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[LPF] About a Cow


After a brief moment of reflection, Autumn joins the conversation. "Perhaps I can come too? I'm the one who found the Mage. Maybe I can help?" She follows along, assuming assent.

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Arradon Delgaran

Arradon glares at the guards defiantly. Despite his barely-healed injuries he still seems full of fire. He mutters under his breath, "Alcaro canon, echil." The statement practically drips with venom. Nevertheless, he allows himself to be ushered into the awaiting skiff.

"Do not order me, human."

[sblock=Arradon Delgaran Mini-Stats]
Arradon Delgaran
AC: 17 (12 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 10/26
CMB: +2 CMD: 15

Fort: +2 Reflex: +6 Will: +1
Bluff: +9 Diplomacy: +7 Disable Device: +10 Perception: +8 Sense Motive: +4 Sleight of Hand: +7 Stealth: +9
Initiative: +5

Sneak Attack: 2d8 (Dagger)
Hidden Blade: +1
Blade Sense: +1

Feats: Blind-Fight,Weapon Focus (Dagger)

Current Weapon in Hand: Masterwork Dagger
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Temporary items in possession: None
Items not currently in possession: None
Items depleted: Crossbow Bolt (1), Wand of Cure Light Wounds (2 Charges)


The guard tilted his head ever so slightly to the side. It was a gesture of questioning in response to Autumn's question though a student of expression would recognize that the guard was likely unaware that he even made the motion. "I have received no order concerning travel companions of the two we were told to look out for. I prefer not to cause offense to the mages of the Tower and so, I must humbly request your cooperation." The gaze he locked on Arradon was flat but not challenging.

The steps down to the landing were broad, an easy walk. The awaiting boat was a large transport designed for the city canals: long and narrow of hull. A trio of halfling polemen waited and directed as the boat was loaded with passengers. No guards accompanied the boat though the one they had spoken with watched until the boat was away from the landing. The polemen talked amongst themselves quietly but snatches of their conversation could be heard. "...heard the Marrow Man got another one..." "...sure it wasn't some dumb mudfoot?" "Shut it, you two! They don't wanna hear yer yammerin' on the way to the Tower!"

The Tower. On an island apart from the main islands of the city the Tower of Chains rose up from the water like the shoot of a waterlily. The walls of the Tower were glassy but dark, and barely discernible and somewhat disquieting shapes seemed to move within. The boat bumped up against a simple stone dock and the three halflings helped their passengers ashore. Waiting nearby was a tall, thin man. He appeared human though his skin was as dusky as the walls (though not nearly as unsettling). Without a word he led them through an open passage into the tower and down a short hall and to a comfortably appointed room. Within was Ungalla, the halfling wizard who had hired Erin and Rak'tan individually to find her missing apprentice. She looked up from a scroll she was penning at the group's entrance and sniffed.

"One plus one does not equal five unless... Nevermind. My apprentice; did you find him?"


The wrinkled old halfling took the book from Rak'tan and looked at its cover briefly. She recognized it, you could tell. "Not capable enough to bring him back apparently." She laughed, but suddenly serious she pointed a gnarled finger at Erin. "This one is an acquaintance of my apprentice. She approached me. It had nothing to do with my judgement of your skill. So, he is dead then?"


After Ungalla pried a full accounting of the apprentice's fate from you, she sighed. "It is unfortunate that you did not think to bring his body here to me. And more so that I didn't think to ask it of you in the first place. You did what I asked, however, and shall receive the reward I promised." She moved from her scribing desk to a cabinet and retrieved a pair of pouches that jingled with the sound of gold and handed them over to Erin and Rak'tan. "Divide them with your companions as you see fit. Now, I thank you..."

She half turned away but halted and turned back. "Are you, perhaps, free to take another engagement? I have suddenly discovered a pressing task..." Ungalla glanced significantly at her apprentice's book. "But have promised aid to a cousin. If you were to aid this cousin of mine it would fulfill my promise to him and allow me to deal with more pressing tasks. I would, of course, provide you with a small daily stipend during your work with him as part of my promise and you would find me grateful. This offer is made to all of you." She looked from face to face judging the reaction.


First Post
"Is there enough work to go around for my companions as well? If so I will surely need their opinions on the matter."
[sblock=OOC] I will indeed split up my coin with the others considering Arradon healed me and Aelspeth found the body if I remember correctly.


Autumn meagerly speaks up. "Ma'am, I'm sorry for y-y-your loss. I'm the one who found the apprentice. At the time I thought it best to leave the body as it lie. In my family we believe that only kin are responsible for their dead. If you'd like, with your permission, I-I can bring him back. I can help you with this new mission to help make up for his death."



Ungalla nodded to Rak'tan. "Certainly, young warrior. You bring an expertise of one type, they bring another. My offer applies to all equally." Her expression softened and became even more grandmotherly at Autumn's words. "Thank you, dearie. I hold that there is no fault to your actions. It is just as well that you disturbed the body little. Sometimes spirits linger near the site of death, sometimes they harbor resentment towards the living. And Migli harbored many resentments in life, I wouldn't be surprised if he held onto them in death.

You all did well to bring me this news and this offer of employment is a separate issue. If you accept it and find that my cousin wishes you to do some deed that doesn't sit well with your conscience you are free to refuse and go your way with no obligation to me. Now, time is urgent so I must have an answer."
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Voidrunner's Codex

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