Midway Mining Expedition (PbP)


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
... Bjorn will ready... dead run at the Hunting Gate guards...
... Coldtree will... cause a stiff breeze... run to find...
Coldtree: 45 (Soullessness)
Tehn: 38 (Soullessness), 31 (Athletics)
Bjorn: 31 (Blur)
Deviards: 40 (Blur)
Coldtree: 200(bend) - 157 = 43
Tehn: 80 - 174 = ~0
Bjorn: 200(move) - 168 = 32
Deviards: 200(bend) - 168 = 32
Coldtree: 35(aggression) + 25(accuracy) + 48(fury) + 64(d100) = 172
Tehn: 32(finesse) + 43 + 31(clarity) + 69 = 175 + 31(athletics) = 206
Bjorn: 26 + 38 + 27 + 75 = 166
Deviards: 30 + 20 + 40 + 69 = 159

Coldtree: 35(readiness) + 25(avoidance) + 36(analysis) + 64(d100) = 160 + 45(soullessness) = 205
Tehn: 32 + 43 + 31 + 69 = 175 + 38(soullessness) = 213
Bjorn: 23 + 32 + 31 + 75 = 161 + 31(blur) = 192
Deviards: 30 + 20 + 40 + 69 = 159 + 40(blur) = 199
213 - 159 = 54% * 21 = 11 - 4 = 7
206 - 159 = 47% * 21 = 9 - 4 = 5
Coldtree: 31(bending) + 38(push) + 146(d100) = 215
Bjorn: 53 + 32(shock) + 83 = 168

Deviards: 30 + 20 + 115 = 155 + 50(grounding) = 205
215 - 155 = 60% * 6 = 4
G1: 10 - 7 - 5 = -2, incapacitated.
G2 & 3: Mind: 10 - 4 = 6, dazed.
Lunnaya Tehn does not have the time to notice any actions from the others guards that he could have seen when climbing into the encampment, for the one who could not is almost within arm's reach. That Deviard reacts quickly, but nearly as quickly as Tehn, who simply waits at the ready, since he is a defensive combatant.

The image of all Deviards blur as each one begins to move. The one next two Tehn swings a hammer, and the both at the slave pen run toward Tehn, seeing that Coldtree is also moving in that direction. The one at the main also runs toward Tehn and Coldtree, while the one at the hunting gate runs toward Bjorn.

The encampment is rather small, being only about 20 strides in length from the hunting to the main gate, but Nigel Coldtree cannot yet generate an area of effect. Seeing that the slave pen guards are the closer threat, he simply waves his hand, as he begins to run, and a strong gust of wind whips up dust, swirling it around those two and stinging their eyes. As he rounds the corner of the structure on his left, he sees that Tehn is already engaged with a, previously, unseen opponent.

Tehn blocks the hammer strike with his left saber, sticking his right through the leather armor and into the chest, just below the left clavicle, pulling his left back across the torso as he moves away. That Deviard falls, not dead but no longer a physical threat.

The slave pen guards reach Tehn and Coldtree, as Bjorn and the hunting gate guard reach each other. Lightning plays across the carving axe of Bjorn as he swings it. Sparks fly as the axe is blocked by the Deviard's metal shield, neither able to hurt the other. Taking a step toward the slave guards, neither Coldtree nor Tehn is hit, but neither can hurt the new opponents either. The main gate guards close on Tehn and Coldtree.
Coldtree: full wellness
Harnin arrows: 17
Tunic: 52
Tehn: full wellness
Saber: 20 - 3 = 17
Tunic: 52
Bjorn: full wellness
Standard Earnings: 360 shillings / 10 days
Shillings: 437
Harnin Bucklers: 2
Harnin Hammers: 12

Animal Parts:
Ant Pinchers: 5, (Cohesion +1)
Ant Stingers: 1, {Toxin x2}
Beetle Elytra: 5 pair (deflect 4, soak 2)
Coot Feathers: 1 set, (Cohesion +1)
Goat Beard Talisman: {Will +2}
Greenjay Feather Talisman: ??
Harvester Feather Talisman: 1, (Health +1)
Porcupine Quill: 1, {Cohesion +2}, (toxicity x 3)
Roadrunner Feather Talisman: 2: ??

Aluminum: 4, (Motility +2), {Shock x3}
Tin: 1, (Persona +1), {- Mind x 2}
Zinc: 7, (Health +1), {+ Body x 2}
Whitish Metal: 4, ??

