhouse kick, dealt 7 points of damage to the enemy warrior kuo-toa. The warrior kuo-toa did not fall over, however.

crab-Raza joined the fray, snapping her blue claws at the warrior kuo-toa and scissoring his frogskin for 5 points of damage. She grappled and pinned the warrior, restraining him from further movement for the time being.

The totem began to burn merrily as Kamael's bonfire took root. Sparks and smoke billowed into the still air of the settlement.

OOC: Brinn, Kago, and Plooploopeen's warrior kuo-toa all three made their Charisma DC 12 saving throws and therefore do not suffer -2 to attack or saving throws for the next minute. Action is now to Kago, [MENTION=23298]industrygothica[/MENTION].

GM: Initiative:
Brinn 28
Ally kuo-toa flunkies 19
Kamael 10
Enemy warrior kuo-toa 8
Raza 7
Kago 5
Plooploopeen's warrior kuo-toa 5
Solace 4
Ce'rek 4
Enemy kuo-toa flunkies 2

Enemy warrior kuo-toa AC 11 hp 53/65
Enemy kuo-toa flunkies AC 13 hp 18/18


Kago steps out of the water onto the rocky floor. The solid ground feels good under his feet as he digs in and rushes to the center of the fray. There, he calls upon Gruumsh again and summons a replica of his god's warspear to cause havoc among the lesser kyo-toa, while Brinn and Raza deal with the fish-like warrior.

OOC: Use dash action (PHB p.192) to move to Q16. Bonus action to cast Spiritual Weapon.

Spiritual Weapon vs. M17: 1D20+2 = [14]+2 = 16

Damage, if hit: 1D8+2 = [4]+2 = 6

[B]AC:[/B] 18; [B]HP:[/B] [COLOR=#FF000]31[/COLOR]/31
[B]Initiative:[/B] -1
[B]Saves:[/B] WIS +5, CHA +2
[B]Passive Perception:[/B] 13
[B]Languages:[/B] Orc, Common, Goblin
Darkvision 60 ft.
[B]Skills:[/B] Athletics +5, Insight +5, Medicine +5, Survival +5
[B]Stats:[/B] Str 16 (+3), Dex 8 (-1) , Con 14 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 10 (+0)

-[B]Inspiration[/B]? [ ] Yes, [[COLOR=#FF0000]X[/COLOR]] No
-[B]Channel Divinity (2 uses per short or long rest)[/B]? 1.[ ] 2.[ ]
-[B]War Priest[/B] (bonus action, 3 uses per long rest): 1.[ ] 2.[ ] 3.[ ]

[B]Spell Slots:[/B] 4, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
[B]Slots Used:[/B]  1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
[B]Spells Prepared:[/B] (5) [URL="http://ephe.github.io/grimoire/"](Grimoire)[/URL]
[*][B]Cantrips:[/B] Resistance, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy
[*][B]Domain Spells:[/B] Divine Favor, Shield of Faith, Magic Weapon, Spiritual Weapon
[*][B]1st Level:[/B] Create or Destroy Water (*), Cure Wounds (*), Guiding Bolt (*), Healing Word (*), Inflict Wounds (*)
[*][B]2nd Level:[/B] Lesser Restoration, Prayer of Healing (*)
(*) can be cast at higher levels

End of Round 1, Start of Round 2

Kago rushed forward, drawing on the innate power of Gruumsh, who answered his call. An ethereal spear materialized, shimmering with inky glory, full of lethal intent. Kago directed the spear, reveling in the rush of power blessed upon him by Gruumsh. The spear drove home into M17, dealing 6 points of damage, and leaving a gaping wound that freely seeped blood.

Solace separated herself from Kamael's hiding spot behind the reed hut and, cranking a bolt into place in her crossbow, let the bolt fly loose at the enemy warrior kuo-toa. She dealt 4 points of damage.

Ce'rek continued swimming beneath the docks, easing his way into a more favorable position. The goblin angled toward the rear of the kuo-toa flunkies huddling on the back side of the idol. No one appeared to notice him.

