newbies guide for Fallout 4


The factions in Fallout 4 were really unsatisfying.

At least in New Vegas I didn't have to side with any of them and could create my own side instead.

That's a legit complaint about Fallout 4. BoS storyline was decent faction itself not so much.

Far Harbor was great some of the best Fallout ever imho.

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Loving getting back into the game on Survival. Totally changes the way I play.

Also found a brilliant video for developing Hangman’s Alley that turns it from a cramped corridor to a vast palace. The rest of the series are pretty good too. Surprisingly easy to listen to and follow. For new players it also does a good job of teaching the pillar and rug techniques.

I’ll be honest I love building. Making a place your own and really kitting it out is an awesome part of the game if you have the patience.

I prefer playing the game without mods. Glad the update fixed Automatron.

I tens to do the bare minimum in hangman ally. More stability issues tbh.

It's location is the best.


Zards dumbest Survival mode build.

For SM generally a 6 ir 7 intelligence SPECIAL score is great. That's to easy though.

Introducing the sprinter. Simple build 10 endurance, 2-3 everything else except agility. Probably want to go automatic or rifleman your choice. Aquire endurance buffing clothing.

Sea captains hat in a boat in the river SE of Greygarden, child of atom clothing in junkyard near Corvega.

Tanky by survival mode standards
You can run a long distance.

Everything else.

10 endurance you can sprint from Sanctuary Hills to concord.

18 endurance Sanctuary hills to Lexington. One rest you can almost make it to diamond city depending on the route.

21 endurance sprint at will.

This is generally before you get vertibirds or institute teleportation.

How to kill stuff. Figure it out or run away. Nothing can really catch you.

Once you get 5 pieces of strength +endurance armor, dirty wastelander, drugs, special serum melee becomes very viable. You can get your strength over 60 but 30+ is usually good enough.

Atoms judgment? Why bother just use a combat knife. Everything dies in one hit regardless.

Added challenge glowing sea naked. Combine with keep what you kill and no farming playstyle for added challenge. Aquaboy for more mobility and the perk that let's you eat irradiated food.

Pipegun Only Survival mode.

As it says. You can use any legendary ones you find (no farming legendaries though). Beat the game. Far Harbor and Nuka World using pipe weapons only. Hint low intelligence helps you don't want to level fast. Commando, Rifleman or Gunsinger your choice.

Never found an explosive pipe weapon.
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I tried Fallout: New Vegas briefly before going on holiday. I didn't like it. Partly the old graphics but it also just seemed overly complex. I've been thinking about trying Fallout 4 instead. I see that the new update is out but that there's already going to be a patch for it soon. Should I wait? If I didn't like NV, will I like 4 any better, or is it pretty much more of the same but with better graphics?

For reference, I enjoy playing games like Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, Jedi: Fallen Order / Survivor, Dragon Age, Horizon: Zero Dawn, and Stardew Valley.

I'm worried that the Fallout learning curve will simply be too steep for me to get into these games. Thoughts?

I tried Fallout: New Vegas briefly before going on holiday. I didn't like it. Partly the old graphics but it also just seemed overly complex. I've been thinking about trying Fallout 4 instead. I see that the new update is out but that there's already going to be a patch for it soon. Should I wait? If I didn't like NV, will I like 4 any better, or is it pretty much more of the same but with better graphics?

For reference, I enjoy playing games like Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, Jedi: Fallen Order / Survivor, Dragon Age, Horizon: Zero Dawn, and Stardew Valley.

I'm worried that the Fallout learning curve will simply be too steep for me to get into these games. Thoughts?
The patch to fix the next gen patch was released today (13th) and F4 is an action rpg compare to F:NV. You also have ADS (aim Down Sights) and your choices in four boil down to : Yes, sarcastic yes, not right now and more info. That's due to there being a VA for the player character. Four doesn't have much of a learning curve unless you want to go hard into settlement building ,meaning try to get 100 happiness, which isn't required..


The patch to fix the next gen patch was released today (13th) and F4 is an action rpg compare to F:NV. You also have ADS (aim Down Sights) and your choices in four boil down to : Yes, sarcastic yes, not right now and more info. That's due to there being a VA for the player character. Four doesn't have much of a learning curve unless you want to go hard into settlement building ,meaning try to get 100 happiness, which isn't required..
OK cool. I'll give it a try soon then.


OK I made a start yesterday. I think I missed part of the tutorial by failing to follow Codsworth (I got distracted by all the random junk you can pick up). By the time I caught up with him, all the beasties were already dead, and he was lamenting the fact that "sir" and "Shaun" were nowhere to be found. But I think I've managed to sort of figure stuff like the VATS out on my own.

I'm also (so far) not seeing why people hate Preston. After helping the people out in Concord and taking them back to my cul-de-sac, Preston has just been patrolling the street by himself. He did tell me about some people nearby that I want and talked to but that was it. One thing I find annoying is how someone like Sturges will ask me to do something for the settlement and then, by the time I've finished doing it, I can't find him to finish the quest! Is there an easy way to track where people are? They don't show up on my map.

Also ... I see what y'all mean about adhesive farming. Everything needs it but there's never enough!

EDIT: Here are my character's specs:
level 17

Str 2
Per 5
End 3
Cha 6
Int 10
Agi 6
Luk 2

Barbarian (2)
Black Widow (2)
Covert Operations
Gun Nut
Gunslinger (2)
Junktown Vender (2)
Live & Love 2
Locksmith (2)
Rifleman (2)
Tesla Science
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OK I made a start yesterday. I think I missed part of the tutorial by failing to follow Codsworth (I got distracted by all the random junk you can pick up). By the time I caught up with him, all the beasties were already dead, and he was lamenting the fact that "sir" and "Shaun" were nowhere to be found. But I think I've managed to sort of figure stuff like the VATS out on my own.
I don't think there's anything else major that Codsworth tutorialises you on. Just a safe way to experience some easy combat.
I'm also (so far) not seeing why people hate Preston. After helping the people out in Concord and taking them back to my cul-de-sac, Preston has just been patrolling the street by himself. He did tell me about some people nearby that I want and talked to but that was it.
Yeah, but he just... keeps... doing it.
One thing I find annoying is how someone like Sturges will ask me to do something for the settlement and then, by the time I've finished doing it, I can't find him to finish the quest! Is there an easy way to track where people are? They don't show up on my map.
If you have the quest selected in your Pipboy, there should be a marker on your map and compass for him when you next need to speak to him.

Also, there's a Town Bell item you can build in a settlement, and when you ring it all the settlers will gather near it. Handy if you want to see who's not currently doing anything and assign them to tasks, or have lost track of someone you want to talk to.


If you have the quest selected in your Pipboy, there should be a marker on your map and compass for him when you next need to speak to him.
Aha! Thanks.

Also, there's a Town Bell item you can build in a settlement, and when you ring it all the settlers will gather near it. Handy if you want to see who's not currently doing anything and assign them to tasks, or have lost track of someone you want to talk to.
Assigning settlers tasks is a bit confusing.

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