Berserker Flowers: 1 measure, {+ Strength x2 / - Mind x3}
Dried Flowers: 2: ??
Mend Leaves: 3 measures, {Restore x 2}

Bloodstone: 1, {Health +1}
Coal: 1, (heat x3)
Emberstone: 1, {Confluence +2}
Flint: 1, (Shock x2)
Heartstone: 1, {Confluence +1}
Lodestone: 9, (shock x 3)
Milkstone: 1, {Will +2}
Slate: 3, {Sound x2}
Slickstone: 4, {Frostbite x3}

nothing here
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Coldtree will...
... Bjorn will...
Coldtree: 45 (Soullessness)
Tehn: 38 (Soullessness), 31 (Athletics)
Bjorn: 31 (Blur)
Deviards: 40 (Blur)
Coldtree: 43 + 100(bend) = 143
Tehn: 0 + 80(sword) = 80
Bjorn: 32 + 200(bend) = 232
Deviards: 32 + 200(bend) = 232
Coldtree: 35(aggression) + 25(accuracy) + 48(fury) + 172(d100) = 280
Tehn: 32(finesse) + 43 + 31(clarity) + 151 = 256 + 31(athletics) = 287
Bjorn: 26 + 38 + 27 + 129 = 220
Deviards: 30 + 20 + 40 + 151 = 241

Coldtree: 35(readiness) + 25(avoidance) + 36(analysis) + 172(d100) = 268 + 45(soullessness) = 313
Tehn: 32 + 43 + 31 + 151 = 256 + 38(soullessness) = 294 + 43(kilter) = 337
Bjorn: 23 + 32 + 31 + 129 = 215 + 31(blur) = 246
Deviards: 30 + 20 + 40 + 151 = 241 + 40(blur) = 281
313 - 281 = 32% * 21 = 6 - 4 = 2
Coldtree: 31(bending) + 24(shock) x 2(lodestone) + 78(d100) = 157
Bjorn: 53 + 32(shock) + 83 = 168
Deviards: 30 + 40 + 81 = 151

Coldtree: 37(conditioning) + 62(bolster) + 78(d100) = 177
Tehn: 24 + 30 + 81 = 135
151 - 135 = 16% * 6 = 1
Bjorn: 30 + 27 + 83 = 140
151 - 140 = 11% * 6 = ~1
Deviards: 30 + 20 + 81 = 131 + 50(grounding) = 181
G1: 10 - 7 - 5 = -2, incapacitated.
G2: Mind: 10 - 4 = 6 + 1 = 5, dazed. Body: 10 - 2 = 8
G3: Mind: 10 - 4 = 6 + 1 = 5, dazed.
The only Deviard who was unseen, until entering the grounds, lays on the ground from the previous wounds inflicted from the sword of Lunnaya. One of the slave guards receives a minor cut as Lunnaya turns his attention, but all other physical combat proves to be unfruitful, as sparks and flashes of light accompany every movement of all of those engaged.

Nigel, being formidably resilient is more difficult to mystically assault than the other two, who both become momentarily dazed by the flashes of light. This only has a trivial effect on the two. Being that electromagnetic manipulation is the primary focus of the Deviard, all current attempts to affect one of them, unravel.

When the main gate guard joins the fray with Lunnaya and Nigel, swinging a hammer at the Faethrin, the man seems as agile as viper, despite the double-team. The hammer strike is not completely blocked but it causes not damage. Bjorn is still engaged one-on-one. Tehn and Coldtree are now two-on-three. Only four seconds have passed since the first swing.
Coldtree: full wellness
Harnin arrows: 17
Tunic: 52
Tehn: full wellness
Saber: 20 - 3 = 17
Tunic: 52
Bjorn: full wellness
Standard Earnings: 360 shillings / 10 days
Shillings: 437
Harnin Bucklers: 2
Harnin Hammers: 12

Animal Parts:
Ant Pinchers: 5, (Cohesion +1)
Ant Stingers: 1, {Toxin x2}
Beetle Elytra: 5 pair (deflect 4, soak 2)
Coot Feathers: 1 set, (Cohesion +1)
Goat Beard Talisman: {Will +2}
Greenjay Feather Talisman: ??
Harvester Feather Talisman: 1, (Health +1)
Porcupine Quill: 1, {Cohesion +2}, (toxicity x 3)
Roadrunner Feather Talisman: 2: ??

Aluminum: 4, (Motility +2), {Shock x3}
Tin: 1, (Persona +1), {- Mind x 2}
Zinc: 7, (Health +1), {+ Body x 2}
Whitish Metal: 4, ??

Berserker Flowers: 1 measure, {+ Strength x2 / - Mind x3}
Dried Flowers: 2: ??
Mend Leaves: 3 measures, {Restore x 2}

Bloodstone: 1, {Health +1}
Coal: 1, (heat x3)
Emberstone: 1, {Confluence +2}
Flint: 1, (Shock x2)
Heartstone: 1, {Confluence +1}
Lodestone: 9, (shock x 3)
Milkstone: 1, {Will +2}
Slate: 3, {Sound x2}
Slickstone: 4, {Frostbite x3}

nothing here
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.


