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NC GAME DAY II (Aug 23): Man, was that fun or what?!


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by what we didn't know at the time was a baernaloth...
I have no idea what a baernaloth is.

I came to *really* like playing Horace during those few hours. He's one of those characters I'd like to play in a whole campaign.


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Quasqueton said:
What was the funniest situation or role-played line in a Game Day game?
Well, I would have to say that the best part was the fact that everyone in the morning orcz game started to talk in "orc speak" even when they weren't in character. For example, I remember more than one occurance of "Anything in hallway?"

But I also have a few quotes:
"If the outhouse door opens, I shoot my rod in." -- Henry as Mugnutz the Blue

"I'll hit the pot [cauldron]...I hear it's very relaxing." -- Lola as Thragg

TempleTroll directing the goblin's singing with his sword. The at-table gesticulation was priceless.

"Beware the Black Sacks! We make things...dark?" -- Myself as Honka, just after Henry used a Rod of Wonder to create a magical darkness.

"This is so frustrating! I just keep beating and beating this wood, and it won't go down!" theDMsGirl as Aunt Bettie, trying to defeat an animated wood pile.

What was the most unique situation?
I would have to agree with Lola that the encounter with the initially invisible gel cube is always a...unique :)...experience.

What other occurances from a game do you want to point out to the masses at ENWorld?
None, really. But I would like to say that dinner the night before and the night of were great fun. We should definitely do that again.

What lines or description did you overhear at a game you weren't playing in?
Very, very few, unfortunately. However, this one did come across the ether:
"Are there any zombie chickens in the chicken coop?"

For this last one, there was a "chanting poop hole" in Rel's Orc game. Sounded like a cross between South Park and H.P. Lovecraft.
I'd like to congratulate Rel on his at-table singing. Three songs in one game? That's bravery :)



I'll ditto what Rel said: Just like the first one, this Game Day was a blast. The people, the games, and the location - we can't have asked for better out of any of them.

My only regrets are: (1) No pictures! I didn't think to bring a camera, and I don't think anyone else did either; (2) My friend Togamario had to work Friday and Saturday. I was staying with him while there, and every night I'd come in and he'd have to listen to me rave on about how much fun I was having. But he was a very gracious host.

Funniest situation or role-played line in a Game Day game?

Would have to be Lola's rendition of Thag the Orc Apprentice Wizard. It sometimes takes a new roleplayer to shake things up a bit, and while I don't normally think of an Orc as "young complaining school kid," the image is now indelibly etched in my mind.

Muuugnuuutz, this is BORING! When are we gonna get to the killing! Gronka, let me have a goblin! You ALWAYS kill them fiiiirst!" :D

My Favorite line, however, was NCSUCM's portrayal of Honka Thonka's Undead Rebuke:
"Hey! What hell you DOING!?! Gruumsh say, 'What Hell you doing!' Knock it off!"

What was the most unique situation?

I'm afraid I can only speak to my M&M game, and Rel's Orcz game. For me, it was DEFINITELY the "surprise twist" in Rel's ORCZ finale. What comes down the stairs was unexpected (in hindsight it shouldn't have been), but was beautifully executed.

What other occurances from a game do you want to point out to the masses at ENWorld?
I just have to say that all DM's need to add "Daern's Instant Outhouse" to their list of magic items. :)


Liquid Awesome
What other occurances from a game do you want to point out to the masses at ENWorld?

Oh, I thought of one other thing that wasn't mentioned: I felt it only fair that if I made my players play Orcs, that there should at least be pie. So when the dust settled on the final battle of the adventure and they discovered the BBEG's treasure chest, inside was a pie. At that point, I fetched a pie out of the picnic basket I'd brought and placed it on the gaming table to be enjoyed by the group as a reward for an adventure well played.

"I hope you like 'apple'."

I've also been inspired to purchase a copy of "The Gamers" since only one member of my regular gaming group (Speaks With Stone) was there and he only caught the last 15 minutes of the movie. Plus, I'm just dying to hear the Monte Cook commentary. Anybody know where I can find it?


Rel said:
At that point, I fetched a pie out of the picnic basket I'd brought and placed it on the gaming table to be enjoyed by the group as a reward for an adventure well played.

I knew there was something I forgot to mention. That was indeed one of the more genius moments I've ever seen in a game. :)

Plus, I'm just dying to hear the Monte Cook commentary. Anybody know where I can find it?

The DVD version of the Gamers automatically has it (assuming it's from the www.deadgentlemen.com site.)


First Post
I had a fantastic time at game day. The group that played in my "Down and Dirty" game were wonderful, doing a tremendous job at playing in character. Watching the tainted love traingles be played out was all I could hope for. Despite the fact that the majority of the party ended up being trapped into raising demonic vegetables for what is left of their miserable lives, the game went quite well.

I also had lots of fun playing in Rel's Orcz game. Nothing quite like getting to put the smack-down on some smarmy party of low level adventurers. Catching myself on fire, and spending much of the game hovering in the 1-3 hit point range was also quite entertaining.

So when do we do this again?


Liquid Awesome
Henry said:
I knew there was something I forgot to mention. That was indeed one of the more genius moments I've ever seen in a game. :)

Well, Henry, I don't know about "genius" since I had a hard time getting everyone to eat the pies. I'd like to think it was because folks had filled up on bagels and lunch. But maybe they figured that anybody who would put headless orc-zombies and disembodied giant orc heads with feet in their adventures, wasn't above giving the players a poisoned pie as the grand finale.

The DVD version of the Gamers automatically has it (assuming it's from the www.deadgentlemen.com site.)

Thanks. I meant "where could I find the DVD" and your link took me right to it. Hehe, "Henry's Link". ;)


Quasqueton said:
I have no idea what a baernaloth is.

The Baernaloth are the near mythical progenitors of the Yugoloth race. Most if they've even heard of them, think they're nothing more than legends made up by the 'loths, or a dead race of ancient fiends.

Not quite dead. Rather the Baern are withdrawn, self absorbed in their own unfinished work, and most importantly, waiting...



First Post
To echo some of the other people's sentiments, the pre- and post-game dinners rocked.

Nothing like discussing stupid people playing with chemicals and weasel-ass coffee. And the answer to the unasked question is... you can fit 9 whole gamers in a corner booth!


Lola said:
To echo some of the other people's sentiments, the pre- and post-game dinners rocked.

Nothing like discussing stupid people playing with chemicals and weasel-ass coffee. And the answer to the unasked question is... you can fit 9 whole gamers in a corner booth!

*grins* Want me to see if I can find any weasel-ass coffee for next time? ;)

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