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[LPF] Don't Let It Go!


A medium length adventure to save a kingdom that has become unnaturally overrun with winter.

DM: Perrinmiller
Judge: ??

Yosephus Errol Smithe (Tailspinner) - Aasimar Cleric - Yosephus_NPC'd (LMiller)
Devlin (resrick) - Halfling Alchemist
Charity (Aura) - Human Paladin
Jaelle Nuri (Mowgli) - Tiefling Slayer
Francis John III(FrancisJohn) - Halfling Rogue/Witch

[sblock=XP]Clock Starts on 18 May 2015 (17 May in the tracker) & Ends ???
Yosephus started at 4,833XP; 4th Level on 3 Aug at 6,003XP; 5th level on 4 Jan at 10,141XP;
Devlin started at 4,833XP; 4th Level on 3 Aug at 6,003XP; Ended at 7411XP on 6 Oct 2015
Charity started at 9,415XP; 5th Level on 13 Jun at 10,009XP; 6th Level on 9 Dec at 15,021XP;
Jaelle started at 6,000XP; 5th Level on 15 Nov at 10,004XP;
Francis John started at 5041XP (on 24 Oct 2015); 4th Level on 9 Dec at 6,001XP

Enc1: 3000XP (4 Jan 2016)
[/sblock][sblock=Treasury]Enc1: 100gp, Medals worth 50gp, 5 Everburning Torches (550gp)

[/sblock][Sblock=Final Awards]
Devlin gained 2578XP & finished at 7411XP & Earned +2926gp
Yosephus gained __XP & finished at __XP & Earned +__gp
Charity gained __XP & finished at __XP & Earned +__gp
Jaelle gained __XP & finished at __XP & Earned +__gp
Francis John gained XP & finished at __XP & Earned +__gp

[/Sblock][sblock=Adventure Rules]* I will use group initiatives, rolling them myself. So in combat you must post your actions within 48-72 hours of the players turn coming up. Unless stated by a character that their actions are to follow another character, they will be resolved in posted order. After that time, if there was no communication with the DM, I will NPC the MIA player and move on.

* Dice rollers can be Invisible Castle or http://www.coyotecode.net/roll/ on-line dice rollers for the players. The DM will use his own purple dice at home or an on-line random number generator.

* Please use the exact BBCode link Invisible Castle provides. This requires an Account at Invisible Castle to add. I want to see what the roll is for and the target designated (ie. "Bite vs. Orc 4") in the description block that is provided when you are logged in. Including the modifiers that make the bonuses different than normal can also be included. This example would be ideal: Spiked Chain vs. Orc 4 (Kn Dev & -2/+4 PA) (1d20+11=12, 2d4+10=14)
I would appreciate not having to take any extra time to click any links during my updates.

* Any absences for longer than 2-3 days should be communicated to the DM. If you do not post for a week or more without having informed the DM, he reserves the right to remove you from the adventure giving you your share of the XP and treasure earned as well as time XP and gp to the date of your last post

* If your character gets enough XP to level, generally you may do so immediately once combat is finished. Subject to DM approval if the timing is okay. Regardless the date of actual leveling will not change even if use of the new level is delayed in IC action.

* Leveling up mid-campaign: This grants the extra hp, but does not heal damage, and grants any additional spell slots, but not spells prepared. A caster capable of spontaneously casting could use these slots normally, a cleric could only use them for cure or inflict spells, a druid for summon nature's ally, etc. Prepared casters may prepare spells in these slots as if they had left the slots blank for the day, if they are able to do so. They can go through the appropriate spell preparation as if they had already rested if applicable.

* All characters need an appropriate character picture, head-shot preferably, for token on the tactical grids and in every IC post. Also a mini-stat spoiler block that includes a link to your character sheet will be required in every IC post.

* Game Mechanics should be placed in a sblock, leaving only IC content/narration & a character avatar in the meat of a post.

* Do not quote another person's IC content in your post narration.[/sblock]
Last edited:

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~ In the Dunn Wright Inn ~


After some time, Hans Mancini returned to the Dunn Wright Inn. First thing he did was stop at the bulletin board and pull down his parchment. He was careful not rip it.

He smoothed it out on an empty table right near the bulletin board, then took a seat to wait for some adventurers that saw his notice to come talk with him.

