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MiPS Lost Mine Part II


Eddicus says to Leonan and Castagyr, "I've a Healer's Kit in my pack. Use it to patch me up if I fall, alright?"

Thinking to himself that Castagyr might advance into melee with his lance, which would take the paladin beyond the range of Eddicus' Channel Divinity power, the cleric moves 20 feet southwest to a point at the western edge of the upper 10-foot drop, at a point where a "contour line" would be running NNW to SSE. He draws and nocks an arrow in his shortbow, and pulls, aims, and looses the arrow at the Redbrand who is farthest from the lower drop at that point -- that is, the Redbrand who is farthest to the west.

Shortbow [roll0] [roll1]

After his shot, Eddicus withdraws the rest of his move distance (10 feet) back the way he came, toward the spot he left.
OOC: Token moved to shooting location.

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Castagyr moved right after the priest, tossing one of his javelins as he reached the drop.

At the edge of the drop, he crouches, both for better protection from below and as preparation of sliding down.

Move: next to Eddicus
Standard: Javelin vs most wounded thug; damage: 1D20+3 = [7]+3 = 10
1D6+3 = [3]+3 = 6
- probably a miss...maybe advantage from height? :)

Sliding down 10' for damage? Isn't that a bit too harsh? I mean, it is something you can jump in real life (true, I have no experience in armor encumbered jumping) and this isn't so much jump as sliding down.

Anyhow, what would be DC for such Athletic feat (Castagyr is proficient in Athletics)
[MENTION=61026]tuxgeo[/MENTION], Castagyr is wounded, but [MENTION=6746242]mips42[/MENTION] would hopefully know how much (the fight with the thugs and bridge monster is erased in the crash so I cannot find how much he's wounded. I remember him being hit by the monster, not sure about melee fighting.
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Harbin huffs a bit but quickly changes his outlook when a arrow wings his way. 'You've brought them' He screams at you. Turning to sildar 'And you've brought me here!' Doomed!'
Sildar and Darran quickly hustle Harbin towards a nearby copse of trees and begin trying to calm Harbin.
The Redbrands move even closer to the edge of the hill and continue around towards the path leading up.


Disgusted at his own poor shot with his bow, Eddicus tries to figure out what the Redbrands are trying to do. He sees that they have some kind of cover from their being behind a 10-foot drop in elevation; but they appear to be making their way toward the bottom of the first switchback on the road from the town to the keep. Saying to Castagyr, "They're not rushing up the sharp drops; maybe they'll try the road. I'll try to find a vantage point on this level to shoot at them if they expose their position at the lower switchback," the cleric moves northward toward Harbin's and Sildar's former location, and uses his action to Dash to a vantage point just north of the road where he can make ranged attacks generally following the course of the road from the upper switchback to the lower switchback.
OOC: Moved Eddicus' token to indicate that movement: Move of 30 feet plus Dash of 30 feet.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Castagyr tosses his next to last javelin at the leading thug and hurries after Ediccus.

"Let me at the passage! You shoot from behind me!"

Action: Javelin vs leading thug; damage: 1D20+3 = [14]+3 = 17
1D6+3 = [5]+3 = 8

Move: 6 squares after the priest


OOC: I would put Castagyr on the way and use Dodge action forcing disadvantage on attacks (or at least negating advantage and any potential sneak attack). For some reason, this linked roll contains only J instead of full description (I guess autocomplete didn't trigger correctly) - I added the description


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Wow! Two 5 in a row with potential for 20 dmg total :) Both need Dex save DC 13 to avoid acid damage

Leonan lobs another glob that splashes over leading two thugs further burning them.

Standard: Acid splash vs first thug and one adjacent: 1D6 = [5] = 5 Both red bordered thugs need to make Dex DC 13 to avoid damage
Move: 4 squares toward main group.

OOC: Are we rushing down to meet them or try to shoot them before they approach? I guess that depends on where townmaster and his group go? If they go up toward us, we can defend them, otherwise we have to follow? Brlo will be slowed by the prisoners, but he is long range attacker anyhow, right?


OOC: That's something we might want to have the PCs discuss in character, since this is the IC thread. For my part, Eddicus went where he went because that's as far as he could go on his turn, once he realized that the lay of the land was channeling his choices. I'm sure he'll be open to suggestions and comments from the others.


First Post
ooc: I'm still here. I don't think we have a clear plan, nor time to develop one. So let's wing it ad-hoc style. Brlo will keep a distance and cover by preference anyway.

Or is another round action required? I'm not entirely clear...

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