Gamer Extraordinaire
Shaking his head over forgetting how the Deviard are specialists in electricity, Coldtree changes tactics. He will attack the same opponent, striking with hand to hand, but this time he will manipulate waylines to use Toxin, using an Ant Stinger to improve the effect.
85, 87

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Having chosen the same pathway of mystical talent as the Deviard, in deliberate spite to the hostile tribe, Bjorn must prove to himself and to his enemy that he is more formidable. Having forgotten the benefit and neglected to use any augmenting materials, he will enhance his talent with an ingot of aluminum, as he continues to assault the Deviard.
OOC: 77


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
... Coldtree changes... Toxin... Ant Stinger...
... Bjorn must... aluminum...
Tehn is not a Bender but an enhanced, finesse fighter. Once he engages an opponent, he must overcome him with his weapons or die trying.
Coldtree: 45 (Soullessness)
Tehn: 38 (Soullessness), 31 (Athletics)
Bjorn: 31 (Blur)
Deviards: 40 (Blur)
Coldtree: 35(aggression) + 25(accuracy) + 48(fury) + 85(d100) = 193
Tehn: 32(finesse) + 43 + 31(clarity) + 81 = 187 + 31(athletics) = 318
Bjorn: 26 + 38 + 27 + 77 = 168
Deviards: 30 + 20 + 40 + 71 = 161

Coldtree: 35(readiness) + 25(avoidance) + 36(analysis) + 85(d100) = 181 + 45(soullessness) = 226
Tehn: 32 + 43 + 31 + 82 = 188 + 38(soullessness) = 326 + 43(kilter) = 369
Bjorn: 23 + 32 + 31 + 77 = 163 + 31(blur) = 194
Deviards: 30 + 20 + 40 + 71 = 161 + 40(blur) = 201
326 - 161 = 165% * 21 = 34 - 4 = 30
318 - 201 = 117% * 21 = 23 - 4 = 19
326 - 261 = 65% * 21 = 14 - 4 = 10
Coldtree: 31(bending) + 36(toxicity) x 2(stinger) + 87(d100) = 190
Bjorn: 53 + 32(shock) x 3(aluminum) + 77 = 226
Deviards: 30 + 40 + 72 = 142

Coldtree: 37(conditioning) + 62(bolster) + 87(d100) = 186
Tehn: 24 + 30 + 82 = 136
Bjorn: 30 + 27 + 77 = 134
Deviards: 30 + 20 + 72 = 122 + 50(grounding) = 172
190 - 122 = 68% * 3 = 2
226 - 172 = 54% * 6 = 3
G1: 10 - 7 - 5 = -2, incapacitated.
G2: Mind: 10 - 4 = 6 + 1 = 5 + 1 = 4, dazed. Body: 10 - 2 = 8 - 10 = -2, incapacitated.
G3: Mind: 10 - 4 = 6 + 1 = 5 - 2 = 3 - 4 = -1, unconscious.
G4: Body: 10 - 30 = -20 - 19 = -39, dead.
G5: Body: 10 - 12 = -2.
Because Lunnaya is wielding weapons and Nigel is not, of the three Deviards engaged with the two men, two of them team on Tehn, which does not help them, at all. The Deviards seem to have slowed a bit, but Lunnaya has not. Blocking the assault of the first, he catches the hammer with the back of his right blade, stabbing his left into the chest, just below the pectoral muscle and into the lung. The follow through with the right, cuts the Deviard's throat and kills him, outright. Blocking the arm of the second opponent, his sword cuts deeply into the forearm, ruining the arm.

Coldtree strikes first. Though his punch does not prove damaging, the Deviard seems to be a bit off-kilter from the contact. Easily avoiding the hammer of the enemy, Nigel strikes again, though the punch feels no more effective than the first, the Deviard falls unconscious. Coldtree later discovers that, with the two punches, he had made use of an ant stinger and a porcupine quill, which was even more effective.

In the course of his engagement, Bjorn and his opponent seem to be on equal footing in the physical realm, neither being able to hit the other; but with the addition of the aluminum, Bjorn becomes superior with his mystical assault, electrocuting the Deviard four times. He later discovers that he burned through all of the party's aluminum in the process.