The enemy kuo-toa flunkies spread out. One moved to engage one of Plooploopeen's kuo-toa, jabbing with a trident that hit, dealing 3 points of damage. Another stalked forward toward Kago and attempted to cast a net to entangle the orc, but missed. A third grabbed the kuo-toa injured by Gruumsh's spear and started hauling his colleague to safety. A fourth ran away, disappearing inside a hut.

Google Drawing map

OOC: End of Round 1. Start of Round 2. Brinn's turn, [MENTION=6799753]lowkey13[/MENTION].

GM: Initiative:
Brinn 28
Ally kuo-toa flunkies 19
Kamael 10
Enemy warrior kuo-toa 8
Raza 7
Kago 5
Plooploopeen's warrior kuo-toa 5
Solace 4
Ce'rek 4
Enemy kuo-toa flunkies 2

Enemy warrior kuo-toa AC 11 hp 49/65
Enemy kuo-toa flunkies AC 13 hp 18/18
--Flunkie F17 hp 12/18

Plooploopeen's kuo-toa flunkies AC 13 hp 18/18
--Flunkie J11 hp 15/18

Both Fist and Other Fist land hits, dealing 11 points of damage to the enemy warrior kuo-toa. The creature, however, absorbs the blows and does not topple.

The Plooploopeen's kuo-toa flunkies skirmish with the enemy flunkies, some of them scoring hits.

OOC: Kamael's turn, [MENTION=33284]Yavathol[/MENTION]. Map update tonight.



Kamael crept back and peered around the hut, relaxing slightly when he saw the warrior struggling in Raza's claws. He knew he wouldn't get an opportunity as clear as this, and focused as he shaped his next spell, duplicating it in form and target while still maintaining his concentration on the conflagration; though the way that the shrine had gone up, that spell may no longer be necessary.

Move to top right corner of y15, cast and then move back to start point.
I hope I have read correctly that the warrior is restrained, granting advantage on all attack rolls?! If not, just take the first rolls of each post.

Action: twinned chromatic orb, thunder damage, both at the warrior.


[sblock=status]Kamael hp 22/22

AC 15

Inspiration yes, Tides of Chaos yes, Concentrating: create bonfire

Slots 2/4 3/3

SP: 2/4

HD: 4/4



CB, would it be possible to use a different background or something to distinguish the enemy kuo-toa from our ally kuo-toa please? :-D

Round 2


Credit: Wizards of the Coast . . . Cartography: Jared Blando
Google Drawing map

Plooploopeen's warrior kuo-toa rushed forward and chomped down on the enemy warrior, dealing 4 points of damage and 2 points of critical damage. The bite hit true and was savage; blood sprayed everywhere, coating Brinn and crab-Raza with ichor.

Kamael chose his moment with care. Peeking 'round the corner of the reed hut, the sorcerer unleashed powerful arcane magic. Two chromatic orbs slammed into the enemy warrior kuo-toa, dealing 32 points of damage, and felling it immediately

OOC: I neglected to have Plooploopeen's warrior kuo toa take a turn last round, so I've had him do it here. He'll go again on his turn on initiative this round (Round 2). A grappled creature can't move and has Speed 0. I don't see anything that grants advantage on attacks against a grappled creature. If you think I missed that, pipe up. Kind of moot now with the Frogman dead, but still a point worth verifying for the future. Raza's turn, [MENTION=40413]GlassEye[/MENTION].

GM: Initiative:
Brinn 28
Ally kuo-toa flunkies 19
Kamael 10
Enemy warrior kuo-toa 8
Raza 7
Kago 5
Plooploopeen's warrior kuo-toa 5
Solace 4
Ce'rek 4
Enemy kuo-toa flunkies 2

[sblock=hp]Enemy warrior kuo-toa AC 11 dead

Enemy kuo-toa flunkies AC 13 hp 18/18
--E17 hp 18/18
--F17 hp 12/18
--J12 hp 10/18
--I13 hp 18/18
--P17 hp 16/18

Plooploopeen's kuo-toa flunkies AC 13 hp 18/18
--I11 hp 18/18
--J11 hp 15/18
--O15 hp 18/18
--P14 hp 18/18[/sblock]
Last edited:

Voidrunner's Codex

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