Ohio Gameday 2: Another Success


First Post
Just got back from the second Ohio Gameday. It went very well. I would like to thank Bastion Press, Fantasy Flight Games, EN Publishing, Mystic Eye Games, and Creative Mountain games for thier support.

I would also like to thank all fourteen of the people that were able to make it. We ran five games over 15 hours. They were 3 fantasy, one Mutants and Mastermind, and one CoC.

It was a great time and I hope that some of the people who made the trip will write up their experience and tell some stories.

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Clear Dragon

First Post
oops, didn't see the new thread,


I hope everyone made it home safely. I had a great time and hope I be available for the next one, whenever it is.

Grilled Otugyuh anyone?


Crothian said:
Just got back from the second Ohio Gameday.

I'm jealous.


So jealous that I am almost inspired to start up the washington d.c. metro area game day :)

* almost because I know I don't realistically have the time to organize an event be it large or small... :(

If you'll excuse me, I must go wallow in some more self-pity and jealousy now.

Edit: But aside from all that, seriously, glad to hear you folks had a good time! :)
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The afternoon game I was going to play in got cancelled (hope your wife feels better, Apoc), but that worked out, I got to play my regular saturday game after all, and still swing by for part two of the swashbuckling game at 8. Quality fun. If we have another game day in a couple of months, we might actually finish this whole adventure, or even board the ship!

Andrew, if you happen to read this, do you have those MnM Avengers and X-Men online anywhere? I saw a couple of the character sheets that were left around, and I'd like to see how you did them all. Interpreting comic characters into game stats is very much an art.


First Post
Thanks to all the patient people who played through Mutants and Masterminds with me. Overall, I'm very pleased with the simple, elegant mechanic of the Damage Save. I can definitely tell the PC's need a little work, after a more thorough playtest. Please know that all of your feedback is welcome, so that I can improve the experience of play when I run the event again at Origins.

It was great to see everyone. Talk to you again soon!


Well, the weekend didn't come off quite like I'd hoped for or planned, but that doesn't mean the event wasn't a success in my eyes. The 2nd Gameday was every bit as enjoyable as the 1st, albeit in entirely different regards.

dshai527 did a fantastic job of running a spontaneous 3E adventure for 7th level PC's. The game included some new magic items created on the spot; bizarre and previously unseen monsters/beasts; an evil blight which was destroying the forest and could turn folks into nearly undead creatures. The cast of characters was equally entertaining, ranging from a druid equipped with two Bags of Tricks (who seemed remarkably adept at pulling rhinos out of said bags), to a half-orc barbarian whose favorite pasttime was pulling tree stumps out of the ground and eating parts of his slain foes. Personally, I will never forget the Sword of the Phoenix given to my Ranger/Rogue, or my first (at long last) chance to play a Rogue in 3E.

In the second session I was able to run Monte Cook's d20 CoC adventure Infest, which was a blast for me! The game went so well, our group continued playing right into the beginnings of Nocturnum (one of the donated books), and will probably resume the campaign at the next Gameday. Perhaps my favorite part of the game was that each player created their character on the spot, sharing information along the way...yet somehow PC names were never discussed. When the session began I asked for each "Investigator's" name. The replies were: John (archeaologist), Jon (ex-soldier and sneaky boy scout), James (P.I.), and Jean (the French musician). Thankfully, Jean became David and British, while John changed his name to Peter. Still it gave me quite a laugh :D!!

It was nice to see some familiar faces once again, although I'm sorry to hear about the issues surrounding some of the last minute cancellations. Special thanks to Crothian for being so generous with the various sponsor swag -- I swear that Nocturnum has found a good home ;)!

Take care all, and I hope to see everyone again this autumn...if not sooner at GenCon or another nearby Gameday.

Clear Dragon -- care to explain the grilled otyugh comment?
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Re: Re: Ohio Gameday 2: Another Success

fba827 said:

I'm jealous.


So jealous that I am almost inspired to start up the washington d.c. metro area game day :)

* almost because I know I don't realistically have the time to organize an event be it large or small... :(

If you'll excuse me, I must go wallow in some more self-pity and jealousy now.

Edit: But aside from all that, seriously, glad to hear you folks had a good time! :)

Well, then c'mon down to NC Gameday #2 in August! It's only a state away. :D


A quick, BTW request for the folks that played in my CoC game yesterday: Please don't read Joshua Dyal's "Detroit Cthulhu" Story Hour thread, as well written and intriguing as it may be. Or, read it, and then promise to forget everything before the next Ohio Gameday ;). Your group will be following much the same path and story arc should we continue this little journey in horror and madness.


First Post
ashockney, I'll flip through my book and check a few things, and then be back with more detailed feedback and suggestions. Just from the feel of play though, I really liked the system, and think that with some tweaking on the characters it could have been a bit more epic (trading blows back and forth like we were talking about) and a bit more challenging. The storyline was great (but what else could be expected from just ripping it wholesale from the comics? :) ), and was translated into playability well.

Thanks once more to Quickbeam for running the Call of Cthulu afternoon replacement, that was pretty darn fun, and I look forward to possibly continuing it in the future.

And finally, the swashbuckling. That's officially the largest game I've ever played, and yet, stupifyingly, we actually got through twice the combats with twice the people! It was even more of a blast (pun intended, my character took two lightning bolts from point blank range with horrible saves... the two together did one hp more damage than his max hp, fortunately that was just about all of the damage he took and thus survived with some heroic help from Crothian) than the last time.
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I'm glad to hear that people had a great time! It's a shame the module couldn't be brought together in time for the event but I hope the prizes will make up for that. Will we be seeing some of the games given a storyhour treatment? :)

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