In a matter of about 12 seconds, the DWAC was able to overcome the five remaining Deviard guards, though only one is dead. Three cannot physically move, though they could still manipulate waylines, albeit futilely, since the three men have resisted every previous attempt. One is unconscious.
Coldtree: full wellness
Harnin arrows: 17
Tunic: 52
Tehn: full wellness
Saber: 20 - 3 = 17
Tunic: 52
Bjorn: full wellness
Standard Earnings: 360 shillings / 10 days
Shillings: 437
Harnin Bucklers: 2
Harnin Hammers: 12

Animal Parts:
Ant Pinchers: 5, (Cohesion +1)
Beetle Elytra: 5 pair (deflect 4, soak 2)
Coot Feathers: 1 set, (Cohesion +1)
Goat Beard Talisman: {Will +2}
Greenjay Feather Talisman: ??
Harvester Feather Talisman: 1, (Health +1)
Roadrunner Feather Talisman: 2: ??

Tin: 1, (Persona +1), {- Mind x 2}
Zinc: 7, (Health +1), {+ Body x 2}
Whitish Metal: 4, ??

Berserker Flowers: 1 measure, {+ Strength x2 / - Mind x3}
Dried Flowers: 2: ??
Mend Leaves: 3 measures, {Restore x 2}

Bloodstone: 1, {Health +1}
Coal: 1, (heat x3)
Emberstone: 1, {Confluence +2}
Flint: 1, (Shock x2)
Heartstone: 1, {Confluence +1}
Lodestone: 9, (shock x 3)
Milkstone: 1, {Will +2}
Slate: 3, {Sound x2}
Slickstone: 4, {Frostbite x3}

nothing here
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State intentions. Provide 1 random roll.


Gamer Extraordinaire
Coldtree reminds the group of the fallen Deviards, "Do not touch them skin to skin, or they can drain your life to heal. Let us see what we can claim from this village and be gone, like ghosts."
Coldtree will visit the slave pens first. If there are any captives, he will free them. He will search the village for valuable items, placing priority on metals and gems.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Bjorn thanks Coldtree. Since he is wielding a hammer, he uses it to finish his enemy, taking his weapon, buckler, and gear, then leaving the body where it lies. He trots toward the slave pen, in case it needs to be broken open. "I suspect we may not have an excessive amount of time. We should have a later opportunity to return. Our tactic here seems to have been a success."
OOC: 58


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Coldtree reminds... visit... search...
Bjorn thanks... finish... trots...
Tehn finishes the other guards by throwing his sword into their guts, one by one. When Coldtree heads for the slave pen, he gleans the fallen then walks into the structure behind him, that appears to be some kind of office.

Neither Bjorn nor Lunnaya is hurt during the process of finishing the enemies. The slave pen is secured by a simple mechanism of having a log placed, like a beam, across the opening, in slots made to hold them near the top and bottom of the door. Bjorn and Nigel easily remove them, together, and toss them aside, allowing the door to be pulled open.

Inside, the captives, who had backed away from the opening when the doors began to move, begin to file into a line, not yet realizing that their captors are dead. There are eight of them, seven males and one female, of various Mhytre tribes. The lone female is a Kozzog, like Bjorn.

Inside the structure he entered, Lunnaya finds that it must be some kind of an office and it contains strong evidence that the Deviards are far more advanced than some simple psychotics like the Medderin. There is a series of bins, most of which contain samples of different ores and a pliable piece of leather with definitive, yet unfamiliar writing on it. There is also a cold anvil stone off to one side that has blood on it. It looks to be used like some kind of alter for sacrifice. There is more to this room but it will take more time to fully peruse it.

There are at least two, possible three more structures partially constructed into the mountain. It stands to reason that one or more will be sleeping quarters and one should be a smithy.
Coldtree: full wellness
Harnin arrows: 17
Tunic: 52
Tehn: full wellness
Saber: 20 - 3 = 17
Tunic: 52
Bjorn: full wellness
Standard Earnings: 360 shillings / 10 days
Shillings: 437
Harnin Bucklers: 2
Harnin Hammers: 12

Animal Parts:
Ant Pinchers: 5, (Cohesion +1)
Beetle Elytra: 5 pair (deflect 4, soak 2)
Coot Feathers: 1 set, (Cohesion +1)
Goat Beard Talisman: {Will +2}
Greenjay Feather Talisman: ??
Harvester Feather Talisman: 1, (Health +1)
Roadrunner Feather Talisman: 2: ??

Tin: 1, (Persona +1), {- Mind x 2}
Zinc: 7, (Health +1), {+ Body x 2}
Whitish Metal: 4, ??

Berserker Flowers: 1 measure, {+ Strength x2 / - Mind x3}
Dried Flowers: 2: ??
Mend Leaves: 3 measures, {Restore x 2}

Bloodstone: 1, {Health +1}
Coal: 1, (heat x3)
Emberstone: 1, {Confluence +2}
Flint: 1, (Shock x2)
Heartstone: 1, {Confluence +1}
Lodestone: 9, (shock x 3)
Milkstone: 1, {Will +2}
Slate: 3, {Sound x2}
Slickstone: 4, {Frostbite x3}

nothing here
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 1 random roll.

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