[sblock=GM Note]Welcome to the game. Official start date is 18 May 2015.[/sblock]


Guest 11456

Yosephus Errol Smithe, Cleric of Amenthia, the Healing Hand

At first when he saw the man enter and head to the bulletin board Yosephus thought they might have a fifth. But then the aasimar recognized the man as the one who had originally posted the parchment. As he took the parchment down and sat down the cleric took that as a queue to approach. "I presume by your actions that you are Hans Mancini. I am Yosephus Errol Smithe. I serve my lady Amenthia, the Healing Hand. There is also Devlin, Aishe and Charity. Will the four of us qualify as a team?" He motions to Devlin, Aishe and Charity to join them.

[sblock=Yosephus]Yosephus Errol Smithe
AC: 19 (10 flat-footed, 19 touch)
HP: 26/26
CMB: +2 CMD: 12

Fort: +5 Reflex: +2 Will: +7
Perception: +3 Sense Motive: +11
Initiative: +0

Current Weapon in Hand: Morningstar
Channel Energy: 6/6
Orisons: Create Water, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink, Resistance
1st Level: Bless, Hide from Undead, Shield of Faith, Cure Light Wounds (Domain)
2nd Level: Lesser Restoration, Silence, Cure Moderate Wounds (Domain)
Domain Powers Remaining Today:
Rebuke Death: 6/6
Resistant Touch: 6/6
Race Features:
Halo Status: OFF
Incorruptible: 1/1[/sblock]


First Post

Seeing Yosephus talking with the man and pointing his direction, Devlin makes his way to the table.

"Good day to you sir. The name is Devlin Eldlya. I am here with my friend Yosephus who I have adventured along side before. The other two I have not known for long, but they seem capable of holding their own in a fight." Devlin smiles to Aishe and Charity."And I for one would hate to pass up this opportunity to explore a new land! So much to learn and gain from such an endeavor," Devlin states as he grabs his pack from the other table and begins rummaging through for his journal.

[sblock=ministats]Devlin Eldlya

AC: 16 (13 flat-footed, 14 touch)
HP: 26/26
CMB:+2 CMD: 15
Fort: +5 Reflex: +7 Will: +2

Perception: +8
Initiative: +5

Bombs: 7/7
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

Extracts Prepared: 1: Targeted Bomb Admixture 2: Cure Light Wound. 3:___ 4:____
Formulae List: Bomber's Eye, Cure Light Wounds, Disguise Self, Enlarge Person, Targeted Bomb Admixture, Expeditious Retreat, Stone Fist

Current Weapon in Hand: None
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Used Items: None

Read more: http://livingpf.wikia.com/wiki/Devlin_(resrick)


Charity, Human Female
With a bowl of stew in hand, Charity settles in while the meet and greet phase of the job offer commences. She starts working on her meal, albeit with some extra care to be polite about it, doing her best to be mannerly and avoid loud sounds of spoon meeting ceramic bowl. When a moment presents itself for her to speak, sets her spoon into the bowl and offers, "Hello, I'm Charity. I work as a guard over in the Cathedral of Glass, plus whatever other work they can cook up for me. My fighting style is mostly second rank work, but I'm capable in other styles as well. And with the good graces of Cortesia, I am also a lay healer."

Leaning back in her chair a bit, Charity continues, "These people are new to me, but they seem nice enough. If we are to travel, I'll need to know time estimates, either direction. My boss at the church, Anton, will need to be informed of such an absence." With that, the woman goes back to her bowl. At the rate she's going, it's going to be a while before she is done.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Aishe Luminitse (Jaelle Nuri)

Having seated herself at the table just as Yosephus completes his introductions, Aishe nods in gratitude at the blond man and in greeting at the others before turning to her prospective employer. "And so, we present ourselves to you as a team as specified in the flyer. Though we've not worked together previously, every team has it's first mission, eh?"


[sblock=Actions/Rolls]Taking 10 on Disguise Checks (for a 27).[/sblock]
[sblock=Mini Stats]
Jaelle Nuri

Initiative: +03
AC: 17 (13 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed)
HP: 38/38
Senses: DarkVision (120’), Low-Light Vision Perception: +07
CMB: +06 CMD: 19
Fort: +05 Reflex: +07 Will: +01


~ In the Dunn Wright Inn ~


Hans listened politely as you each introduced yourselves. He was attentive as you explained some of your qualifications and he showed some concern at the confession that some had not worked together before.

"Well met and good evening. I am Hans Mancini."

"I see, you are a newly formed adventuring company then? What do you call yourselves so I can draw up the contracts? I am a business man and we must have a legally binding agreement on this venture. Will you need the services of a solicitor?"

"Travel to Yarendel will be chartered on a ship, that can be arranged for you. The Ardent Trader departs on the morrow at hide tide. The voyage will only take a few weeks if the weather cooperates,"
he answered Charity's question.

[sblock=Combat Information]
Party Status:
Charity:   42/42 HP remaining;
Yosephus:  26/26 HP remaining;
Devlin:    26/26 HP remaining;
Jaelle:    38/38 HP remaining;

Spells Cast:
Abilities Used:
   Charity:  Smite Evil 0/1, Lay on Hands 0/6, Chan Erg 0/7, Spells 1st 0/1
   Yosephus: Chan Erg 0/6,  Reb Death 0/6, Resist Tch 0/6, Incorrupt 0/1, Spells 1st 0/4, 2nd 0/3
   Devlin:   Bombs 0/7, Mutagen 0/1, Extracts 1st 0/4
   Jaelle:   None
Conditions in effect: None


Guest 11456

Yosephus Errol Smithe, Cleric of Amenthia, the Healing Hand

When Hans mentions that they needed a name, Yosephus began to ponder that. "Hmmmm. A name for our group. I hadn't thought of that. Well! There are four of us. Perhaps something with 'four' in the name, like 'Fortunate Four'? Another adjective might be 'Fantastic'. But as I speak it out loud it occurs to me that a certain group of 'Marvelous' people might take offense to that one. What do you all think?" He turns to Devlin, Aishe and Charity for their opinions.

[sblock=Yosephus]Yosephus Errol Smithe
AC: 19 (10 flat-footed, 19 touch)
HP: 26/26
CMB: +2 CMD: 12

Fort: +5 Reflex: +2 Will: +7
Perception: +3 Sense Motive: +11
Initiative: +0

Current Weapon in Hand: Morningstar
Channel Energy: 6/6
Orisons: Create Water, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink, Resistance
1st Level: Bless, Hide from Undead, Shield of Faith, Cure Light Wounds (Domain)
2nd Level: Lesser Restoration, Silence, Cure Moderate Wounds (Domain)
Domain Powers Remaining Today:
Rebuke Death: 6/6
Resistant Touch: 6/6
Race Features:
Halo Status: OFF
Incorruptible: 1/1[/sblock]


Charity, Human Female
The redhead winces at Yosephus' name proposal, but does not immediately offer one of her own. Another bite of stew, and gently setting down the spoon, she addresses Hans, "I'm sorry, I've heard of the 'adventuring company' idea before, but it's not real common here. But I assure you, we'll do our best to come up with something. At least we have the travel plan so I can keep the Glass Cathedral informed." Pausing for a moment, a strange smirk comes over Charity's face and she suggests, "Cady?"

[sblock=Charity Mini Stats]Charity
AC: 18 (17 flat-footed, 11 touch)
HP: 42/42
CMB: +6 CMD: 17

Fort: +9 Reflex: +7 Will: +9
Perception: +9 Sense Motive: +8
Initiative: +1

Lay on Hands remaining: 6/6
Channel Energy remaining: 7/7
Smite remaining: 1/1

Current Item(s) in Hand: lucerne hammer
Current Conditions in Effect: none
Temporary items in possession: none
Items not currently in possession: none
Items depleted: none[/sblock]


Guest 11456

Yosephus Errol Smithe, Cleric of Amenthia, the Healing Hand

Hearing Charity's suggestion Yosephus speaks up. "Ah! I see what you did there. You used everybody's first initial. Charity, Aishe, Devlin and Yosephus. That spells C-A-D-Y. Clever!

[sblock=Yosephus]Yosephus Errol Smithe
AC: 19 (10 flat-footed, 19 touch)
HP: 26/26
CMB: +2 CMD: 12

Fort: +5 Reflex: +2 Will: +7
Perception: +3 Sense Motive: +11
Initiative: +0

Current Weapon in Hand: Morningstar
Channel Energy: 6/6
Orisons: Create Water, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink, Resistance
1st Level: Bless, Hide from Undead, Shield of Faith, Cure Light Wounds (Domain)
2nd Level: Lesser Restoration, Silence, Cure Moderate Wounds (Domain)
Domain Powers Remaining Today:
Rebuke Death: 6/6
Resistant Touch: 6/6
Race Features:
Halo Status: OFF
Incorruptible: 1/1[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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